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Created February 5, 2017 13:47
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trait Peg {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool;
struct Wrap<T>(T);
impl<T: Peg> Peg for Wrap<T> {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
impl<'a> Peg for &'a str {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
if s.starts_with(self) {
*s = &s[self.len()..];
return true;
impl<F: Fn(char) -> bool> Peg for F {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
if let Some(c) = s.chars().next() {
if self(c) {
*s = &s[c.len_utf8()..];
return true;
impl Peg for char {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
(|c| c == *self).p(s)
// note that ranges are inclusive here
impl Peg for std::ops::Range<char> {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
(|c| c >= self.start && c <= self.end).p(s)
struct Nothing();
impl Peg for Nothing {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
// sequence
struct Seq<P1, P2>(P1, P2);
impl<P1: Peg, P2: Peg> Peg for Seq<P1, P2> {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
let original = *s;
if !self.0.p(s) {
return false;
if !self.1.p(s) {
*s = original;
return false;
impl<P1: Peg, P2: Peg> std::ops::Add<Wrap<P2>> for Wrap<P1> {
type Output = Wrap<Seq<P1, P2>>;
fn add(self, rhs: Wrap<P2>) -> Wrap<Seq<P1, P2>> {
Wrap(Seq(self.0, rhs.0))
// ordered choice
struct Choice<P1, P2>(P1, P2);
impl<P1: Peg, P2: Peg> Peg for Choice<P1, P2> {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
self.0.p(s) || self.1.p(s)
impl<P1: Peg, P2: Peg> std::ops::BitOr<Wrap<P2>> for Wrap<P1> {
type Output = Wrap<Choice<P1, P2>>;
fn bitor(self, rhs: Wrap<P2>) -> Wrap<Choice<P1, P2>> {
Wrap(Choice(self.0, rhs.0))
struct ZeroOrMore<P>(P);
impl<P: Peg> Peg for ZeroOrMore<P> {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
while self.0.p(s) {
fn zero_or_more<P: Peg>(p: P) -> Wrap<ZeroOrMore<P>> {
struct OneOrMore<P>(P);
impl<P: Peg> Peg for OneOrMore<P> {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
if !self.0.p(s) {
return false
while self.0.p(s) {
fn one_or_more<P: Peg>(p: P) -> Wrap<OneOrMore<P>> {
fn optional<P: Peg>(p: P) -> Wrap<Choice<P, Nothing>> {
Wrap(Choice(p, Nothing()))
struct End();
impl Peg for End {
fn p(&self, s: &mut &str) -> bool {
fn end() -> Wrap<End> {
fn main() {
let p =
optional('-') +
(Wrap('0') | one_or_more('0'..'9')) +
optional(Wrap('.') + one_or_more(char::is_numeric)) +
optional((Wrap('e') | Wrap('E')) + optional(Wrap('+') | Wrap('-')) + one_or_more(char::is_numeric)) +
assert!(p.p(&mut "9.81"));
assert!(p.p(&mut "6.022e23"));
assert!(!p.p(&mut "0815"));
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I've spotted the error, I was trying to pass char::is_numeric as a parse function. What I'll have to do is wrap the function in one that returns an Option<&str>. Thanks again for sharing this. I think its a nice bit of code.

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