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Created June 28, 2021 07:04
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node tkinter calculator
import { python } from 'JSPyBridge'
const tk = await python('tkinter')
let expression = ''
let equation
async function press(num) {
if (num === '=') {
try {'Evaluating:', expression)
var total = eval(expression)
await equation.set(total)
} catch (e) {
await equation.set(' error ')
expression = ''
} else if (num === 'Clear') {
expression = ''
await equation.set('')
} else {
expression += num
await equation.set(expression)
async function main() {
const gui = await tk.Tk()
await gui.configure({ background: 'light green' })
await gui.title('Simple Calculator')
await gui.geometry('270x150')
equation = await tk.StringVar()
const expression_field = await tk.Entry$(gui, { textvariable: equation })
await expression_field.grid$({ columnspan: 4, ipadx: 70 })
const buttons = [1, 2, 3, null, 4, 5, 6, null, 7, 8, 9, null, 0, '+', '-', null, '*', '/', '=']
let row = 1
let col = 0
for (const button of buttons) {
if (button==null) { row+=2; col = 0; continue; }
const button1 = await tk.Button$(gui, {
text: ` ${button} `, fg: 'black', bg: 'red',
command: () => press(button), height: 1, width: 7
await button1.grid({ row, column: col++ })
await gui.mainloop$({ $timeout: Infinity })
await main()
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