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Created March 15, 2011 15:58
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Collect UA's from UserAgentString. Store in Redis.
require "ohm"
require "typhoeus"
require "nokogiri"
class UserAgent < Ohm::Model
attribute :user_agent
index :user_agent
ua_list = []
ua_list << Nokogiri::HTML(Typhoeus::Request.get("").body).xpath('//li').map {|item| item.content }.keep_if {|item| item =~ /MSIE [7-9]+.0/}
ua_list << Nokogiri::HTML(Typhoeus::Request.get("").body).xpath('//li').map {|item| item.content }.keep_if {|item| item =~ /Firefox\/[3-9]+\./ && item =~ /en-US/}
ua_list << Nokogiri::HTML(Typhoeus::Request.get("").body).xpath('//li').map {|item| item.content }.keep_if {|item| item =~ /Chrome\/[4-9]+\./ && item =~ /en-US/}
ua_list << Nokogiri::HTML(Typhoeus::Request.get("").body).xpath('//li').map {|item| item.content }.keep_if {|item| item =~ /Version\/[4-9]+\./ && item =~ /en-US/}
ua_list.flatten!.each {|ua| UserAgent.create(:user_agent => ua)}
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