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Created August 27, 2013 13:43
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Save eye9poob/6353694 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Arcor - EasyBox WPA WPA2 -Key Generator .: script by :....::: crazyjunkie :::...!!! Use this only on your own Mac!!!
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo ####### Arcor/EasyBox WPA-Key Generator #######
echo .: script by :.
echo...::: crazyjunkie :::...
echo Use this only on your own Mac!
set /p macu=Bitte geben Sie die MAC ein:
set mac=!macu::=!
set mac=!mac:-=!
set m9=!mac:~8,1!
set m10=!mac:~9,1!
set m11=!mac:~10,1!
set m12=!mac:~11,1!
set /a smac=0x!m9!!m10!!m11!!m12!
if !smac! lss 10 (
(set smac=0000)
) else (
if !smac! lss 100 (
(set smac=000!smac!)
) else (
if !smac! lss 1000 (
(set smac=00!smac!)
) else (
if !smac! lss 10000 (
(set smac=0!smac!)
set s6=!smac:~0,1!
set s7=!smac:~1,1!
set s8=!smac:~2,1!
set s9=!smac:~3,1!
set s10=!smac:~4,1!
set smac=%s6%%s7%%s8%%s9%%s10%
set /a k1=s7+s8+0x!m11!+0x!m12!
set dec=!k1!
call :dectohex
set k1=0x!hex!
set /a k2=s9+s10+0x!m9!+0x!m10!
set dec=!k2!
call :dectohex
set k2=0x!hex!
set /a x1="k1^s10"
set dec=!x1!
call :dectohex
set x1=!hex!
set /a x2="k1^s9"
set dec=!x2!
call :dectohex
set x2=!hex!
set /a x3="k1^s8"
set dec=!x3!
call :dectohex
set x3=!hex!
set /a y1="k2^^0x!m10!"
set dec=!y1!
call :dectohex
set y1=!hex!
set /a y2="k2^^0x!m11!"
set dec=!y2!
call :dectohex
set y2=!hex!
set /a y3="k2^^0x!m12!"
set dec=!y3!
call :dectohex
set y3=!hex!
set /a z1="0x!m11!^^s10"
set dec=!z1!
call :dectohex
set z1=!hex!
set /a z2="0x!m12!^^s9"
set dec=!z2!
call :dectohex
set z2=!hex!
set /a z3="k1^k2"
set dec=!z3!
call :dectohex
set z3=!hex!
set key=!x1!!y1!!z1!!x2!!y2!!z2!!x3!!y3!!z3!
echo MAC: %macu%
echo SSID: EasyBox-%mac:~6,4%%s6%%s10%
echo SSID: Arcor-%mac:~6,4%%s6%%s10%
echo SSID: Vodafone-%mac:~6,4%%s6%%s10%
echo SMAC: %smac%
echo K1: %K1%
echo K2: %K2%
echo WPA-KEY: %key%
set "hex="
set "map=0123456789ABCDEF"
for /L %%N in (1,1,1) do (
set /a "d=dec&15,dec>>=4"
for %%D in (!d!) do set "hex=!map:~%%D,1!!hex!"
set "dec="
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