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Created September 23, 2014 17:45
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  • Save extemporalgenome/40297bbc845d74587179 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save extemporalgenome/40297bbc845d74587179 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package main
import "strconv"
func main() {
output of `go tool nm <the-binary>`
443938 R $f32.00000000
443940 R $f64.0000000000000000
443948 R $f64.3ff0000000000000
443950 R $f64.4014000000000000
443958 R $f64.4024000000000000
443960 R $f64.bff0000000000000
45eb60 d .string
45e240 d .string
45e280 d .string
45e2c0 d .string
45e720 d .string
45fc40 d .string
45f660 d .string
4608e0 d .string
45e9c0 d .string
45e580 d .string
45ed00 d .string
45e620 d .string
45ef00 d .string
460240 d .string
45e380 d .string
45e860 d .string
45e200 d .string
45e3e0 d .string
419850 t BestFit
422240 t ExternalCode
422250 t GC
413b70 t MCentral_Grow
419800 t MHeap_AllocLarge
419440 t MHeap_AllocSpanLocked
419ec0 t MHeap_FreeSpanLocked
4198c0 t MHeap_Grow
418d90 t MHeap_Reclaim
418c50 t MHeap_ReclaimList
418800 t RecordSpan
422230 t System
424710 t TestAtomic64
4615e0 D _cgo_free
4615e8 D _cgo_init
4615f0 D _cgo_malloc
4615f8 D _cgo_thread_start
42a5e0 T _rt0_amd64_linux
41bcf0 t abortpanic
45e188 d abortpanicV
4229b0 t acquirep
413cc0 t addrspace_free
41a6c0 t addspecial
426f80 t adjustctxt
426fc0 t adjustdefers
426ce0 t adjustframe
426950 t adjustpointers
427190 t adjustsudogs
461600 d allfin
421a20 t allgadd
461608 d allgcap
461610 d allglock
41e7a0 t allocg
4615a8 d argc
461618 d argv
429390 t asmcgocall
41dbd0 t badcasgstatus
416720 t bgsweep
45e190 d bgsweepv
416a60 t cachestats
422d10 t checkdead
426580 t checkframecopy
41d230 t checkmcount
412e00 t cnew
4266e0 t copyabletopsegment
427210 t copystack
45e460 d dbgvar
461620 d deadlock$26
4615a0 d didothers$21
4200b0 t dropg
41d170 t dumpgstatus
4618e0 d emptymspan
420990 t entersyscall_bad
420aa0 t entersyscall_gcwait
420a10 t entersyscall_sysmon
420d60 t entersyscallblock_handoff
42b4f0 T errors.(*errorString).Error
42b440 T errors.New
41f5b0 t execute
4211f0 t exitsyscall0
420f30 t exitsyscallfast
4210f0 t exitsyscallfast_pidle
41f6a0 t findrunnable
416ad0 t flushallmcaches
416b50 t flushallmcaches_m
4131d0 t freemcache
413270 t freemcache_m
417290 t gc
417bb0 t gchelperstart
461628 d gclock
41f4b0 t gcstopm
4151b0 t getempty
415350 t getfull
41af10 t getproccount
421dd0 t gfget
421fc0 t gfpurge
421ba0 t gfput
423cb0 t globrunqget
423bf0 t globrunqput
423c50 t globrunqputbatch
441cd8 R go.func.*
443b30 R go.importpath.errors.
443b40 R go.importpath.runtime.
468870 D go.itab.*errors.errorString.error
468878 D go.itab.runtime.errorString.error
439530 R go.string.*
420490 t goexit0
429350 t gosave
461630 d gtype$81
415510 t handoff
41efd0 t handoffp
41dc90 t helpcasgstatus
422cb0 t incidlelocked
45e198 d initDone
41fda0 t injectglist
45e1e0 d linux26
461638 d lock$167
422070 t lockOSThread
41eae0 t lockextra
42a600 T main
400c60 T main.init
468860 D main.initdone.
400c00 T main.main
414e20 t markroot
443ea0 r masks
42b2e0 T math.init
42b220 T math.init.1
468861 D math.initdone.
468e00 D math.pow10tab
41d2a0 t mcommoninit
423bb0 t mget
418f20 t mheap_alloc
419120 t mheap_alloc_m
419b70 t mheap_free
419c70 t mheap_free_m
41e1b0 t mhelpgc
413d70 t mmap_fixed
429110 t morestack
423b60 t mput
41ee60 t mspinning
421340 t mstackalloc
461640 d mtype$79
41d600 t needaddgcproc
41ebb0 t newm
4214f0 t newproc_m
4615ac d newprocs
461780 D os.Args
461648 d paniclk
469f60 d pdesc
423e40 t pidleget
423de0 t pidleput
4257e0 t poolalloc
425980 t poolfree
423590 t preemptall
423610 t preemptone
41b960 t printpanics
422580 t procresize
461700 d prof
4152a0 t putempty
41bd00 t recovery
422af0 t releasep
41fcc0 t resetspinning
4233c0 t retake
4240c0 t runqget
424160 t runqgrab
423eb0 t runqput
423f60 t runqputslow
424240 t runqsteal
404370 T runtime.(*TypeAssertionError).Error
404360 T runtime.(*TypeAssertionError).RuntimeError
4072e0 T runtime.(*bucket).bp
407270 T runtime.(*bucket).mp
407210 T runtime.(*bucket).stk
403300 T runtime.(*cpuProfile).add
4035c0 T runtime.(*cpuProfile).evict
403820 T runtime.(*cpuProfile).flushlog
4039b0 T runtime.(*cpuProfile).getprofile
411310 T runtime.(*errorCString).Error
411270 T runtime.(*errorCString).RuntimeError
40f4e0 T runtime.(*errorString).Error
40f440 T runtime.(*errorString).RuntimeError
40a540 T runtime.(*hchan).sortkey
40aac0 T runtime.(*semaRoot).dequeue
40aa50 T runtime.(*semaRoot).queue
4031b0 T runtime.(*waitq).dequeue
40a550 T runtime.(*waitq).dequeueg
403180 T runtime.(*waitq).enqueue
443c60 R runtime..gostring.1
443e00 R runtime..gostring.3
443ce0 R runtime..gostring.4
414360 T runtime.FixAlloc_Alloc
414490 T runtime.FixAlloc_Free
414310 T runtime.FixAlloc_Init
41aad0 T runtime.InitSizes
413330 T runtime.MCache_Refill
413490 T runtime.MCache_ReleaseAll
413580 T runtime.MCentral_CacheSpan
413990 T runtime.MCentral_FreeSpan
413530 T runtime.MCentral_Init
4138d0 T runtime.MCentral_UncacheSpan
419200 T runtime.MHeap_Alloc
419370 T runtime.MHeap_AllocStack
419d30 T runtime.MHeap_Free
419e00 T runtime.MHeap_FreeStack
4189a0 T runtime.MHeap_Init
419a90 T runtime.MHeap_Lookup
419ad0 T runtime.MHeap_LookupMaybe
4186f0 T runtime.MHeap_MapBits
418b90 T runtime.MHeap_MapSpans
41a2e0 T runtime.MHeap_Scavenge
412a30 T runtime.MHeap_SysAlloc
41a500 T runtime.MSpanList_Init
41a580 T runtime.MSpanList_Insert
41a620 T runtime.MSpanList_InsertBack
41a560 T runtime.MSpanList_IsEmpty
41a520 T runtime.MSpanList_Remove
415d80 T runtime.MSpan_EnsureSwept
41a490 T runtime.MSpan_Init
415ec0 T runtime.MSpan_Sweep
45e008 D runtime.MemProfileRate
414020 T runtime.SysFault
413fc0 T runtime.SysFree
4141b0 T runtime.SysMap
414080 T runtime.SysReserve
413f70 T runtime.SysUnused
413fb0 T runtime.SysUsed
461650 D runtime.__vdso_clock_gettime_sym
45e1a0 D runtime.__vdso_gettimeofday_sym
45e1a8 D runtime.__vdso_time_sym
40a490 T runtime.acquireSudog
428b80 T runtime.acquirem
429590 T runtime.aeshash
443980 R runtime.aeshash.f
429670 T runtime.aeshash32
443968 R runtime.aeshash32.f
4296b0 T runtime.aeshash64
443970 R runtime.aeshash64.f
4295c0 T runtime.aeshashbody
4295a0 T runtime.aeshashstr
443978 R runtime.aeshashstr.f
4689a0 D runtime.aeskeysched
461d20 D runtime.algarray
461658 D runtime.allg
461660 D runtime.allglen
468880 D runtime.allglock
4617a0 D runtime.allgs
461668 D runtime.allm
41e610 T runtime.allocm
4130d0 T runtime.allocmcache
4621e0 D runtime.allp
424450 T runtime.args
429380 T runtime.asmcgocall
428d50 T runtime.asminit
4054e0 T runtime.assertE2I2
4053c0 T runtime.assertE2T2
4246c0 T runtime.atoi
4123c0 T runtime.atomicload
4123d0 T runtime.atomicload64
4123e0 T runtime.atomicloadp
429230 T runtime.atomicloaduint
429320 T runtime.atomicor8
429300 T runtime.atomicstore
429310 T runtime.atomicstore64
4292f0 T runtime.atomicstorep
4221d0 T runtime.badmcall
422200 T runtime.badmcall2
40b730 T runtime.badonm
40ad20 T runtime.badsignal
461670 D runtime.bbuckets
407b30 T runtime.blockevent
468888 D runtime.blockprofilerate
4615a0 D runtime.bss
468890 D runtime.bucketmem
461678 D runtime.buckhash
45e1f0 D runtime.buildVersion
408cc0 T runtime.bytes
401590 T runtime.c128equal
443988 R runtime.c128equal.f
400fd0 T runtime.c128hash
443990 R runtime.c128hash.f
401550 T runtime.c64equal
443998 R runtime.c64equal.f
400f40 T runtime.c64hash
4439a0 R runtime.c64hash.f
40e1c0 T runtime.callers
41c360 T runtime.canpanic
40a9e0 T runtime.cansemacquire
4291c0 T runtime.cas
4291f0 T runtime.cas64
41d880 T runtime.casfromgscanstatus
41da90 T runtime.casgstatus
429240 T runtime.casp
41d9a0 T runtime.castogscanstatus
429220 T runtime.casuintptr
461680 D runtime.cgoFree
461688 D runtime.cgoMalloc
429410 T runtime.cgocallback
429440 T runtime.cgocallback_gofunc
401c30 T runtime.cgocallbackg
401c90 T runtime.cgocallbackg1
402020 T runtime.chanbuf
402890 T runtime.chanrecv
4439a8 R runtime.chanrecv.f
468898 D runtime.chanrecvpc
402050 T runtime.chansend
4439b0 R runtime.chansend.f
4688a0 D runtime.chansendpc
424970 T runtime.check
468bc0 D runtime.class_to_allocnpages
468ce0 D runtime.class_to_size
407060 T runtime.clearpools
42a990 T runtime.clone
42a640 T runtime.close
406660 T runtime.cmallocgc
412eb0 T runtime.cnew
40b430 T runtime.concatstring2
40b4a0 T runtime.concatstring4
40b0c0 T runtime.concatstrings
461690 D runtime.conservative
40e550 T runtime.contains
405480 T runtime.convI2E
405160 T runtime.convT2E
405260 T runtime.convT2I
468862 D runtime.copystack
4615b0 D runtime.cpuid_ecx
4615b4 D runtime.cpuid_edx
461698 D runtime.cpuprof
403270 T runtime.cpuproftick
429580 T runtime.cputicks
425740 T runtime.crash
45e180 D
468970 D runtime.debug
408720 T runtime.deferproc
4439c0 R runtime.deferproc.f
4688a8 D runtime.deferprocPC
41b860 T runtime.deferproc_m
4439b8 R runtime.deferproc_m.f
408be0 T runtime.deferreturn
461710 D runtime.divideError
41c0e0 T runtime.dopanic
41ea60 T runtime.dropm
429940 T runtime.duffcopy
429830 T runtime.duffzero
424f60 T runtime.dumpregs
468860 D runtime.ebss
461590 D runtime.edata
401750 T runtime.efaceeq
405590 T runtime.efacethash
443856 R runtime.egcbss
443937 R runtime.egcdata
477728 D runtime.end
477728 D runtime.enoptrbss
45e168 D runtime.enoptrdata
420690 T runtime.entersyscall
420b60 T runtime.entersyscallblock
424690 T runtime.environ
45e010 D runtime.eod
45d69c R runtime.epclntab
45e000 D runtime.epfd
42aaa0 T runtime.epollwait
407730 T runtime.eqslice
429710 T runtime.eqstring
4440a0 R runtime.erodata
404680 T runtime.errorCString.Error
404670 T runtime.errorCString.RuntimeError
4045f0 T runtime.errorString.Error
4045e0 T runtime.errorString.RuntimeError
4442f8 R runtime.esymtab
42b520 T runtime.etext
4442f8 R runtime.etypelink
42a610 T runtime.exit
420da0 T runtime.exitsyscall
4688b0 D runtime.externalthreadhandlerp
4616a0 D runtime.extram
4014f0 T runtime.f32equal
4439c8 R runtime.f32equal.f
400db0 T runtime.f32hash
4439d0 R runtime.f32hash.f
401520 T runtime.f64equal
4439d8 R runtime.f64equal.f
400e70 T runtime.f64hash
4439e0 R runtime.f64hash.f
42a060 T runtime.fastrand1
4617c0 D runtime.filetab
4616a8 D runtime.finc
40bd70 T runtime.findfunc
4282c0 T runtime.findnull
4616b0 D runtime.fing
4615a1 D runtime.fingwait
4615a2 D runtime.fingwake
4616b8 D runtime.finlock
4616c0 D runtime.finq
4617e0 D runtime.forcegc
40a210 T runtime.forcegchelper
4439e8 R runtime.forcegchelper.f
408b20 T runtime.freedefer
4132d0 T runtime.freemcache
41a970 T runtime.freespecial
41d7a0 T runtime.freezetheworld
461800 D runtime.ftab
40a520 T runtime.funcPC
40c740 T runtime.funcarglen
40c7b0 T runtime.funcdata
40c590 T runtime.funcline
40c450 T runtime.funcline1
40c360 T runtime.funcname
40c5e0 T runtime.funcspdelta
42a960 T runtime.futex
41adb0 T runtime.futexsleep
41ae70 T runtime.futexwakeup
461aa0 D runtime.g0
45e4e0 D runtime.gStatusStrings
406f60 T runtime.gc_g_ptr
417180 T runtime.gc_m
4439f0 R runtime.gc_m.f
406f40 T runtime.gc_m_ptr
406f80 T runtime.gc_notype_ptr
407010 T runtime.gc_unixnanotime
40e290 T runtime.gcallers
4437c0 R runtime.gcbss
461720 D runtime.gcbssmask
443860 R runtime.gcdata
461730 D runtime.gcdatamask
416980 T runtime.gchelper
4170b0 T runtime.gcinit
4615b8 D runtime.gcpercent
468868 D runtime.gcphase
415c00 T runtime.gcphasework
41d570 T runtime.gcprocs
415310 T runtime.gcworkbuffree
40cac0 T runtime.gentraceback
41b170 T runtime.get_random_data
429560 T runtime.getcallerpc
429570 T runtime.getcallersp
404090 T runtime.getenv
428b60 T runtime.getg
404bd0 T runtime.getitab
41b6f0 T runtime.getsig
4244a0 T runtime.goargs
41b240 T runtime.goenvs
424580 T runtime.goenvs_unix
420460 T runtime.goexit
4439f8 R runtime.goexit.f
4688b8 D runtime.goexitPC
40c3c0 T runtime.gofuncname
406a00 T runtime.gogc
404140 T runtime.gogetenv
428da0 T runtime.gogo
405d90 T runtime.gomallocgc
4615bc D runtime.gomaxprocs
428bf0 T runtime.gomcache
40a310 T runtime.gopark
40a3e0 T runtime.goparkunlock
40a430 T runtime.goready
406840 T runtime.goroundupsize
40e6c0 T runtime.goroutineheader
428d60 T runtime.gosave
420360 T runtime.gosched
4203a0 T runtime.gosched_m
428430 T runtime.gostartcall
428150 T runtime.gostartcallfn
428300 T runtime.gostringnocopy
41c4e0 T runtime.gothrow
424370 T runtime.gotraceback
40ad80 T runtime.growslice
408d80 T runtime.gwrite
462a00 D runtime.hash
41d680 T runtime.helpgc
4688c0 D runtime.ifaceLock
4018d0 T runtime.ifaceeq
461740 D runtime.indexError
40ec50 T runtime.init
401a50 T runtime.init.1
406e70 T runtime.init.2
40a1e0 T runtime.init.3
468863 D runtime.initdone.
4255b0 T runtime.initsig
401670 T runtime.interequal
443a00 R runtime.interequal.f
401060 T runtime.interhash
443a08 R runtime.interhash.f
4615a3 D runtime.iscgo
4615c0 D runtime.isplan9
4615c4 D runtime.issolaris
4615c8 D runtime.iswindows
429330 T runtime.jmpdefer
443a10 R runtime.jmpdefer.f
4688c8 D runtime.jmpdeferPC
412f60 T runtime.largeAlloc_m
443a18 R runtime.largeAlloc_m.f
428fe0 T runtime.lessstack
443a20 R runtime.lessstack.f
4688d0 D runtime.lessstackPC
4124d0 T runtime.lfstackpop
4123f0 T runtime.lfstackpush
428a00 t runtime.linux_setup_vdso
4055b0 T runtime.lock
4220c0 T runtime.lockOSThread
403260 T runtime.lostProfileData
443a28 R runtime.lostProfileData.f
461e80 D runtime.m0
407aa0 T runtime.mProf_Free
407890 T runtime.mProf_GC
4078e0 T runtime.mProf_Malloc
42a940 T runtime.madvise
41cfb0 T runtime.main
443a30 R runtime.main.f
4213c0 T runtime.malg
4125a0 T runtime.mallocgc
4126e0 T runtime.mallocinit
418410 T runtime.markspan
45e1b0 D runtime.maxMem
45e1b8 D runtime.maxstacksize
45e1c0 D runtime.maxstring
4616c8 D runtime.mbuckets
412f00 T runtime.mcacheRefill_m
443a38 R runtime.mcacheRefill_m.f
428de0 T runtime.mcall
443a40 R runtime.mcall.f
4688d8 D runtime.mcallPC
4243e0 T runtime.mcmp
4221c0 T runtime.mcount
42a0a0 T runtime.memclr
4296f0 T runtime.memeq
429750 T runtime.memeqbody
401380 T runtime.memequal
443a78 R runtime.memequal.f
4013e0 T runtime.memequal0
443a48 R runtime.memequal0.f
4014a0 T runtime.memequal128
443a50 R runtime.memequal128.f
401420 T runtime.memequal16
443a58 R runtime.memequal16.f
401450 T runtime.memequal32
443a60 R runtime.memequal32.f
401470 T runtime.memequal64
443a68 R runtime.memequal64.f
4013f0 T runtime.memequal8
443a70 R runtime.memequal8.f
400cb0 T runtime.memhash
443a80 R runtime.memhash.f
42a260 T runtime.memmove
469040 D runtime.memstats
46bf60 D runtime.mheap_
42a710 T runtime.mincore
41b2b0 T runtime.minit
42a8d0 T runtime.mmap
428ef0 T runtime.morestack
443a88 R runtime.morestack.f
429020 T runtime.morestack00
429140 T runtime.morestack00_noctxt
429040 T runtime.morestack01
429150 T runtime.morestack01_noctxt
429070 T runtime.morestack10
429090 T runtime.morestack11
4290c0 T runtime.morestack16
429170 T runtime.morestack16_noctxt
4290d0 T runtime.morestack24
429180 T runtime.morestack24_noctxt
4290e0 T runtime.morestack32
429190 T runtime.morestack32_noctxt
4290f0 T runtime.morestack40
4291a0 T runtime.morestack40_noctxt
429100 T runtime.morestack48
4291b0 T runtime.morestack48_noctxt
4290b0 T runtime.morestack8
429160 T runtime.morestack8_noctxt
4688e0 D runtime.morestackPC
41b260 T runtime.mpreinit
4077b0 T runtime.mprof_GC
41e460 T runtime.mstart
443a90 R runtime.mstart.f
4688e8 D runtime.mstartPC
42a910 T runtime.munmap
42a790 T runtime.nanotime
4615cc D runtime.ncpu
4615d0 D runtime.needextram
41e810 T runtime.needm
408430 T runtime.netpoll
46886c D runtime.netpolllasterr
408230 T runtime.netpollready
408330 T runtime.netpollunblock
407130 T runtime.newBucket
404710 T runtime.newErrorCString
406710 T runtime.newarray
4089e0 T runtime.newdefer
41e910 T runtime.newextram
4066b0 T runtime.newobject
41b020 T runtime.newosproc
4215d0 T runtime.newproc
443a98 R runtime.newproc.f
4216b0 T runtime.newproc1
4688f0 D runtime.newprocPC
4275a0 T runtime.newstack
443aa0 R runtime.newstack.f
4688f8 D runtime.newstackPC
428f60 T runtime.newstackcall
428140 T runtime.nilfunc
4016e0 T runtime.nilinterequal
443aa8 R runtime.nilinterequal.f
4011f0 T runtime.nilinterhash
443ab0 R runtime.nilinterhash.f
468860 D runtime.noptrbss
45e000 D runtime.noptrdata
4058e0 T runtime.noteclear
4059c0 T runtime.notesleep
405c70 T runtime.notetsleep
405aa0 T runtime.notetsleep_internal
405d00 T runtime.notetsleepg
4058f0 T runtime.notewakeup
426340 T runtime.oldstack
428e60 T runtime.onM
443ab8 R runtime.onM.f
468900 D runtime.onMPC
42a620 T
41b140 T runtime.osinit
42aa70 T runtime.osyield
41ba10 T runtime.panic
408640 T runtime.panicindex
4615d4 D runtime.panicking
408690 T runtime.panicslice
41c580 T runtime.panicstring
404aa0 T runtime.panicwrap
41c6f0 T runtime.parforalloc
41c900 T runtime.parfordo
41c760 T runtime.parforsetup
420110 T runtime.park
420240 T runtime.park_m
443ac0 R runtime.park_m.f
4201f0 T runtime.parkunlock
4201b0 T runtime.parkunlock_c
424cf0 T runtime.parsedebugvars
40c6b0 T runtime.pcdatavalue
444300 R runtime.pclntab
461820 D runtime.pclntable
40bf40 T runtime.pcvalue
461840 D runtime.persistent
406c50 T runtime.persistentalloc
4616d0 D runtime.poolcleanup
468864 D runtime.precisestack
404780 T runtime.printany
4098c0 T runtime.printbyte
40de60 T runtime.printcreatedby
40a140 T runtime.printeface
408d30 T runtime.printf
409920 T runtime.printfloat
409e40 T runtime.printhex
409de0 T runtime.printint
408fd0 T runtime.printnl
409f90 T runtime.printpointer
408ef0 T runtime.prints
40a090 T runtime.printslice
408f90 T runtime.printsp
409fc0 T runtime.printstring
409cb0 T runtime.printuint
4292e0 T runtime.procyield
406950 T runtime.profilealloc
468908 D runtime.proflock
412610 T runtime.purgecachedstats
415c60 T runtime.queuefinalizer
42a6d0 T runtime.raise
4067f0 T runtime.rawmem
40b620 T runtime.rawstring
42a670 T
417010 T runtime.readgogc
41d850 T runtime.readgstatus
40c9f0 T runtime.readvarint
41d3b0 T runtime.ready
41d510 T runtime.ready_m
443ac8 R runtime.ready_m.f
403110 T runtime.recvclosed
40a4e0 T runtime.releaseSudog
428bb0 T runtime.releasem
425670 T runtime.resetcpuprofiler
41de70 T runtime.restartg
42a090 T runtime.return0
428470 T runtime.rewindmorestack
42c000 R runtime.rodata
427570 T runtime.round2
428c20 T runtime.rt0_go
443ad0 R runtime.rt0_go.f
468910 D runtime.rt0_goPC
42a830 T runtime.rt_sigaction
42a800 T runtime.rtsigprocmask
461a00 D runtime.sched
42aa80 T runtime.sched_getaffinity
41ce10 T runtime.schedinit
423680 T runtime.schedtrace
40a5a0 T runtime.semacquire
40a7f0 T runtime.semrelease
4649a0 D runtime.semtable
429520 T runtime.setg
42a6f0 T runtime.setitimer
407a40 T runtime.setprofilebucket
41a850 T runtime.setprofilebucket_m
443ad8 R runtime.setprofilebucket_m.f
41b610 T runtime.setsig
42aa30 T runtime.settls
40e320 T runtime.showframe
4281b0 T runtime.shrinkstack
4689e0 D runtime.sig
42aa00 T runtime.sigaltstack
425220 T runtime.sighandler
41b7a0 T runtime.signalstack
41b370 T runtime.sigpanic
443ae0 R runtime.sigpanic.f
468918 D runtime.sigpanicPC
422260 T runtime.sigprof
42a8c0 T runtime.sigreturn
40ab50 T runtime.sigsend
443ae8 R runtime.sigsend.f
45f240 D runtime.sigtab
42a850 T runtime.sigtramp
468ac0 D runtime.size_to_class128
468a20 D runtime.size_to_class8
45e1c8 D runtime.sizeof_C_MStats
461750 D runtime.sliceError
40b520 T runtime.slicebytetostring
425d70 T runtime.stackalloc
425c80 T runtime.stackcache_clear
429540 T runtime.stackcheck
426070 T runtime.stackfree
425790 T runtime.stackinit
415600 T runtime.stackmapdata
41beb0 T runtime.startpanic
41e1d0 T runtime.starttheworld
443af0 R runtime.starttheworld.f
4616d8 D runtime.startup_random_data
4615d8 D runtime.startup_random_data_len
443ba0 R runtime.statictmp_0299
443c00 R runtime.statictmp_0302
443af8 R runtime.statictmp_0317
443d60 R runtime.statictmp_0326
443b50 R runtime.statictmp_1633
443b70 R runtime.statictmp_1636
40c8a0 T runtime.step
407350 T runtime.stkbucket
41dcf0 T runtime.stopg
41df70 T runtime.stoptheworld
443b00 R runtime.stoptheworld.f
428340 T runtime.strcmp
4015d0 T runtime.strequal
443b08 R runtime.strequal.f
400d60 T runtime.strhash
443b10 R runtime.strhash.f
4283b0 T runtime.strstr
416800 T runtime.sweepone
428e50 T runtime.switchtoM
4442f8 R runtime.symtab
40b770 T runtime.symtabinit
413e70 T runtime.sysAlloc
45e1d0 D runtime.sysargs
4616e0 D runtime.systraceback
408820 T runtime.testdefersizes
400c00 T runtime.text
41c440 T runtime.throw
4086e0 T runtime.throwinit
424ed0 T runtime.timediv
42a050 T runtime.timenow
4618a0 D runtime.tls0
40ebc0 T runtime.topofstack
4087f0 T runtime.totaldefersize
407d70 T runtime.tracealloc
40e060 T runtime.traceback
40e970 T runtime.tracebackothers
408010 T runtime.tracefree
408160 T runtime.tracegc
468920 D runtime.tracelock
4050f0 T runtime.typ2Itab
4440a0 R runtime.typelink
404020 T runtime.uintptrBytes
41b810 T runtime.unblocksignals
4187c0 T runtime.unixnanotime
4057c0 T runtime.unlock
422150 T runtime.unlockOSThread
4185c0 T runtime.unmarkspan
41b330 T runtime.unminit
4182c0 T runtime.unrollgcprog_m
443b18 R runtime.unrollgcprog_m.f
4180f0 T runtime.unrollgcproginplace_m
443b20 R runtime.unrollgcproginplace_m.f
401e80 T runtime.unwindm
443b28 R runtime.unwindm.f
41bd90 T runtime.unwindstack
416b90 T runtime.updatememstats
468865 D runtime.useAeshash
42a690 T runtime.usleep
409010 T runtime.vprintf
417c50 T runtime.wakefing
45e180 D runtime.worldsema
42a650 T runtime.write
429270 T runtime.xadd
429290 T runtime.xadd64
4292b0 T runtime.xchg
4292c0 T runtime.xchg64
468866 D runtime.zeroObject
443937 R runtime.zerovalue
420620 t save
4144b0 t scanblock
415680 t scanframe
415950 t scanstack
41a200 t scavengelist
41fe80 t schedule
429530 t setg_gcc
443fa0 r shifts
45e1d8 d sigset_all
4616e8 d sigset_none
425a80 t stackcacherefill
425b60 t stackcacherelease
461be0 d stackpool
4616f0 d stackpoolmu
41f3f0 t startlockedm
41ee80 t startm
4616f8 d starttime$298
41f240 t stoplockedm
41ec80 t stopm
461760 D strconv.ErrRange
461770 D strconv.ErrSyntax
42aac0 T strconv.FormatInt
42ab50 T strconv.Itoa
42abb0 T strconv.formatBits
42b160 T strconv.init
468867 D strconv.initdone.
45e040 D strconv.shifts
461860 d sweep
45e320 d sym_keys
461880 D syscall.envs
422f00 t sysmon
42a730 T
45e184 d traceback_cache
42c000 R type.*
412160 T type..eq.[251]struct { root runtime.semaRoot; pad [32]uint8 }
40f2d0 T type..eq.[2]float32
40f3e0 T type..eq.[2]float64
411b90 T type..eq.[2]string
411d30 T type..eq.[4]string
411760 T type..eq.[61]struct { Size uint32; Mallocs uint64; Frees uint64 }
411180 T type..eq.[6]string
42b3e0 T type..eq.[70]float64
411490 T type..eq.[9]string
411880 T type..eq.runtime.MemStats
410ea0 T type..eq.runtime.TypeAssertionError
40f6d0 T type..eq.runtime._defer
40f890 T type..eq.runtime._panic
410c60 T type..eq.runtime.cpuProfile
4109d0 T type..eq.runtime.hchan
4104f0 T type..eq.runtime.m
410030 T type..eq.runtime.mcache
40fda0 T type..eq.runtime.mspan
4101a0 T type..eq.runtime.p
411a10 T type..eq.runtime.semaRoot
40fbf0 T type..eq.runtime.special
411e80 T type..eq.runtime.stktop
40faa0 T type..eq.runtime.sudog
411660 T type..eq.struct { Size uint32; Mallocs uint64; Frees uint64 }
4122f0 T type..eq.struct { note runtime.note; mask [3]uint32; wanted [3]uint32; recv [3]uint32; state uint32; inuse bool }
411ff0 T type..eq.struct { root runtime.semaRoot; pad [32]uint8 }
468950 D type..gc.[22]runtime.typeAlg
468930 D type..gc.runtime.g
4120b0 T type..hash.[251]struct { root runtime.semaRoot; pad [32]uint8 }
40f220 T type..hash.[2]float32
40f330 T type..hash.[2]float64
411ae0 T type..hash.[2]string
411c80 T type..hash.[4]string
4116b0 T type..hash.[61]struct { Size uint32; Mallocs uint64; Frees uint64 }
4110d0 T type..hash.[6]string
42b330 T type..hash.[70]float64
4113e0 T type..hash.[9]string
4117e0 T type..hash.runtime.MemStats
410d80 T type..hash.runtime.TypeAssertionError
40f5f0 T type..hash.runtime._defer
40f7f0 T type..hash.runtime._panic
410b80 T type..hash.runtime.cpuProfile
4108f0 T type..hash.runtime.hchan
410270 T type..hash.runtime.m
40ff50 T type..hash.runtime.mcache
40fcc0 T type..hash.runtime.mspan
410140 T type..hash.runtime.p
4119b0 T type..hash.runtime.semaRoot
40fb90 T type..hash.runtime.special
411e20 T type..hash.runtime.stktop
40fa00 T type..hash.runtime.sudog
411580 T type..hash.struct { Size uint32; Mallocs uint64; Frees uint64 }
412290 T type..hash.struct { note runtime.note; mask [3]uint32; wanted [3]uint32; recv [3]uint32; state uint32; inuse bool }
411f50 T type..hash.struct { root runtime.semaRoot; pad [32]uint8 }
422100 t unlockOSThread
41eb80 t unlockextra
417cd0 t unrollgcprog1
417f80 t unrollglobgcprog
4689c0 d urandom_data$13
4287b0 t vdso_find_version
428540 t vdso_init_from_sysinfo_ehdr
428880 t vdso_parse_symbols
4615a4 d vec$1
41f1d0 t wakep
461960 d work
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