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Created July 29, 2015 02:26
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SSL Error with Ruby on Windows when trying to install a gem from command line.

[Solved] The SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate-Error on Ruby for Windows

The Issue

When you try to install (or update) a Ruby gem from your Windows command line and get an error like, for example, the following:

> gem install compass
ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'compass' (>= 0), here is why:
        Unable to download data from - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (

you can (try to) fix it as follows.


"Solution" #1: Change default source host from https:// to http://

This solution will work 100% and is the fastest on top. However, switching permanently to an insecure source connection is highly discouraged! That being said, here's how to do it:

# 1. Add insecure source
> gem sources -a is recommended for security over

Do you want to add this insecure source? [yn]  y added to sources

# 2. Remove secure source
> gem sources -r removed from sources

# 3. Update source cache
> gem sources -u
source cache successfully updated

That's it, you're all done. NO MORE SECURE CONNECTION!

Solution #2: Add Rubygems' latest SSL root CAs

1. Navigate to `C:\Ruby200-x64\lib\ruby\2.0.0\rubygems\ssl_certs` _(adjust to fit your install path)_. 2. If there're no such a files, download these new 1 trusted root certificates from the Rubygems' Github site into the folder: 1. Save [**this file**]( as **`AddTrustExternalCARoot.pem`**2. 2. Save [**this file**]( as **`AddTrustExternalCARoot-2048.pem`**2, 3. 3. Now try again to install the gem. - `if (true): echo "Congrats, we're done."; exit; ` - `else: // try Solution #3`


1: As of Nov 2014. (Ref)
2: Make sure that the files are actually saved as .pem and not as .pem.txt files!
3: Required for some versions of OpenSSL. (Ref)

Solution #3 and #4: Convert Mozilla's SSL root Bundle-CAs

1. Navigate to `C:\Ruby200-x64\lib\ruby\2.0.0\rubygems\ssl_certs` _(adjust to fit your install path)_. 2. Download Mozilla's CA Bundle Certificate **as `ca-bundle.crt`** into the folder, using [**this link**]( 3. Assuming `openssl` is in your `PATH`, from the command line, in the same folder, run: `openssl x509 -in ca-bundle.crt -out MozBundleCA.pem -outform PEM` 4. Now try to install the gem again. - `if (true): echo "Congrats, we're done."; exit; ` - `else: // repeat step 2 and 3 (but with another crt file)` 1. Download Mozilla's **deprecated** CA Bundle Certificate (/w RSA-1024 support) **as `ca-bundle-1024.crt`** into the folder, using [**this link**]( 2. Back on the command line run: `openssl x509 -in ca-bundle-1024.crt -out MozBundleCA.rsa1024.pem -outform PEM` - Now try again to install the gem. - `if (true): echo "Congrats, we're done."; exit; ` - `else: // try Solution #5`

Solution #5: Add older SSL root CAs (by Rubygems, Mozilla &

1. Navigate to `C:\Ruby200-x64\lib\ruby\2.0.0\rubygems\ssl_certs` _(adjust to fit your install path)_. 2. If there's no such a file, download DigiCert's High Assurance EV Root CA trust certificate from the rubygems Github site **as `DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.pem`** in to the folder, using [**this link**]( 3. Download Mozilla's converted CA Certificate **as `cacert.pem`** from the cURL project website to the folder, using [**this link**]( 4. Download's CA Bundle Certificate **as `ca-bundle-startssl.pem`** from their website to the folder, using [**this link**]( 5. Now try again to install the gem. - `if (true): echo "Congrats, we're done."; exit; ` - `else: // go drink a beer!`


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Thanks a ton.. Solution #3 worked for me...since I did not want to mess up with my security trying the solution #1(Windows 10)

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Thank you so much. I was struggling for 3 days. got really frustrated. Finally it worked with Solution" #1:. Once again Thank you.

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jacobvr commented May 4, 2017

Thank you!

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