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Created January 31, 2021 07:12
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<div class="tweet">
<article class="media">
<figure class="media-left">
<p class="image is-64x64">
<img class="user-image" :src="tweet.userImage">
<div class="media-content">
<div class="content">
<strong>{{ }}</strong>
<img class="verified-icon"
<small>{{ tweet.handle }}</small>
<small class="time-lapsed">{{ tweet.timeLapsed }}</small>
<span class="description" v-html="computedDescription"></span>
<div v-if="tweet.tweetImage" class="tweet-image">
<img :src="tweet.tweetImage"/>
<nav class="level is-mobile">
<div class="level-left">
<a class="level-item">
<span class="icon is-small"><i class="far fa-comment"></i></span>
<a class="level-item">
<span class="icon is-small"><i class="fas fa-retweet"></i></span>
<a class="level-item heart" @click="like">
<span class="icon is-small">
<i class="far fa-heart"
:class="{'fas': this.tweet.upVoted}"></i>
<p :class="{'bold': this.tweet.upVoted}">
{{ new Intl.NumberFormat().format(tweet.likes) }}
<script lang="ts">
import { Options, Vue } from 'vue-class-component';
props: {
tweetData: {
type: Object,
export default class TwitterComponent extends Vue {
tweet: Tweet = {
name: '테스트',
userImage: 'string',
handle: 'string',
timeLapsed: 'string',
tweetImage: 'Blob | string',
description: 'string',
likes: 0,
upVoted: false,
/* todo created() {
this.tweetData = this.tweet;
} */
get computedDescription() {
return this.tweet.description.split(' ').map((word) => {
let w = '';
if (word[0] === '@' || word[0] === '#') {
w = `<span class="highlighted">${word}</span>`;
return w;
}).join(' ');
like() {
console.log('like', this);
// do nothing
// this.tweetData.upVoted ? this.tweetData.likes-- : this.tweetData.likes++;
// this.tweetData.upVoted = !this.tweetData.upVoted;
<style scoped>
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