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Created May 31, 2009 00:34
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LaTeX settings for MATLAB code listings
% LaTeX settings for MATLAB code listings
% based on Ted Pavlic's settings in
% This is the color used for MATLAB comments below
% For faster processing, load Matlab syntax for listings
\lstset{language=Matlab, % Use MATLAB
frame=single, % Single frame around code
basicstyle=\small\ttfamily, % Use small true type font
keywordstyle=[1]\color{Blue}\bfseries, % MATLAB functions bold and blue
keywordstyle=[2]\color{Purple}, % MATLAB function arguments purple
keywordstyle=[3]\color{Blue}\underbar, % User functions underlined and blue
identifierstyle=, % Nothing special about identifiers
% Comments small dark green courier
stringstyle=\color{Purple}, % Strings are purple
showstringspaces=false, % Don't put marks in string spaces
tabsize=5, % 5 spaces per tab
%%% Put standard MATLAB functions not included in the default
%%% language here
%%% Put MATLAB function parameters here
morekeywords=[2]{on, off, interp},
%%% Put user defined functions here
morekeywords=[3]{FindESS, homework_example},
morecomment=[l][\color{Blue}]{...}, % Line continuation (...) like blue comment
numbers=left, % Line numbers on left
firstnumber=1, % Line numbers start with line 1
numberstyle=\tiny\color{Blue}, % Line numbers are blue
stepnumber=5 % Line numbers go in steps of 5
% Includes a MATLAB script.
% The first parameter is the label, which also is the name of the script
% without the .m.
% The second parameter is the optional caption.
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moriglia commented Jul 7, 2021

I'm using it with the beamer class. I had an issue with the color package:
LaTeX Error: Option clash for package color. [...] The package color has already been loaded with options: []

Removing \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} from the preamble and setting the document option xcolor={usenames,dvipsnames} fixed the error.

I report just in case somebody else runs into the same issue.

Thanks for the gist :)

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