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Created December 14, 2016 08:10
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<2> fish: Using compiled in paths:
<2> fish: determine_config_directory_paths() results: /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish
paths.sysconf: /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.settings/fish
paths.doc: /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/documentation/packages/fish
paths.bin: /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/bin
<5> fish: intern [
<5> fish: intern and
<5> fish: intern begin
<5> fish: intern bg
<5> fish: intern bind
<5> fish: intern block
<5> fish: intern break
<5> fish: intern breakpoint
<5> fish: intern builtin
<5> fish: intern case
<5> fish: intern cd
<5> fish: intern command
<5> fish: intern commandline
<5> fish: intern complete
<5> fish: intern contains
<5> fish: intern continue
<5> fish: intern count
<5> fish: intern echo
<5> fish: intern else
<5> fish: intern emit
<5> fish: intern end
<5> fish: intern exec
<5> fish: intern exit
<5> fish: intern false
<5> fish: intern fg
<5> fish: intern for
<5> fish: intern function
<5> fish: intern functions
<5> fish: intern history
<5> fish: intern if
<5> fish: intern jobs
<5> fish: intern not
<5> fish: intern or
<5> fish: intern printf
<5> fish: intern pwd
<5> fish: intern random
<5> fish: intern read
<5> fish: intern realpath
<5> fish: intern return
<5> fish: intern set
<5> fish: intern set_color
<5> fish: intern source
<5> fish: intern status
<5> fish: intern string
<5> fish: intern switch
<5> fish: intern test
<5> fish: intern true
<5> fish: intern ulimit
<5> fish: intern while
<2> fish: handle_locale() called in response to 'LC_TIME' changing
<2> fish: locale var LC_TIME='hu_HU.UTF-8@strings=messages'
<2> fish: handle_locale() setlocale(): 'LC_COLLATE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_CTYPE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MESSAGES=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MONETARY=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_TIME=hu_HU.UTF-8@strings=messages'
<3> fish: old LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<3> fish: new LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() called in response to 'LC_MESSAGES' changing
<2> fish: locale var LC_MESSAGES='hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() setlocale(): 'LC_COLLATE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_CTYPE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MESSAGES=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MONETARY=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_TIME=hu_HU.UTF-8@strings=messages'
<3> fish: old LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<3> fish: new LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_curses() called in response to 'TERM' changing
<2> fish: curses var TERM='xterm'
<2> fish: handle_locale() called in response to 'LC_NUMERIC' changing
<2> fish: locale var LC_NUMERIC='hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() setlocale(): 'LC_COLLATE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_CTYPE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MESSAGES=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MONETARY=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_TIME=hu_HU.UTF-8@strings=messages'
<3> fish: old LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<3> fish: new LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() called in response to 'LC_CTYPE' changing
<2> fish: locale var LC_CTYPE='hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() setlocale(): 'LC_COLLATE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_CTYPE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MESSAGES=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MONETARY=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_TIME=hu_HU.UTF-8@strings=messages'
<3> fish: old LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<3> fish: new LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() called in response to 'LC_COLLATE' changing
<2> fish: locale var LC_COLLATE='hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() setlocale(): 'LC_COLLATE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_CTYPE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MESSAGES=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MONETARY=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_TIME=hu_HU.UTF-8@strings=messages'
<3> fish: old LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<3> fish: new LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() called in response to 'LC_MONETARY' changing
<2> fish: locale var LC_MONETARY='hu_HU.UTF-8'
<2> fish: handle_locale() setlocale(): 'LC_COLLATE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_CTYPE=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MESSAGES=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_MONETARY=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_NUMERIC=hu_HU.UTF-8;LC_TIME=hu_HU.UTF-8@strings=messages'
<3> fish: old LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<3> fish: new LC_MESSAGES locale: 'hu_HU.UTF-8'
<5> fish: universal log reading from file
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: 256 color support enabled for TERM=xterm
<2> fish: sourcing /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'builtin source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -g IFS \n\ \t' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -g IFS \n\ \t to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -g IFS \n\ \t), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -g version $FISH_VERSION' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -g version $FISH_VERSION to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -g version $FISH_VERSION), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'status --is-interactive' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'status'
<3> fish: Set status of status --is-interactive to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (status --is-interactive), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'builtin -n' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'builtin'
<3> fish: Set status of builtin -n to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (builtin -n), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('builtin -n')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Exec job 'not contains -- "string" (builtin -n)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'contains'
<3> fish: Set status of not contains -- "string" (builtin -n) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (not contains -- "string" (builtin -n)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not set -q NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of not set -q NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (not set -q NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'and not set -q STY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of and not set -q STY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (and not set -q STY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'and not string match -q -- 'eterm*' $TERM' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of and not string match -q -- 'eterm*' $TERM to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (and not string match -q -- 'eterm*' $TERM), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'and begin
set -q KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME # KDE's konsole
or string match -q -- "*:*" $ITERM_SESSION_ID # Supporting versions of iTerm2 will include a colon here
or string match -q -- "st-*" $TERM # suckless' st
or test "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3600 # Should be all gtk3-vte-based terms after version
or test "$COLORTERM" = truecolor -o "$COLORTERM" = 24bit # slang expects this
end' with id 2
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -q KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'or string match -q -- "*:*" $ITERM_SESSION_ID' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of or string match -q -- "*:*" $ITERM_SESSION_ID to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (or string match -q -- "*:*" $ITERM_SESSION_ID), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'or string match -q -- "st-*" $TERM' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of or string match -q -- "st-*" $TERM to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (or string match -q -- "st-*" $TERM), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'or test "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3600' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of or test "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3600 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (or test "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3600), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'or test "$COLORTERM" = truecolor -o "$COLORTERM" = 24bit' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of or test "$COLORTERM" = truecolor -o "$COLORTERM" = 24bit to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (or test "$COLORTERM" = truecolor -o "$COLORTERM" = 24bit), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (and begin
set -q KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME # KDE's konsole
or string match -q -- "*:*" $ITERM_SESSION_ID # Supporting versions of iTerm2 will include a colon here
or string match -q -- "st-*" $TERM # suckless' st
or test "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3600 # Should be all gtk3-vte-based terms after version
or test "$COLORTERM" = truecolor -o "$COLORTERM" = 24bit # slang expects this
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l configdir ~/.config' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l configdir ~/.config to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l configdir ~/.config), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set configdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set configdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set configdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q XDG_DATA_HOME' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q XDG_DATA_HOME to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -q XDG_DATA_HOME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set userdatadir $XDG_DATA_HOME' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set userdatadir $XDG_DATA_HOME to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set userdatadir $XDG_DATA_HOME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l __extra_completionsdir' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l __extra_completionsdir to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l __extra_completionsdir), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l __extra_functionsdir' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l __extra_functionsdir to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l __extra_functionsdir), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l __extra_confdir' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l __extra_confdir to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l __extra_confdir), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -f $__fish_datadir/' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -f $__fish_datadir/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -f $__fish_datadir/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'source $__fish_datadir/' with id 2
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set __extra_completionsdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_completions.d' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set __extra_completionsdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_completions.d to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set __extra_completionsdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_completions.d), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set __extra_functionsdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_functions.d' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set __extra_functionsdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_functions.d to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set __extra_functionsdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_functions.d), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set __extra_confdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_conf.d' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set __extra_confdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_conf.d to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set __extra_confdir /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/vendor_conf.d), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source $__fish_datadir/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (source $__fish_datadir/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not set -q fish_function_path' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of not set -q fish_function_path to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (not set -q fish_function_path), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set fish_function_path $configdir/fish/functions $__fish_sysconfdir/functions $__extra_functionsdir $__fish_datadir/functions' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set fish_function_path $configdir/fish/functions $__fish_sysconfdir/functions $__extra_functionsdir $__fish_datadir/functions to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set fish_function_path $configdir/fish/functions $__fish_sysconfdir/functions $__extra_functionsdir $__fish_datadir/functions), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not contains -- $__fish_datadir/functions $fish_function_path' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'contains'
<3> fish: Set status of not contains -- $__fish_datadir/functions $fish_function_path to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (not contains -- $__fish_datadir/functions $fish_function_path), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not set -q fish_complete_path' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of not set -q fish_complete_path to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (not set -q fish_complete_path), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set fish_complete_path $configdir/fish/completions $__fish_sysconfdir/completions $__extra_completionsdir $__fish_datadir/completions $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set fish_complete_path $configdir/fish/completions $__fish_sysconfdir/completions $__extra_completionsdir $__fish_datadir/completions $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set fish_complete_path $configdir/fish/completions $__fish_sysconfdir/completions $__extra_completionsdir $__fish_datadir/completions $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not contains -- $__fish_datadir/completions $fish_complete_path' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'contains'
<3> fish: Set status of not contains -- $__fish_datadir/completions $fish_complete_path to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (not contains -- $__fish_datadir/completions $fish_complete_path), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -d /usr/xpg4/bin' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -d /usr/xpg4/bin to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -d /usr/xpg4/bin), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -g __fish_tmp_path $PATH' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -g __fish_tmp_path $PATH to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -g __fish_tmp_path $PATH), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -r /etc/paths' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -r /etc/paths to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -r /etc/paths), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -xg PATH $__fish_tmp_path' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -xg PATH $__fish_tmp_path to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -xg PATH $__fish_tmp_path), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -e __fish_tmp_path' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -e __fish_tmp_path to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -e __fish_tmp_path), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'functions -e __fish_load_path_helper_paths' with id 2
<3> fish: unregister: EVENT_ANY: "__fish_load_path_helper_paths"
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'functions'
<3> fish: Set status of functions -e __fish_load_path_helper_paths to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (functions -e __fish_load_path_helper_paths), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<3> fish: register: EVENT_VARIABLE($fish_user_paths): "__fish_reconstruct_path"
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_reconstruct_path' with id 2
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l local_path $PATH' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l local_path $PATH to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -l local_path $PATH), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l x' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l x to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -l x), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -e __fish_added_user_paths' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -e __fish_added_user_paths to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -e __fish_added_user_paths), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -xg PATH $local_path' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -xg PATH $local_path to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -xg PATH $local_path), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (__fish_reconstruct_path), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<3> fish: register: EVENT_SIGNAL(SIGTRAP): "fish_sigtrap_handler"
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<3> fish: register: EVENT_GENERIC(fish_prompt): "__fish_on_interactive"
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_set_locale' with id 2
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l LOCALE_VARS' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l LOCALE_VARS to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -l LOCALE_VARS), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set LOCALE_VARS $LOCALE_VARS LANG LANGUAGE LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set LOCALE_VARS $LOCALE_VARS LC_MONETARY LC_MESSAGES LC_PAPER LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set LOCALE_VARS $LOCALE_VARS LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT LC_IDENTIFICATION to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 4
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'builtin -n' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'builtin'
<3> fish: Set status of builtin -n to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (builtin -n), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('builtin -n')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Exec job 'not contains string (builtin -n)' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'contains'
<3> fish: Set status of not contains string (builtin -n) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (not contains string (builtin -n)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('not contains string (builtin -n)')
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Exec job 'string length -q -- $$LOCALE_VARS $LC_ALL' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string length -q -- $$LOCALE_VARS $LC_ALL to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (string length -q -- $$LOCALE_VARS $LC_ALL), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'return 0' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'return'
<3> fish: Set status of return 0 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (return 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (__fish_set_locale), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l sourcelist' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l sourcelist to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l sourcelist), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not set -q __fish_init_2_3_0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of not set -q __fish_init_2_3_0 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (not set -q __fish_init_2_3_0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'status --is-login' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'status'
<3> fish: Set status of status --is-login to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (status --is-login), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of builtin source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (builtin source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<2> fish: sourcing /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.settings/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'builtin source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.settings/fish/' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.settings/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.settings/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.settings/fish/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of builtin source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.settings/fish/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (builtin source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.settings/fish/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<2> fish: sourcing /boot/home/config/settings/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'builtin source /boot/home/config/settings/fish/' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set fish_greeting' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set fish_greeting to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set fish_greeting), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set PATH /boot/home/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin $PATH &' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set PATH /boot/home/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin $PATH & to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set PATH /boot/home/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/bin $PATH &), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set PATH /Ports/haikuporter $PATH &' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set PATH /Ports/haikuporter $PATH & to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set PATH /Ports/haikuporter $PATH &), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set GEM_HOME $HOME/.gem/ruby/2.2.0 &' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set GEM_HOME $HOME/.gem/ruby/2.2.0 & to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set GEM_HOME $HOME/.gem/ruby/2.2.0 &), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set GEM_PATH $HOME/.gem &' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set GEM_PATH $HOME/.gem & to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set GEM_PATH $HOME/.gem &), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH /boot/system/data/cmake/Modules &' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH /boot/system/data/cmake/Modules & to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH /boot/system/data/cmake/Modules &), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job '. ~/config/settings/fish/functions/ &' with id 2
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'count $argv' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'count'
<3> fish: Set status of count $argv to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (count $argv), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('count $argv')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Exec job 'test (count $argv) -eq 0' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test (count $argv) -eq 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (test (count $argv) -eq 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'source $argv' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source $argv to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (source $argv), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (. ~/config/settings/fish/functions/ &), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of builtin source /boot/home/config/settings/fish/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (builtin source /boot/home/config/settings/fish/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
socket: Address family not supported by protocol family
socket: Address family not supported by protocol family
<2> fish: 256 color support enabled for TERM=xterm
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 2
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 9 and 10
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'uname' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'uname' with id 3
<4> fish: env_export_arr() recalc
<2> fish: Fork #1, pid 1560: external command 'u' from '/packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (uname), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 9
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 9
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 9
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 9
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 9
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 9
<3> fish: proc::read_try('uname')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('uname')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_on_interactive' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_config_interactive' with id 2
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q __fish_config_interactive_done' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q __fish_config_interactive_done to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -q __fish_config_interactive_done), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -g __fish_config_interactive_done' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -g __fish_config_interactive_done to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -g __fish_config_interactive_done), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l configdir ~/.config' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l configdir ~/.config to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -l configdir ~/.config), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set configdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set configdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set configdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q XDG_DATA_HOME' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q XDG_DATA_HOME to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set -q XDG_DATA_HOME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set userdatadir $XDG_DATA_HOME' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set userdatadir $XDG_DATA_HOME to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set userdatadir $XDG_DATA_HOME), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not set -q fish_greeting' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of not set -q fish_greeting to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (not set -q fish_greeting), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not set -q __fish_init_2_39_8' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of not set -q __fish_init_2_39_8 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (not set -q __fish_init_2_39_8), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not test -d $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of not test -d $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (not test -d $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'status --is-interactive' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'status'
<3> fish: Set status of status --is-interactive to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (status --is-interactive), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'functions -q fish_greeting' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'functions'
<3> fish: Set status of functions -q fish_greeting to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (functions -q fish_greeting), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$fish_greeting"' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$fish_greeting" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (test -n "$fish_greeting"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: register: EVENT_VARIABLE($fish_color_cwd): "__fish_repaint"
<3> fish: register: EVENT_VARIABLE($fish_color_cwd_root): "__fish_repaint_root"
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -d /etc/init.d' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -d /etc/init.d to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (test -d /etc/init.d), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not set -q fish_key_bindings' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of not set -q fish_key_bindings to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (not set -q fish_key_bindings), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: register: EVENT_VARIABLE($fish_key_bindings): "__fish_reload_key_bindings"
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_reload_key_bindings' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "$__fish_active_key_bindings" -a -n "$fish_key_bindings"' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "$__fish_active_key_bindings" -a -n "$fish_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "$__fish_active_key_bindings" -a -n "$fish_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'not functions -q "$fish_key_bindings"' with id 4
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 5
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'functions'
<3> fish: Set status of not functions -q "$fish_key_bindings" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (not functions -q "$fish_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -g __fish_active_key_bindings "$fish_key_bindings"' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -g __fish_active_key_bindings "$fish_key_bindings" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -g __fish_active_key_bindings "$fish_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -g fish_bind_mode default' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -g fish_bind_mode default to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -g fish_bind_mode default), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_default_key_bindings' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_default_key_bindings to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_default_key_bindings), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_default_key_bindings ^/dev/null' with id 4
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not set -q argv[1]' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of not set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (not set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind --erase --all' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind --erase --all to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind --erase --all), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" != "fish_default_key_bindings"' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" != "fish_default_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" != "fish_default_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 6 and 7
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 6
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_shared_key_bindings $argv' with id 5
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cy yank' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cy yank to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \cy yank), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ey yank-pop' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ey yank-pop to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \ey yank-pop), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k right forward-char' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k right forward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv -k right forward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k left backward-char' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k left backward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv -k left backward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[C forward-char' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[C forward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[C forward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[D backward-char' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[D backward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[D backward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eOC forward-char' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eOC forward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eOC forward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eOD backward-char' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eOD backward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eOD backward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cx fish_clipboard_copy' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cx fish_clipboard_copy to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \cx fish_clipboard_copy), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cv fish_clipboard_paste' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cv fish_clipboard_paste to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \cv fish_clipboard_paste), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e cancel' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e cancel to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e cancel), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \t complete' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \t complete to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \t complete), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv --key btab complete-and-search' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv --key btab complete-and-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv --key btab complete-and-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\n "commandline -i \n"' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\n "commandline -i \n" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\n "commandline -i \n"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\r "commandline -i \n"' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\r "commandline -i \n" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\r "commandline -i \n"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k down down-or-search' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k down down-or-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv -k down down-or-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k up up-or-search' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k up up-or-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv -k up up-or-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[A up-or-search' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[A up-or-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[A up-or-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[B down-or-search' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[B down-or-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[B down-or-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eOA up-or-search' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eOA up-or-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eOA up-or-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eOB down-or-search' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eOB down-or-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eOB down-or-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\eOC nextd-or-forward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\eOC nextd-or-forward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\eOC nextd-or-forward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\eOD prevd-or-backward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\eOD prevd-or-backward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\eOD prevd-or-backward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\e\[C nextd-or-forward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\e\[C nextd-or-forward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\e\[C nextd-or-forward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\e\[D prevd-or-backward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\e\[D prevd-or-backward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\e\[D prevd-or-backward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eO3C nextd-or-forward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eO3C nextd-or-forward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eO3C nextd-or-forward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eO3D prevd-or-backward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eO3D prevd-or-backward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eO3D prevd-or-backward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[3C nextd-or-forward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[3C nextd-or-forward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[3C nextd-or-forward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[3D prevd-or-backward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[3D prevd-or-backward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[3D prevd-or-backward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;3C nextd-or-forward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;3C nextd-or-forward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;3C nextd-or-forward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;3D prevd-or-backward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;3D prevd-or-backward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;3D prevd-or-backward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;9C nextd-or-forward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;9C nextd-or-forward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;9C nextd-or-forward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;9D prevd-or-backward-word' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;9D prevd-or-backward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;9D prevd-or-backward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\eOA history-token-search-backward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\eOA history-token-search-backward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\eOA history-token-search-backward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\eOB history-token-search-forward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\eOB history-token-search-forward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\eOB history-token-search-forward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\e\[A history-token-search-backward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\e\[A history-token-search-backward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\e\[A history-token-search-backward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\e\[B history-token-search-forward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\e\[B history-token-search-forward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\e\[B history-token-search-forward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eO3A history-token-search-backward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eO3A history-token-search-backward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eO3A history-token-search-backward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eO3B history-token-search-forward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eO3B history-token-search-forward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eO3B history-token-search-forward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[3A history-token-search-backward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[3A history-token-search-backward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[3A history-token-search-backward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[3B history-token-search-forward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[3B history-token-search-forward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[3B history-token-search-forward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;3A history-token-search-backward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;3A history-token-search-backward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;3A history-token-search-backward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;3B history-token-search-forward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;3B history-token-search-forward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;3B history-token-search-forward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;9A history-token-search-backward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;9A history-token-search-backward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;9A history-token-search-backward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;9B history-token-search-forward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;9B history-token-search-forward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;9B history-token-search-forward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e. history-token-search-backward' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e. history-token-search-backward to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e. history-token-search-backward), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \el __fish_list_current_token' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \el __fish_list_current_token to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \el __fish_list_current_token), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ew 'set tok (commandline -pt); if test $tok[1]; echo; whatis $tok[1]; commandline -f repaint; end'' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ew 'set tok (commandline -pt); if test $tok[1]; echo; whatis $tok[1]; commandline -f repaint; end' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \ew 'set tok (commandline -pt); if test $tok[1]; echo; whatis $tok[1]; commandline -f repaint; end'), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cl 'clear; commandline -f repaint'' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cl 'clear; commandline -f repaint' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \cl 'clear; commandline -f repaint'), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cc __fish_cancel_commandline' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cc __fish_cancel_commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \cc __fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cu backward-kill-line' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cu backward-kill-line to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \cu backward-kill-line), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cw backward-kill-path-component' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cw backward-kill-path-component to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \cw backward-kill-path-component), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[F end-of-line' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[F end-of-line to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[F end-of-line), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[H beginning-of-line' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[H beginning-of-line to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[H beginning-of-line), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ed 'set -l cmd (commandline); if test -z "$cmd"; echo; dirh; commandline -f repaint; else; commandline -f kill-word; end'' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ed 'set -l cmd (commandline); if test -z "$cmd"; echo; dirh; commandline -f repaint; else; commandline -f kill-word; end' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \ed 'set -l cmd (commandline); if test -z "$cmd"; echo; dirh; commandline -f repaint; else; commandline -f kill-word; end'), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cd delete-or-exit' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cd delete-or-exit to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \cd delete-or-exit), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k f1 __fish_man_page' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k f1 __fish_man_page to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv -k f1 __fish_man_page), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eh __fish_man_page' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eh __fish_man_page to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \eh __fish_man_page), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ep '__fish_paginate'' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ep '__fish_paginate' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \ep '__fish_paginate'), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\# __fish_toggle_comment_commandline' with id 6
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\# __fish_toggle_comment_commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\# __fish_toggle_comment_commandline), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (__fish_shared_key_bindings $argv), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv "" self-insert' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv "" self-insert to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv "" self-insert), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \n execute' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \n execute to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \n execute), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \r execute' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \r execute to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \r execute), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ck kill-line' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ck kill-line to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \ck kill-line), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eOC forward-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eOC forward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \eOC forward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eOD backward-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eOD backward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \eOD backward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[C forward-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[C forward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[C forward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[D backward-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[D backward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[D backward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k right forward-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k right forward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv -k right forward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k left backward-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k left backward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv -k left backward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k dc delete-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k dc delete-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv -k dc delete-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k backspace backward-delete-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k backspace backward-delete-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv -k backspace backward-delete-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \x7f backward-delete-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \x7f backward-delete-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \x7f backward-delete-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1~ beginning-of-line' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1~ beginning-of-line to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1~ beginning-of-line), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[3~ delete-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[3~ delete-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[3~ delete-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[4~ end-of-line' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[4~ end-of-line to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[4~ end-of-line), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k home beginning-of-line 2> /dev/null' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k home beginning-of-line 2> /dev/null to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv -k home beginning-of-line 2> /dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k end end-of-line 2> /dev/null' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k end end-of-line 2> /dev/null to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv -k end end-of-line 2> /dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ca beginning-of-line' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ca beginning-of-line to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \ca beginning-of-line), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ce end-of-line' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ce end-of-line to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \ce end-of-line), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ch backward-delete-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ch backward-delete-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \ch backward-delete-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cp up-or-search' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cp up-or-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \cp up-or-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cn down-or-search' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cn down-or-search to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \cn down-or-search), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cf forward-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cf forward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \cf forward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \cb backward-char' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \cb backward-char to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \cb backward-char), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ct transpose-chars' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ct transpose-chars to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \ct transpose-chars), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \et transpose-words' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \et transpose-words to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \et transpose-words), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eu upcase-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eu upcase-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \eu upcase-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ec capitalize-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ec capitalize-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \ec capitalize-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\x7f backward-kill-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\x7f backward-kill-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\x7f backward-kill-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \eb backward-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \eb backward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \eb backward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \ef forward-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \ef forward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \ef forward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;5C forward-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;5C forward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;5C forward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\[1\;5D backward-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\[1\;5D backward-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\[1\;5D backward-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k ppage beginning-of-history' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k ppage beginning-of-history to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv -k ppage beginning-of-history), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv -k npage end-of-history' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv -k npage end-of-history to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv -k npage end-of-history), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\< beginning-of-buffer' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\< beginning-of-buffer to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\< beginning-of-buffer), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind $argv \e\> end-of-buffer' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind $argv \e\> end-of-buffer to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind $argv \e\> end-of-buffer), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind \ed forward-kill-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind \ed forward-kill-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind \ed forward-kill-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind \ed kill-word' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind \ed kill-word to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind \ed kill-word), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind \e\[I 'begin;end'' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind \e\[I 'begin;end' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind \e\[I 'begin;end'), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'bind \e\[O 'begin;end'' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'bind'
<3> fish: Set status of bind \e\[O 'begin;end' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (bind \e\[O 'begin;end'), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (fish_default_key_bindings ^/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'functions --query fish_user_key_bindings >/dev/null' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'functions'
<3> fish: Set status of functions --query fish_user_key_bindings >/dev/null to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (functions --query fish_user_key_bindings >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (__fish_reload_key_bindings), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: register: EVENT_SIGNAL(SIGWINCH): "__fish_winch_handler"
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "0$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3405 -o "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "Apple_Terminal"' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "0$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3405 -o "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "Apple_Terminal" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (test "0$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3405 -o "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "Apple_Terminal"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 4
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Exec job 'not type -q __fish_command_not_found_handler' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l res 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l res 1 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l res 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l mode normal' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l mode normal to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l mode normal), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l multi no' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l multi no to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l multi no), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l selection all' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l selection all to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l selection all), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l IFS \n\ \t' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l IFS \n\ \t to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l IFS \n\ \t), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l names' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l names to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l names), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'count $argv' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'count'
<3> fish: Set status of count $argv to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (count $argv), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('count $argv')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Exec job 'test (count $argv) -gt 0' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test (count $argv) -gt 0 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (test (count $argv) -gt 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 5
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'not command -s seq >/dev/null' with id 6
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<2> fish: Fork #2, pid 1561: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 6, gid 1559 (not command -s seq >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('not command -s seq >/dev/null')
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'count $argv' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'count'
<3> fish: Set status of count $argv to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (count $argv), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('count $argv')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (count $argv)' with id 4
<2> fish: Fork #3, pid 1562: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 1559 (seq (count $argv)), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (count $argv)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (not type -q __fish_command_not_found_handler), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (__fish_config_interactive), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_on_interactive), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: unregister: EVENT_ANY: "fish_right_prompt"
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (source /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 9 and 10
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 4
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 9 and 10
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #4, pid 1563: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo | command grep --color=auto "" >/dev/null 2>&1' with id 4
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 9 and 10
<2> fish: Fork #5, pid 1564: internal builtin for 'echo'
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #6, pid 1565: external command 'g' from '/packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 1559 (echo | command grep --color=auto "" >/dev/null 2>&1), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 7
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 7
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 7
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 7
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 7
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 7
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo | command grep --color=auto "" >/dev/null 2>&1')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 7
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 7 and 8
<2> fish: Fork #7, pid 1566: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #8, pid 1567: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 5
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 5 and 6
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 5
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'k' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: populate_from_mmap: 39 ms
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'k' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/' with id 2
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'source'
<3> fish: Set status of source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/ to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/, COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('source /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #9, pid 1575: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1575 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #10, pid 1576: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1576 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #11, pid 1577: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1577 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #12, pid 1578: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1578 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #13, pid 1579: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1579 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #14, pid 1581: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #15, pid 1582: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #16, pid 1583: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjhkjh' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjhkjh' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #17, pid 1590: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1590 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #18, pid 1591: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1591 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #19, pid 1592: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1592 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #20, pid 1593: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1593 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #21, pid 1594: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1594 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #22, pid 1596: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #23, pid 1597: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #24, pid 1598: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'uz' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'uzuzt' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'uzuzt' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #25, pid 1605: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1605 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #26, pid 1606: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1606 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #27, pid 1607: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1607 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #28, pid 1608: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1608 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #29, pid 1609: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1609 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #30, pid 1611: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kj' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #31, pid 1618: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1618 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #32, pid 1619: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1619 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #33, pid 1620: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1620 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #34, pid 1621: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1621 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #35, pid 1622: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1622 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #36, pid 1624: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #37, pid 1625: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #38, pid 1626: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'k' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'k' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kj' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kj' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #39, pid 1633: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1633 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #40, pid 1634: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1634 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #41, pid 1635: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1635 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #42, pid 1636: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1636 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #43, pid 1637: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1637 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #44, pid 1639: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #45, pid 1640: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #46, pid 1641: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #47, pid 1646: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1646 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #48, pid 1647: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1647 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #49, pid 1648: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1648 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #50, pid 1649: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1649 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #51, pid 1650: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1650 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #52, pid 1652: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #53, pid 1653: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #54, pid 1654: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'őpoi' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'őpoi' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #55, pid 1659: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1659 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #56, pid 1660: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1660 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #57, pid 1661: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1661 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #58, pid 1662: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1662 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #59, pid 1663: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1663 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #60, pid 1665: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #61, pid 1666: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #62, pid 1667: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( ',mn' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( ',mn' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #63, pid 1672: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1672 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #64, pid 1673: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1673 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #65, pid 1674: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1674 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #66, pid 1675: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1675 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #67, pid 1676: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1676 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #68, pid 1678: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #69, pid 1679: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #70, pid 1680: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'oiu' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'oiu' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #71, pid 1685: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1685 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #72, pid 1686: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1686 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #73, pid 1687: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1687 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #74, pid 1688: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1688 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #75, pid 1689: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1689 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #76, pid 1691: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'b' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'bash' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'b' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #77, pid 1695: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1695 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #78, pid 1696: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1696 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #79, pid 1697: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1697 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #80, pid 1698: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1698 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #81, pid 1699: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1699 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #82, pid 1701: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #83, pid 1702: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #84, pid 1703: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'oiu' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'oiu' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #85, pid 1708: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1708 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #86, pid 1709: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1709 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #87, pid 1710: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1710 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #88, pid 1711: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1711 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #89, pid 1712: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1712 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #90, pid 1714: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #91, pid 1715: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #92, pid 1716: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'nmv' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'nmv' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #93, pid 1721: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1721 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #94, pid 1722: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1722 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #95, pid 1723: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1723 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #96, pid 1724: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1724 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #97, pid 1725: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1725 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #98, pid 1727: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'á' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'áél' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'áél' )
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #99, pid 1734: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1734 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #100, pid 1735: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1735 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #101, pid 1736: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1736 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #102, pid 1737: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1737 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #103, pid 1738: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1738 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #104, pid 1740: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #105, pid 1741: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #106, pid 1742: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'o' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'objdump' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'olkj' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'olkj' )
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #107, pid 1749: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1749 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #108, pid 1750: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1750 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #109, pid 1751: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1751 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #110, pid 1752: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1752 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #111, pid 1753: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1753 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #112, pid 1755: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'k' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'k' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kj' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'kjh' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #113, pid 1764: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1764 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #114, pid 1765: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1765 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #115, pid 1766: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1766 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #116, pid 1767: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1767 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #117, pid 1768: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1768 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #118, pid 1770: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'élk' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 9 and 10
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'élk' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #119, pid 1775: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1775 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #120, pid 1776: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1776 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #121, pid 1777: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1777 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #122, pid 1778: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1778 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #123, pid 1779: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1779 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #124, pid 1781: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'élk' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'élk' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #125, pid 1786: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1786 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #126, pid 1787: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1787 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #127, pid 1788: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1788 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #128, pid 1789: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1789 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #129, pid 1790: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1790 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #130, pid 1792: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #131, pid 1793: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #132, pid 1794: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'iuz' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'iuz' )
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #133, pid 1799: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1799 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #134, pid 1800: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1800 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #135, pid 1801: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1801 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #136, pid 1802: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1802 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #137, pid 1803: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1803 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #138, pid 1805: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #139, pid 1806: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #140, pid 1807: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'h' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'hp' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'h' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #141, pid 1811: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1811 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #142, pid 1812: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1812 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #143, pid 1813: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1813 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #144, pid 1814: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1814 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #145, pid 1815: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1815 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #146, pid 1817: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'r' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'ruby' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'r' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #147, pid 1821: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1821 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #148, pid 1822: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1822 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #149, pid 1823: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1823 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #150, pid 1824: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1824 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #151, pid 1825: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1825 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #152, pid 1827: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #153, pid 1828: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #154, pid 1829: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'v' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'vis' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'vis' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'vis' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'vim' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'vb' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'vb' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #155, pid 1836: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1836 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #156, pid 1837: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1837 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #157, pid 1838: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1838 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #158, pid 1839: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1839 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #159, pid 1840: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1840 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #160, pid 1842: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'gcc' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<2> fish: Fork #161, pid 1843: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'grep' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'command grep --color=auto $argv' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #162, pid 1844: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1559 (command grep --color=auto $argv), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('command grep --color=auto $argv')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('gcc -dumpversion | grep "2.95.3" >/dev/null')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf " "' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf " "')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color blue' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color blue to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set_color blue), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color blue')
<4> fish: Exec job 'printf "x86"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'printf'
<3> fish: Set status of printf "x86" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (printf "x86"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('printf "x86"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'élk' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'élk' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #163, pid 1849: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1849 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #164, pid 1850: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1850 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #165, pid 1851: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1851 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #166, pid 1852: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1852 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #167, pid 1853: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1853 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #168, pid 1855: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'o' )
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'objdump' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'oiu' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'oiu' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #169, pid 1862: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1862 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #170, pid 1863: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1863 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #171, pid 1864: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1864 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #172, pid 1865: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1865 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #173, pid 1866: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1866 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #174, pid 1868: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cl
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \t
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cv
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cx
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cy
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'hjg' )
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[6\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[5\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[4\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eO3C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[O
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[I
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOF
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOH
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOP
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[H
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[F
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOA
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOB
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[Z
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOD
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eOC
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\>
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\<
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ef
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ec
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \et
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\#
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ep
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \eh
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ed
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ew
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \el
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e.
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ey
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ct
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cb
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cf
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cn
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cp
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ce
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ca
<2> fish: trying to match mapping 
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \b
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \ck
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \r
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \n
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cd
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cw
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cu
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \cc
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_cancel_commandline' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l cmd (commandline)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l cmd (commandline) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (set -l cmd (commandline)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test -n "$cmd"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test -n "$cmd" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test -n "$cmd"), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -C 1000000' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'hjg' )
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -C 1000000 to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -C 1000000), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'command -v tput >/dev/null' with id 2
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<2> fish: Fork #175, pid 1873: internal builtin for 'command'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1873 (command -v tput >/dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput smso' with id 3
<2> fish: Fork #176, pid 1874: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1874 (tput smso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput smso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput rmso' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #177, pid 1875: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1875 (tput rmso), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput rmso')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'tput' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'tput el' with id 3
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #178, pid 1876: external command 't' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 1876 (tput el), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('tput el')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
^C<3> fish: Set status of echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -ns (tput smso; or tput so) "^C" (tput rmso; or tput se) (tput el; or tput ce)), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'seq' )
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -L' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -L to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (commandline -L), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('commandline -L')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'seq (commandline -L)' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<2> fish: Fork #179, pid 1877: external command 's' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1877 (seq (commandline -L)), UNCOMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: select_try hit timeout
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('seq (commandline -L)')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo ""' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: ordinary output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline ""' with id 2
<5> fish: universal log sync
<5> fish: universal log sync elided based on fast stat()
<5> fish: universal log no modifications
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline "" to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline ""), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Exec job 'commandline -f repaint' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'commandline'
<3> fish: Set status of commandline -f repaint to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (commandline -f repaint), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_cancel_commandline), COMPLETED, INTERACTIVE
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_mode_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings" to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_mode_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_mode_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $SSH_TTY' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $SSH_TTY to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $SSH_TTY), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $SSH_TTY')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color cyan' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color cyan to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color cyan), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color cyan')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'prompt_pwd' with id 3
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q argv[1]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q argv[1] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q argv[1]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q argv[1]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -q fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length')
<4> fish: Exec job 'or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('or set -l fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1')
<4> fish: Exec job 'set realhome ~' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set realhome ~ to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set realhome ~), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set realhome ~')
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 12 and 13
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD' with id 5
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 5, gid 0 (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 12
<4> fish: Exec job 'set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'set'
<3> fish: Set status of set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD) to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set -l tmp (string replace -r '^'"$realhome"'($|/)' '~$1' $PWD)')
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job '[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin '['
<3> fish: Set status of [ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ] to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 ([ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('[ $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length -eq 0 ]')
<4> fish: Exec job 'string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp' with id 4
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'string'
<3> fish: Set status of string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 4, gid 0 (string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('string replace -ar '(\.?[^/]{'"$fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length"'})[^/]*/' '$1/' $tmp')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (prompt_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('prompt_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color red' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color red to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color red), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color red')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color yellow' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color yellow to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color yellow), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color yellow')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 10 and 11
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'set_color green' with id 3
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'set_color'
<3> fish: Set status of set_color green to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 3, gid 0 (set_color green), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('set_color green')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 10
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ ' to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo -n (set_color cyan)(prompt_pwd) (set_color red)'❯'(set_color yellow)'❯'(set_color green)'❯ '')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'fish_right_prompt' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'test $status != 0' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: no output for internal builtin 'test'
<3> fish: Set status of test $status != 0 to 1 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (test $status != 0), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('test $status != 0')
<5> fish: intern /boot/home/config/settings/fish/functions/
<3> fish: path_get_path( 'git' )
<4> fish: Exec job 'git rev-parse ^ /dev/null' with id 2
<2> fish: Fork #180, pid 1879: external command 'g' from '<no file>'
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 1559 (git rev-parse ^ /dev/null), UNCOMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: select_try on 8
<3> fish: proc::read_try('git rev-parse ^ /dev/null')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (fish_right_prompt), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('fish_right_prompt')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
<4> fish: Created pipe using fds 8 and 9
<4> fish: Exec job 'echo $_ " "' with id 1
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'echo'
<3> fish: Set status of echo $_ " " to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (echo $_ " "), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('echo $_ " "')
<4> fish: Exec job '__fish_pwd' with id 1
<5> fish: intern /packages/fish-2.4.0-1/.self/data/fish/functions/
<4> fish: Exec job 'pwd' with id 2
<3> fish: Skipping fork: buffered output for internal builtin 'pwd'
<3> fish: Set status of pwd to 0 using short circuit
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 2, gid 0 (pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('pwd')
<3> fish: Job is constructed
<4> fish: Continue job 1, gid 0 (__fish_pwd), COMPLETED, NON-INTERACTIVE
<3> fish: proc::read_try('__fish_pwd')
<4> fish: io_buffer_t::read: blocking read on fd 8
]0;fish /boot/home/Desktop(B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5D
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;5C
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[3\;2\~
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;9A
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3B
<2> fish: trying to match mapping \e\[1\;3A
<2> fish: trying to match mappi
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