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Erwin Zoer ezoer

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ezoer /
Created January 27, 2024 15:08 — forked from krisleech/
Renew Expired GPG key

Renew GPG key

Given that your key has expired.

$ gpg --list-keys
$ gpg --edit-key KEYID

Use the expire command to set a new expire date:

ezoer / Set up GitHub push with SSH
Created February 5, 2023 13:26 — forked from xirixiz/Set up GitHub push with SSH
Set up GitHub push with SSH keys

SSH keypair setup for GitHub (or GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket, etc, etc)

Create a repo.

Make sure there is at least one file in it (even just the

Generate a SSH key pair (private/public):

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""