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Created November 2, 2023 22:24
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"List of Abbreviations" from my 2014 Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen's Owners Manual.
**Abbreviation** **Meaning**
ABS Anti-lock Brake System
AFS Adaptive Front Lighting System
AKI Anti-Knock Index
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASR Anti-Slip Regulation
ATA Anti-Theft Alarm system
BAS Brake Assist System
ccm Cubic centimeter – metric unit of measure for engine displacement
CCS Cruise Control System
CID Cubic inch displacement – unit of measure for engine displacement
cm Centimeter – metric unit of measure for length
CO2 Carbon dioxide
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization)
DPF Diesel Particulate Filter
DRL Daytime Running Lights
DSG® Direct Shift Gearbox automatic transmission
EDL Electronic Differential Lock
EN European Norm
EPC Engine control (Electronic Power Control)
ESC Electronic Stability Control
g/km Generated carbon monoxide amount in grams per kilometer driven
GAWR Gross Axle Weight Rating
GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
HID High Intensity Discharge headlights (Xenon)
hp Horsepower – unit of measure for engine power
kg Kilogram – metric unit of measure for weight
kN Kilonewton – a unit of measure for force
kPa Kilopascal – unit of measure for tire pressure
kp Kilopond – unit of measure for force
kW Kilowatt – engine rating
LED Light Emitting Diode
m Meter – metric unit of measure for length
MDI Media Device Interface (MEDIA-IN)
MFI Multi-Function Indicator
Nm Newton meter – unit of measure for engine torque
RON Research Octane Number – measurement of anti-knock resistance of gasoline
rpm Engine revolutions per minute (engine speed)
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SRE Manifold injection
TDI® Turbocharged diesel engine with direct fuel injection
TSI® Turbocharged gasoline engine with direct fuel injection
XDL Extension of the Electronic Differential Lock system
5S man 5-speed manual transmission
6S auto 6-speed automatic transmission
6S man 6-speed manual transmission
<td>Anti-lock Brake System</td>
<td>Adaptive Front Lighting System</td>
<td>Anti-Knock Index</td>
<td>American National Standards Institute</td>
<td>Anti-Slip Regulation</td>
<td>Anti-Theft Alarm system</td>
<td>Brake Assist System</td>
<td>Cubic centimeter – metric unit of measure for engine displacement</td>
<td>Cruise Control System</td>
<td>Cubic inch displacement – unit of measure for engine displacement</td>
<td>Centimeter – metric unit of measure for length</td>
<td>Carbon dioxide</td>
<td>Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization)</td>
<td>Diesel Particulate Filter</td>
<td>Daytime Running Lights</td>
<td>Direct Shift Gearbox automatic transmission</td>
<td>Electronic Differential Lock</td>
<td>European Norm</td>
<td>Engine control (Electronic Power Control)</td>
<td>Electronic Stability Control</td>
<td>Generated carbon monoxide amount in grams per kilometer driven</td>
<td>Gross Axle Weight Rating</td>
<td>Gross Vehicle Weight Rating</td>
<td>High Intensity Discharge headlights (Xenon)</td>
<td>Horsepower – unit of measure for engine power</td>
<td>Kilogram – metric unit of measure for weight</td>
<td>Kilonewton – a unit of measure for force</td>
<td>Kilopascal – unit of measure for tire pressure</td>
<td>Kilopond – unit of measure for force</td>
<td>Kilowatt – engine rating</td>
<td>Light Emitting Diode</td>
<td>Meter – metric unit of measure for length</td>
<td>Media Device Interface (MEDIA-IN)</td>
<td>Multi-Function Indicator</td>
<td>Newton meter – unit of measure for engine torque</td>
<td>Research Octane Number – measurement of anti-knock resistance of gasoline</td>
<td>Engine revolutions per minute (engine speed)</td>
<td>Society of Automotive Engineers</td>
<td>Manifold injection</td>
<td>Turbocharged diesel engine with direct fuel injection</td>
<td>Turbocharged gasoline engine with direct fuel injection</td>
<td>Extension of the Electronic Differential Lock system</td>
<td>5S man</td>
<td>5-speed manual transmission</td>
<td>6S auto</td>
<td>6-speed automatic transmission</td>
<td>6S man</td>
<td>6-speed manual transmission</td>
Abbreviation Meaning
ABS Anti-lock Brake System
AFS Adaptive Front Lighting System
AKI Anti-Knock Index
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASR Anti-Slip Regulation
ATA Anti-Theft Alarm system
BAS Brake Assist System
ccm Cubic centimeter – metric unit of measure for engine displacement
CCS Cruise Control System
CID Cubic inch displacement – unit of measure for engine displacement
cm Centimeter – metric unit of measure for length
CO2 Carbon dioxide
DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization)
DPF Diesel Particulate Filter
DRL Daytime Running Lights
DSG® Direct Shift Gearbox automatic transmission
EDL Electronic Differential Lock
EN European Norm
EPC Engine control (Electronic Power Control)
ESC Electronic Stability Control
g/km Generated carbon monoxide amount in grams per kilometer driven
GAWR Gross Axle Weight Rating
GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
HID High Intensity Discharge headlights (Xenon)
hp Horsepower – unit of measure for engine power
kg Kilogram – metric unit of measure for weight
kN Kilonewton – a unit of measure for force
kPa Kilopascal – unit of measure for tire pressure
kp Kilopond – unit of measure for force
kW Kilowatt – engine rating
LED Light Emitting Diode
m Meter – metric unit of measure for length
MDI Media Device Interface (MEDIA-IN)
MFI Multi-Function Indicator
Nm Newton meter – unit of measure for engine torque
RON Research Octane Number – measurement of anti-knock resistance of gasoline
rpm Engine revolutions per minute (engine speed)
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SRE Manifold injection
TDI® Turbocharged diesel engine with direct fuel injection
TSI® Turbocharged gasoline engine with direct fuel injection
XDL Extension of the Electronic Differential Lock system
5S man 5-speed manual transmission
6S auto 6-speed automatic transmission
6S man 6-speed manual transmission
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