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Created August 1, 2014 03:30
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.0.rc.2)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.21)
// Flint (v1.7.2)
// ----
@import "flint";
// Main API
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [string | number | list] : key of breakpoint [shorthand: span]
// @param $span [string | number | list] : value of span of column [shorthand: context]
// @param $context [number | list] : value of context of span
// @param $gutter [string | list] : alias for gutter modifier
// @param $shift [number | list] : value to shift column
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output foundation styles | container styles | calculated styles
@mixin _(
$key: null,
$span: null,
$context: null,
$gutter: null,
$shift: null
) {
// Initial check to see what type of instance this is
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [string | number | list] : checks type of instance
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output foundation styles | container styles | calculated styles
// Foundation
// ----
@if $key == "foundation" {
// Apply global border-box-sizing if set to true
@if flint-get-value("settings", "border-box-sizing") {
$flint__foundation: "existant" !global;
// Foundation is now globally existant
// ----
@if $flint__foundation == "existant" {
@at-root *, *:before, *:after {
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
// Clearfix
// ----
} @else if $key == "clear" {
@include flint-clearfix();
// Instance
// ----
} @else {
@if $key == "container"
or flint-exists($flint, $key) and $span != null
or flint-types-in-list($span, "number") or type-of($span) == "number"
or flint-types-in-list($key, "number") or type-of($key) == "number"
// Only apply display rule if the key is either default or container
@if flint-is-default($key) or $key == "container" {
display: block;
// Only apply display rule to default breakpoint
} @else if length($key) > 1 or flint-is-not-string($key) {
// Loop over all keys, set to default
@for $i from 1 through length($flint__all__keys) {
$calc-key: flint-steal-key($i);
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
display: block;
// Apply individually if foundation is not set globally, but is set to true in config
@if flint-get-value("settings", "border-box-sizing") and $flint__foundation == "nonexistant" {
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
// Warn to either set a global foundation, or turn border-box-sizing off
@if global-variable-exists("global-foundation-is-set") == false {
@warn "Global foundation is #{$flint__foundation}. To avoid repeated box-sizing incidents, set a global _(foundation) rule, or turn border-box-sizing to false in your config file.";
// Declare global variable so only a single warning prints out
$global-foundation-is-set: true !global;
// Container
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [string] : container instance
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output container styles
@if $key == "container" {
float: none;
// Output container for each breakpoint if fixed grid
// ----
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@for $i from 1 through length($flint__all__keys) {
// Set up variables
$calc-key: flint-steal-key($i);
$calcContainer: $key;
// Key is default, no media queries
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
width: flint-calc-width($calc-key, $calcContainer);
// Not default, wrap in media queries
} @else {
// Highest breakpoint? No max-width
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
width: flint-calc-width($calc-key, $calcContainer);
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, $i) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
width: flint-calc-width($calc-key, $calcContainer);
// Check if max-width is set
// ----
@if flint-get-value("settings", "max-width") {
// Check if it's an number
@if flint-is-number(flint-get-value("settings", "max-width")) {
max-width: flint-get-value("settings", "max-width");
// Then use highest breakpoint
} @else {
max-width: max(flint-get-all-breakpoints()...);
// Center container is set to true?
// ----
@if flint-get-value("settings", "center-container") {
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
} @else {
margin-right: 0;
margin-left: 0;
// Not container
// ----
} @else {
// Make sure it's the default, output float
@if flint-is-default($key) {
float: unquote(flint-get-value("settings", "float-style"));
} @else if flint-is-list($key) or flint-is-not-string($key) {
@for $i from 1 through length($flint__all__keys) {
$calc-key: flint-steal-key($i);
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
float: unquote(flint-get-value("settings", "float-style"));
// Recursive shorthand without context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $span [number] : span value
// @param $span [null] : null context value
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output calculated styles
@if flint-is-number($key) and length($key) == 1 {
@if $span == null {
@for $i from 1 through length($flint__all__keys) {
$calc-key: flint-steal-key($i);
$calc-span: $key;
$calc-context: $span;
$calc-gutter: $gutter;
$calc-shift: $shift;
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($calc-key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, $i) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Recursive shorthand with identical context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [number] : span value
// @param $span [number] : context value of span
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output calculated styles
} @else if length($span) == 1 and flint-is-number($span) or $span == "auto" {
@for $i from 1 through length($flint__all__keys) {
$calc-key: flint-steal-key($i);
$calc-span: $key;
$calc-context: $span;
$calc-gutter: $gutter;
$calc-shift: $shift;
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
@include flint-calculate ($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($calc-key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, $i) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Recursive shorthand with differing context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [number] : span value
// @param $span [list] : context value of span for each breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @throw [warning] : if length does not match number of breakpoints
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output calculated styles
} @else if flint-types-in-list($span, "number") or $span == "auto" {
@if length($span) != length($flint__all__keys) and $span != "auto" {
@warn "Invalid argument length for context: #{length($span)} of #{length($flint__all__keys)}. Please provide an argument for each breakpoint in your config. Your argument was: #{$span}";
} @else {
@for $i from 1 through length($flint__all__keys) {
$calc-key: flint-steal-key($i);
$calc-span: $key;
$calc-context: $span;
$calc-gutter: $gutter;
$calc-shift: $shift;
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
@include flint-calculate ($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($calc-key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, $i) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Variable shorthand
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [list] : span value for each breakpoint
// @param $span [null] : null context value
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @throw [warning] : if length does not match number of breakpoints
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output calculated styles
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "number") and $span == null {
@if length($key) != length($flint__all__keys) {
@warn "Invalid argument length for column: #{length($key)} of #{length($flint__all__keys)}. Please provide an argument for each breakpoint in your config. Your argument was: #{$key}";
} @else {
@for $i from 1 through length($flint__all__keys) {
$calc-key: flint-steal-key($i);
$calc-span: $key;
$calc-context: $context;
$calc-gutter: $gutter;
$calc-shift: $shift;
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
@include flint-calculate ($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($calc-key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, $i) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Variable shorthand with context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [list] : span value for each breakpoint
// @param $span [list] : context value for each breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @throw [warning] : if lengths do not match number of breakpoints
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output calculated styles
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "number") and flint-types-in-list($span, "number") or $span == "auto" {
@if length($key) != length($flint__all__keys) {
@warn "Invalid argument length for column: #{length($key)} of #{length($flint__all__keys)}. Please provide an argument for each breakpoint in your config. Your argument was: #{$key}";
} @else if length($span) != length($flint__all__keys) and $span != "auto" {
@warn "Invalid argument length for context: #{length($span)} of #{length($flint__all__keys)}. Please provide an argument for each breakpoint in your config. Your argument was: #{$span}";
} @else {
@for $i from 1 through length($flint__all__keys) {
$calc-key: flint-steal-key($i);
$calc-span: $key;
$calc-context: $span;
$calc-gutter: $gutter;
$calc-shift: $shift;
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
@include flint-calculate ($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, $i) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($calc-key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, $i) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, $i) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift, $i) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Call by alias
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [string] : breakpoint alias
// @param $span [number] : span value
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output calculated styles
} @else if flint-exists($flint, $key) and flint-is-number($span) and $context == null {
$calc-key: $key;
$calc-span: $span;
$calc-context: $context;
$calc-gutter: $gutter;
$calc-shift: $shift;
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
@include flint-calculate ($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($calc-key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Call by alias with context
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [string] : breakpoint alias
// @param $span [number] : span value
// @param $context [number] : context value of span
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output calculated styles
} @else if flint-exists($flint, $key) and flint-is-number($span) and flint-is-number($context) or $context == "auto" {
$calc-key: $key;
$calc-span: $span;
$calc-context: $context;
$calc-gutter: $gutter;
$calc-shift: $shift;
@if flint-is-default($calc-key) {
@include flint-calculate ($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($calc-key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
@include flint-calculate($calc-key, $calc-span, $calc-context, $calc-gutter, $calc-shift) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Wrap @content in media queries
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [list] : defines how to make up media query
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @output styles wrapped in media query
} @else if flint-exists($flint, $key) or flint-is-list($key) and $span == null and $context == null {
// Call $key breakpoint by alias
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [string] : only for $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@if length($key) == 1 {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($key) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $key, flint-get-index($key)) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $key, flint-get-index($key)) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $key, flint-get-index($key)) ) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($key) {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $key, flint-get-index($key)) ) {
} @else {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $key, flint-get-index($key)) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $key, flint-get-index($key)) - 1) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// From $key breakpoint to infinity
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [from key to infinity] : min-width from $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "string", 4) and nth($key, 1) == "from" and nth($key, 3) == "to" and nth($key, 4) == "infinity" {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", nth($key, 2), flint-get-index(nth($key, 2))) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint(nth($key, 2)), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", nth($key, 2), flint-get-index(nth($key, 2))) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// From $key-x breakpoint to $key-y breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [from key-x to key-y] : from $key-x breakpoint to $key-y
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "string", 4) and nth($key, 1) == "from" and nth($key, 3) == "to" {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("next", nth($key, 2), flint-get-index(nth($key, 2))) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint(nth($key, 2)), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) and ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", nth($key, 4), flint-get-index(nth($key, 4))) ) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", nth($key, 2), flint-get-index(nth($key, 2))) ) and ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", nth($key, 4), flint-get-index(nth($key, 4))) - if(flint-is-highest-breakpoint(nth($key, 4)), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// From $num-x to $num-y
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [from number to number] : arbitrary media query
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "string" "number" "string" "number", 4) and nth($key, 1) == "from" and nth($key, 3) == "to" {
// Make sure passed units match units used in config
@if flint-get-config-unit() == unit(nth($key, 2)) and flint-get-config-unit() == unit(nth($key, 4)) {
@media ( min-width: nth($key, 2) ) and ( max-width: nth($key, 4) ) {
// Throw error
} @else {
@warn "Passed units [#{unit(nth($key, 2))}, #{unit(nth($key, 4))}] do not match the unit used in your config map: #{flint-get-config-unit()}";
// Greater than $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [greater than key] : anything above $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "string", 3) and nth($key, 1) == "greater" and nth($key, 2) == "than" {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", nth($key, 3), flint-get-index(nth($key, 3))) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@media ( min-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", nth($key, 3), flint-get-index(nth($key, 3))) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Greater than number
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [greater than number] : anything above number
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "string" "string" "number", 3) and nth($key, 1) == "greater" and nth($key, 2) == "than" {
@if flint-get-config-unit() == unit(nth($key, 3)) {
@media ( min-width: nth($key, 3) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Passed units [#{unit(nth($key, 3))}] do not match the unit used in your config map: #{flint-get-config-unit()}";
// Number greater than $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [number greater than key] : unit value greater than $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "number" "string" "string" "string", 4) and nth($key, 2) == "greater" and nth($key, 3) == "than" {
@if flint-get-config-unit() == unit(nth($key, 1)) {
@media ( min-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", nth($key, 4), flint-get-index(nth($key, 4))) + nth($key, 1)) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Passed units [#{unit(nth($key, 1))}] do not match the unit used in your config map: #{flint-get-config-unit()}";
// Less than $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [less than key] : anything below $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "string", 3) and nth($key, 1) == "less" and nth($key, 2) == "than" {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@media ( max-width: flint-calc-breakpoint("next", nth($key, 3), flint-get-index(nth($key, 3))) ) {
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@media ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", nth($key, 3), flint-get-index(nth($key, 3))) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
// Less than number
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [less than number] : anything below number
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "string" "string" "number", 3) and nth($key, 1) == "less" and nth($key, 2) == "than" {
@if flint-get-config-unit() == unit(nth($key, 3)) {
@media ( max-width: nth($key, 3) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Passed units [#{unit(nth($key, 3))}] do not match the unit used in your config map: #{flint-get-config-unit()}";
// Number less than $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [number less than key] : unit value less than $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "number" "string" "string" "string", 4) and nth($key, 2) == "less" and nth($key, 3) == "than" {
@if flint-get-config-unit() == unit(nth($key, 1)) {
@media ( max-width: (flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", nth($key, 4), flint-get-index(nth($key, 4))) - nth($key, 1)) ) {
} @else {
@warn "Passed units [#{unit(nth($key, 1))}] do not match the unit used in your config map: #{flint-get-config-unit()}";
// For $key-x $key-y $key-z
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $key [for list of strings] : will duplicate styles for each passed $key breakpoint
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
} @else if flint-types-in-list($key, "string") and nth($key, 1) == "for" {
// Define empty query list
$query: ();
// Build out comma delimited query list for each breakpoint
@for $i from 1 through length($key) {
$calc-key: nth($key, $i);
@if flint-exists($flint, $calc-key) {
@if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fluid" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
$query: append($query, '( min-width: #{(flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) + if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))} )', "comma");
} @else {
$query: append($query, '( min-width: #{(flint-calc-breakpoint("next", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) + if(flint-is-lowest-breakpoint($calc-key), 0, if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1)))} ) and ( max-width: #{flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key))} )', "comma");
} @else if flint-get-value("settings", "grid") == "fixed" {
@if flint-is-highest-breakpoint($calc-key) {
$query: append($query, '( min-width: #{flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key))} )', "comma");
} @else {
$query: append($query, '( min-width: #{flint-calc-breakpoint("alias", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key))} ) and ( max-width: #{(flint-calc-breakpoint("prev", $calc-key, flint-get-index($calc-key)) - if(flint-get-config-unit() == "em", flint-to-em(1px), 1))} )', "comma");
} @else {
@warn "Invalid gutter settings in config map: #{flint-get-value('settings', 'grid')}. Valid arguments: fluid | fixed";
@media #{$query} {
test {
@include _(for tablet desktop laptop) {
color: blue;
@media (min-width: 20.0625em) and (max-width: 40em), (min-width: 60.0625em), (min-width: 40.0625em) and (max-width: 60em) {
test {
color: blue;
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