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Last active January 17, 2019 15:20
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[Morse encoding] codewar challenge: morse encoding #python #algorithm #challenge
def convert_complement_to_dec(str):
if str[0] == '1':
reversed_str = ''
for bit in str[1:]:
reversed_str += '1' if bit == '0' else '0'
return -1 * (int('0b' + reversed_str, 2) + 1)
return int('0b' + str, 2)
def convert_dec_to_complement(val):
val_bin = bin(val)
if val >= 0: return '0' + '0' * (32 - len(val_bin) + 3) + bin(val)[2:]
tmp_reverse = ''
tmp = '1' * (32 - len(val_bin) + 3 - 1) + val_bin[3:]
for bit in tmp:
tmp_reverse += '1' if bit == '0' else '0'
tmp_reverse_1 = bin(int('0b' + tmp_reverse, 2) + 1)[2:]
return '1' + '0' * (32 - len(tmp_reverse_1) - 1) + tmp_reverse_1
class Morse:
'A': '10111',
'B': '111010101',
'C': '11101011101',
'D': '1110101',
'E': '1',
'F': '101011101',
'G': '111011101',
'H': '1010101',
'I': '101',
'J': '1011101110111',
'K': '111010111',
'L': '101110101',
'M': '1110111',
'N': '11101',
'O': '11101110111',
'P': '10111011101',
'Q': '1110111010111',
'R': '1011101',
'S': '10101',
'T': '111',
'U': '1010111',
'V': '101010111',
'W': '101110111',
'X': '11101010111',
'Y': '1110101110111',
'Z': '11101110101',
'0': '1110111011101110111',
'1': '10111011101110111',
'2': '101011101110111',
'3': '1010101110111',
'4': '10101010111',
'5': '101010101',
'6': '11101010101',
'7': '1110111010101',
'8': '111011101110101',
'9': '11101110111011101',
'.': '10111010111010111',
',': '1110111010101110111',
'?': '101011101110101',
"'": '1011101110111011101',
'!': '1110101110101110111',
'/': '1110101011101',
'(': '111010111011101',
')': '1110101110111010111',
'&': '10111010101',
':': '11101110111010101',
';': '11101011101011101',
'=': '1110101010111',
'+': '1011101011101',
'-': '111010101010111',
'_': '10101110111010111',
'"': '101110101011101',
'$': '10101011101010111',
'@': '10111011101011101',
' ': '0'}
sorted_alpha_tuple = sorted(alpha.items(), key=lambda kvt: len(kvt[1]), reverse=True)
def find_matching_alpha(cls, binary_str):
for alpha_code in Morse.sorted_alpha_tuple:
if alpha_code[1] == binary_str[:len(alpha_code[1])]:
return alpha_code[0], binary_str[len(alpha_code[1]) + 3:]
return None
def encode(self,message):
chars = list(message)
binary_str = ''
for char in chars:
binary_str += Morse.alpha[char] + '000'
binary_str += '0' * (32 - (len(binary_str) % 32))
turn = 0
result = list()
while True:
if (turn + 1) * 32 > len(binary_str): break
tmp = convert_complement_to_dec(binary_str[turn * 32:(turn + 1) * 32])
turn += 1
return result
def decode(self, array):
binary_str = ''
for dec in array:
binary_str += convert_dec_to_complement(dec)
result = ''
while binary_str:
tmp, binary_str = Morse.find_matching_alpha(binary_str)
result += tmp
return result.strip()
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