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Created December 9, 2022 11:31
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Simulate siblings
#' Genarte genotypes for nuclear families
#' @param af Vector of allele frequencies for SNPs (length = number of SNPs to simulate)
#' @param nfam Number of families to generate
#' @return List of genotype matrices for each family member type (mum, dad, sib1, sib2)
make_families <- function(af, nfam)
nsnp <- length(af)
dads <- matrix(0, nfam, nsnp)
mums <- matrix(0, nfam, nsnp)
sibs1 <- matrix(0, nfam, nsnp)
sibs2 <- matrix(0, nfam, nsnp)
ibd <- matrix(0, nfam, nsnp)
ibs <- matrix(0, nfam, nsnp)
for(i in 1:nsnp)
dad1 <- rbinom(nfam, 1, af[i]) + 1
dad2 <- (rbinom(nfam, 1, af[i]) + 1) * -1
mum1 <- rbinom(nfam, 1, af[i]) + 1
mum2 <- (rbinom(nfam, 1, af[i]) + 1) * -1
dadindex <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nfam, replace=TRUE)
dadh <- rep(NA, nfam)
dadh[dadindex] <- dad1[dadindex]
dadh[!dadindex] <- dad2[!dadindex]
mumindex <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nfam, replace=TRUE)
mumh <- rep(NA, nfam)
mumh[mumindex] <- mum1[mumindex]
mumh[!mumindex] <- mum2[!mumindex]
sib1 <- cbind(dadh, mumh)
dadindex <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nfam, replace=TRUE)
dadh <- rep(NA, nfam)
dadh[dadindex] <- dad1[dadindex]
dadh[!dadindex] <- dad2[!dadindex]
mumindex <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nfam, replace=TRUE)
mumh <- rep(NA, nfam)
mumh[mumindex] <- mum1[mumindex]
mumh[!mumindex] <- mum2[!mumindex]
sib2 <- cbind(dadh, mumh)
ibd[,i] <- (as.numeric(sib1[,1] == sib2[,1]) + as.numeric(sib1[,2] == sib2[,2])) / 2
sibs1[,i] <- rowSums(abs(sib1) - 1)
sibs2[,i] <- rowSums(abs(sib2) - 1)
dads[,i] <- dad1 - 1 + abs(dad2) - 1
mums[,i] <- mum1 - 1 + abs(mum2) - 1
# l[[i]] <- (sum(sib1[,1] == sib2[,1]) / nsnp + sum(sib1[,2] == sib2[,2]) / nsnp) / 2
# This may not be correct - getting some really large values
ibs <- scale(sibs1) * scale(sibs2)
# Just count how many alleles are in common
ibs_unw <- abs(abs(sibs1 - sibs2) - 2) / 2
return(list(dads=dads, mums=mums, sibs1=sibs1, sibs2=sibs2, ibd=ibd, ibs=ibs, ibs_unw=ibs_unw))
#' Generate phenotypes from genotypes
#' @param direct_effect Direct effect of each SNP on the phenotype (must be same length as number of SNPs)
#' @param indirect_effect Indirect effect of parental phenotypes on sibling phenotypes (length = 1)
#' @param geno Output from \code{make_families}
#' @return Data frame of phenotype values for each family member type
generate_phen <- function(direct_effect, indirect_effect, geno)
n <- nrow(geno$dads)
phen_dads = geno$dads %*% direct_effect + rnorm(n),
phen_mums = geno$dads %*% direct_effect + rnorm(n),
phen_sibs1 = geno$sibs1 %*% direct_effect +
(phen_dads * indirect_effect)/2 +
(phen_mums * indirect_effect)/2 +
phen_sibs2 = geno$sibs1 %*% direct_effect +
(phen_dads * indirect_effect)/2 +
(phen_mums * indirect_effect)/2 +
geno <- make_families(af=0.3, nfam=100000)
phen <- generate_phen(direct_effect=0.1, indirect_effect=0.1, geno)
## To do
## Implement regression method that will take sibling genotypes and phenotypes, and then estimate transmitted and untransmitted effects
## ...
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