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Forked from xsaamiir/actor.kt
Created July 26, 2020 20:41
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KotlinConf 2018 - Kotlin Coroutines in Practice by Roman Elizarov code Code
const N_WORKERS = 5
class Content
class Location
class Reference {
fun resolveLocation(): Location = TODO()
data class LocContent(val location: Location, val content: Content)
fun CoroutineScope.downloader(
references: ReceiveChannel<Reference>,
locations: SendChannel<Location>,
contents: ReceiveChannel<LocContent>
) = launch {
val requested = mutableMapOf<Location, MutableList<Reference>>()
while (true) {
select<Unit> {
references.onReceive { ref ->
val location = ref.resolveLocation()
val refs = requested[location]
if (refs == null) {
requested[location] = mutableListOf(ref)
} else refs.add(ref)
contents.onReceive { (loc, content) ->
val refs = requested.remove(loc)!!
for (ref in refs) {
processContent(ref, content)
fun CoroutineScope.worker(
locations: ReceiveChannel<Location>,
contents: SendChannel<LocContent>
) = launch {
for (location in locations) {
val content = downloadContent(location)
contents.send(LocContent(location, content))
fun downloadContent(loc: Location): Content = TODO()
fun processContent(ref: Reference, content: Content): Unit = TODO()
fun CoroutineScope.processReferences(references: ReceiveChannel<Reference>) {
val locations = Channel<Location>()
val contents = Channel<LocContent>()
repeat(N_WORKERS) { worker(locations, contents) }
downloader(references, locations, contents)
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