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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.7)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// Flint (v1.2.0)
// ----
// This is an extension of the Flint grid system
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// it uses custom functions and SassScript that is packaged with Flint.
// Yes, this is a little ridiculous... but you gotta admit, it's pretty freaking nifty.
@import "flint";
// Stack configuration
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$stack: (
"root-index": 100,
"increment-by": 100,
"debug-mode": false,
) !default;
// Global variables
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$stack__z-indexes: () !global;
$stack__increment: map-get($stack, "increment-by") !global;
$stack__root: map-get($stack, "root-index") !global;
$stack__debug: map-get($stack, "debug-mode") !global;
// Saves selectors z-index to map
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $i [integer] : creates new instance with passed index
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function stack-new-index($i) {
// Check if is list of selectors, grab last
$selector-list: last(string-to-list(selector_string()));
// Define static selector
$selector: selector_string();
// Did the list return false?
@if $selector-list != false {
// If not, define selector as the last selector
$selector: $selector-list;
// Is this a $stack__root definition?
@if $i == $stack__root {
// Save to global variable
$global___root__selector: $selector !global;
// Create new map for selector, save z-index
$z-index: (
"#{$selector}": (
"z-index": $i,
// Merge into main map
@return map-merge($stack__z-indexes, $z-index);
// Fetch z-index value by selector
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $selector [string] : selector string
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@function stack-get-index($selector) {
@return map-fetch($stack__z-indexes, $selector "z-index");
// Save selectors z-index to map
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $i [integer] : updates $stack__z-indexes variable
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@mixin stack-new-index($i) {
$stack__z-indexes: stack-new-index($i) !global;
// Output debug information onto element
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@mixin stack-debug($context) {
$selector-list: last(string-to-list(selector_string()));
$selector: selector_string();
@if $selector-list != false {
$selector: $selector-list;
// Get index of selector
$index: stack-get-index($selector);
&:after {
content: "Selector: #{$selector} \a Index: #{$index} \a Context: #{$context}";
font: 13px/19px Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Courier, monospace;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
padding: 6px 10px;
background: #F8F8F8;
border: 1px solid #DDD;
color: #D14;
// Main stacking mixin
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param $param [string] : paramaters for stacking order ['always on top' | 'top' | 'above' | 'below' | 'root' | '$selector']
// @param $selector [string] : selector to base paramaters on
// @param $offset [integer] : offset the calculated z-index
// @param $context [value] : context for the stacking order [relative | absolute | fixed]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @documentation on stacking context :
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@mixin stack($param, $selector: false, $offset: 0, $context: relative) {
// Always on top
@if $param == "always on top" and $selector == false {
// Create a high number based off of $stack__root
$new-index: $stack__root * 9000;
// Create new instance for selector
@include stack-new-index($new-index);
// Define context
position: $context;
// Output calculated index
z-index: $new-index;
// If debug-mode is true, output styles
@if $stack__debug {
@include stack-debug($context);
// Place on top of current instances (note the stylesheet cascade, any newer instances could stack higher)
} @else if $param == "top" and $selector == false {
// Create temp variable
$temp: ();
// Loop over all selectors in map, create temp list of z-index values
@each $selector, $key in $stack__z-indexes {
@each $key, $value in $key {
$temp: append($temp, $value, "comma");
// Get the highest current z-index
$max-temp: max($temp...);
// Create new index variable
$new-index: (($max-temp + $stack__increment) + $offset);
// Create new instance for selector
@include stack-new-index($new-index);
// Define context
position: $context;
// Output calculated index
z-index: $new-index;
@if $stack__debug {
@include stack-debug($context);
// Match [$param = $selector]
} @else if exists($stack__z-indexes, $param) {
// Define $param as the $selector
$selector: $param;
// Create new index variable, grab index from passed $selector
$new-index: (stack-get-index($selector) + $offset);
// Create new instance for selector
@include stack-new-index($new-index);
// Define context
position: $context;
// Output calculated index
z-index: $new-index;
@if $stack__debug {
@include stack-debug($context);
// Definition of $stack__root
} @else if exists($stack__z-indexes, $selector) == false and $param == "root" {
@if global-variable-exists(root__is__set) {
// Warn that the root has already been set
@warn "Your document root has already been set on the selector: '#{$global___root__selector}'. Instead of defining a new root, simply match the root selectors index: stack('#{$global___root__selector}').";
// Output $stack__root anyways
z-index: $stack__root;
} @else {
// Create global root variable
$stack__root__is__set: true !global;
// Define as root
@include stack-new-index($stack__root);
// Define context
position: $context;
// Output $stack__root
z-index: $stack__root;
@if $stack__debug {
@include stack-debug($context);
// Above [$selector]
} @else if $param == "above" {
$new-index: ((stack-get-index($selector) + $stack__increment) + $offset);
@include stack-new-index($new-index);
position: $context;
z-index: $new-index;
@if $stack__debug {
@include stack-debug($context);
// Below [$selector]
} @else if $param == "below" {
$new-index: ((stack-get-index($selector) - $stack__increment) + $offset);
@include stack-new-index($new-index);
position: $context;
z-index: $new-index;
@if $stack__debug {
@include stack-debug($context);
} @else {
// Warn that the arguments were invalid
@warn "Invalid arguments: #{$param}, #{$selector}, #{$offset}. Either the selector does not exist, or you passed an invalid parameter.";
.root {
@include stack("root");
.above-root {
@include stack("above", ".root");
.above-parent {
@include stack("above", ".above-root");
.below-child {
@include stack("below", ".above-parent");
.top {
@include stack("top");
.match {
@include stack(".above-root");
.always-on-top {
@include stack("always on top");
.absolute-context {
@include stack("root", $context: absolute);
.fixed-context {
@include stack("root", $context: fixed);
.root {
position: relative;
z-index: 100;
.above-root {
position: relative;
z-index: 200;
.above-root .above-parent {
position: relative;
z-index: 300;
.below-child {
position: relative;
z-index: 200;
.top {
position: relative;
z-index: 400;
.match {
position: relative;
z-index: 200;
.always-on-top {
position: relative;
z-index: 900000;
.absolute-context {
position: absolute;
z-index: 100;
.fixed-context {
position: fixed;
z-index: 100;
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