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Last active February 12, 2022 18:32
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With newtype Cook m a = Cook (m a)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoDeriveAnyClass #-}
import Prelude
import Data.Kind
import Data.Coerce
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
:: forall m .
( DSL m
, Fun (m ()) m
, Fun (m (Expr Int)) m)
-- ^ ISSUE: needs a constraint for every return type, e.g if any
-- of the functions in body returns Expr Bool, then Fun (m (Expr Bool)) m
-- needs to be added. And so on for every other return type.
=> m ()
program = do
stm $ Stm (Var "a")
-- this way:
f <- fun $ \(a :: Expr a) (b :: Expr b) -> do
-- function body is of the same monad `m` as the one in top level
stm @m $ Stm (Var "b")
return ()
stm $ Stm $ Apply f (Var "c")
pure ()
-- | An AST
data Expr a
= Var String
| Apply String (Expr a)
| Function String [String] [Stm]
| AnyExpr
deriving Show
data Stm = Stm (Expr ())
deriving Show
-- | The "effect"
class Monad m => DSL m where
freshName :: m String -- generate fresh variable name
stm :: Stm -> m () -- emit statement
toAST :: m a -> m [Stm] -- turn code `m a` into [Stm] (without emitting it)
fun :: Fun f m => f -> m String -- emit function f, return its name
-- | Helper class to convert literal haskell functions to the dsl
class Fun f m where
mkFun :: DSL m => f -> [String] -> m ([String], [Stm])
instance Fun f m => Fun (Expr a -> f) m where -- COMMENT: kept the base case as is
mkFun f acc = do
name <- freshName -- [2]
mkFun (f $ Var name) (name : acc)
-- * SampleImplRaw
type SampleImplRaw = StateT Int (Writer [Stm])
-- | A sample implementation
instance DSL SampleImplRaw where
freshName = do
n <- get
put $ n + 1
return $ "var" <> show n
stm stm' = tell [stm']
toAST m = do
state0 <- get
let ((_, state1), w) = runSampleImplRaw m state0
put state1
return w
fun f = do
(args, body) <- mkFun f []
name <- freshName
stm $ Stm $ Function name args body -- [1]
return name
runSampleImplRaw :: SampleImplRaw a -> Int -> ((a, Int), [Stm])
runSampleImplRaw m s = runWriter $ runStateT m s
-- * SampleImpl
newtype Cook m a = Cook (m a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, Show)
instance MonadTrans Cook where -- COMMENT: needed lift in `DSL SampleImpl` below
lift = Cook
type SampleImpl = Cook SampleImplRaw
instance DSL SampleImpl where
freshName = lift freshName
stm = lift . stm
toAST (Cook m) = lift $ toAST m
fun f = do
(args, body) <- mkFun f []
name <- freshName
stm $ Stm $ Function name args body
return name
instance (m0 ~ m) => Fun (Cook m0 a) (Cook m) where -- COMMENT: the new base case
mkFun m args = do
fname <- freshName
body <- toAST m
return (args, body)
runCook :: Cook SampleImplRaw a -> Int -> ((a, Int), [Stm])
runCook m = runSampleImplRaw (coerce m)
main :: IO ()
main = print $ runCook program 0
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