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Created March 30, 2012 09:20
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ezmobius hey mind if i ask a question?
Kliment Sure
What can I do for you?[6~
ezmobius so im thinking me and a few buddies are going to write a better, git backed thingiverse
what would you really like to see in something like that?
Kliment Don't do it
ezmobius nah?
Kliment I don't want another thingiverse
I want a ravelry for 3d printing
ezmobius whats ravelry?
Kliment See this is the problem
Okay, let me explain
ezmobius please
Kliment Ravelry is a community for knitters
It's ideally suited for its purpose, and grew organically from a very very simple thing
It started as a database of yarns, projects, and patterns
(materials, objects, models)
ezmobius gotcha so far
Kliment None of the patterns were hosted on the site itself.
Some were in magazines, some were personally invented by the users and never written down, some were on blogs and websites
This was an index of them, and it answered the following questions
"I have this yarn. WHat have other people done with it?"
"I have this pattern. What materials have other people used for it?[6~"
"I have this pattern. What else has the same designer done?"
"I have this pattern. What does it look like in real life as opposed to the marketing photos?"
ezmobius so what do you think would be the "simple thing" to start with then?
Kliment "I have this yarn. What does it look like knitted?"
"I like what this person is doing. What other projects have they done?"
ezmobius database of materials etc? maybe im not following what you'd want for a 3d printed design sharing thing?
what woudl you remove from thingiverse is maybe a good question?
Kliment The materials are not as important in this case
ezmobius right cuz they are fewer
Kliment I think, a database of users, objects, and models
Materials is nice to have though, at least colors and places to get them
ezmobius i was going to make someting very simple to start with. but no ads ever. no bloated take 20 years to load pages. no makerbot shilling
just user accounts. and objects. where each object has photos attached and either a git repo we make automatically or a linked github repo
Kliment Yeah no
That's too much
Users, objects, models
An object is a printed instance of a model
ezmobius great feedback. but im trying to zone in on the base use case you want here. can you help me understand netter?
Kliment Look at those questions I showed you
ezmobius ok that helps. so users have accopunts and users have objects and models
Kliment Here is what I want this site to answer
"I found this here STL. What does it look like printed?"
"What else has this person designed that I might be interested in?"
"How does this model look in green translucent PLA?"
ezmobius so you want to upload an stl and have me match it and display prints of it and the original design? and other stats related to it kinda thing?
Kliment Not at first, maybe later
But say Greg has got some design on his github account, or triffid on his blog, or you on your site
I want to be able to stick in a URL or blog name or designer name and see who on the site has printed it
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ezmobius the main thing i was trying to improve on thingiverse is the clusterfuck of good objects(for example gregs wades) having multiple things with lots of [edit]'s and links to "you really want this object" cuz there is no versioning in thingiverse and object models are much closewr to source code then static files?
am i solving a non issue with that?
Deactivating Flood Protection
Kliment Yes
That could be solved with good search
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Kliment Versioning and explicit derivative trees are good though
But the main thing is, thingiverse is a closed system
ezmobius i mean wouldnt you like to fork an "object" on a thingiverse like site , add your tweaks and republish but still have it linked upstread in the docs, text and source?
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Kliment Ravelry is a very open system. Nearly all the patterns link to off-site resources
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ezmobius i'd want this site to also be open sourced in the codebase itself. and acdept community contributions
Kliment Oh, sure. I get that. But noone will use it
ezmobius why not?
Kliment Because it's confusing
ezmobius good enough syndrme?
with thingiverse?
Activating Flood Protection
ezmobius not if the git stuff is hidden for folks who understand
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Kliment The concept is confusing unless you've used github
ezmobius but it works like current thingivderse for folks who care not about git
Kliment Not just the UI
ezmobius id enable both
Activating Flood Protection
Kliment I think current thingiverse is badly broken
ezmobius me too
Deactivating Flood Protection
Kliment I also think you should sign up for Ravelry and see what a really good site looks like
Used by 2million users
ezmobius already just did
Kliment If we can combine the ravelry model of being metadata for external resources coupled with a community with your idea of versioning and descendence trees, we have something
But I don't want to have to upload everything to ezmobiusverse
ezmobius you want to use github? or your own blog?
Kliment If you have something on your site, or on a blog somewhere, or on github, there's no reason there can't be a node for that with just the metadata, and a link to the files
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ezmobius i also hosted github for the first 2 years of its life and could possibly do something with them instead of a separate thing. make my site just integrate with them instead
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ezmobius yeah thats easily done
Kliment No, that's just as bad
The point is that it should not be a content silo
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ezmobius especially if we can crawl relevant other sites and try to pull that kind of meta data in automatically for you
Deactivating Flood Protection
Kliment With only internal links
ezmobius well what if it were both?
Kliment That's sort of what ravelry is
ezmobius if you need a place to host your files you get that. but if you want to just lnink that works too?
Kliment They have hosted content (as of recently)
But they started with just links
ezmobius i know probbaly tons of folks dont want to bother hosting their own shit somewhere. but tons of folks would prefer that
Kliment For example, I have a book of sock patterns here
It's not available online
But it's on Ravelry
I can go there, check out what materials the various patterns use, see which are most popular, who has knitted what, what people complain about
ezmobius how is it up there?
Kliment You signed up?
ezmobius i mean where is it phycially hosted if its there but not "online"?
i did but havent surfed yet
Kliment It's physically hosted on my bookshelf
Like, actual physical bookshelf
So the data itself is not online at all
But the metadata is
I'll show you
Kliment Heh
That's a hosted one, yes
It's a physical paper book
NOt online in any form
ezmobius ahh i see
Kliment But there are links to the individual pattern pages where people can comment on them and post their results
There are links to errata and places to buy the book
There are links to the forum topics about that designer
And the groups that mention the book on their forums
And a link to the designer's page
ezmobius ill have to explore this site some more and see how people are using it. very interesting though. id heard of this community before but never been into knitting myself. but someone mentioned it was a cool community though
Kliment Very
Let me show you an externally hosted pattern
Metadata, notes, instructions
And a link to the data itself
ezmobius got it. interesting. thanks alot. very good stuff to consider.
Kliment And here is an object page
Based on that same pattern
So it started as just a simple database
materials, patterns, projects, users
Then came designers and sources
Then came forums
Then hosting
Photo hosting
ezmobius gotcha now i understand
Kliment Ad sales
Commercial patterns
ezmobius you thnk folks would want an option to sell their opbjects insetad of open sourcing them or is that overstepping?
Kliment But all the ads are within the community - you have to be a member to buy ads
What I'm saying is don't do it all at once
Let me show you how ravelry handles it This is a ravelry-hosted commercial pattern
ezmobius im fairly anti ads
Kliment That's fine too
I'm trying to find one that is not hosted on ravelry but commercially available, hold on
Here, see
This is hosted on ravelry but also available to buy from a website
So it lists the price and gives a link
Ravelry initially financed itself by putting affiliate amazon and BN links on book pages
Now they also make money from ads, cuts from the hosted pattern sales, and their paid photo hosting service (they do free photo hosting, but only up to a number of photos)
The key takeaway, I guess, is that Ravelry in its original form as a database was useful for one person to keep track of her own projects, stash, and ideas
So it worked and was good for something even when very few people were using it
And its value grew as more people joined
ezmobius gotcha so keep it simple solve a real problem. release and grow from feedback form there?
Kliment Yes
Give me a place to keep track of my own projects, and complain about other people's
And I'll use it
Don't force me to upload all the stuff I have elsewhere to it, and I'll use it for old projects too
ezmobius thanks a lot Kliment appreciate it
Kliment Last attempt to do this failed badly
ezmobius oh didnt know there was previous attempt. what was it called?
why did it fail?
Kliment atomtorrent. Too many cooks
It was supposed to be what we just talked about
ezmobius yeah im familiar with too many cooks syndrome
hence why im not soliticing advce in #reprap directly
Kliment It devolved into a git-backed fully distributed no single point of failure peer to peer encrypted deniable bittorrent backup thing
ezmobius fail
Kliment And then noone wanted to implement it anymore
I really suck at web stuff
And I don't find it exciting at all
Which is why I'm not on this myself
ezmobius im just coming out of 10 years of doing web stuff and sick of it now
but im good at it and know tons of good folks so this is a easy project for me to tackle and im scratchign my own itch here
Kliment Oh, another thing
ezmobius latest version of rubyonrails is based on a little framework i wrote for fun
although they dont link to that page directly anywhere
Kliment It WOULD be cool if it were easy to replicate the entire thing, but said replication does not have to be live
Oh that's who you are!
ezmobius ezra zygmuntowicz here yeah
where are you locate Kliment
eu somewhere?
Kliment Germany
ezmobius cool
Kliment As you can see on my Rav page
Rav is all Ruby
ezmobius i figured it was somewhere near there yeah
yeah thats hwy i had heard of it before
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