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Last active December 22, 2015 06:49
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Save explodecomputer/6434065 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extract SNPs from 1kg data when it is split up into separate chromosomes
# Usage:
# R --no-save --args snplist.txt /ibscratch/wrayvisscher/imputation/arichu/data/imputed/chr\*/arichu_1kg_p1v3_\* outputfile < extractSnps.R
# - The first argument is the SNP list (just a list of rs SNP ids and nothing else)
# - The second argument specifies the root name for the genotype data (in binary plink format). Replace the chromosome number with "\*"
# - The third argument is the output file root name that you want to save everything to.
findChromosomes <- function(snp, plinkrt)
cmd <- paste("grep -P -m 1 '", snp, "\t' ", plinkrt, ".bim | head -n 1 | cut -d \":\" -f 2 | cut -f 1", sep="")
chr <- system(cmd, intern=TRUE)
cat(" ", chr, "\n")
findChromosomesAll <- function(snplist, plinkrt)
chr <- snplist
for(i in 1:length(snplist))
a <- findChromosomes(snplist[i], plinkrt)
chr[i] <- ifelse(is.null(a), NA, a)
dat <- data.frame(snp = snplist, chr = as.numeric(chr))
dat <- subset(dat, !
dat$snp <- as.character(dat$snp)
dat <- dat[order(dat$chr), ]
extractSnps <- function(snpnames, plinkrt)
rawdata <- read.plink(bed=plinkrt, select.snps=snpnames)
extractSnpsAll <- function(snpdat, plinkrt)
chr <- unique(snpdat$chr)
l <- length(chr)
cat(chr[1], ":", snpdat$snp[snpdat$chr == chr[1]], "\n")
dat <- extractSnps(snpdat$snp[snpdat$chr == chr[1]], gsub("\\*", chr[1], plinkrt))
if(l == 1) return(dat)
for(i in 2:l)
cat(chr[i], ":", snpdat$snp[snpdat$chr == chr[i]], "\n")
dat1 <- extractSnps(snpdat$snp[snpdat$chr == chr[i]], gsub("\\*", chr[i], plinkrt))
dat$map <- rbind(dat$map, dat1$map)
dat$genotypes <- cbind(dat$genotypes, dat1$genotypes)
extractInfo <- function(snp, plinkrt)
cmd <- paste("zgrep -P '", snp, " ' ", plinkrt, " | head -n 1 | cut -d \":\" -f 2", sep="")
info <- system(cmd, intern=TRUE)
extractInfoAll <- function(snpdat, plinkrt)
l <- nrow(snpdat)
cmd <- paste("zcat ", gsub("\\*", "1", plinkrt), "_info.txt.gz | head -n 1", sep="")
dat <- system(cmd, intern=TRUE)
for(i in 1:l)
nom <- paste(gsub("\\*", snpdat$chr[i], plinkrt), "_info.txt.gz", sep="")
snp <- snpdat$snp[i]
cat(i, ":", snp, "\n")
dat <- c(dat, extractInfo(snp, nom))
ar <- commandArgs(T)
snplistfile <- ar[1]
plinkrt <- ar[2]
output <- ar[3]
snplist <- scan(snplistfile, what="character")
snpdat <- findChromosomesAll(snplist, plinkrt)
info <- extractInfoAll(snpdat, plinkrt)
dat <- extractSnpsAll(snpdat, plinkrt)
write.table(info, file=paste(output, "_info.txt", sep=""), row=F, col=F, qu=F)
write.plink(file.base = output,
snps = dat$genotypes,
pedigree = dat$fam$pedigree,
id = dat$fam$member,
father = dat$fam$father,
mother = dat$fam$mother,
sex = dat$fam$sex,
phenotype = dat$fam$affected,
chromosome = dat$map$chromosome,
genetic.distance = dat$map$cM,
position = dat$map$position,
allele.1 = dat$map$allele.1,
allele.2 = dat$map$allele.2
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