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Created May 28, 2015 01:31
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(function($Object, $Function, privates, cls, superclass) {'use strict';
function Event() {
var privateObj = $Object.create(cls.prototype);
$Function.apply(cls, privateObj, arguments);
privateObj.wrapper = this;
privates(this).impl = privateObj;
if (superclass) {
Event.prototype = Object.create(superclass.prototype);
return Event;
(function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, console, privates,$Array, $Function, $JSON, $Object, $RegExp, $String, $Error) {'use strict';// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var exceptionHandler = require('uncaught_exception_handler');
var eventNatives = requireNative('event_natives');
var logging = requireNative('logging');
var schemaRegistry = requireNative('schema_registry');
var sendRequest = require('sendRequest').sendRequest;
var utils = require('utils');
var validate = require('schemaUtils').validate;
var unloadEvent = require('unload_event');
// Schemas for the rule-style functions on the events API that
// only need to be generated occasionally, so populate them lazily.
var ruleFunctionSchemas = {
// These values are set lazily:
// addRules: {},
// getRules: {},
// removeRules: {}
// This function ensures that |ruleFunctionSchemas| is populated.
function ensureRuleSchemasLoaded() {
if (ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules)
var eventsSchema = schemaRegistry.GetSchema("events");
var eventType = utils.lookup(eventsSchema.types, 'id', 'events.Event');
ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules =
utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'addRules');
ruleFunctionSchemas.getRules =
utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'getRules');
ruleFunctionSchemas.removeRules =
utils.lookup(eventType.functions, 'name', 'removeRules');
// A map of event names to the event object that is registered to that name.
var attachedNamedEvents = {};
// An array of all attached event objects, used for detaching on unload.
var allAttachedEvents = [];
// A map of functions that massage event arguments before they are dispatched.
// Key is event name, value is function.
var eventArgumentMassagers = {};
// An attachment strategy for events that aren't attached to the browser.
// This applies to events with the "unmanaged" option and events without
// names.
var NullAttachmentStrategy = function(event) {
this.event_ = event;
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener =
function(listener) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener =
function(listener) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) {
NullAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) {
// |ids| is for filtered events only.
return this.event_.listeners;
// Handles adding/removing/dispatching listeners for unfiltered events.
var UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy = function(event) {
this.event_ = event;
UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener =
function(listener) {
// Only attach / detach on the first / last listener removed.
if (this.event_.listeners.length == 0)
UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener =
function(listener) {
if (this.event_.listeners.length == 0)
UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) {
eventNatives.DetachEvent(this.event_.eventName, manual);
UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) {
// |ids| is for filtered events only.
return this.event_.listeners;
var FilteredAttachmentStrategy = function(event) {
this.event_ = event;
this.listenerMap_ = {};
FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap = {};
FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onAddedListener = function(listener) {
var id = eventNatives.AttachFilteredEvent(this.event_.eventName,
listener.filters || {});
if (id == -1)
throw new Error("Can't add listener"); = id;
this.listenerMap_[id] = listener;
FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id] = this.event_;
FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.onRemovedListener = function(listener) {
this.detachListener(listener, true);
FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detachListener =
function(listener, manual) {
if ( == undefined)
throw new Error(" undefined - '" + listener + "'");
var id =;
delete this.listenerMap_[id];
delete FilteredAttachmentStrategy.idToEventMap[id];
eventNatives.DetachFilteredEvent(id, manual);
FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.detach = function(manual) {
for (var i in this.listenerMap_)
this.detachListener(this.listenerMap_[i], manual);
FilteredAttachmentStrategy.prototype.getListenersByIDs = function(ids) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
$Array.push(result, this.listenerMap_[ids[i]]);
return result;
function parseEventOptions(opt_eventOptions) {
function merge(dest, src) {
for (var k in src) {
if (!$Object.hasOwnProperty(dest, k)) {
dest[k] = src[k];
var options = opt_eventOptions || {};
merge(options, {
// Event supports adding listeners with filters ("filtered events"), for
// example as used in the webNavigation API.
// event.addListener(listener, [filter1, filter2]);
supportsFilters: false,
// Events supports vanilla events. Most APIs use these.
// event.addListener(listener);
supportsListeners: true,
// Event supports adding rules ("declarative events") rather than
// listeners, for example as used in the declarativeWebRequest API.
// event.addRules([rule1, rule2]);
supportsRules: false,
// Event is unmanaged in that the browser has no knowledge of its
// existence; it's never invoked, doesn't keep the renderer alive, and
// the bindings system has no knowledge of it.
// Both events created by user code (new chrome.Event()) and messaging
// events are unmanaged, though in the latter case the browser *does*
// interact indirectly with them via IPCs written by hand.
unmanaged: false,
return options;
// Event object. If opt_eventName is provided, this object represents
// the unique instance of that named event, and dispatching an event
// with that name will route through this object's listeners. Note that
// opt_eventName is required for events that support rules.
// Example:
// var Event = require('event_bindings').Event;
// chrome.tabs.onChanged = new Event("tab-changed");
// chrome.tabs.onChanged.addListener(function(data) { alert(data); });
// Event.dispatch("tab-changed", "hi");
// will result in an alert dialog that says 'hi'.
// If opt_eventOptions exists, it is a dictionary that contains the boolean
// entries "supportsListeners" and "supportsRules".
// If opt_webViewInstanceId exists, it is an integer uniquely identifying a
// <webview> tag within the embedder. If it does not exist, then this is an
// extension event rather than a <webview> event.
var EventImpl = function(opt_eventName, opt_argSchemas, opt_eventOptions,
opt_webViewInstanceId) {
this.eventName = opt_eventName;
this.argSchemas = opt_argSchemas;
this.listeners = [];
this.eventOptions = parseEventOptions(opt_eventOptions);
this.webViewInstanceId = opt_webViewInstanceId || 0;
if (!this.eventName) {
if (this.eventOptions.supportsRules)
throw new Error("Events that support rules require an event name.");
// Events without names cannot be managed by the browser by definition
// (the browser has no way of identifying them).
this.eventOptions.unmanaged = true;
// Track whether the event has been destroyed to help track down the cause
// of
// This variable will eventually hold the stack trace of the destroy call.
// TODO(kalman): Delete this and replace with more sound logic that catches
// when events are used without being *attached*.
this.destroyed = null;
if (this.eventOptions.unmanaged)
this.attachmentStrategy = new NullAttachmentStrategy(this);
else if (this.eventOptions.supportsFilters)
this.attachmentStrategy = new FilteredAttachmentStrategy(this);
this.attachmentStrategy = new UnfilteredAttachmentStrategy(this);
// callback is a function(args, dispatch). args are the args we receive from
// dispatchEvent(), and dispatch is a function(args) that dispatches args to
// its listeners.
function registerArgumentMassager(name, callback) {
if (eventArgumentMassagers[name])
throw new Error("Massager already registered for event: " + name);
eventArgumentMassagers[name] = callback;
// Dispatches a named event with the given argument array. The args array is
// the list of arguments that will be sent to the event callback.
function dispatchEvent(name, args, filteringInfo) {
var listenerIDs = [];
if (filteringInfo)
listenerIDs = eventNatives.MatchAgainstEventFilter(name, filteringInfo);
var event = attachedNamedEvents[name];
if (!event)
var dispatchArgs = function(args) {
var result = event.dispatch_(args, listenerIDs);
if (result)
logging.DCHECK(!result.validationErrors, result.validationErrors);
return result;
if (eventArgumentMassagers[name])
eventArgumentMassagers[name](args, dispatchArgs);
// Registers a callback to be called when this event is dispatched.
EventImpl.prototype.addListener = function(cb, filters) {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners)
throw new Error("This event does not support listeners.");
if (this.eventOptions.maxListeners &&
this.getListenerCount_() >= this.eventOptions.maxListeners) {
throw new Error("Too many listeners for " + this.eventName);
if (filters) {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsFilters)
throw new Error("This event does not support filters.");
if (filters.url && !(filters.url instanceof Array))
throw new Error("filters.url should be an array.");
if (filters.serviceType &&
!(typeof filters.serviceType === 'string')) {
throw new Error("filters.serviceType should be a string.")
var listener = {callback: cb, filters: filters};
$Array.push(this.listeners, listener);
EventImpl.prototype.attach_ = function(listener) {
if (this.listeners.length == 0) {
allAttachedEvents[allAttachedEvents.length] = this;
if (this.eventName) {
if (attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName]) {
throw new Error("Event '" + this.eventName +
"' is already attached.");
attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName] = this;
// Unregisters a callback.
EventImpl.prototype.removeListener = function(cb) {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners)
throw new Error("This event does not support listeners.");
var idx = this.findListener_(cb);
if (idx == -1)
var removedListener = $Array.splice(this.listeners, idx, 1)[0];
if (this.listeners.length == 0) {
var i = $Array.indexOf(allAttachedEvents, this);
if (i >= 0)
delete allAttachedEvents[i];
if (this.eventName) {
if (!attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName]) {
throw new Error(
"Event '" + this.eventName + "' is not attached.");
delete attachedNamedEvents[this.eventName];
// Test if the given callback is registered for this event.
EventImpl.prototype.hasListener = function(cb) {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners)
throw new Error("This event does not support listeners.");
return this.findListener_(cb) > -1;
// Test if any callbacks are registered for this event.
EventImpl.prototype.hasListeners = function() {
return this.getListenerCount_() > 0;
// Returns the number of listeners on this event.
EventImpl.prototype.getListenerCount_ = function() {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners)
throw new Error("This event does not support listeners.");
return this.listeners.length;
// Returns the index of the given callback if registered, or -1 if not
// found.
EventImpl.prototype.findListener_ = function(cb) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) {
if (this.listeners[i].callback == cb) {
return i;
return -1;
EventImpl.prototype.dispatch_ = function(args, listenerIDs) {
if (this.destroyed) {
throw new Error(this.eventName + ' was already destroyed at: ' +
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsListeners)
throw new Error("This event does not support listeners.");
if (this.argSchemas && logging.DCHECK_IS_ON()) {
try {
validate(args, this.argSchemas);
} catch (e) {
e.message += ' in ' + this.eventName;
throw e;
// Make a copy of the listeners in case the listener list is modified
// while dispatching the event.
var listeners = $Array.slice(
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
try {
var result = this.wrapper.dispatchToListener(listeners[i].callback,
if (result !== undefined)
$Array.push(results, result);
} catch (e) {
exceptionHandler.handle('Error in event handler for ' +
(this.eventName ? this.eventName : '(unknown)'),
if (results.length)
return {results: results};
// Can be overridden to support custom dispatching.
EventImpl.prototype.dispatchToListener = function(callback, args) {
return $Function.apply(callback, null, args);
// Dispatches this event object to all listeners, passing all supplied
// arguments to this function each listener.
EventImpl.prototype.dispatch = function(varargs) {
return this.dispatch_($Array.slice(arguments), undefined);
// Detaches this event object from its name.
EventImpl.prototype.detach_ = function() {
EventImpl.prototype.destroy_ = function() {
this.listeners.length = 0;
this.destroyed = exceptionHandler.getStackTrace();
EventImpl.prototype.addRules = function(rules, opt_cb) {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsRules)
throw new Error("This event does not support rules.");
// Takes a list of JSON datatype identifiers and returns a schema fragment
// that verifies that a JSON object corresponds to an array of only these
// data types.
function buildArrayOfChoicesSchema(typesList) {
return {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'choices': {return {'$ref': el};})
// Validate conditions and actions against specific schemas of this
// event object type.
// |rules| is an array of JSON objects that follow the Rule type of the
// declarative extension APIs. |conditions| is an array of JSON type
// identifiers that are allowed to occur in the conditions attribute of each
// rule. Likewise, |actions| is an array of JSON type identifiers that are
// allowed to occur in the actions attribute of each rule.
function validateRules(rules, conditions, actions) {
var conditionsSchema = buildArrayOfChoicesSchema(conditions);
var actionsSchema = buildArrayOfChoicesSchema(actions);
$Array.forEach(rules, function(rule) {
validate([rule.conditions], [conditionsSchema]);
validate([rule.actions], [actionsSchema]);
if (!this.eventOptions.conditions || !this.eventOptions.actions) {
throw new Error('Event ' + this.eventName + ' misses ' +
'conditions or actions in the API specification.');
// We remove the first parameter from the validation to give the user more
// meaningful error messages.
validate([this.webViewInstanceId, rules, opt_cb],
$Array.slice(ruleFunctionSchemas.addRules.parameters), 1));
[this.eventName, this.webViewInstanceId, rules, opt_cb],
EventImpl.prototype.removeRules = function(ruleIdentifiers, opt_cb) {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsRules)
throw new Error("This event does not support rules.");
// We remove the first parameter from the validation to give the user more
// meaningful error messages.
validate([this.webViewInstanceId, ruleIdentifiers, opt_cb],
$Array.slice(ruleFunctionSchemas.removeRules.parameters), 1));
EventImpl.prototype.getRules = function(ruleIdentifiers, cb) {
if (!this.eventOptions.supportsRules)
throw new Error("This event does not support rules.");
// We remove the first parameter from the validation to give the user more
// meaningful error messages.
validate([this.webViewInstanceId, ruleIdentifiers, cb],
$Array.slice(ruleFunctionSchemas.getRules.parameters), 1));
[this.eventName, this.webViewInstanceId, ruleIdentifiers, cb],
unloadEvent.addListener(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < allAttachedEvents.length; ++i) {
var event = allAttachedEvents[i];
if (event)
var Event = utils.expose('Event', EventImpl, { functions: [
] });
// NOTE: Event is (lazily) exposed as chrome.Event from
exports.Event = Event;
exports.dispatchEvent = dispatchEvent;
exports.parseEventOptions = parseEventOptions;
exports.registerArgumentMassager = registerArgumentMassager;
(function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, console, privates,$Array, $Function, $JSON, $Object, $RegExp, $String, $Error) {'use strict';// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: If you change this file you need to touch
// extension_renderer_resources.grd to have your change take effect.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file contains a class that implements a subset of JSON Schema.
// See: for more details.
// The following features of JSON Schema are not implemented:
// - requires
// - unique
// - disallow
// - union types (but replaced with 'choices')
// The following properties are not applicable to the interface exposed by
// this class:
// - options
// - readonly
// - title
// - description
// - format
// - default
// - transient
// - hidden
// There are also these departures from the JSON Schema proposal:
// - function and undefined types are supported
// - null counts as 'unspecified' for optional values
// - added the 'choices' property, to allow specifying a list of possible types
// for a value
// - by default an "object" typed schema does not allow additional properties.
// if present, "additionalProperties" is to be a schema against which all
// additional properties will be validated.
var loadTypeSchema = require('utils').loadTypeSchema;
var CHECK = requireNative('logging').CHECK;
function isInstanceOfClass(instance, className) {
while ((instance = instance.__proto__)) {
if ( == className)
return true;
return false;
function isOptionalValue(value) {
return typeof(value) === 'undefined' || value === null;
function enumToString(enumValue) {
if ( === undefined)
return enumValue;
* Validates an instance against a schema and accumulates errors. Usage:
* var validator = new JSONSchemaValidator();
* validator.validate(inst, schema);
* if (validator.errors.length == 0)
* console.log("Valid!");
* else
* console.log(validator.errors);
* The errors property contains a list of objects. Each object has two
* properties: "path" and "message". The "path" property contains the path to
* the key that had the problem, and the "message" property contains a sentence
* describing the error.
function JSONSchemaValidator() {
this.errors = [];
this.types = [];
JSONSchemaValidator.messages = {
invalidEnum: "Value must be one of: [*].",
propertyRequired: "Property is required.",
unexpectedProperty: "Unexpected property.",
arrayMinItems: "Array must have at least * items.",
arrayMaxItems: "Array must not have more than * items.",
itemRequired: "Item is required.",
stringMinLength: "String must be at least * characters long.",
stringMaxLength: "String must not be more than * characters long.",
stringPattern: "String must match the pattern: *.",
numberFiniteNotNan: "Value must not be *.",
numberMinValue: "Value must not be less than *.",
numberMaxValue: "Value must not be greater than *.",
numberIntValue: "Value must fit in a 32-bit signed integer.",
numberMaxDecimal: "Value must not have more than * decimal places.",
invalidType: "Expected '*' but got '*'.",
"Expected 'integer' but got 'number', consider using Math.round().",
invalidChoice: "Value does not match any valid type choices.",
invalidPropertyType: "Missing property type.",
schemaRequired: "Schema value required.",
unknownSchemaReference: "Unknown schema reference: *.",
notInstance: "Object must be an instance of *."
* Builds an error message. Key is the property in the |errors| object, and
* |opt_replacements| is an array of values to replace "*" characters with.
JSONSchemaValidator.formatError = function(key, opt_replacements) {
var message = this.messages[key];
if (opt_replacements) {
for (var i = 0; i < opt_replacements.length; i++) {
message = message.replace("*", opt_replacements[i]);
return message;
* Classifies a value as one of the JSON schema primitive types. Note that we
* don't explicitly disallow 'function', because we want to allow functions in
* the input values.
JSONSchemaValidator.getType = function(value) {
var s = typeof value;
if (s == "object") {
if (value === null) {
return "null";
} else if ( == "[object Array]") {
return "array";
} else if ( ==
"[object ArrayBuffer]") {
return "binary";
} else if (s == "number") {
if (value % 1 == 0) {
return "integer";
return s;
* Add types that may be referenced by validated schemas that reference them
* with "$ref": <typeId>. Each type must be a valid schema and define an
* "id" property.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.addTypes = function(typeOrTypeList) {
function addType(validator, type) {
if (!
throw new Error("Attempt to addType with missing 'id' property");
validator.types[] = type;
if (typeOrTypeList instanceof Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < typeOrTypeList.length; i++) {
addType(this, typeOrTypeList[i]);
} else {
addType(this, typeOrTypeList);
* Returns a list of strings of the types that this schema accepts.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.getAllTypesForSchema = function(schema) {
var schemaTypes = [];
if (schema.type)
$Array.push(schemaTypes, schema.type);
if (schema.choices) {
for (var i = 0; i < schema.choices.length; i++) {
var choiceTypes = this.getAllTypesForSchema(schema.choices[i]);
schemaTypes = $Array.concat(schemaTypes, choiceTypes);
var ref = schema['$ref'];
if (ref) {
var type = this.getOrAddType(ref);
CHECK(type, 'Could not find type ' + ref);
schemaTypes = $Array.concat(schemaTypes, this.getAllTypesForSchema(type));
return schemaTypes;
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.getOrAddType = function(typeName) {
if (!this.types[typeName])
this.types[typeName] = loadTypeSchema(typeName);
return this.types[typeName];
* Returns true if |schema| would accept an argument of type |type|.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.isValidSchemaType = function(type, schema) {
if (type == 'any')
return true;
// TODO(kalman): I don't understand this code. How can type be "null"?
if (schema.optional && (type == "null" || type == "undefined"))
return true;
var schemaTypes = this.getAllTypesForSchema(schema);
for (var i = 0; i < schemaTypes.length; i++) {
if (schemaTypes[i] == "any" || type == schemaTypes[i] ||
(type == "integer" && schemaTypes[i] == "number"))
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if there is a non-null argument that both |schema1| and
* |schema2| would accept.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.checkSchemaOverlap = function(schema1, schema2) {
var schema1Types = this.getAllTypesForSchema(schema1);
for (var i = 0; i < schema1Types.length; i++) {
if (this.isValidSchemaType(schema1Types[i], schema2))
return true;
return false;
* Validates an instance against a schema. The instance can be any JavaScript
* value and will be validated recursively. When this method returns, the
* |errors| property will contain a list of errors, if any.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.validate = function(instance, schema, opt_path) {
var path = opt_path || "";
if (!schema) {
this.addError(path, "schemaRequired");
// If this schema defines itself as reference type, save it in this.types.
if (
this.types[] = schema;
// If the schema has an extends property, the instance must validate against
// that schema too.
if (schema.extends)
this.validate(instance, schema.extends, path);
// If the schema has a $ref property, the instance must validate against
// that schema too. It must be present in this.types to be referenced.
var ref = schema["$ref"];
if (ref) {
if (!this.getOrAddType(ref))
this.addError(path, "unknownSchemaReference", [ ref ]);
this.validate(instance, this.getOrAddType(ref), path)
// If the schema has a choices property, the instance must validate against at
// least one of the items in that array.
if (schema.choices) {
this.validateChoices(instance, schema, path);
// If the schema has an enum property, the instance must be one of those
// values.
if (schema.enum) {
if (!this.validateEnum(instance, schema, path))
if (schema.type && schema.type != "any") {
if (!this.validateType(instance, schema, path))
// Type-specific validation.
switch (schema.type) {
case "object":
this.validateObject(instance, schema, path);
case "array":
this.validateArray(instance, schema, path);
case "string":
this.validateString(instance, schema, path);
case "number":
case "integer":
this.validateNumber(instance, schema, path);
* Validates an instance against a choices schema. The instance must match at
* least one of the provided choices.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.validateChoices =
function(instance, schema, path) {
var originalErrors = this.errors;
for (var i = 0; i < schema.choices.length; i++) {
this.errors = [];
this.validate(instance, schema.choices[i], path);
if (this.errors.length == 0) {
this.errors = originalErrors;
this.errors = originalErrors;
this.addError(path, "invalidChoice");
* Validates an instance against a schema with an enum type. Populates the
* |errors| property, and returns a boolean indicating whether the instance
* validates.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.validateEnum = function(instance, schema, path) {
for (var i = 0; i < schema.enum.length; i++) {
if (instance === enumToString(schema.enum[i]))
return true;
this.addError(path, "invalidEnum",
[", ")]);
return false;
* Validates an instance against an object schema and populates the errors
* property.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.validateObject =
function(instance, schema, path) {
if ( {
for (var prop in {
// It is common in JavaScript to add properties to Object.prototype. This
// check prevents such additions from being interpreted as required
// schema properties.
// TODO(aa): If it ever turns out that we actually want this to work,
// there are other checks we could put here, like requiring that schema
// properties be objects that have a 'type' property.
if (!$Object.hasOwnProperty(, prop))
var propPath = path ? path + "." + prop : prop;
if ([prop] == undefined) {
this.addError(propPath, "invalidPropertyType");
} else if (prop in instance && !isOptionalValue(instance[prop])) {
this.validate(instance[prop],[prop], propPath);
} else if (![prop].optional) {
this.addError(propPath, "propertyRequired");
// If "instanceof" property is set, check that this object inherits from
// the specified constructor (function).
if (schema.isInstanceOf) {
if (!isInstanceOfClass(instance, schema.isInstanceOf))
this.addError(propPath, "notInstance", [schema.isInstanceOf]);
// Exit early from additional property check if "type":"any" is defined.
if (schema.additionalProperties &&
schema.additionalProperties.type &&
schema.additionalProperties.type == "any") {
// By default, additional properties are not allowed on instance objects. This
// can be overridden by setting the additionalProperties property to a schema
// which any additional properties must validate against.
for (var prop in instance) {
if ( && prop in
// Any properties inherited through the prototype are ignored.
if (!$Object.hasOwnProperty(instance, prop))
var propPath = path ? path + "." + prop : prop;
if (schema.additionalProperties)
this.validate(instance[prop], schema.additionalProperties, propPath);
this.addError(propPath, "unexpectedProperty");
* Validates an instance against an array schema and populates the errors
* property.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.validateArray = function(instance, schema, path) {
var typeOfItems = JSONSchemaValidator.getType(schema.items);
if (typeOfItems == 'object') {
if (schema.minItems && instance.length < schema.minItems) {
this.addError(path, "arrayMinItems", [schema.minItems]);
if (typeof schema.maxItems != "undefined" &&
instance.length > schema.maxItems) {
this.addError(path, "arrayMaxItems", [schema.maxItems]);
// If the items property is a single schema, each item in the array must
// have that schema.
for (var i = 0; i < instance.length; i++) {
this.validate(instance[i], schema.items, path + "." + i);
} else if (typeOfItems == 'array') {
// If the items property is an array of schemas, each item in the array must
// validate against the corresponding schema.
for (var i = 0; i < schema.items.length; i++) {
var itemPath = path ? path + "." + i : String(i);
if (i in instance && !isOptionalValue(instance[i])) {
this.validate(instance[i], schema.items[i], itemPath);
} else if (!schema.items[i].optional) {
this.addError(itemPath, "itemRequired");
if (schema.additionalProperties) {
for (var i = schema.items.length; i < instance.length; i++) {
var itemPath = path ? path + "." + i : String(i);
this.validate(instance[i], schema.additionalProperties, itemPath);
} else {
if (instance.length > schema.items.length) {
this.addError(path, "arrayMaxItems", [schema.items.length]);
* Validates a string and populates the errors property.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.validateString =
function(instance, schema, path) {
if (schema.minLength && instance.length < schema.minLength)
this.addError(path, "stringMinLength", [schema.minLength]);
if (schema.maxLength && instance.length > schema.maxLength)
this.addError(path, "stringMaxLength", [schema.maxLength]);
if (schema.pattern && !schema.pattern.test(instance))
this.addError(path, "stringPattern", [schema.pattern]);
* Validates a number and populates the errors property. The instance is
* assumed to be a number.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.validateNumber =
function(instance, schema, path) {
// Forbid NaN, +Infinity, and -Infinity. Our APIs don't use them, and
// JSON serialization encodes them as 'null'. Re-evaluate supporting
// them if we add an API that could reasonably take them as a parameter.
if (isNaN(instance) ||
instance == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ||
instance == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY )
this.addError(path, "numberFiniteNotNan", [instance]);
if (schema.minimum !== undefined && instance < schema.minimum)
this.addError(path, "numberMinValue", [schema.minimum]);
if (schema.maximum !== undefined && instance > schema.maximum)
this.addError(path, "numberMaxValue", [schema.maximum]);
// Check for integer values outside of -2^31..2^31-1.
if (schema.type === "integer" && (instance | 0) !== instance)
this.addError(path, "numberIntValue", []);
if (schema.maxDecimal && instance * Math.pow(10, schema.maxDecimal) % 1)
this.addError(path, "numberMaxDecimal", [schema.maxDecimal]);
* Validates the primitive type of an instance and populates the errors
* property. Returns true if the instance validates, false otherwise.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.validateType = function(instance, schema, path) {
var actualType = JSONSchemaValidator.getType(instance);
if (schema.type == actualType ||
(schema.type == "number" && actualType == "integer")) {
return true;
} else if (schema.type == "integer" && actualType == "number") {
this.addError(path, "invalidTypeIntegerNumber");
return false;
} else {
this.addError(path, "invalidType", [schema.type, actualType]);
return false;
* Adds an error message. |key| is an index into the |messages| object.
* |replacements| is an array of values to replace '*' characters in the
* message.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.addError = function(path, key, replacements) {
$Array.push(this.errors, {
path: path,
message: JSONSchemaValidator.formatError(key, replacements)
* Resets errors to an empty list so you can call 'validate' again.
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.resetErrors = function() {
this.errors = [];
exports.JSONSchemaValidator = JSONSchemaValidator;
(function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, console, privates,$Array, $Function, $JSON, $Object, $RegExp, $String, $Error) {'use strict';// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// chrome.runtime.messaging API implementation.
// TODO(kalman): factor requiring chrome out of here.
var chrome = requireNative('chrome').GetChrome();
var Event = require('event_bindings').Event;
var lastError = require('lastError');
var logActivity = requireNative('activityLogger');
var logging = requireNative('logging');
var messagingNatives = requireNative('messaging_natives');
var processNatives = requireNative('process');
var unloadEvent = require('unload_event');
var utils = require('utils');
var messagingUtils = require('messaging_utils');
// The reserved channel name for the sendRequest/send(Native)Message APIs.
// Note: sendRequest is deprecated.
var kRequestChannel = "chrome.extension.sendRequest";
var kMessageChannel = "chrome.runtime.sendMessage";
var kNativeMessageChannel = "chrome.runtime.sendNativeMessage";
// Map of port IDs to port object.
var ports = {};
// Map of port IDs to unloadEvent listeners. Keep track of these to free the
// unloadEvent listeners when ports are closed.
var portReleasers = {};
// Change even to odd and vice versa, to get the other side of a given
// channel.
function getOppositePortId(portId) { return portId ^ 1; }
// Port object. Represents a connection to another script context through
// which messages can be passed.
function PortImpl(portId, opt_name) {
this.portId_ = portId; = opt_name;
var portSchema = {name: 'port', $ref: 'runtime.Port'};
var options = {unmanaged: true};
this.onDisconnect = new Event(null, [portSchema], options);
this.onMessage = new Event(
[{name: 'message', type: 'any', optional: true}, portSchema],
this.onDestroy_ = null;
// Sends a message asynchronously to the context on the other end of this
// port.
PortImpl.prototype.postMessage = function(msg) {
// JSON.stringify doesn't support a root object which is undefined.
if (msg === undefined)
msg = null;
msg = $JSON.stringify(msg);
if (msg === undefined) {
// JSON.stringify can fail with unserializable objects. Log an error and
// drop the message.
// TODO(kalman/mpcomplete): it would be better to do the same validation
// here that we do for runtime.sendMessage (and variants), i.e. throw an
// schema validation Error, but just maintain the old behaviour until
// there's a good reason not to (
console.error('Illegal argument to Port.postMessage');
messagingNatives.PostMessage(this.portId_, msg);
// Disconnects the port from the other end.
PortImpl.prototype.disconnect = function() {
messagingNatives.CloseChannel(this.portId_, true);
PortImpl.prototype.destroy_ = function() {
var portId = this.portId_;
if (this.onDestroy_)
delete ports[portId];
delete portReleasers[portId];
// Returns true if the specified port id is in this context. This is used by
// the C++ to avoid creating the javascript message for all the contexts that
// don't care about a particular message.
function hasPort(portId) {
return portId in ports;
// Hidden port creation function. We don't want to expose an API that lets
// people add arbitrary port IDs to the port list.
function createPort(portId, opt_name) {
if (ports[portId])
throw new Error("Port '" + portId + "' already exists.");
var port = new Port(portId, opt_name);
ports[portId] = port;
portReleasers[portId] = $Function.bind(messagingNatives.PortRelease,
return port;
// Helper function for dispatchOnRequest.
function handleSendRequestError(isSendMessage,
sourceUrl) {
var errorMsg = [];
var eventName = isSendMessage ? "runtime.onMessage" : "extension.onRequest";
if (isSendMessage && !responseCallbackPreserved) {
"The chrome." + eventName + " listener must return true if you " +
"want to send a response after the listener returns");
} else {
"Cannot send a response more than once per chrome." + eventName +
" listener per document");
$Array.push(errorMsg, "(message was sent by extension" + sourceExtensionId);
if (sourceExtensionId != "" && sourceExtensionId != targetExtensionId)
$Array.push(errorMsg, "for extension " + targetExtensionId);
if (sourceUrl != "")
$Array.push(errorMsg, "for URL " + sourceUrl);
lastError.set(eventName, errorMsg.join(" ") + ").", null, chrome);
// Helper function for dispatchOnConnect
function dispatchOnRequest(portId, channelName, sender,
sourceExtensionId, targetExtensionId, sourceUrl,
isExternal) {
var isSendMessage = channelName == kMessageChannel;
var requestEvent = null;
if (isSendMessage) {
if (chrome.runtime) {
requestEvent = isExternal ? chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal
: chrome.runtime.onMessage;
} else {
if (chrome.extension) {
requestEvent = isExternal ? chrome.extension.onRequestExternal
: chrome.extension.onRequest;
if (!requestEvent)
return false;
if (!requestEvent.hasListeners())
return false;
var port = createPort(portId, channelName);
function messageListener(request) {
var responseCallbackPreserved = false;
var responseCallback = function(response) {
if (port) {
port = null;
} else {
// We nulled out port when sending the response, and now the page
// is trying to send another response for the same request.
handleSendRequestError(isSendMessage, responseCallbackPreserved,
sourceExtensionId, targetExtensionId);
// In case the extension never invokes the responseCallback, and also
// doesn't keep a reference to it, we need to clean up the port. Do
// so by attaching to the garbage collection of the responseCallback
// using some native hackery.
messagingNatives.BindToGC(responseCallback, function() {
if (port) {
port = null;
var rv = requestEvent.dispatch(request, sender, responseCallback);
if (isSendMessage) {
responseCallbackPreserved =
rv && rv.results && $Array.indexOf(rv.results, true) > -1;
if (!responseCallbackPreserved && port) {
// If they didn't access the response callback, they're not
// going to send a response, so clean up the port immediately.
port = null;
privates(port).impl.onDestroy_ = function() {
var eventName = isSendMessage ? "runtime.onMessage" : "extension.onRequest";
if (isExternal)
eventName += "External";
[sourceExtensionId, sourceUrl]);
return true;
// Called by native code when a channel has been opened to this context.
function dispatchOnConnect(portId,
tlsChannelId) {
// Only create a new Port if someone is actually listening for a connection.
// In addition to being an optimization, this also fixes a bug where if 2
// channels were opened to and from the same process, closing one would
// close both.
var extensionId = processNatives.GetExtensionId();
// should ensure that this method only gets called for
// the right extension.
logging.CHECK(targetExtensionId == extensionId);
if (ports[getOppositePortId(portId)])
return false; // this channel was opened by us, so ignore it
// Determine whether this is coming from another extension, so we can use
// the right event.
var isExternal = sourceExtensionId != extensionId;
var sender = {};
if (sourceExtensionId != '') = sourceExtensionId;
if (sourceUrl)
sender.url = sourceUrl;
if (sourceTab) = sourceTab;
if (sourceFrameId >= 0)
sender.frameId = sourceFrameId;
if (typeof guestProcessId != 'undefined') {
// Note that |guestProcessId| is not a standard field on MessageSender and
// should not be exposed to drive-by extensions; it is only exposed to
// component extensions.
"GuestProcessId can only be exposed to component extensions.");
sender.guestProcessId = guestProcessId;
if (typeof tlsChannelId != 'undefined')
sender.tlsChannelId = tlsChannelId;
// Special case for sendRequest/onRequest and sendMessage/onMessage.
if (channelName == kRequestChannel || channelName == kMessageChannel) {
return dispatchOnRequest(portId, channelName, sender,
sourceExtensionId, targetExtensionId, sourceUrl,
var connectEvent = null;
if (chrome.runtime) {
connectEvent = isExternal ? chrome.runtime.onConnectExternal
: chrome.runtime.onConnect;
if (!connectEvent)
return false;
if (!connectEvent.hasListeners())
return false;
var port = createPort(portId, channelName);
port.sender = sender;
if (processNatives.manifestVersion < 2) =;
var eventName = (isExternal ?
"runtime.onConnectExternal" : "runtime.onConnect");
return true;
// Called by native code when a channel has been closed.
function dispatchOnDisconnect(portId, errorMessage) {
var port = ports[portId];
if (port) {
// Update the renderer's port bookkeeping, without notifying the browser.
messagingNatives.CloseChannel(portId, false);
if (errorMessage)
lastError.set('Port', errorMessage, null, chrome);
try {
} finally {
// Called by native code when a message has been sent to the given port.
function dispatchOnMessage(msg, portId) {
var port = ports[portId];
if (port) {
if (msg)
msg = $JSON.parse(msg);
port.onMessage.dispatch(msg, port);
// Shared implementation used by tabs.sendMessage and runtime.sendMessage.
function sendMessageImpl(port, request, responseCallback) {
if ( != kNativeMessageChannel)
if ( == kMessageChannel && !responseCallback) {
// TODO(mpcomplete): Do this for the old sendRequest API too, after
// verifying it doesn't break anything.
// Go ahead and disconnect immediately if the sender is not expecting
// a response.
// Ensure the callback exists for the older sendRequest API.
if (!responseCallback)
responseCallback = function() {};
// Note: make sure to manually remove the onMessage/onDisconnect listeners
// that we added before destroying the Port, a workaround to a bug in Port
// where any onMessage/onDisconnect listeners added but not removed will
// be leaked when the Port is destroyed.
// tracks a sustainable fix.
function disconnectListener() {
// For onDisconnects, we only notify the callback if there was an error.
if (chrome.runtime && chrome.runtime.lastError)
function messageListener(response) {
try {
} finally {
privates(port).impl.onDestroy_ = function() {
function sendMessageUpdateArguments(functionName, hasOptionsArgument) {
// skip functionName and hasOptionsArgument
var args = $Array.slice(arguments, 2);
var alignedArgs = messagingUtils.alignSendMessageArguments(args,
if (!alignedArgs)
throw new Error('Invalid arguments to ' + functionName + '.');
return alignedArgs;
var Port = utils.expose('Port', PortImpl, { functions: [
properties: [
] });
exports.kRequestChannel = kRequestChannel;
exports.kMessageChannel = kMessageChannel;
exports.kNativeMessageChannel = kNativeMessageChannel;
exports.Port = Port;
exports.createPort = createPort;
exports.sendMessageImpl = sendMessageImpl;
exports.sendMessageUpdateArguments = sendMessageUpdateArguments;
// For C++ code to call.
exports.hasPort = hasPort;
exports.dispatchOnConnect = dispatchOnConnect;
exports.dispatchOnDisconnect = dispatchOnDisconnect;
exports.dispatchOnMessage = dispatchOnMessage;
(function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, console, privates,$Array, $Function, $JSON, $Object, $RegExp, $String, $Error) {'use strict';// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var exceptionHandler = require('uncaught_exception_handler');
var lastError = require('lastError');
var logging = requireNative('logging');
var natives = requireNative('sendRequest');
var validate = require('schemaUtils').validate;
// All outstanding requests from sendRequest().
var requests = {};
// Used to prevent double Activity Logging for API calls that use both custom
// bindings and ExtensionFunctions (via sendRequest).
var calledSendRequest = false;
// Runs a user-supplied callback safely.
function safeCallbackApply(name, request, callback, args) {
try {
$Function.apply(callback, request, args);
} catch (e) {
exceptionHandler.handle('Error in response to ' + name, e, request.stack);
// Callback handling.
function handleResponse(requestId, name, success, responseList, error) {
// The chrome objects we will set lastError on. Really we should only be
// setting this on the callback's chrome object, but set on ours too since
// it's conceivable that something relies on that.
var callerChrome = chrome;
try {
var request = requests[requestId];
logging.DCHECK(request != null);
// lastError needs to be set on the caller's chrome object no matter what,
// though chances are it's the same as ours (it will be different when
// calling API methods on other contexts).
if (request.callback)
callerChrome = natives.GetGlobal(request.callback).chrome;
if (callerChrome !== chrome)
if (!success) {
if (!error)
error = "Unknown error.";
lastError.set(name, error, request.stack, chrome);
if (callerChrome !== chrome)
lastError.set(name, error, request.stack, callerChrome);
if (request.customCallback) {
$Array.concat([name, request, request.callback],
} else if (request.callback) {
// Validate callback in debug only -- and only when the
// caller has provided a callback. Implementations of api
// calls may not return data if they observe the caller
// has not provided a callback.
if (logging.DCHECK_IS_ON() && !error) {
if (!request.callbackSchema.parameters)
throw new Error(name + ": no callback schema defined");
validate(responseList, request.callbackSchema.parameters);
safeCallbackApply(name, request, request.callback, responseList);
if (error && !lastError.hasAccessed(chrome)) {
// The native call caused an error, but the developer might not have
// checked runtime.lastError.
lastError.reportIfUnchecked(name, callerChrome, request.stack);
} finally {
delete requests[requestId];
if (callerChrome !== chrome)
function prepareRequest(args, argSchemas) {
var request = {};
var argCount = args.length;
// Look for callback param.
if (argSchemas.length > 0 &&
argSchemas[argSchemas.length - 1].type == "function") {
request.callback = args[args.length - 1];
request.callbackSchema = argSchemas[argSchemas.length - 1];
request.args = [];
for (var k = 0; k < argCount; k++) {
request.args[k] = args[k];
return request;
// Send an API request and optionally register a callback.
// |optArgs| is an object with optional parameters as follows:
// - customCallback: a callback that should be called instead of the standard
// callback.
// - nativeFunction: the v8 native function to handle the request, or
// StartRequest if missing.
// - forIOThread: true if this function should be handled on the browser IO
// thread.
// - preserveNullInObjects: true if it is safe for null to be in objects.
// - stack: An optional string that contains the stack trace, to be displayed
// to the user if an error occurs.
function sendRequest(functionName, args, argSchemas, optArgs) {
calledSendRequest = true;
if (!optArgs)
optArgs = {};
var request = prepareRequest(args, argSchemas);
request.stack = optArgs.stack || exceptionHandler.getExtensionStackTrace();
if (optArgs.customCallback) {
request.customCallback = optArgs.customCallback;
var nativeFunction = optArgs.nativeFunction || natives.StartRequest;
var requestId = natives.GetNextRequestId(); = requestId;
requests[requestId] = request;
var hasCallback = request.callback || optArgs.customCallback;
return nativeFunction(functionName,
function getCalledSendRequest() {
return calledSendRequest;
function clearCalledSendRequest() {
calledSendRequest = false;
exports.sendRequest = sendRequest;
exports.getCalledSendRequest = getCalledSendRequest;
exports.clearCalledSendRequest = clearCalledSendRequest;
exports.safeCallbackApply = safeCallbackApply;
// Called by C++.
exports.handleResponse = handleResponse;
(function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, console, privates,$Array, $Function, $JSON, $Object, $RegExp, $String, $Error) {'use strict';// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var createClassWrapper = requireNative('utils').createClassWrapper;
var nativeDeepCopy = requireNative('utils').deepCopy;
var schemaRegistry = requireNative('schema_registry');
var CHECK = requireNative('logging').CHECK;
var DCHECK = requireNative('logging').DCHECK;
var WARNING = requireNative('logging').WARNING;
* An object forEach. Calls |f| with each (key, value) pair of |obj|, using
* |self| as the target.
* @param {Object} obj The object to iterate over.
* @param {function} f The function to call in each iteration.
* @param {Object} self The object to use as |this| in each function call.
function forEach(obj, f, self) {
for (var key in obj) {
if ($Object.hasOwnProperty(obj, key))
$, self, key, obj[key]);
* Assuming |array_of_dictionaries| is structured like this:
* [{id: 1, ... }, {id: 2, ...}, ...], you can use
* lookup(array_of_dictionaries, 'id', 2) to get the dictionary with id == 2.
* @param {Array<Object<string, ?>>} array_of_dictionaries
* @param {string} field
* @param {?} value
function lookup(array_of_dictionaries, field, value) {
var filter = function (dict) {return dict[field] == value;};
var matches = array_of_dictionaries.filter(filter);
if (matches.length == 0) {
return undefined;
} else if (matches.length == 1) {
return matches[0]
} else {
throw new Error("Failed lookup of field '" + field + "' with value '" +
value + "'");
function loadTypeSchema(typeName, defaultSchema) {
var parts = $String.split(typeName, '.');
if (parts.length == 1) {
if (defaultSchema == null) {
WARNING('Trying to reference "' + typeName + '" ' +
'with neither namespace nor default schema.');
return null;
var types = defaultSchema.types;
} else {
var schemaName = $Array.join($Array.slice(parts, 0, parts.length - 1), '.');
var types = schemaRegistry.GetSchema(schemaName).types;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
if (types[i].id == typeName)
return types[i];
return null;
* Takes a private class implementation |cls| and exposes a subset of its
* methods |functions| and properties |properties| and |readonly| in a public
* wrapper class that it returns. Within bindings code, you can access the
* implementation from an instance of the wrapper class using
* privates(instance).impl, and from the implementation class you can access
* the wrapper using this.wrapper (or implInstance.wrapper if you have another
* instance of the implementation class).
* @param {string} name The name of the exposed wrapper class.
* @param {Object} cls The class implementation.
* @param {{superclass: ?Function,
* functions: ?Array<string>,
* properties: ?Array<string>,
* readonly: ?Array<string>}} exposed The names of properties on the
* implementation class to be exposed. |superclass| represents the
* constructor of the class to be used as the superclass of the exposed
* class; |functions| represents the names of functions which should be
* delegated to the implementation; |properties| are gettable/settable
* properties and |readonly| are read-only properties.
function expose(name, cls, exposed) {
var publicClass = createClassWrapper(name, cls, exposed.superclass);
if ('functions' in exposed) {
$Array.forEach(exposed.functions, function(func) {
publicClass.prototype[func] = function() {
var impl = privates(this).impl;
return $Function.apply(impl[func], impl, arguments);
if ('properties' in exposed) {
$Array.forEach(, function(prop) {
$Object.defineProperty(publicClass.prototype, prop, {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return privates(this).impl[prop];
set: function(value) {
var impl = privates(this).impl;
delete impl[prop];
impl[prop] = value;
if ('readonly' in exposed) {
$Array.forEach(exposed.readonly, function(readonly) {
$Object.defineProperty(publicClass.prototype, readonly, {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return privates(this).impl[readonly];
return publicClass;
* Returns a deep copy of |value|. The copy will have no references to nested
* values of |value|.
function deepCopy(value) {
return nativeDeepCopy(value);
* Wrap an asynchronous API call to a function |func| in a promise. The
* remaining arguments will be passed to |func|. Returns a promise that will be
* resolved to the result passed to the callback or rejected if an error occurs
* (if chrome.runtime.lastError is set). If there are multiple results, the
* promise will be resolved with an array containing those results.
* For example,
* promise(, 'a').then(function(result) {
* // Use result.
* }).catch(function(error) {
* // Report error.message.
* });
function promise(func) {
var args = $Array.slice(arguments, 1);
DCHECK(typeof func == 'function');
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
args.push(function() {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
reject(new Error(chrome.runtime.lastError));
if (arguments.length <= 1)
$Function.apply(func, null, args);
exports.forEach = forEach;
exports.loadTypeSchema = loadTypeSchema;
exports.lookup = lookup;
exports.expose = expose;
exports.deepCopy = deepCopy;
exports.promise = promise;
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