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Morris.js - ES6 Module - Example
import Raphael from 'raphael';
var Morris, compStyle, minutesSpecHelper, secondsSpecHelper,
__slice = [].slice,
__bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
__indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
Morris /* = window.Morris*/ = {};
compStyle = function(el) {
if (getComputedStyle) {
return getComputedStyle(el, null);
} else if (el.currentStyle) {
return el.currentStyle;
} else {
Morris.EventEmitter = (function() {
function EventEmitter() {}
EventEmitter.prototype.on = function(name, handler) {
if (this.handlers == null) {
this.handlers = {};
if (this.handlers[name] == null) {
this.handlers[name] = [];
return this;
}; = function() {
var args, handler, name, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
name = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
if ((this.handlers != null) && (this.handlers[name] != null)) {
_ref = this.handlers[name];
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
handler = _ref[_i];
_results.push(handler.apply(null, args));
return _results;
return EventEmitter;
Morris.commas = function(num) {
var absnum, intnum, ret, strabsnum;
if (num != null) {
ret = num < 0 ? "-" : "";
absnum = Math.abs(num);
intnum = Math.floor(absnum).toFixed(0);
ret += intnum.replace(/(?=(?:\d{3})+$)(?!^)/g, ',');
strabsnum = absnum.toString();
if (strabsnum.length > intnum.length) {
ret += strabsnum.slice(intnum.length);
return ret;
} else {
return '-';
Morris.pad2 = function(number) {
return (number < 10 ? '0' : '') + number;
Morris.extend = function() {
var key, object, objects, properties, val, _i, _len;
object = arguments[0], objects = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
if (object == null) {
object = {};
for (_i = 0, _len = objects.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
properties = objects[_i];
if (properties != null) {
for (key in properties) {
val = properties[key];
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
object[key] = val;
return object;
Morris.offset = function(el) {
var rect;
rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: + document.body.scrollTop,
left: rect.left + document.body.scrollLeft
Morris.css = function(el, prop) {
return compStyle(el)[prop];
Morris.on = function(el, eventName, fn) {
if (el.addEventListener) {
return el.addEventListener(eventName, fn);
} else {
return el.attachEvent('on' + eventName, fn);
}; = function(el, eventName, fn) {
if (el.removeEventListener) {
return el.removeEventListener(eventName, fn);
} else {
return el.detachEvent('on' + eventName, fn);
Morris.dimensions = function(el) {
var style;
style = compStyle(el);
return {
width: parseInt(style.width),
height: parseInt(style.height)
Morris.innerDimensions = function(el) {
var style;
style = compStyle(el);
return {
width: parseInt(style.width) + parseInt(style.paddingLeft) + parseInt(style.paddingRight),
height: parseInt(style.height) + parseInt(style.paddingTop) + parseInt(style.paddingBottom)
Morris.Grid = (function(_super) {
__extends(Grid, _super);
function Grid(options) {
this.setLabels = __bind(this.setLabels, this);
this.hasToShow = __bind(this.hasToShow, this);
this.debouncedResizeHandler = __bind(this.debouncedResizeHandler, this);
this.resizeHandler = __bind(this.resizeHandler, this);
this.mouseupHandler = __bind(this.mouseupHandler, this);
this.mousedownHandler = __bind(this.mousedownHandler, this);
this.clickHandler = __bind(this.clickHandler, this);
this.touchHandler = __bind(this.touchHandler, this);
this.mouseleaveHandler = __bind(this.mouseleaveHandler, this);
this.mousemoveHandler = __bind(this.mousemoveHandler, this);
if (typeof options.element === 'string') {
this.el = document.getElementById(options.element);
} else {
this.el = options.element[0] || options.element;
if (this.el == null) {
throw new Error("Graph container element not found");
if (Morris.css(this.el, 'position') === 'static') { = 'relative';
this.options = Morris.extend({}, this.gridDefaults, this.defaults || {}, options);
if (typeof this.options.units === 'string') {
this.options.postUnits = options.units;
this.raphael = new Raphael(this.el);
this.elementWidth = null;
this.elementHeight = null;
this.dirty = false;
this.selectFrom = null;
if (this.init) {
Morris.on(this.el, 'mousemove', this.mousemoveHandler);
Morris.on(this.el, 'mouseleave', this.mouseleaveHandler);
Morris.on(this.el, 'touchstart touchmove touchend', this.touchHandler);
Morris.on(this.el, 'click', this.clickHandler);
if (this.options.rangeSelect) {
this.selectionRect = this.raphael.rect(0, 0, 0, Morris.innerDimensions(this.el).height).attr({
fill: this.options.rangeSelectColor,
stroke: false
Morris.on(this.el, 'mousedown', this.mousedownHandler);
Morris.on(this.el, 'mouseup', this.mouseupHandler);
if (this.options.resize) {
Morris.on(window, 'resize', this.resizeHandler);
} = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
if (this.postInit) {
Grid.prototype.gridDefaults = {
dateFormat: null,
axes: true,
freePosition: false,
grid: true,
gridIntegers: false,
gridLineColor: '#aaa',
gridStrokeWidth: 0.5,
gridTextColor: '#888',
gridTextSize: 12,
gridTextFamily: 'sans-serif',
gridTextWeight: 'normal',
hideHover: 'auto',
yLabelFormat: null,
yLabelAlign: 'right',
yLabelAlign2: 'left',
xLabelAngle: 0,
numLines: 5,
padding: 25,
parseTime: true,
postUnits: '',
postUnits2: '',
preUnits: '',
preUnits2: '',
ymax: 'auto',
ymin: 'auto 0',
ymax2: 'auto',
ymin2: 'auto 0',
regions: [],
regionsColors: ['#fde4e4'],
goals: [],
goals2: [],
goalStrokeWidth: 1.0,
goalStrokeWidth2: 1.0,
goalLineColors: ['red'],
goalLineColors2: ['red'],
events: [],
eventStrokeWidth: 1.0,
eventLineColors: ['#005a04'],
rangeSelect: null,
rangeSelectColor: '#eef',
resize: true,
dataLabels: true,
dataLabelsPosition: 'outside',
dataLabelsFamily: 'sans-serif',
dataLabelsSize: 12,
dataLabelsWeight: 'normal',
dataLabelsColor: 'auto',
animate: true,
nbYkeys2: 0,
smooth: true
Grid.prototype.destroy = function() {, 'mousemove', this.mousemoveHandler);, 'mouseleave', this.mouseleaveHandler);, 'touchstart touchmove touchend', this.touchHandler);, 'click', this.clickHandler);
if (this.options.rangeSelect) {, 'mousedown', this.mousedownHandler);, 'mouseup', this.mouseupHandler);
if (this.options.resize) {
return, 'resize', this.resizeHandler);
Grid.prototype.setData = function(data, redraw) {
var e, flatEvents, from, idx, index, maxGoal, minGoal, ret, row, step, step2, to, total, y, ykey, ymax, ymax2, ymin, ymin2, yval, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1;
if (redraw == null) {
redraw = true;
} = data;
if ((data == null) || data.length === 0) { = [];
if (this.hover != null) {
ymax = this.cumulative ? 0 : null;
ymin = this.cumulative ? 0 : null;
ymax2 = this.cumulative ? 0 : null;
ymin2 = this.cumulative ? 0 : null;
if (this.options.goals.length > 0) {
minGoal = Math.min.apply(Math, this.options.goals);
maxGoal = Math.max.apply(Math, this.options.goals);
ymin = ymin != null ? Math.min(ymin, minGoal) : minGoal;
ymax = ymax != null ? Math.max(ymax, maxGoal) : maxGoal;
if (this.options.goals2.length > 0) {
minGoal = Math.min.apply(Math, this.options.goals2);
maxGoal = Math.max.apply(Math, this.options.goals2);
ymin2 = ymin2 != null ? Math.min(ymin2, minGoal) : minGoal;
ymax2 = ymax2 != null ? Math.max(ymax2, maxGoal) : maxGoal;
if (this.options.nbYkeys2 > this.options.ykeys.length) {
this.options.nbYkeys2 = this.options.ykeys.length;
} = (function() {
var _i, _len, _results;
_results = [];
for (index = _i = 0, _len = data.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) {
row = data[index];
ret = {
src: row
ret.label = row[this.options.xkey];
if (this.options.parseTime) {
ret.x = Morris.parseDate(ret.label);
if (this.options.dateFormat) {
ret.label = this.options.dateFormat(ret.x);
} else if (typeof ret.label === 'number') {
ret.label = new Date(ret.label).toString();
} else if (this.options.freePosition) {
ret.x = parseFloat(row[this.options.xkey]);
if (this.options.xLabelFormat) {
ret.label = this.options.xLabelFormat(ret);
} else {
ret.x = index;
if (this.options.xLabelFormat) {
ret.label = this.options.xLabelFormat(ret);
total = 0;
ret.y = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref, _results1;
_ref = this.options.ykeys;
_results1 = [];
for (idx = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref.length; _j < _len1; idx = ++_j) {
ykey = _ref[idx];
yval = row[ykey];
if (typeof yval === 'string') {
yval = parseFloat(yval);
if ((yval != null) && typeof yval !== 'number') {
yval = null;
if (idx < this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2) {
if ((yval != null) && this.hasToShow(idx)) {
if (this.cumulative) {
if (total < 0 && yval > 0) {
total = yval;
} else {
total += yval;
} else {
if (ymax != null) {
ymax = Math.max(yval, ymax);
ymin = Math.min(yval, ymin);
} else {
ymax = ymin = yval;
if (this.cumulative && (total != null)) {
ymax = Math.max(total, ymax);
ymin = Math.min(total, ymin);
} else {
if ((yval != null) && this.hasToShow(idx)) {
if (this.cumulative) {
total = yval;
} else {
if (ymax2 != null) {
ymax2 = Math.max(yval, ymax2);
ymin2 = Math.min(yval, ymin2);
} else {
ymax2 = ymin2 = yval;
if (this.cumulative && (total != null)) {
ymax2 = Math.max(total, ymax2);
ymin2 = Math.min(total, ymin2);
return _results1;
return _results;
if (this.options.parseTime || this.options.freePosition) { =, b) {
return (a.x > b.x) - (b.x > a.x);
this.xmin =[0].x;
this.xmax =[ - 1].x; = [];
if ( > 0) {
if (this.options.parseTime) {
_ref =;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
e = _ref[_i];
if (e instanceof Array) {
from = e[0], to = e[1];[Morris.parseDate(from), Morris.parseDate(to)]);
} else {;
} else { =;
flatEvents = {
return e;
this.xmax = Math.max(this.xmax, Math.max.apply(Math, flatEvents));
this.xmin = Math.min(this.xmin, Math.min.apply(Math, flatEvents));
if (this.xmin === this.xmax) {
this.xmin -= 1;
this.xmax += 1;
this.ymin = this.yboundary('min', ymin);
this.ymax = this.yboundary('max', ymax);
this.ymin2 = this.yboundary('min2', ymin2);
this.ymax2 = this.yboundary('max2', ymax2);
if (this.ymin === this.ymax) {
if (ymin) {
this.ymin -= 1;
this.ymax += 1;
if (this.ymin2 === this.ymax2) {
if (ymin2) {
this.ymin2 -= 1;
this.ymax2 += 1;
if (((_ref1 = this.options.axes) === true || _ref1 === 'both' || _ref1 === 'y') || this.options.grid === true) {
if (this.options.ymax === this.gridDefaults.ymax && this.options.ymin === this.gridDefaults.ymin) {
this.grid = this.autoGridLines(this.ymin, this.ymax, this.options.numLines);
this.ymin = Math.min(this.ymin, this.grid[0]);
this.ymax = Math.max(this.ymax, this.grid[this.grid.length - 1]);
} else {
step = (this.ymax - this.ymin) / (this.options.numLines - 1);
if (this.options.gridIntegers) {
step = Math.max(1, Math.round(step));
this.grid = (function() {
var _j, _ref2, _ref3, _results;
_results = [];
for (y = _j = _ref2 = this.ymin, _ref3 = this.ymax; step > 0 ? _j <= _ref3 : _j >= _ref3; y = _j += step) {
return _results;
if (this.options.ymax2 === this.gridDefaults.ymax2 && this.options.ymin2 === this.gridDefaults.ymin2 && this.options.nbYkeys2 > 0) {
this.grid2 = this.autoGridLines(this.ymin2, this.ymax2, this.options.numLines);
this.ymin2 = Math.min(this.ymin2, this.grid2[0]);
this.ymax2 = Math.max(this.ymax2, this.grid2[this.grid2.length - 1]);
} else {
step2 = (this.ymax2 - this.ymin2) / (this.options.numLines - 1);
this.grid2 = (function() {
var _j, _ref2, _ref3, _results;
_results = [];
for (y = _j = _ref2 = this.ymin2, _ref3 = this.ymax2; step2 > 0 ? _j <= _ref3 : _j >= _ref3; y = _j += step2) {
return _results;
this.dirty = true;
if (redraw) {
return this.redraw();
Grid.prototype.yboundary = function(boundaryType, currentValue) {
var boundaryOption, suggestedValue;
boundaryOption = this.options["y" + boundaryType];
if (typeof boundaryOption === 'string') {
if (boundaryOption.slice(0, 4) === 'auto') {
if (boundaryOption.length > 5) {
suggestedValue = parseInt(boundaryOption.slice(5), 10);
if (currentValue == null) {
return suggestedValue;
return Math[boundaryType.substring(0, 3)](currentValue, suggestedValue);
} else {
if (currentValue != null) {
return currentValue;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return parseInt(boundaryOption, 10);
} else {
return boundaryOption;
Grid.prototype.autoGridLines = function(ymin, ymax, nlines) {
var gmax, gmin, grid, smag, span, step, unit, y, ymag;
span = ymax - ymin;
ymag = Math.floor(Math.log(span) / Math.log(10));
unit = Math.pow(10, ymag);
gmin = Math.floor(ymin / unit) * unit;
gmax = Math.ceil(ymax / unit) * unit;
step = (gmax - gmin) / (nlines - 1);
if (unit === 1 && step > 1 && Math.ceil(step) !== step) {
step = Math.ceil(step);
gmax = gmin + step * (nlines - 1);
if (gmin < 0 && gmax > 0) {
gmin = Math.floor(ymin / step) * step;
gmax = Math.ceil(ymax / step) * step;
if (step < 1) {
smag = Math.floor(Math.log(step) / Math.log(10));
grid = (function() {
var _i, _results;
_results = [];
for (y = _i = gmin; step > 0 ? _i <= gmax : _i >= gmax; y = _i += step) {
_results.push(parseFloat(y.toFixed(1 - smag)));
return _results;
} else {
grid = (function() {
var _i, _results;
_results = [];
for (y = _i = gmin; step > 0 ? _i <= gmax : _i >= gmax; y = _i += step) {
return _results;
return grid;
Grid.prototype._calc = function() {
var angle, bottomOffsets, gridLine, h, i, w, yLabelWidths, yLabelWidths2, _ref, _ref1, _ref2;
_ref = Morris.dimensions(this.el), w = _ref.width, h = _ref.height;
if (this.elementWidth !== w || this.elementHeight !== h || this.dirty) {
this.elementWidth = w;
this.elementHeight = h;
this.dirty = false;
this.left = this.options.padding;
this.right = this.elementWidth - this.options.padding; = this.options.padding;
this.bottom = this.elementHeight - this.options.padding;
if ((_ref1 = this.options.axes) === true || _ref1 === 'both' || _ref1 === 'y') {
if (this.grid != null) {
yLabelWidths = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref2, _results;
_ref2 = this.grid;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
gridLine = _ref2[_i];
return _results;
if (this.options.nbYkeys2 > 0) {
yLabelWidths2 = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref2, _results;
_ref2 = this.grid2;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
gridLine = _ref2[_i];
return _results;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
this.left += Math.max.apply(Math, yLabelWidths);
if (this.options.nbYkeys2 > 0) {
this.right -= Math.max.apply(Math, yLabelWidths2);
} else {
this.bottom -= this.options.padding / 2;
if ((_ref2 = this.options.axes) === true || _ref2 === 'both' || _ref2 === 'x') {
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
angle = -this.options.xLabelAngle;
} else {
angle = -90;
bottomOffsets = (function() {
var _i, _ref3, _results;
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 0, _ref3 =; 0 <= _ref3 ? _i < _ref3 : _i > _ref3; i = 0 <= _ref3 ? ++_i : --_i) {
_results.push(this.measureText([i].label, angle).height);
return _results;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
this.bottom -= Math.max.apply(Math, bottomOffsets);
} else {
this.left += Math.max.apply(Math, bottomOffsets);
this.width = Math.max(1, this.right - this.left);
this.height = Math.max(1, this.bottom -;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
this.dx = this.width / (this.xmax - this.xmin);
this.dy = this.height / (this.ymax - this.ymin);
this.dy2 = this.height / (this.ymax2 - this.ymin2);
this.yStart = this.bottom;
this.yEnd =;
this.xStart = this.left;
this.xEnd = this.right;
this.xSize = this.width;
this.ySize = this.height;
} else {
this.dx = this.height / (this.xmax - this.xmin);
this.dy = this.width / (this.ymax - this.ymin);
this.dy2 = this.width / (this.ymax2 - this.ymin2);
this.yStart = this.left;
this.yEnd = this.right;
this.xStart =;
this.xEnd = this.bottom;
this.xSize = this.height;
this.ySize = this.width;
if (this.calc) {
return this.calc();
Grid.prototype.transY = function(y) {
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
return this.bottom - (y - this.ymin) * this.dy;
} else {
return this.left + (y - this.ymin) * this.dy;
Grid.prototype.transY2 = function(y) {
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
return this.bottom - (y - this.ymin2) * this.dy2;
} else {
return this.left + (y - this.ymin2) * this.dy2;
Grid.prototype.transX = function(x) {
if ( === 1) {
return (this.xStart + this.xEnd) / 2;
} else {
return this.xStart + (x - this.xmin) * this.dx;
Grid.prototype.redraw = function() {
if (this.draw) {
return this.setLabels();
Grid.prototype.measureText = function(text, angle) {
var ret, tt;
if (angle == null) {
angle = 0;
tt = this.raphael.text(100, 100, text).attr('font-size', this.options.gridTextSize).attr('font-family', this.options.gridTextFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.gridTextWeight).rotate(angle);
ret = tt.getBBox();
return ret;
Grid.prototype.yAxisFormat = function(label) {
return this.yLabelFormat(label, 0);
Grid.prototype.yAxisFormat2 = function(label) {
return this.yLabelFormat(label, 1000);
Grid.prototype.yLabelFormat = function(label, i) {
if (typeof this.options.yLabelFormat === 'function') {
return this.options.yLabelFormat(label, i);
} else {
if (this.options.nbYkeys2 === 0 || (i <= this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2 - 1)) {
return "" + this.options.preUnits + (Morris.commas(label)) + this.options.postUnits;
} else {
return "" + this.options.preUnits2 + (Morris.commas(label)) + this.options.postUnits2;
Grid.prototype.yLabelFormat_noUnit = function(label, i) {
if (typeof this.options.yLabelFormat === 'function') {
return this.options.yLabelFormat(label, i);
} else {
return "" + (Morris.commas(label));
Grid.prototype.getYAxisLabelX = function() {
if (this.options.yLabelAlign === 'right') {
return this.left - this.options.padding / 2;
} else {
return this.options.padding / 2;
Grid.prototype.drawGrid = function() {
var basePos, basePos2, lineY, pos, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _results;
if (this.options.grid === false && ((_ref = this.options.axes) !== true && _ref !== 'both' && _ref !== 'y')) {
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
basePos = this.getYAxisLabelX();
basePos2 = this.right + this.options.padding / 2;
} else {
basePos = this.getXAxisLabelY();
basePos2 = - (this.options.xAxisLabelTopPadding || this.options.padding / 2);
if (this.grid != null) {
_ref1 = this.grid;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
lineY = _ref1[_i];
pos = this.transY(lineY);
if ((_ref2 = this.options.axes) === true || _ref2 === 'both' || _ref2 === 'y') {
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
this.drawYAxisLabel(basePos, pos, this.yAxisFormat(lineY), 1);
} else {
this.drawXAxisLabel(pos, basePos, this.yAxisFormat(lineY));
if (this.options.grid) {
pos = Math.floor(pos) + 0.5;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
if (isNaN(this.xEnd)) {
this.xEnd = 20;
this.drawGridLine("M" + this.xStart + "," + pos + "H" + this.xEnd);
} else {
this.drawGridLine("M" + pos + "," + this.xStart + "V" + this.xEnd);
if (this.options.nbYkeys2 > 0) {
_ref3 = this.grid2;
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref3.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
lineY = _ref3[_j];
pos = this.transY2(lineY);
if ((_ref4 = this.options.axes) === true || _ref4 === 'both' || _ref4 === 'y') {
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
_results.push(this.drawYAxisLabel(basePos2, pos, this.yAxisFormat2(lineY), 2));
} else {
_results.push(this.drawXAxisLabel(pos, basePos2, this.yAxisFormat2(lineY)));
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
Grid.prototype.drawRegions = function() {
var color, i, region, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = this.options.regions;
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
region = _ref[i];
color = this.options.regionsColors[i % this.options.regionsColors.length];
_results.push(this.drawRegion(region, color));
return _results;
Grid.prototype.drawGoals = function() {
var color, goal, i, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _results;
_ref = this.options.goals;
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
goal = _ref[i];
color = this.options.goalLineColors[i % this.options.goalLineColors.length];
this.drawGoal(goal, color);
_ref1 = this.options.goals2;
_results = [];
for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
goal = _ref1[i];
color = this.options.goalLineColors2[i % this.options.goalLineColors2.length];
_results.push(this.drawGoal2(goal, color));
return _results;
Grid.prototype.drawEvents = function() {
var color, event, i, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
if ( != null) {
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
event = _ref[i];
color = this.options.eventLineColors[i % this.options.eventLineColors.length];
_results.push(this.drawEvent(event, color));
return _results;
Grid.prototype.drawGoal = function(goal, color) {
var path, y;
y = Math.floor(this.transY(goal)) + 0.5;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
path = "M" + this.xStart + "," + y + "H" + this.xEnd;
} else {
path = "M" + y + "," + this.xStart + "V" + this.xEnd;
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', color).attr('stroke-width', this.options.goalStrokeWidth);
Grid.prototype.drawGoal2 = function(goal, color) {
var path, y;
y = Math.floor(this.transY2(goal)) + 0.5;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
path = "M" + this.xStart + "," + y + "H" + this.xEnd;
} else {
path = "M" + y + "," + this.xStart + "V" + this.xEnd;
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', color).attr('stroke-width', this.options.goalStrokeWidth2);
Grid.prototype.drawRegion = function(region, color) {
var from, path, to, y;
if (region instanceof Array) {
from = Math.min(Math.max.apply(Math, region), this.ymax);
to = Math.max(Math.min.apply(Math, region), this.ymin);
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
from = Math.floor(this.transY(from));
to = Math.floor(this.transY(to)) - from;
return this.raphael.rect(this.xStart, from, this.xEnd - this.xStart, to).attr({
fill: color,
stroke: false
} else {
to = Math.floor(this.transY(to));
from = Math.floor(this.transY(from)) - to;
return this.raphael.rect(to, this.xStart, from, this.xEnd - this.xStart).attr({
fill: color,
stroke: false
} else {
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
y = Math.floor(this.transY(area)) + 1;
path = "M" + this.xStart + "," + y + "H" + this.xEnd;
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', color).attr('stroke-width', 2);
} else {
y = Math.floor(this.transY(area)) + 1;
path = "M" + y + "," + this.xStart + "V" + this.xEnd;
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', color).attr('stroke-width', 2);
Grid.prototype.drawEvent = function(event, color) {
var from, path, to, x;
if (event instanceof Array) {
from = event[0], to = event[1];
from = Math.floor(this.transX(from)) + 0.5;
to = Math.floor(this.transX(to)) + 0.5;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
return this.raphael.rect(from, this.yEnd, to - from, this.yStart - this.yEnd).attr({
fill: color,
stroke: false
} else {
return this.raphael.rect(this.yStart, from, this.yEnd - this.yStart, to - from).attr({
fill: color,
stroke: false
} else {
x = Math.floor(this.transX(event)) + 0.5;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
path = "M" + x + "," + this.yStart + "V" + this.yEnd;
} else {
path = "M" + this.yStart + "," + x + "H" + this.yEnd;
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', color).attr('stroke-width', this.options.eventStrokeWidth);
Grid.prototype.drawYAxisLabel = function(xPos, yPos, text, yaxis) {
var label;
label = this.raphael.text(xPos, yPos, text).attr('font-size', this.options.gridTextSize).attr('font-family', this.options.gridTextFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.gridTextWeight).attr('fill', this.options.gridTextColor);
if (yaxis === 1) {
if (this.options.yLabelAlign === 'right') {
return label.attr('text-anchor', 'end');
} else {
return label.attr('text-anchor', 'start');
} else {
if (this.options.yLabelAlign2 === 'left') {
return label.attr('text-anchor', 'start');
} else {
return label.attr('text-anchor', 'end');
Grid.prototype.drawXAxisLabel = function(xPos, yPos, text) {
return this.raphael.text(xPos, yPos, text).attr('font-size', this.options.gridTextSize).attr('font-family', this.options.gridTextFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.gridTextWeight).attr('fill', this.options.gridTextColor);
Grid.prototype.drawGridLine = function(path) {
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', this.options.gridLineColor).attr('stroke-width', this.options.gridStrokeWidth);
Grid.prototype.startRange = function(x) {
this.selectFrom = x;
return this.selectionRect.attr({
x: x,
width: 0
Grid.prototype.endRange = function(x) {
var end, start;
if (this.selectFrom) {
start = Math.min(this.selectFrom, x);
end = Math.max(this.selectFrom, x);, {
return this.selectFrom = null;
Grid.prototype.mousemoveHandler = function(evt) {
var left, offset, right, width, x;
offset = Morris.offset(this.el);
x = evt.pageX - offset.left;
if (this.selectFrom) {
left =[this.hitTest(Math.min(x, this.selectFrom))]._x;
right =[this.hitTest(Math.max(x, this.selectFrom))]._x;
width = right - left;
return this.selectionRect.attr({
x: left,
width: width
} else {
return'hovermove', x, evt.pageY -;
Grid.prototype.mouseleaveHandler = function(evt) {
if (this.selectFrom) {
this.selectFrom = null;
Grid.prototype.touchHandler = function(evt) {
var offset, touch;
touch = evt.originalEvent.touches[0] || evt.originalEvent.changedTouches[0];
offset = Morris.offset(this.el);
return'hovermove', touch.pageX - offset.left, touch.pageY -;
Grid.prototype.clickHandler = function(evt) {
var offset;
offset = Morris.offset(this.el);
return'gridclick', evt.pageX - offset.left, evt.pageY -;
Grid.prototype.mousedownHandler = function(evt) {
var offset;
offset = Morris.offset(this.el);
return this.startRange(evt.pageX - offset.left);
Grid.prototype.mouseupHandler = function(evt) {
var offset;
offset = Morris.offset(this.el);
this.endRange(evt.pageX - offset.left);
return'hovermove', evt.pageX - offset.left, evt.pageY -;
Grid.prototype.resizeHandler = function() {
if (this.timeoutId != null) {
return this.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(this.debouncedResizeHandler, 100);
Grid.prototype.debouncedResizeHandler = function() {
var height, width, _ref;
this.timeoutId = null;
_ref = Morris.dimensions(this.el), width = _ref.width, height = _ref.height;
this.raphael.setSize(width, height);
this.options.animate = false;
return this.redraw();
Grid.prototype.hasToShow = function(i) {
return this.options.shown === true || this.options.shown[i] === true;
Grid.prototype.isColorDark = function(hex) {
var b, g, luma, r, rgb;
if (hex != null) {
hex = hex.substring(1);
rgb = parseInt(hex, 16);
r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff;
g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff;
b = (rgb >> 0) & 0xff;
luma = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b;
if (luma >= 128) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Grid.prototype.drawDataLabel = function(xPos, yPos, text, color) {
var label;
return label = this.raphael.text(xPos, yPos, text).attr('text-anchor', 'middle').attr('font-size', this.options.dataLabelsSize).attr('font-family', this.options.dataLabelsFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.dataLabelsWeight).attr('fill', color);
Grid.prototype.drawDataLabelExt = function(xPos, yPos, text, anchor, color) {
var label;
return label = this.raphael.text(xPos, yPos, text).attr('text-anchor', anchor).attr('font-size', this.options.dataLabelsSize).attr('font-family', this.options.dataLabelsFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.dataLabelsWeight).attr('fill', color);
Grid.prototype.setLabels = function() {
var color, index, row, ykey, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
if (this.options.dataLabels) {
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
row = _ref[_i];
_results.push((function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results1;
_ref1 = this.options.ykeys;
_results1 = [];
for (index = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; index = ++_j) {
ykey = _ref1[index];
if (this.options.dataLabelsColor !== 'auto') {
color = this.options.dataLabelsColor;
} else if (this.options.stacked === true && this.isColorDark(this.options.barColors[index % this.options.barColors.length]) === true) {
color = '#fff';
} else {
color = '#000';
if ((this.options.lineColors != null) && (this.options.lineType != null)) {
if (row.label_y[index] != null) {
this.drawDataLabel(row._x, row.label_y[index], this.yLabelFormat_noUnit(row.y[index], 0), color);
if (row._y2 != null) {
if (row._y2[index] != null) {
_results1.push(this.drawDataLabel(row._x, row._y2[index] - 10, this.yLabelFormat_noUnit(row.y[index], 1000), color));
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
} else {
if (row.label_y[index] != null) {
if (this.options.horizontal === !true) {
_results1.push(this.drawDataLabel(row.label_x[index], row.label_y[index], this.yLabelFormat_noUnit(row.y[index], index), color));
} else {
_results1.push(this.drawDataLabelExt(row.label_x[index], row.label_y[index], this.yLabelFormat_noUnit(row.y[index]), 'start', color));
} else if (row._y2[index] != null) {
if (this.options.horizontal === !true) {
_results1.push(this.drawDataLabel(row._x, row._y2[index] - 10, this.yLabelFormat_noUnit(row.y[index], index), color));
} else {
_results1.push(this.drawDataLabelExt(row._y2[index], row._x - 10, this.yLabelFormat_noUnit(row.y[index]), 'middle', color));
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
return _results1;
return _results;
return Grid;
Morris.parseDate = function(date) {
var isecs, m, msecs, n, o, offsetmins, p, q, r, ret, secs;
if (typeof date === 'number') {
return date;
m = date.match(/^(\d+) Q(\d)$/);
n = date.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/);
o = date.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/);
p = date.match(/^(\d+) W(\d+)$/);
q = date.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)[ T](\d+):(\d+)(Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?$/);
r = date.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)[ T](\d+):(\d+):(\d+(\.\d+)?)(Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?$/);
if (m) {
return new Date(parseInt(m[1], 10), parseInt(m[2], 10) * 3 - 1, 1).getTime();
} else if (n) {
return new Date(parseInt(n[1], 10), parseInt(n[2], 10) - 1, 1).getTime();
} else if (o) {
return new Date(parseInt(o[1], 10), parseInt(o[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(o[3], 10)).getTime();
} else if (p) {
ret = new Date(parseInt(p[1], 10), 0, 1);
if (ret.getDay() !== 4) {
ret.setMonth(0, 1 + ((4 - ret.getDay()) + 7) % 7);
return ret.getTime() + parseInt(p[2], 10) * 604800000;
} else if (q) {
if (!q[6]) {
return new Date(parseInt(q[1], 10), parseInt(q[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(q[3], 10), parseInt(q[4], 10), parseInt(q[5], 10)).getTime();
} else {
offsetmins = 0;
if (q[6] !== 'Z') {
offsetmins = parseInt(q[8], 10) * 60 + parseInt(q[9], 10);
if (q[7] === '+') {
offsetmins = 0 - offsetmins;
return Date.UTC(parseInt(q[1], 10), parseInt(q[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(q[3], 10), parseInt(q[4], 10), parseInt(q[5], 10) + offsetmins);
} else if (r) {
secs = parseFloat(r[6]);
isecs = Math.floor(secs);
msecs = Math.round((secs - isecs) * 1000);
if (!r[8]) {
return new Date(parseInt(r[1], 10), parseInt(r[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(r[3], 10), parseInt(r[4], 10), parseInt(r[5], 10), isecs, msecs).getTime();
} else {
offsetmins = 0;
if (r[8] !== 'Z') {
offsetmins = parseInt(r[10], 10) * 60 + parseInt(r[11], 10);
if (r[9] === '+') {
offsetmins = 0 - offsetmins;
return Date.UTC(parseInt(r[1], 10), parseInt(r[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(r[3], 10), parseInt(r[4], 10), parseInt(r[5], 10) + offsetmins, isecs, msecs);
} else {
return new Date(parseInt(date, 10), 0, 1).getTime();
Morris.Hover = (function() {
Hover.defaults = {
"class": 'morris-hover morris-default-style'
function Hover(options) {
if (options == null) {
options = {};
this.options = Morris.extend({}, Morris.Hover.defaults, options);
this.el = document.createElement('div');
this.el.className = this.options["class"]; = 'none';
(this.options.parent = this.options.parent[0] || this.options.parent).appendChild(this.el);
Hover.prototype.update = function(html, x, y, centre_y) {
if (!html) {
return this.hide();
} else {
return this.moveTo(x, y, centre_y);
Hover.prototype.html = function(content) {
return this.el.innerHTML = content;
Hover.prototype.moveTo = function(x, y, centre_y) {
var hoverHeight, hoverWidth, left, parentHeight, parentWidth, top, _ref;
_ref = Morris.innerDimensions(this.options.parent), parentWidth = _ref.width, parentHeight = _ref.height;
hoverWidth = this.el.offsetWidth;
hoverHeight = this.el.offsetHeight;
left = Math.min(Math.max(0, x - hoverWidth / 2), parentWidth - hoverWidth);
if (y != null) {
if (centre_y === true) {
top = y - hoverHeight / 2;
if (top < 0) {
top = 0;
} else {
top = y - hoverHeight - 10;
if (top < 0) {
top = y + 10;
if (top + hoverHeight > parentHeight) {
top = parentHeight / 2 - hoverHeight / 2;
} else {
top = parentHeight / 2 - hoverHeight / 2;
} = parseInt(left) + "px";
return = parseInt(top) + "px";
}; = function() {
return = '';
Hover.prototype.hide = function() {
return = 'none';
return Hover;
Morris.Line = (function(_super) {
__extends(Line, _super);
function Line(options) {
this.hilight = __bind(this.hilight, this);
this.escapeHTML = __bind(this.escapeHTML, this);
this.onHoverOut = __bind(this.onHoverOut, this);
this.onHoverMove = __bind(this.onHoverMove, this);
this.onGridClick = __bind(this.onGridClick, this);
if (!(this instanceof Morris.Line)) {
return new Morris.Line(options);
}, options);
Line.prototype.init = function() {
if (this.options.hideHover !== 'always') {
this.hover = new Morris.Hover({
parent: this.el
this.on('hovermove', this.onHoverMove);
this.on('hoverout', this.onHoverOut);
return this.on('gridclick', this.onGridClick);
Line.prototype.defaults = {
lineWidth: 3,
pointSize: 4,
pointSizeGrow: 3,
lineColors: ['#2f7df6', '#53a351', '#f6c244', '#cb444a', '#4aa0b5', '#222529'],
extraClassLine: '',
extraClassCircle: '',
pointStrokeWidths: [1],
pointStrokeColors: ['#ffffff'],
pointFillColors: [],
pointSuperimposed: true,
hoverOrdered: false,
hoverReversed: false,
smooth: true,
lineType: {},
shown: true,
xLabels: 'auto',
xLabelFormat: null,
xLabelMargin: 0,
verticalGrid: false,
verticalGridHeight: 'full',
verticalGridStartOffset: 0,
verticalGridType: '',
trendLine: false,
trendLineType: 'linear',
trendLineWidth: 2,
trendLineWeight: false,
trendLineColors: ['#689bc3', '#a2b3bf', '#64b764']
Line.prototype.calc = function() {
return this.generatePaths();
Line.prototype.calcPoints = function() {
var count, i, idx, ii, index, point, row, v, y, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _results;
_ref =;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
row = _ref[_i];
row._x = this.transX(row.x);
row._y = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results;
_ref1 = row.y;
_results = [];
for (ii = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; ii = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[ii];
if (ii < this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2) {
if (y != null) {
} else {
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
row._y2 = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results;
_ref1 = row.y;
_results = [];
for (ii = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; ii = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[ii];
if (ii >= this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2) {
if (y != null) {
} else {
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
row._ymax = Math.min.apply(Math, [this.bottom].concat((function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results;
_ref1 = row._y;
_results = [];
for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[i];
if ((y != null) && this.hasToShow(i)) {
return _results;
row._ymax2 = Math.min.apply(Math, [this.bottom].concat((function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results;
_ref1 = row._y2;
_results = [];
for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[i];
if ((y != null) && this.hasToShow(i)) {
return _results;
_ref1 =;
for (idx = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; idx = ++_j) {
row = _ref1[idx];[idx].label_x = [];[idx].label_y = [];
for (index = _k = _ref2 = this.options.ykeys.length - 1; _ref2 <= 0 ? _k <= 0 : _k >= 0; index = _ref2 <= 0 ? ++_k : --_k) {
if (row._y[index] != null) {[idx].label_x[index] = row._x;[idx].label_y[index] = row._y[index] - 10;
if (row._y2 != null) {
if (row._y2[index] != null) {[idx].label_x[index] = row._x;[idx].label_y[index] = row._y2[index] - 10;
if (this.options.pointSuperimposed === !true) {
_ref3 =;
_results = [];
for (_l = 0, _len2 = _ref3.length; _l < _len2; _l++) {
row = _ref3[_l];
_results.push((function() {
var _len3, _len4, _m, _n, _ref4, _ref5, _results1;
_ref4 = row._y;
_results1 = [];
for (idx = _m = 0, _len3 = _ref4.length; _m < _len3; idx = ++_m) {
point = _ref4[idx];
count = 0;
_ref5 = row._y;
for (i = _n = 0, _len4 = _ref5.length; _n < _len4; i = ++_n) {
v = _ref5[i];
if (point === v && typeof point === 'number') {
if (count > 1) {
row._y[idx] = row._y[idx] + count * (this.lineWidthForSeries(idx));
if (this.lineWidthForSeries(idx) > 1) {
_results1.push(row._y[idx] = row._y[idx] - 1);
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
return _results1;
return _results;
Line.prototype.hitTest = function(x) {
var index, r, _i, _len, _ref;
if ( === 0) {
return null;
_ref =;
for (index = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) {
r = _ref[index];
if (x < (r._x +[index]._x) / 2) {
return index;
Line.prototype.onGridClick = function(x, y) {
var index;
index = this.hitTest(x);
return'click', index,[index].src, x, y);
Line.prototype.onHoverMove = function(x, y) {
var index;
index = this.hitTest(x);
return this.displayHoverForRow(index);
Line.prototype.onHoverOut = function() {
if (this.options.hideHover !== false) {
return this.displayHoverForRow(null);
Line.prototype.displayHoverForRow = function(index) {
var _ref;
if (index != null) {
(_ref = this.hover).update.apply(_ref, this.hoverContentForRow(index));
return this.hilight(index);
} else {
return this.hilight();
Line.prototype.escapeHTML = function(string) {
var map, reg,
_this = this;
map = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#x27;',
"/": '&#x2F;'
reg = /[&<>"'/]/ig;
return string.replace(reg, function(match) {
return map[match];
Line.prototype.hoverContentForRow = function(index) {
var axis, content, j, jj, max, max_pos, order, row, y, yy, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _ref2;
row =[index];
content = "";
order = [];
if (this.options.hoverOrdered === true) {
_ref = row.y;
for (jj = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; jj = ++_i) {
yy = _ref[jj];
max = null;
max_pos = -1;
_ref1 = row.y;
for (j = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; j = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[j];
if (, j) < 0) {
if (max <= y || max === null) {
max = y;
max_pos = j;
} else {
_ref2 = row.y;
for (jj = _k = _ref2.length - 1; _k >= 0; jj = _k += -1) {
yy = _ref2[jj];
if (this.options.hoverReversed === true) {
order = order.reverse();
axis = -1;
for (_l = order.length - 1; _l >= 0; _l += -1) {
j = order[_l];
if (this.options.labels[j] === false) {
if (row.y[j] !== void 0 && axis === -1) {
axis = j;
content = ("<div class='morris-hover-point' style='color: " + (this.colorFor(row, j, 'label')) + "'>\n " + this.options.labels[j] + ":\n " + (this.yLabelFormat(row.y[j], j)) + "\n</div>") + content;
content = "<div class='morris-hover-row-label'>" + this.escapeHTML(row.label) + "</div>" + content;
if (typeof this.options.hoverCallback === 'function') {
content = this.options.hoverCallback(index, this.options, content, row.src);
if (axis > this.options.nbYkeys2) {
return [content, row._x, row._ymax2];
} else {
return [content, row._x, row._ymax];
Line.prototype.generatePaths = function() {
var coords, i, lineType, nb, r, smooth;
return this.paths = (function() {
var _i, _ref, _ref1, _results;
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.options.ykeys.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
smooth = typeof this.options.smooth === "boolean" ? this.options.smooth : (_ref1 = this.options.ykeys[i],, _ref1) >= 0);
lineType = smooth ? 'smooth' : 'jagged';
if (typeof this.options.lineType === "string") {
lineType = this.options.lineType;
} else {
if (this.options.lineType[this.options.ykeys[i]] !== void 0) {
lineType = this.options.lineType[this.options.ykeys[i]];
nb = this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2;
if (i < nb) {
coords = (function() {
var _j, _len, _ref2, _results1;
_ref2 =;
_results1 = [];
for (_j = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _j < _len; _j++) {
r = _ref2[_j];
if (r._y[i] !== void 0) {
x: r._x,
y: r._y[i]
return _results1;
} else {
coords = (function() {
var _j, _len, _ref2, _results1;
_ref2 =;
_results1 = [];
for (_j = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _j < _len; _j++) {
r = _ref2[_j];
if (r._y2[i] !== void 0) {
x: r._x,
y: r._y2[i]
return _results1;
if (coords.length > 1) {
_results.push(Morris.Line.createPath(coords, lineType, this.bottom, i, this.options.ykeys.length, this.options.lineWidth));
} else {
return _results;
Line.prototype.draw = function() {
var _ref;
if ((_ref = this.options.axes) === true || _ref === 'both' || _ref === 'x') {
if (this.options.hideHover === false) {
return this.displayHoverForRow( - 1);
Line.prototype.drawXAxis = function() {
var drawLabel, l, labels, lines, prevAngleMargin, prevLabelMargin, row, ypos, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _results,
_this = this;
ypos = this.bottom + this.options.padding / 2;
prevLabelMargin = null;
prevAngleMargin = null;
drawLabel = function(labelText, xpos) {
var label, labelBox, margin, offset, textBox;
label = _this.drawXAxisLabel(_this.transX(xpos), ypos, labelText);
textBox = label.getBBox();
label.transform("r" + (-_this.options.xLabelAngle));
labelBox = label.getBBox();
label.transform("t0," + (labelBox.height / 2) + "...");
if (_this.options.xLabelAngle !== 0) {
offset = -0.5 * textBox.width * Math.cos(_this.options.xLabelAngle * Math.PI / 180.0);
label.transform("t" + offset + ",0...");
labelBox = label.getBBox();
if (((prevLabelMargin == null) || prevLabelMargin >= labelBox.x + labelBox.width || (prevAngleMargin != null) && prevAngleMargin >= labelBox.x) && labelBox.x >= 0 && (labelBox.x + labelBox.width) < Morris.dimensions(_this.el).width) {
if (_this.options.xLabelAngle !== 0) {
margin = 1.25 * _this.options.gridTextSize / Math.sin(_this.options.xLabelAngle * Math.PI / 180.0);
prevAngleMargin = labelBox.x - margin;
prevLabelMargin = labelBox.x - _this.options.xLabelMargin;
if (_this.options.verticalGrid === true) {
return _this.drawVerticalGridLine(xpos);
} else {
return label.remove();
if (this.options.parseTime) {
if ( === 1 && this.options.xLabels === 'auto') {
labels = [[[0].label,[0].x]];
} else {
labels = Morris.labelSeries(this.xmin, this.xmax, this.width, this.options.xLabels, this.options.xLabelFormat);
} else if (this.options.customLabels) {
labels = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = this.options.customLabels;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
row = _ref[_i];
_results.push([row.label, row.x]);
return _results;
} else {
labels = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
row = _ref[_i];
_results.push([row.label, row.x]);
return _results;
for (_i = 0, _len = labels.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
l = labels[_i];
drawLabel(l[0], l[1]);
if (typeof this.options.verticalGrid === 'string') {
lines = Morris.labelSeries(this.xmin, this.xmax, this.width, this.options.verticalGrid);
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = lines.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
l = lines[_j];
return _results;
Line.prototype.drawVerticalGridLine = function(xpos) {
var yEnd, yStart;
xpos = Math.floor(this.transX(xpos)) + 0.5;
yStart = this.yStart + this.options.verticalGridStartOffset;
if (this.options.verticalGridHeight === 'full') {
yEnd = this.yEnd;
} else {
yEnd = this.yStart - this.options.verticalGridHeight;
return this.drawGridLineVert("M" + xpos + "," + yStart + "V" + yEnd);
Line.prototype.drawGridLineVert = function(path) {
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', this.options.gridLineColor).attr('stroke-width', this.options.gridStrokeWidth).attr('stroke-dasharray', this.options.verticalGridType);
Line.prototype.drawSeries = function() {
var i, _i, _j, _ref, _ref1, _results;
this.seriesPoints = [];
for (i = _i = _ref = this.options.ykeys.length - 1; _ref <= 0 ? _i <= 0 : _i >= 0; i = _ref <= 0 ? ++_i : --_i) {
if (this.hasToShow(i)) {
if (this.options.trendLine !== false && this.options.trendLine === true || this.options.trendLine[i] === true) {
if ( > 0) {
_results = [];
for (i = _j = _ref1 = this.options.ykeys.length - 1; _ref1 <= 0 ? _j <= 0 : _j >= 0; i = _ref1 <= 0 ? ++_j : --_j) {
if (this.hasToShow(i)) {
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
Line.prototype._drawPointFor = function(index) {
var circle, idx, row, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
this.seriesPoints[index] = [];
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (idx = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; idx = ++_i) {
row = _ref[idx];
circle = null;
if (row._y[index] != null) {
circle = this.drawLinePoint(row._x, row._y[index], this.colorFor(row, index, 'point'), index);
if (row._y2 != null) {
if (row._y2[index] != null) {
circle = this.drawLinePoint(row._x, row._y2[index], this.colorFor(row, index, 'point'), index);
return _results;
Line.prototype._drawLineFor = function(index) {
var path;
path = this.paths[index];
if (path !== null) {
return this.drawLinePath(path, this.colorFor(null, index, 'line'), index);
Line.prototype._drawTrendLine = function(index) {
var a, b, data, datapoints, i, path, plots, reg, sum_x, sum_xx, sum_xy, sum_y, t_off_x, t_x, t_y, val, weight, x, y, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _ref;
sum_x = 0;
sum_y = 0;
sum_xx = 0;
sum_xy = 0;
datapoints = 0;
plots = [];
_ref =;
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
val = _ref[i];
x = val.x;
y = val.y[index];
if (y != null) {
plots.push([x, y]);
if (this.options.trendLineWeight === false) {
weight = 1;
} else {
weight =[i][this.options.trendLineWeight];
datapoints += weight;
sum_x += x * weight;
sum_y += y * weight;
sum_xx += x * x * weight;
sum_xy += x * y * weight;
a = (datapoints * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / (datapoints * sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x);
b = (sum_y / datapoints) - ((a * sum_x) / datapoints);
data = [{}, {}];
data[0].x = this.transX([0].x);
data[0].y = this.transY([0].x * a + b);
data[1].x = this.transX([ - 1].x);
data[1].y = this.transY([ - 1].x * a + b);
if (this.options.trendLineType !== 'linear') {
if (typeof regression === 'function') {
t_off_x = (this.xmax - this.xmin) / 30;
data = [];
if (this.options.trendLineType === 'polynomial') {
reg = regression('polynomial', plots, 2);
for (i = _j = 0; _j <= 30; i = ++_j) {
t_x = this.xmin + i * t_off_x;
t_y = reg.equation[2] * t_x * t_x + reg.equation[1] * t_x + reg.equation[0];
x: this.transX(t_x),
y: this.transY(t_y)
} else if (this.options.trendLineType === 'logarithmic') {
reg = regression('logarithmic', plots);
for (i = _k = 0; _k <= 30; i = ++_k) {
t_x = this.xmin + i * t_off_x;
t_y = reg.equation[0] + reg.equation[1] * Math.log(t_x);
x: this.transX(t_x),
y: this.transY(t_y)
} else if (this.options.trendLineType === 'exponential') {
reg = regression('exponential', plots);
for (i = _l = 0; _l <= 30; i = ++_l) {
t_x = this.xmin + i * t_off_x;
t_y = reg.equation[0] + Math.exp(reg.equation[1] * t_x);
x: this.transX(t_x),
y: this.transY(t_y)
console.log('Regression formula is: ' + reg.string + ', r2:' + reg.r2);
} else {
console.log('Warning: regression() is undefined, please ensure that regression.js is loaded');
if (!isNaN(a)) {
path = Morris.Line.createPath(data, 'jagged', this.bottom);
return path = this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', this.colorFor(null, index, 'trendLine')).attr('stroke-width', this.options.trendLineWidth);
Line.createPath = function(coords, lineType, bottom, index, nb, lineWidth) {
var coord, g, grads, i, ix, lg, path, prevCoord, x1, x2, y1, y2, _i, _len;
path = "";
if (lineType === 'smooth') {
grads = Morris.Line.gradients(coords);
prevCoord = {
y: null
for (i = _i = 0, _len = coords.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
coord = coords[i];
if (coord.y != null) {
if (prevCoord.y != null) {
if (lineType === 'smooth') {
g = grads[i];
lg = grads[i - 1];
ix = (coord.x - prevCoord.x) / 4;
x1 = prevCoord.x + ix;
y1 = Math.min(bottom, prevCoord.y + ix * lg);
x2 = coord.x - ix;
y2 = Math.min(bottom, coord.y - ix * g);
path += "C" + x1 + "," + y1 + "," + x2 + "," + y2 + "," + coord.x + "," + coord.y;
} else if (lineType === 'jagged') {
path += "L" + coord.x + "," + coord.y;
} else if (lineType === 'step') {
path += "L" + coord.x + "," + prevCoord.y;
path += "L" + coord.x + "," + coord.y;
} else if (lineType === 'stepNoRiser') {
path += "L" + coord.x + "," + prevCoord.y;
path += "M" + coord.x + "," + coord.y;
} else if (lineType === 'vertical') {
path += "L" + (prevCoord.x - (nb - 1) * (lineWidth / nb) + index * lineWidth) + "," + prevCoord.y;
path += "L" + (prevCoord.x - (nb - 1) * (lineWidth / nb) + index * lineWidth) + "," + bottom;
path += "M" + (coord.x - (nb - 1) * (lineWidth / nb) + index * lineWidth) + "," + bottom;
if (coords.length === (i + 1)) {
path += "L" + (coord.x - (nb - 1) * (lineWidth / nb) + index * lineWidth) + "," + coord.y;
path += "L" + (coord.x - (nb - 1) * (lineWidth / nb) + index * lineWidth) + "," + bottom;
} else {
if (lineType !== 'smooth' || (grads[i] != null)) {
path += "M" + coord.x + "," + coord.y;
prevCoord = coord;
return path;
Line.gradients = function(coords) {
var coord, grad, i, nextCoord, prevCoord, _i, _len, _results;
grad = function(a, b) {
return (a.y - b.y) / (a.x - b.x);
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 0, _len = coords.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
coord = coords[i];
if (coord.y != null) {
nextCoord = coords[i + 1] || {
y: null
prevCoord = coords[i - 1] || {
y: null
if ((prevCoord.y != null) && (nextCoord.y != null)) {
_results.push(grad(prevCoord, nextCoord));
} else if (prevCoord.y != null) {
_results.push(grad(prevCoord, coord));
} else if (nextCoord.y != null) {
_results.push(grad(coord, nextCoord));
} else {
} else {
return _results;
Line.prototype.hilight = function(index) {
var i, _i, _j, _ref, _ref1;
if (this.prevHilight !== null && this.prevHilight !== index) {
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.seriesPoints.length - 1; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
if (this.hasToShow(i) && this.seriesPoints[i][this.prevHilight]) {
if (index !== null && this.prevHilight !== index) {
for (i = _j = 0, _ref1 = this.seriesPoints.length - 1; 0 <= _ref1 ? _j <= _ref1 : _j >= _ref1; i = 0 <= _ref1 ? ++_j : --_j) {
if (this.hasToShow(i) && this.seriesPoints[i][index]) {
return this.prevHilight = index;
Line.prototype.colorFor = function(row, sidx, type) {
if (typeof this.options.lineColors === 'function') {
return, row, sidx, type);
} else if (type === 'point') {
return this.options.pointFillColors[sidx % this.options.pointFillColors.length] || this.options.lineColors[sidx % this.options.lineColors.length];
} else if (type === 'trendLine') {
return this.options.trendLineColors[sidx % this.options.trendLineColors.length];
} else {
return this.options.lineColors[sidx % this.options.lineColors.length];
Line.prototype.drawLinePath = function(path, lineColor, lineIndex) {
var ii, rPath, row, row_x, straightPath, _i, _len, _ref,
_this = this;
if (this.options.animate) {
straightPath = '';
_ref =;
for (ii = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; ii = ++_i) {
row = _ref[ii];
if (straightPath === '') {
if (lineIndex >= this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2) {
if (row._y2[lineIndex] != null) {
straightPath = 'M' + row._x + ',' + this.transY2(this.ymin2);
} else if (row._y[lineIndex] != null) {
if (this.options.lineType !== 'vertical') {
straightPath = 'M' + row._x + ',' + this.transY(this.ymin);
} else {
straightPath = 'M' + row._x + ',' + this.transY(0) + 'L' + row._x + ',' + this.transY(0) + 'L' + row._x + ',' + this.transY(0);
} else {
if (lineIndex >= this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2) {
if (row._y2[lineIndex] != null) {
straightPath += ',' + row._x + ',' + this.transY2(this.ymin2);
if (this.options.lineType === 'step') {
straightPath += ',' + row._x + ',' + this.transY2(this.ymin2);
} else if (row._y[lineIndex] != null) {
if (this.options.lineType !== 'vertical') {
straightPath += ',' + row._x + ',' + this.transY(this.ymin);
} else {
row_x = row._x - (this.options.ykeys.length - 1) * (this.options.lineWidth / this.options.ykeys.length) + lineIndex * this.options.lineWidth;
straightPath += 'M' + row_x + ',' + this.transY(0) + 'L' + row_x + ',' + this.transY(0) + 'L' + row_x + ',' + this.transY(0);
if (this.options.lineType === 'step') {
straightPath += ',' + row._x + ',' + this.transY(this.ymin);
rPath = this.raphael.path(straightPath).attr('stroke', lineColor).attr('stroke-width', this.lineWidthForSeries(lineIndex)).attr('class', this.options.extraClassLine).attr('class', 'line_' + lineIndex);
if (this.options.cumulative) {
return (function(rPath, path) {
return rPath.animate({
path: path
}, 600, '<>');
})(rPath, path);
} else {
return (function(rPath, path) {
return rPath.animate({
path: path
}, 500, '<>');
})(rPath, path);
} else {
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', lineColor).attr('stroke-width', this.lineWidthForSeries(lineIndex)).attr('class', this.options.extraClassLine).attr('class', 'line_' + lineIndex);
Line.prototype.drawLinePoint = function(xPos, yPos, pointColor, lineIndex) {
return, yPos, this.pointSizeForSeries(lineIndex)).attr('fill', pointColor).attr('stroke-width', this.pointStrokeWidthForSeries(lineIndex)).attr('stroke', this.pointStrokeColorForSeries(lineIndex)).attr('class', this.options.extraClassCircle).attr('class', 'circle_line_' + lineIndex);
Line.prototype.pointStrokeWidthForSeries = function(index) {
return this.options.pointStrokeWidths[index % this.options.pointStrokeWidths.length];
Line.prototype.pointStrokeColorForSeries = function(index) {
return this.options.pointStrokeColors[index % this.options.pointStrokeColors.length];
Line.prototype.lineWidthForSeries = function(index) {
if (this.options.lineWidth instanceof Array) {
return this.options.lineWidth[index % this.options.lineWidth.length];
} else {
return this.options.lineWidth;
Line.prototype.pointSizeForSeries = function(index) {
if (this.options.pointSize instanceof Array) {
return this.options.pointSize[index % this.options.pointSize.length];
} else {
return this.options.pointSize;
Line.prototype.pointGrowSeries = function(index) {
if (this.pointSizeForSeries(index) === 0) {
return Raphael.animation({
r: this.pointSizeForSeries(index) + this.options.pointSizeGrow
}, 25, 'linear');
Line.prototype.pointShrinkSeries = function(index) {
return Raphael.animation({
r: this.pointSizeForSeries(index)
}, 25, 'linear');
return Line;
Morris.labelSeries = function(dmin, dmax, pxwidth, specName, xLabelFormat) {
var d, d0, ddensity, name, ret, s, spec, t, _i, _len, _ref;
ddensity = 200 * (dmax - dmin) / pxwidth;
d0 = new Date(dmin);
spec = Morris.LABEL_SPECS[specName];
if (spec === void 0) {
_ref = Morris.AUTO_LABEL_ORDER;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
name = _ref[_i];
s = Morris.LABEL_SPECS[name];
if (ddensity >= s.span) {
spec = s;
if (spec === void 0) {
spec = Morris.LABEL_SPECS["second"];
if (xLabelFormat) {
spec = Morris.extend({}, spec, {
fmt: xLabelFormat
d = spec.start(d0);
ret = [];
while ((t = d.getTime()) <= dmax) {
if (t >= dmin) {
ret.push([spec.fmt(d), t]);
return ret;
minutesSpecHelper = function(interval) {
return {
span: interval * 60 * 1000,
start: function(d) {
return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours());
fmt: function(d) {
return "" + (Morris.pad2(d.getHours())) + ":" + (Morris.pad2(d.getMinutes()));
incr: function(d) {
return d.setUTCMinutes(d.getUTCMinutes() + interval);
secondsSpecHelper = function(interval) {
return {
span: interval * 1000,
start: function(d) {
return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate(), d.getHours(), d.getMinutes());
fmt: function(d) {
return "" + (Morris.pad2(d.getHours())) + ":" + (Morris.pad2(d.getMinutes())) + ":" + (Morris.pad2(d.getSeconds()));
incr: function(d) {
return d.setUTCSeconds(d.getUTCSeconds() + interval);
Morris.LABEL_SPECS = {
"decade": {
span: 172800000000,
start: function(d) {
return new Date(d.getFullYear() - d.getFullYear() % 10, 0, 1);
fmt: function(d) {
return "" + (d.getFullYear());
incr: function(d) {
return d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 10);
"year": {
span: 17280000000,
start: function(d) {
return new Date(d.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
fmt: function(d) {
return "" + (d.getFullYear());
incr: function(d) {
return d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 1);
"month": {
span: 2419200000,
start: function(d) {
return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), 1);
fmt: function(d) {
return "" + (d.getFullYear()) + "-" + (Morris.pad2(d.getMonth() + 1));
incr: function(d) {
return d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + 1);
"week": {
span: 604800000,
start: function(d) {
return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
fmt: function(d) {
return "" + (d.getFullYear()) + "-" + (Morris.pad2(d.getMonth() + 1)) + "-" + (Morris.pad2(d.getDate()));
incr: function(d) {
return d.setDate(d.getDate() + 7);
"day": {
span: 86400000,
start: function(d) {
return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
fmt: function(d) {
return "" + (d.getFullYear()) + "-" + (Morris.pad2(d.getMonth() + 1)) + "-" + (Morris.pad2(d.getDate()));
incr: function(d) {
return d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1);
"hour": minutesSpecHelper(60),
"30min": minutesSpecHelper(30),
"15min": minutesSpecHelper(15),
"10min": minutesSpecHelper(10),
"5min": minutesSpecHelper(5),
"minute": minutesSpecHelper(1),
"30sec": secondsSpecHelper(30),
"15sec": secondsSpecHelper(15),
"10sec": secondsSpecHelper(10),
"5sec": secondsSpecHelper(5),
"second": secondsSpecHelper(1)
Morris.AUTO_LABEL_ORDER = ["decade", "year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "30min", "15min", "10min", "5min", "minute", "30sec", "15sec", "10sec", "5sec", "second"];
Morris.Area = (function(_super) {
var areaDefaults;
__extends(Area, _super);
areaDefaults = {
fillOpacity: 'auto',
behaveLikeLine: false,
belowArea: true,
areaColors: []
function Area(options) {
var areaOptions;
if (!(this instanceof Morris.Area)) {
return new Morris.Area(options);
areaOptions = Morris.extend({}, areaDefaults, options);
this.cumulative = !areaOptions.behaveLikeLine;
if (areaOptions.fillOpacity === 'auto') {
areaOptions.fillOpacity = areaOptions.behaveLikeLine ? .8 : 1;
}, areaOptions);
Area.prototype.calcPoints = function() {
var i, idx, index, row, total, y, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _results;
_ref =;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
row = _ref[_i];
row._x = this.transX(row.x);
total = 0;
row._y = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results;
_ref1 = row.y;
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
y = _ref1[_j];
if (this.options.behaveLikeLine) {
if (y != null) {
} else {
} else {
if (y != null) {
total += y || 0;
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
row._ymax = Math.max.apply(Math, [].concat((function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results;
_ref1 = row._y;
_results = [];
for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[i];
if (y != null) {
return _results;
_ref1 =;
_results = [];
for (idx = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; idx = ++_j) {
row = _ref1[idx];[idx].label_x = [];[idx].label_y = [];
_results.push((function() {
var _k, _ref2, _results1;
_results1 = [];
for (index = _k = _ref2 = this.options.ykeys.length - 1; _ref2 <= 0 ? _k <= 0 : _k >= 0; index = _ref2 <= 0 ? ++_k : --_k) {
if (row._y[index] != null) {[idx].label_x[index] = row._x;[idx].label_y[index] = row._y[index] - 10;
if (row._y2 != null) {
if (row._y2[index] != null) {[idx].label_x[index] = row._x;
_results1.push([idx].label_y[index] = row._y2[index] - 10);
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
return _results1;
return _results;
Area.prototype.drawSeries = function() {
var i, range, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _results, _results1, _results2;
this.seriesPoints = [];
if (this.options.behaveLikeLine) {
range = (function() {
_results = [];
for (var _i = 0, _ref = this.options.ykeys.length - 1; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; 0 <= _ref ? _i++ : _i--){ _results.push(_i); }
return _results;
} else {
range = (function() {
_results1 = [];
for (var _j = _ref1 = this.options.ykeys.length - 1; _ref1 <= 0 ? _j <= 0 : _j >= 0; _ref1 <= 0 ? _j++ : _j--){ _results1.push(_j); }
return _results1;
for (_k = 0, _len = range.length; _k < _len; _k++) {
i = range[_k];
_results2 = [];
for (_l = 0, _len1 = range.length; _l < _len1; _l++) {
i = range[_l];
return _results2;
Area.prototype._drawFillFor = function(index) {
var coords, path, pathBelow, r;
path = this.paths[index];
if (path !== null) {
if (this.options.belowArea === true) {
path = path + ("L" + (this.transX(this.xmax)) + "," + this.bottom + "L" + (this.transX(this.xmin)) + "," + this.bottom + "Z");
return this.drawFilledPath(path, this.fillForSeries(index), index);
} else {
coords = (function() {
var _i, _ref, _results;
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (_i = _ref.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i += -1) {
r = _ref[_i];
if (r._y[0] !== void 0) {
x: r._x,
y: r._y[0]
return _results;
pathBelow = Morris.Line.createPath(coords, 'smooth', this.bottom);
path = path + "L" + pathBelow.slice(1);
return this.drawFilledPath(path, this.fillForSeries(index), index);
Area.prototype.fillForSeries = function(i) {
var color;
if (this.options.areaColors.length === 0) {
this.options.areaColors = this.options.lineColors;
color = Raphael.rgb2hsl(this.options.areaColors[i % this.options.areaColors.length]);
return Raphael.hsl(color.h, this.options.behaveLikeLine ? color.s * 0.9 : color.s * 0.75, Math.min(0.98, this.options.behaveLikeLine ? color.l * 1.2 : color.l * 1.25));
Area.prototype.drawFilledPath = function(path, fill, areaIndex) {
var coords, pathBelow, r, rPath, straightPath,
_this = this;
if (this.options.animate) {
coords = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
r = _ref[_i];
if (r._y[areaIndex] !== void 0) {
x: r._x,
y: this.transY(0)
return _results;
straightPath = Morris.Line.createPath(coords, 'smooth', this.bottom);
if (this.options.belowArea === true) {
straightPath = straightPath + ("L" + (this.transX(this.xmax)) + "," + this.bottom + "L" + (this.transX(this.xmin)) + "," + this.bottom + "Z");
} else {
coords = (function() {
var _i, _ref, _results;
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (_i = _ref.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i += -1) {
r = _ref[_i];
if (r._y[areaIndex] !== void 0) {
x: r._x,
y: this.transY(0)
return _results;
pathBelow = Morris.Line.createPath(coords, 'smooth', this.bottom);
straightPath = straightPath + "L" + pathBelow.slice(1);
straightPath += 'Z';
rPath = this.raphael.path(straightPath).attr('fill', fill).attr('fill-opacity', this.options.fillOpacity).attr('stroke', 'none');
return (function(rPath, path) {
return rPath.animate({
path: path
}, 500, '<>');
})(rPath, path);
} else {
return this.raphael.path(path).attr('fill', fill).attr('fill-opacity', this.options.fillOpacity).attr('stroke', 'none');
return Area;
Morris.Bar = (function(_super) {
__extends(Bar, _super);
function Bar(options) {
this.escapeHTML = __bind(this.escapeHTML, this);
this.onHoverOut = __bind(this.onHoverOut, this);
this.onHoverMove = __bind(this.onHoverMove, this);
this.onGridClick = __bind(this.onGridClick, this);
if (!(this instanceof Morris.Bar)) {
return new Morris.Bar(options);
}, Morris.extend({}, options, {
parseTime: false
Bar.prototype.init = function() {
this.cumulative = this.options.stacked;
if (this.options.hideHover !== 'always') {
this.hover = new Morris.Hover({
parent: this.el
this.on('hovermove', this.onHoverMove);
this.on('hoverout', this.onHoverOut);
return this.on('gridclick', this.onGridClick);
Bar.prototype.defaults = {
barSizeRatio: 0.75,
pointSize: 4,
lineWidth: 3,
barGap: 3,
barColors: ['#2f7df6', '#53a351', '#f6c244', '#cb444a', '#4aa0b5', '#222529'],
barOpacity: 1.0,
barHighlightOpacity: 1.0,
highlightSpeed: 150,
barRadius: [0, 0, 0, 0],
xLabelMargin: 0,
horizontal: false,
stacked: false,
shown: true,
showZero: true,
inBarValue: false,
inBarValueTextColor: 'white',
inBarValueMinTopMargin: 1,
inBarValueRightMargin: 4,
rightAxisBar: false
Bar.prototype.calc = function() {
var _ref;
if (this.options.hideHover === false) {
return (_ref = this.hover).update.apply(_ref, this.hoverContentForRow( - 1));
Bar.prototype.calcBars = function() {
var idx, ii, row, y, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (idx = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; idx = ++_i) {
row = _ref[idx];
row._x = this.xStart + this.xSize * (idx + 0.5) /;
row._y = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results1;
_ref1 = row.y;
_results1 = [];
for (ii = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; ii = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[ii];
if (ii < this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2) {
if (y != null) {
} else {
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
return _results1;
_results.push(row._y2 = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results1;
_ref1 = row.y;
_results1 = [];
for (ii = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; ii = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[ii];
if (ii >= this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2) {
if (y != null) {
} else {
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
return _results1;
return _results;
Bar.prototype.draw = function() {
var _ref;
if ((_ref = this.options.axes) === true || _ref === 'both' || _ref === 'x') {
if (this.options.rightAxisBar === !true) {
return this.drawBarPoints();
Bar.prototype.drawBarLine = function() {
var coord, coords, dim, g, grads, i, ii, ix, lg, nb, path, prevCoord, r, rPath, straightPath, x1, x2, y1, y2, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _results,
_this = this;
nb = this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2;
_ref = this.options.ykeys.slice(nb, this.options.ykeys.length);
_results = [];
for (ii = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; ii = _i += 1) {
dim = _ref[ii];
path = "";
straightPath = "";
if (this.options.horizontal === !true) {
coords = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results1;
_ref1 =;
_results1 = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
r = _ref1[_j];
if (r._y2[nb + ii] !== void 0) {
x: r._x,
y: r._y2[nb + ii]
return _results1;
} else {
coords = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results1;
_ref1 =;
_results1 = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
r = _ref1[_j];
if (r._y2[nb + ii] !== void 0) {
x: r._y2[nb + ii],
y: r._x
return _results1;
if (this.options.smooth) {
grads = Morris.Line.gradients(coords);
prevCoord = {
y: null
for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = coords.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
coord = coords[i];
if (coord.y != null) {
if (prevCoord.y != null) {
if (this.options.smooth && this.options.horizontal === !true) {
g = grads[i];
lg = grads[i - 1];
ix = (coord.x - prevCoord.x) / 4;
x1 = prevCoord.x + ix;
y1 = Math.min(this.bottom, prevCoord.y + ix * lg);
x2 = coord.x - ix;
y2 = Math.min(this.bottom, coord.y - ix * g);
path += "C" + x1 + "," + y1 + "," + x2 + "," + y2 + "," + coord.x + "," + coord.y;
} else {
path += "L" + coord.x + "," + coord.y;
if (this.options.horizontal === true) {
straightPath += 'L' + this.transY(0) + ',' + coord.y;
} else {
straightPath += 'L' + coord.x + ',' + this.transY(0);
} else {
if (!this.options.smooth || (grads[i] != null)) {
path += "M" + coord.x + "," + coord.y;
if (this.options.horizontal === true) {
straightPath += 'M' + this.transY(0) + ',' + coord.y;
} else {
straightPath += 'M' + coord.x + ',' + this.transY(0);
prevCoord = coord;
if (path !== "") {
if (this.options.animate) {
rPath = this.raphael.path(straightPath).attr('stroke', this.colorFor(coord, nb + ii, 'bar')).attr('stroke-width', this.lineWidthForSeries(ii));
_results.push((function(rPath, path) {
return rPath.animate({
path: path
}, 500, '<>');
})(rPath, path));
} else {
_results.push(rPath = this.raphael.path(path).attr('stroke', this.colorFor(coord, nb + ii, 'bar')).attr('stroke-width', this.lineWidthForSeries(ii)));
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
Bar.prototype.drawBarPoints = function() {
var circle, dim, idx, ii, nb, row, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
nb = this.options.ykeys.length - this.options.nbYkeys2;
this.seriesPoints = [];
_ref = this.options.ykeys.slice(nb, this.options.ykeys.length);
_results = [];
for (ii = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; ii = _i += 1) {
dim = _ref[ii];
this.seriesPoints[ii] = [];
_results.push((function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results1;
_ref1 =;
_results1 = [];
for (idx = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; idx = ++_j) {
row = _ref1[idx];
circle = null;
if (row._y2[nb + ii] != null) {
if (this.options.horizontal === !true) {
circle =, row._y2[nb + ii], this.pointSizeForSeries(ii)).attr('fill', this.colorFor(row, nb + ii, 'bar')).attr('stroke-width', 1).attr('stroke', '#ffffff');
} else {
circle =[nb + ii], row._x, this.pointSizeForSeries(ii)).attr('fill', this.colorFor(row, nb + ii, 'bar')).attr('stroke-width', 1).attr('stroke', '#ffffff');
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
return _results1;
return _results;
Bar.prototype.lineWidthForSeries = function(index) {
if (this.options.lineWidth instanceof Array) {
return this.options.lineWidth[index % this.options.lineWidth.length];
} else {
return this.options.lineWidth;
Bar.prototype.pointSizeForSeries = function(index) {
if (this.options.pointSize instanceof Array) {
return this.options.pointSize[index % this.options.pointSize.length];
} else {
return this.options.pointSize;
Bar.prototype.drawXAxis = function() {
var angle, basePos, height, i, label, labelBox, margin, maxSize, offset, prevAngleMargin, prevLabelMargin, row, size, startPos, textBox, width, _i, _ref, _ref1, _results;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
basePos = this.getXAxisLabelY();
} else {
basePos = this.getYAxisLabelX();
prevLabelMargin = null;
prevAngleMargin = null;
_results = [];
for (i = _i = 0, _ref =; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
row =[ - 1 - i];
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
label = this.drawXAxisLabel(row._x, basePos, row.label);
} else {
label = this.drawYAxisLabel(basePos, row._x - 0.5 * this.options.gridTextSize, row.label, 1);
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
angle = this.options.xLabelAngle;
} else {
angle = 0;
textBox = label.getBBox();
label.transform("r" + (-angle));
labelBox = label.getBBox();
label.transform("t0," + (labelBox.height / 2) + "...");
if (angle !== 0) {
offset = -0.5 * textBox.width * Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180.0);
label.transform("t" + offset + ",0...");
_ref1 = Morris.dimensions(this.el), width = _ref1.width, height = _ref1.height;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
startPos = labelBox.x;
size = labelBox.width;
maxSize = width;
} else {
startPos = labelBox.y;
size = labelBox.height;
maxSize = height;
if (((prevLabelMargin == null) || prevLabelMargin >= startPos + size || (prevAngleMargin != null) && prevAngleMargin >= startPos) && startPos >= 0 && (startPos + size) < maxSize) {
if (angle !== 0) {
margin = 1.25 * this.options.gridTextSize / Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180.0);
prevAngleMargin = startPos - margin;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
_results.push(prevLabelMargin = startPos - this.options.xLabelMargin);
} else {
_results.push(prevLabelMargin = startPos);
} else {
return _results;
Bar.prototype.getXAxisLabelY = function() {
return this.bottom + (this.options.xAxisLabelTopPadding || this.options.padding / 2);
Bar.prototype.drawSeries = function() {
var barMiddle, barWidth, bottom, depth, groupWidth, i, idx, lastBottom, lastTop, left, leftPadding, nb, numBars, row, sidx, size, spaceLeft, top, ypos, zeroPos, _i, _ref;
this.seriesBars = [];
groupWidth = this.xSize /;
if (this.options.stacked) {
numBars = 1;
} else {
numBars = 0;
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.options.ykeys.length - 1; 0 <= _ref ? _i <= _ref : _i >= _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
if (this.hasToShow(i)) {
numBars += 1;
if (this.options.stacked === !true && this.options.rightAxisBar === false) {
numBars = numBars - this.options.nbYkeys2;
barWidth = (groupWidth * this.options.barSizeRatio - this.options.barGap * (numBars - 1)) / numBars;
if (this.options.barSize) {
barWidth = Math.min(barWidth, this.options.barSize);
spaceLeft = groupWidth - barWidth * numBars - this.options.barGap * (numBars - 1);
leftPadding = spaceLeft / 2;
zeroPos = this.ymin <= 0 && this.ymax >= 0 ? this.transY(0) : null;
return this.bars = (function() {
var _j, _len, _ref1, _results;
_ref1 =;
_results = [];
for (idx = _j = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _j < _len; idx = ++_j) {
row = _ref1[idx];[idx].label_x = [];[idx].label_y = [];
this.seriesBars[idx] = [];
lastTop = null;
lastBottom = null;
if (this.options.rightAxisBar === true) {
nb = row._y.length;
} else {
nb = row._y.length - this.options.nbYkeys2;
_results.push((function() {
var _k, _len1, _ref2, _results1;
_ref2 = row._y.slice(0, nb);
_results1 = [];
for (sidx = _k = 0, _len1 = _ref2.length; _k < _len1; sidx = ++_k) {
ypos = _ref2[sidx];
if (row._y[sidx] != null) {
ypos = row._y[sidx];
} else if (row._y2[sidx] != null) {
ypos = row._y2[sidx];
if (!this.hasToShow(sidx)) {
if (ypos !== null) {
if (zeroPos) {
top = Math.min(ypos, zeroPos);
bottom = Math.max(ypos, zeroPos);
} else {
top = ypos;
bottom = this.bottom;
left = this.xStart + idx * groupWidth + leftPadding;
if (!this.options.stacked) {
left += sidx * (barWidth + this.options.barGap);
size = bottom - top;
if (this.options.verticalGridCondition && this.options.verticalGridCondition(row.x)) {
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
this.drawBar(this.xStart + idx * groupWidth, this.yEnd, groupWidth, this.ySize, this.options.verticalGridColor, this.options.verticalGridOpacity, this.options.barRadius);
} else {
this.drawBar(this.yStart, this.xStart + idx * groupWidth, this.ySize, groupWidth, this.options.verticalGridColor, this.options.verticalGridOpacity, this.options.barRadius);
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
if (this.options.stacked && (lastTop != null)) {
top += lastTop - bottom;
lastTop = top;
if (size === 0 && this.options.showZero) {
size = 1;
this.seriesBars[idx][sidx] = this.drawBar(left, top, barWidth, size, this.colorFor(row, sidx, 'bar'), this.options.barOpacity, this.options.barRadius);
if (this.options.dataLabels) {
if (this.options.dataLabelsPosition === 'inside' || (this.options.stacked && this.options.dataLabelsPosition !== 'force_outside')) {
depth = size / 2;
} else {
depth = -7;
if (size > this.options.dataLabelsSize || !this.options.stacked || this.options.dataLabelsPosition === 'force_outside') {[idx].label_x[sidx] = left + barWidth / 2;
_results1.push([idx].label_y[sidx] = top + depth);
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
} else {
lastBottom = bottom;
if (this.options.stacked && (lastTop != null)) {
top = lastTop;
lastTop = top + size;
if (size === 0) {
size = 1;
this.seriesBars[idx][sidx] = this.drawBar(top, left, size, barWidth, this.colorFor(row, sidx, 'bar'), this.options.barOpacity, this.options.barRadius);
if (this.options.dataLabels) {
if (this.options.stacked || this.options.dataLabelsPosition === 'inside') {[idx].label_x[sidx] = top + size / 2;[idx].label_y[sidx] = left + barWidth / 2;
} else {[idx].label_x[sidx] = top + size + 5;[idx].label_y[sidx] = left + barWidth / 2;
if (this.options.inBarValue && barWidth > this.options.gridTextSize + 2 * this.options.inBarValueMinTopMargin) {
barMiddle = left + 0.5 * barWidth;
_results1.push(this.raphael.text(bottom - this.options.inBarValueRightMargin, barMiddle, this.yLabelFormat(row.y[sidx], sidx)).attr('font-size', this.options.gridTextSize).attr('font-family', this.options.gridTextFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.gridTextWeight).attr('fill', this.options.inBarValueTextColor).attr('text-anchor', 'end'));
} else {
_results1.push(void 0);
} else {
return _results1;
return _results;
Bar.prototype.hilight = function(index) {
var i, y, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1;
if (this.seriesBars && this.seriesBars[this.prevHilight] && this.prevHilight !== null && this.prevHilight !== index) {
_ref = this.seriesBars[this.prevHilight];
for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
y = _ref[i];
if (y) {
'fill-opacity': this.options.barOpacity
}, this.options.highlightSpeed);
if (this.seriesBars && this.seriesBars[index] && index !== null && this.prevHilight !== index) {
_ref1 = this.seriesBars[index];
for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
y = _ref1[i];
if (y) {
'fill-opacity': this.options.barHighlightOpacity
}, this.options.highlightSpeed);
return this.prevHilight = index;
Bar.prototype.colorFor = function(row, sidx, type) {
var r, s;
if (typeof this.options.barColors === 'function') {
r = {
x: row.x,
y: row.y[sidx],
label: row.label,
src: row.src
s = {
index: sidx,
key: this.options.ykeys[sidx],
label: this.options.labels[sidx]
return, r, s, type);
} else {
return this.options.barColors[sidx % this.options.barColors.length];
Bar.prototype.hitTest = function(x, y) {
var bodyRect, pos;
if ( === 0) {
return null;
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
pos = x;
} else {
bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
pos = y +;
pos = Math.max(Math.min(pos, this.xEnd), this.xStart);
return Math.min( - 1, Math.floor((pos - this.xStart) / (this.xSize /;
Bar.prototype.onGridClick = function(x, y) {
var index;
index = this.hitTest(x, y);
return'click', index,[index].src, x, y);
Bar.prototype.onHoverMove = function(x, y) {
var index, _ref;
index = this.hitTest(x, y);
if (index != null) {
return (_ref = this.hover).update.apply(_ref, this.hoverContentForRow(index));
} else {
return this.hover.hide();
Bar.prototype.onHoverOut = function() {
if (this.options.hideHover !== false) {
return this.hover.hide();
Bar.prototype.escapeHTML = function(string) {
var map, reg,
_this = this;
map = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#x27;',
"/": '&#x2F;'
reg = /[&<>"'/]/ig;
return string.replace(reg, function(match) {
return map[match];
Bar.prototype.hoverContentForRow = function(index) {
var content, inv, j, jj, row, x, y, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref;
row =[index];
content = "<div class='morris-hover-row-label'>" + this.escapeHTML(row.label) + "</div>";
inv = [];
_ref = row.y;
for (jj = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; jj = ++_i) {
y = _ref[jj];
for (jj = _j = 0, _len1 = inv.length; _j < _len1; jj = ++_j) {
y = inv[jj];
j = row.y.length - 1 - jj;
if (this.options.labels[j] === false) {
content += "<div class='morris-hover-point' style='color: " + (this.colorFor(row, j, 'label')) + "'>\n " + this.options.labels[j] + ":\n " + (this.yLabelFormat(y, j)) + "\n</div>";
if (typeof this.options.hoverCallback === 'function') {
content = this.options.hoverCallback(index, this.options, content, row.src);
if (!this.options.horizontal) {
x = this.left + (index + 0.5) * this.width /;
return [content, x];
} else {
x = this.left + 0.5 * this.width;
y = + (index + 0.5) * this.height /;
return [content, x, y, true];
Bar.prototype.drawBar = function(xPos, yPos, width, height, barColor, opacity, radiusArray) {
var maxRadius, path;
maxRadius = Math.max.apply(Math, radiusArray);
if (this.options.animate) {
if (this.options.horizontal) {
if (maxRadius === 0 || maxRadius > height) {
path = this.raphael.rect(this.transY(0), yPos, 0, height).animate({
x: xPos,
width: width
}, 500);
} else {
path = this.raphael.path(this.roundedRect(this.transY(0), yPos + height, width, 0, radiusArray).animate({
y: yPos,
height: height
}, 500));
} else {
if (maxRadius === 0 || maxRadius > height) {
path = this.raphael.rect(xPos, this.transY(0), width, 0).animate({
y: yPos,
height: height
}, 500);
} else {
path = this.raphael.path(this.roundedRect(xPos, this.transY(0), width, 0, radiusArray).animate({
y: yPos,
height: height
}, 500));
} else {
if (maxRadius === 0 || maxRadius > height) {
path = this.raphael.rect(xPos, yPos, width, height);
} else {
path = this.raphael.path(this.roundedRect(xPos, yPos, width, height, radiusArray));
return path.attr('fill', barColor).attr('fill-opacity', opacity).attr('stroke', 'none');
Bar.prototype.roundedRect = function(x, y, w, h, r) {
if (r == null) {
r = [0, 0, 0, 0];
return ["M", x, r[0] + y, "Q", x, y, x + r[0], y, "L", x + w - r[1], y, "Q", x + w, y, x + w, y + r[1], "L", x + w, y + h - r[2], "Q", x + w, y + h, x + w - r[2], y + h, "L", x + r[3], y + h, "Q", x, y + h, x, y + h - r[3], "Z"];
return Bar;
Morris.Donut = (function(_super) {
__extends(Donut, _super);
Donut.prototype.defaults = {
colors: ['#2f7df6', '#53a351', '#f6c244', '#cb444a', '#4aa0b5', '#222529', '#44a1f8', '#81d453', '#f0bb40', '#eb3f25', '#b45184', '#5f5f5f'],
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
labelColor: '#000000',
padding: 0,
formatter: Morris.commas,
resize: true,
dataLabels: false,
dataLabelsPosition: 'inside',
dataLabelsFamily: 'sans-serif',
dataLabelsSize: 12,
dataLabelsWeight: 'normal',
dataLabelsColor: 'auto',
noDataLabel: 'No data for this chart',
noDataLabelSize: 21,
noDataLabelWeight: 'bold',
donutType: 'donut',
animate: true,
showPercentage: false,
postUnits: '',
preUnits: ''
function Donut(options) {
this.debouncedResizeHandler = __bind(this.debouncedResizeHandler, this);
this.resizeHandler = __bind(this.resizeHandler, this);
this.deselect = __bind(this.deselect, this); = __bind(, this); = __bind(, this);
var cx, cy, height, width, _ref;
if (!(this instanceof Morris.Donut)) {
return new Morris.Donut(options);
this.options = Morris.extend({}, this.defaults, options);
if (typeof options.element === 'string') {
this.el = document.getElementById(options.element);
} else {
this.el = options.element[0] || options.element;
if (this.el === null) {
throw new Error("Graph placeholder not found.");
this.raphael = new Raphael(this.el);
if ( === void 0 || === 0) {
_ref = Morris.dimensions(this.el), width = _ref.width, height = _ref.height;
cx = width / 2;
cy = height / 2;
this.raphael.text(cx, cy, this.options.noDataLabel).attr('text-anchor', 'middle').attr('font-size', this.options.noDataLabelSize).attr('font-family', this.options.dataLabelsFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.noDataLabelWeight).attr('fill', this.options.dataLabelsColor);
if (this.options.resize) {
Morris.on(window, 'resize', this.resizeHandler);
Donut.prototype.destroy = function() {
if (this.options.resize) {
return, 'resize', this.resizeHandler);
Donut.prototype.redraw = function() {
var C, color, cx, cy, dist, finalValue, height, i, idx, label_x, label_y, last, max_value, min, next, p_cos_p0, p_sin_p0, seg, total, value, w, width, _i, _j, _k, _len, _len1, _len2, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _results;
_ref = Morris.dimensions(this.el), width = _ref.width, height = _ref.height;
cx = width / 2;
cy = height / 2;
w = (Math.min(cx, cy) - 10) / 3 - this.options.padding;
total = 0;
_ref1 = this.values;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
value = _ref1[_i];
total += value;
} = total;
min = 5 / (2 * w);
C = 1.9999 * Math.PI - min *;
last = 0;
idx = 0;
this.segments = [];
if (total === 0) {
total = 1;
_ref2 = this.values;
for (i = _j = 0, _len1 = _ref2.length; _j < _len1; i = ++_j) {
value = _ref2[i];
next = last + min + C * (value / total);
seg = new Morris.DonutSegment(cx, cy, w * 2, w, last, next,[i].color || this.options.colors[idx % this.options.colors.length], this.options.backgroundColor, idx, this.raphael, this.options);
seg.on('mouseout', this.deselect);
if (parseFloat(seg.raphael.height) > parseFloat(height)) {
dist = height * 2 - this.options.padding * 7;
} else {
dist = seg.raphael.height - this.options.padding * 7;
if (this.options.dataLabels && this.values.length >= 1) {
p_sin_p0 = Math.sin((last + next) / 2);
p_cos_p0 = Math.cos((last + next) / 2);
if (this.options.dataLabelsPosition === 'inside') {
if (this.options.donutType === 'pie') {
label_x = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat(dist * 0.30 * p_sin_p0);
label_y = parseFloat(cy) + parseFloat(dist * 0.30 * p_cos_p0);
} else {
label_x = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat(dist * 0.39 * p_sin_p0);
label_y = parseFloat(cy) + parseFloat(dist * 0.39 * p_cos_p0);
} else {
label_x = parseFloat(cx) + parseFloat((dist - 9) * 0.5 * p_sin_p0);
label_y = parseFloat(cy) + parseFloat((dist - 9) * 0.5 * p_cos_p0);
if (this.options.dataLabelsColor !== 'auto') {
color = this.options.dataLabelsColor;
} else if (this.options.dataLabelsPosition === 'inside' && this.isColorDark(this.options.colors[i]) === true) {
color = '#fff';
} else {
color = '#000';
if (this.options.showPercentage) {
finalValue = Math.round(parseFloat(value) / parseFloat(total) * 100) + '%';
this.drawDataLabelExt(label_x, label_y, finalValue, color);
} else {
this.drawDataLabelExt(label_x, label_y, this.options.preUnits + value + this.options.postUnits, color);
last = next;
idx += 1;
this.text1 = this.drawEmptyDonutLabel(cx, cy - 10, this.options.labelColor, 15, 800);
this.text2 = this.drawEmptyDonutLabel(cx, cy + 10, this.options.labelColor, 14);
max_value = Math.max.apply(Math, this.values);
idx = 0;
if (this.options.donutType === 'donut') {
_ref3 = this.values;
_results = [];
for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref3.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
value = _ref3[_k];
if (value === max_value) {;
_results.push(idx += 1);
return _results;
Donut.prototype.setData = function(data) {
var row; = data;
this.values = (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref =;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
row = _ref[_i];
return _results;
return this.redraw();
Donut.prototype.drawDataLabel = function(xPos, yPos, text, color) {
var label;
return label = this.raphael.text(xPos, yPos, text).attr('text-anchor', 'middle').attr('font-size', this.options.dataLabelsSize).attr('font-family', this.options.dataLabelsFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.dataLabelsWeight).attr('fill', this.options.dataLabelsColor);
Donut.prototype.drawDataLabelExt = function(xPos, yPos, text, color) {
var label, labelAnchor;
if (this.values.length >= 1) {
labelAnchor = 'middle';
} else if (this.options.dataLabelsPosition === 'inside') {
labelAnchor = 'middle';
} else if (xPos > this.raphael.width / 2) {
labelAnchor = 'start';
} else if (xPos > this.raphael.width * 0.55 && xPos < this.raphael.width * 0.45) {
labelAnchor = 'middle';
} else {
labelAnchor = 'end';
return label = this.raphael.text(xPos, yPos, text, color).attr('text-anchor', labelAnchor).attr('font-size', this.options.dataLabelsSize).attr('font-family', this.options.dataLabelsFamily).attr('font-weight', this.options.dataLabelsWeight).attr('fill', color);
}; = function(idx) {
return'click', idx,[idx]);
}; = function(idx) {
var finalValue, row, s, segment, _i, _len, _ref;
_ref = this.segments;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
s = _ref[_i];
segment = this.segments[idx];;
row =[idx];
if (this.options.donutType === 'donut') {
if (this.options.showPercentage && !this.options.dataLabels) {
finalValue = Math.round(parseFloat(row.value) / parseFloat( * 100) + '%';
return this.setLabels(row.label, finalValue);
} else {
return this.setLabels(row.label, this.options.formatter(row.value, row));
Donut.prototype.deselect = function(idx) {
var s, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = this.segments;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
s = _ref[_i];
return _results;
Donut.prototype.isColorDark = function(hex) {
var b, g, luma, r, rgb;
if (hex != null) {
hex = hex.substring(1);
rgb = parseInt(hex, 16);
r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff;
g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff;
b = (rgb >> 0) & 0xff;
luma = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b;
if (luma >= 128) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Donut.prototype.setLabels = function(label1, label2) {
var height, inner, maxHeightBottom, maxHeightTop, maxWidth, text1bbox, text1scale, text2bbox, text2scale, width, _ref;
_ref = Morris.dimensions(this.el), width = _ref.width, height = _ref.height;
inner = (Math.min(width / 2, height / 2) - 10) * 2 / 3;
maxWidth = 1.8 * inner;
maxHeightTop = inner / 2;
maxHeightBottom = inner / 3;
text: label1,
transform: ''
text1bbox = this.text1.getBBox();
text1scale = Math.min(maxWidth / text1bbox.width, maxHeightTop / text1bbox.height);
transform: "S" + text1scale + "," + text1scale + "," + (text1bbox.x + text1bbox.width / 2) + "," + (text1bbox.y + text1bbox.height)
text: label2,
transform: ''
text2bbox = this.text2.getBBox();
text2scale = Math.min(maxWidth / text2bbox.width, maxHeightBottom / text2bbox.height);
return this.text2.attr({
transform: "S" + text2scale + "," + text2scale + "," + (text2bbox.x + text2bbox.width / 2) + "," + text2bbox.y
Donut.prototype.drawEmptyDonutLabel = function(xPos, yPos, color, fontSize, fontWeight) {
var text;
text = this.raphael.text(xPos, yPos, '').attr('font-size', fontSize).attr('fill', color);
if (fontWeight != null) {
text.attr('font-weight', fontWeight);
return text;
Donut.prototype.resizeHandler = function() {
if (this.timeoutId != null) {
return this.timeoutId = window.setTimeout(this.debouncedResizeHandler, 100);
Donut.prototype.debouncedResizeHandler = function() {
var height, width, _ref;
this.timeoutId = null;
_ref = Morris.dimensions(this.el), width = _ref.width, height = _ref.height;
this.raphael.setSize(width, height);
this.options.animate = false;
return this.redraw();
return Donut;
Morris.DonutSegment = (function(_super) {
__extends(DonutSegment, _super);
function DonutSegment(cx, cy, inner, outer, p0, p1, color, backgroundColor, index, raphael, options) { = cx; = cy;
this.inner = inner;
this.outer = outer;
this.color = color;
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
this.index = index;
this.raphael = raphael;
this.options = options;
this.deselect = __bind(this.deselect, this); = __bind(, this);
this.sin_p0 = Math.sin(p0);
this.cos_p0 = Math.cos(p0);
this.sin_p1 = Math.sin(p1);
this.cos_p1 = Math.cos(p1);
this.is_long = (p1 - p0) > Math.PI ? 1 : 0;
this.path = this.calcSegment(this.inner + 3, this.inner + this.outer - 5);
this.selectedPath = this.calcSegment(this.inner + 3, this.inner + this.outer);
this.hilight = this.calcArc(this.inner);
DonutSegment.prototype.calcArcPoints = function(r) {
return [ + r * this.sin_p0, + r * this.cos_p0, + r * this.sin_p1, + r * this.cos_p1];
DonutSegment.prototype.calcSegment = function(r1, r2) {
var ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, ox0, ox1, oy0, oy1, _ref, _ref1;
_ref = this.calcArcPoints(r1), ix0 = _ref[0], iy0 = _ref[1], ix1 = _ref[2], iy1 = _ref[3];
_ref1 = this.calcArcPoints(r2), ox0 = _ref1[0], oy0 = _ref1[1], ox1 = _ref1[2], oy1 = _ref1[3];
if (this.options.donutType === 'pie') {
return ("M" + ox0 + "," + oy0) + ("A" + r2 + "," + r2 + ",0," + this.is_long + ",0," + ox1 + "," + oy1) + ("L" + + "," + + "Z";
} else {
return ("M" + ix0 + "," + iy0) + ("A" + r1 + "," + r1 + ",0," + this.is_long + ",0," + ix1 + "," + iy1) + ("L" + ox1 + "," + oy1) + ("A" + r2 + "," + r2 + ",0," + this.is_long + ",1," + ox0 + "," + oy0) + "Z";
DonutSegment.prototype.calcArc = function(r) {
var ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, _ref;
_ref = this.calcArcPoints(r), ix0 = _ref[0], iy0 = _ref[1], ix1 = _ref[2], iy1 = _ref[3];
return ("M" + ix0 + "," + iy0) + ("A" + r + "," + r + ",0," + this.is_long + ",0," + ix1 + "," + iy1);
DonutSegment.prototype.render = function() {
var _this = this;
if (!/NaN/.test(this.hilight)) {
this.arc = this.drawDonutArc(this.hilight, this.color);
if (!/NaN/.test(this.path)) {
return this.seg = this.drawDonutSegment(this.path, this.color, this.backgroundColor, function() {
return'hover', _this.index);
}, function() {
return'click', _this.index);
}, function() {
return'mouseout', _this.index);
DonutSegment.prototype.drawDonutArc = function(path, color) {
var rPath,
_this = this;
if (this.options.animate) {
rPath = this.raphael.path("M" + + "," + + "Z").attr({
stroke: color,
'stroke-width': 2,
opacity: 0
return (function(rPath, path) {
return rPath.animate({
path: path
}, 500, '<>');
})(rPath, path);
} else {
return this.raphael.path(path).attr({
stroke: color,
'stroke-width': 2,
opacity: 0
DonutSegment.prototype.drawDonutSegment = function(path, fillColor, strokeColor, hoverFunction, clickFunction, leaveFunction) {
var rPath, straightDots, straightPath,
_this = this;
if (this.options.animate && this.options.donutType === 'pie') {
straightPath = path;
straightPath = path.replace('A', ',');
straightPath = straightPath.replace('M', '');
straightPath = straightPath.replace('C', ',');
straightPath = straightPath.replace('Z', '');
straightDots = straightPath.split(',');
if (this.options.donutType === 'pie') {
straightPath = 'M' + straightDots[0] + ',' + straightDots[1] + ',' + straightDots[straightDots.length - 2] + ',' + straightDots[straightDots.length - 1] + ',' + straightDots[straightDots.length - 2] + ',' + straightDots[straightDots.length - 1] + 'Z';
} else {
straightPath = 'M' + straightDots[0] + ',' + straightDots[1] + ',' + straightDots[straightDots.length - 2] + ',' + straightDots[straightDots.length - 1] + 'Z';
rPath = this.raphael.path(straightPath).attr({
fill: fillColor,
stroke: strokeColor,
'stroke-width': 3
return (function(rPath, path) {
return rPath.animate({
path: path
}, 500, '<>');
})(rPath, path);
} else {
if (this.options.donutType === 'pie') {
return this.raphael.path(path).attr({
fill: fillColor,
stroke: strokeColor,
'stroke-width': 3
} else {
return this.raphael.path(path).attr({
fill: fillColor,
stroke: strokeColor,
'stroke-width': 3
}; = function() {
if (!this.selected) {
if (this.seg != null) {
path: this.selectedPath
}, 150, '<>');
opacity: 1
}, 150, '<>');
return this.selected = true;
DonutSegment.prototype.deselect = function() {
if (this.selected) {
path: this.path
}, 150, '<>');
opacity: 0
}, 150, '<>');
return this.selected = false;
return DonutSegment;
export {
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