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Created January 12, 2022 21:29
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Reading in data to TwoSampleMR options
# MR-Base (i.e. using the cloud)
metab_ids <- c("met-e-1", "met-e-2")
# Extract data - from API
exp_dat <- extract_instruments("alz_id")
out_dat <- extract_outcome_data(exp_dat$SNP, metab_ids)
# Harmonise and run
dat <- harmonise_data(exp_dat, out_dat)
# Running locally / on HPC (i.e. using GWAS VCF files on bc4)
# Set default locations for bcftools, plink and ld reference files etc for use in bc4
# extract data from vcfs using this helper function
# see documentation here
dat <- make_TwoSampleMR_dat(id1="alz_id", id2=metab_ids)
# run as usual
# Running locally / on HPC (but using unprocessed txt.gzip files)
# Need to extract the SNPs you're interested in either in R using this function
# Also provide arguments so it knows which columns to read in beta, se etc
exp_dat <- extract_instruments("alz_id")
out_dat1 <- read_outcome_data(filename="path/to/file1.txt.gz", snps=exp_dat$SNP)
# You can loop across all files by putting this in a for loop or whatever. It'll be quite slow though.
# Alternatively in bash do this sort of thing:
## make a snplist.txt that lists all the SNPs you want from the outcome metab datasets
# Create dir for outputs
mkdir -p /path/to/extract
# Create filelist.txt that lists all the filenames
# This is a loop that will go dataset by dataset extracting the SNPs you want
while IFS= read -r id
# For every line in filelist, set that line to be a variable called ${id}
zgrep -wf snplist.txt /path/to/gzipfiles/${id} | gzip -c > /path/to/extract/${id}
done < filelist.txt
# Back in R read all the data in and format to TwoSampleMR format using format_data
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