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Forked from brunobraga/gmail-count
Created October 31, 2016 15:50
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A simple Gmail unread count script for i3status or conky bars, taking care of its own time frequency (avoid overhead in simplistic approaches such as i3status). See --help for documentation and usage details.
# file: gmail-count
# Purpose: generates a string value representing the Gmail unread email count.
# Usage: pipe the i3status with this script (see i3status manpage)
# or use conky.
# Copyright 2013 Bruno Braga
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Soft Dependencies:
# * python-gnomekeyring
# (if you do not want to use it, just remove the keyring import
# and place the plain password - read below)
# * python-lxml
# (if not available, will try to parse the hard way)
__NAME__ = 'gmail-count'
Defines the name of this script. Used as the service name of keyring store,
if applicable.
__VERSION__ = 0.1
Defines the version of this script.
# Built-in Libraries
import urllib2
import sys
import os
import datetime
import optparse
import traceback
# #############################
# #############################
# First time? Add password to keyring
# keyring.set_password('Gmail', '', '{password}')
# Don't want to use keyring (or don't have it)?
# Just remove the keyring import and replace this password line for your
# raw password (do not recommend doing this, but if you choose to do so,
# remember to change the file permissions to 700 to ensure you alone can
# access it).
password = ''
# A cache file to avoid making repetitive queries (which take long) in same
# frequency as i3 status (usually every 5 seconds)
# The expiration is defined in seconds (2 minutes by default).
cacheFile = '/tmp/gmail-count.cache'
cacheExpiresNSec = 120
# #############################
# #############################
verbose = False
username = ''
useCache = True
def dieGracefully(message):
Exits in error, but outputs a question mark instead of the expected number,
to inform the user something is wrong. Message will only be printed out if
in verbose mode.
if verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, message
print '?'
def setKeyringPassword():
Prompts and stores a user password in Gnome Keyring.
import getpass
kPassword = getpass.getpass(prompt='Type in password for user [%s]: ' % username)
if not kPassword or len(kPassword) == 0:
print 'Must set a valid password'
import keyring
keyring.set_password(__NAME__, username, kPassword)
print "Done."
except Exception, e:
dieGracefully('keyring module not found. See --help for details.')
def parseArgs():
# override the default parser to allow new lines
class Parser(optparse.OptionParser):
def format_epilog(self, formatter):
return self.epilog
global username, password, verbose, cacheExpiresNSec, useCache
parser = Parser(usage="usage: %prog [options]",
description="A simple Gmail unread count script for i3status or conky \
bars, using simple caching (avoid overhead in simplistic approaches such as \
version="%%prog %s" % __VERSION__,
This script will attempt to access the account's password in the following manner:
- if --password is informed, will use it
- if not, will see if it has been hard-coded within the script (some people
may prefer that)
- lastly, if none of the above satisfies, it will retrieve it from keyring,
if available. To add your password to the keyring, use option --add-keyring
parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", action="store",
help="The Gmail username (without the \
If Google Apps account, need to inform the complete email address.")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", action="store",
help="The plain text password associated with the \
username. If not informed, this script will try to retrieve it from keyring. \
Alternatively, you can set the password by hand in this script source, if you \
don't want to send it as option. See source code for details.")
parser.add_option("-r", "--refresh", dest="refresh", action="store",
help="minimum period, in seconds, to allow another call \
to Google (this is just to avoid HTTP overhead). Default value is %d. If using \
conky, you can use --no-cache option if you define execution time rules in \
conkyrc." % cacheExpiresNSec)
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default=False,
help="Used for troubleshooting problems (do not use this \
with output bars, which are usually expecting very few chars).")
parser.add_option("-a", "--add-keyring", dest="add", default=False,
help="Prompts for the password to store it in Gnome \
Keyring. Useful if it is the first time using this script.")
parser.add_option("-n", "--no-cache", dest="cache", default=True,
help="Does not use cache (overrides --refresh option). \
Only use this if you are controlling the calls to this script by yourself or \
another program (such as conky, etc).")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
verbose = options.verbose
username = options.username
useCache = options.cache
# validate username
if not username or len(username) == 0:
dieGracefully("The --username option is required!")
if options.add:
# validate password
if not password or len(password) == 0:
# no passwords stored locally, try to get from options
password = options.password
if not password:
# still nothing, try from keyring
import keyring
password = keyring.get_password(__NAME__, username)
if not password:
dieGracefully("""Password not available (not in keyring).
Try to either:
a) use option --password;
b) add your password to keyring (see --help for details); or
c) hard-code your password in this script (see password variable).
except Exception, e:
dieGracefully("keyring module not found. See --help for details.")
# validate refresh
refresh = options.refresh
if refresh:
cacheExpiresNSec = int(refresh)
if cacheExpiresNSec <= 0:
dieGracefully("--refresh must be higher than zero!")
except Exception, e:
dieGracefully("--refresh must be an integer value, higher than zero.")
def main():
Executes the main code of this script
# validate settings
if not username or not password:
if os.path.exists(cacheFile):
if - \
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(cacheFile)) > \
# remove if old enough
if verbose:
print 'Accessing cache file.'
# still looks good
with open(cacheFile, 'r') as f:
url = ''
if verbose:
print 'Refreshing data from Google.'
ah = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
ah.add_password('New mail feed', '', username, password)
op = urllib2.build_opener(ah)
response = urllib2.urlopen('')
contents ='utf-8')
unread = '?'
from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring
e = fromstring(contents)
fc = e.find('{}fullcount')
unread = fc.text
except Exception, e:
# XML parsing failed, do it the hard-way (ugly, but works)
ifrom = contents.index('<fullcount>') + 11
ito = contents.index('</fullcount>')
unread = contents[ifrom:ito]
print unread
# save to cache, if applicable
if useCache:
with open(cacheFile, 'w') as f:
except Exception, e:
dieGracefully("Unexpected error has occurred. %s" % traceback.format_exc())
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print # just to avoid password input interruption.
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