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Last active December 20, 2015 08:19
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Image Hover JS that Blows up Image
<div class="img-flat_rate" style="float:left; margin-right:20px">
<a class="img-big" href="example-big.png"><img src="example-small.png" alt="Flat Rate Example (iPhone)"/></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
* imgPreview jQuery plugin
* Copyright (c) 2009 James Padolsey
* |
* Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.
* Updated: 09/02/09
* @author James Padolsey
* @version 0.22
$.expr[':'].linkingToImage = function(elem, index, match){
// This will return true if the specified attribute contains a valid link to an image:
return !! ($(elem).attr(match[3]) && $(elem).attr(match[3]).match(/\.(gif|jpe?g|png|bmp)$/i));
$.fn.imgPreview = function(userDefinedSettings){
var s = $.extend({
// CSS to be applied to image:
imgCSS: {},
// Distance between cursor and preview:
distanceFromCursor: {top:10, left:10},
// Boolean, whether or not to preload images:
preloadImages: true,
// Callback: run when link is hovered: container is shown:
onShow: function(){},
// Callback: container is hidden:
onHide: function(){},
// Callback: Run when image within container has loaded:
onLoad: function(){},
// ID to give to container (for CSS styling):
containerID: 'imgPreviewContainer',
// Class to be given to container while image is loading:
containerLoadingClass: 'loading',
// Prefix (if using thumbnails), e.g. 'thumb_'
thumbPrefix: '',
// Where to retrieve the image from:
srcAttr: 'href'
}, userDefinedSettings),
$container = $('<div/>').attr('id', s.containerID)
$img = $('img', $container).css(s.imgCSS),
// Get all valid elements (linking to images / ATTR with image link):
$collection = this.filter(':linkingToImage(' + s.srcAttr + ')');
// Re-usable means to add prefix (from setting):
function addPrefix(src) {
return src.replace(/(\/?)([^\/]+)$/,'$1' + s.thumbPrefix + '$2');
if (s.preloadImages) {
var tempIMG = new Image(),
callee = arguments.callee;
tempIMG.src = addPrefix($($collection[i]).attr(s.srcAttr));
tempIMG.onload = function(){
$collection[i + 1] && callee(i + 1);
top: e.pageY + + 'px',
left: e.pageX + s.distanceFromCursor.left + 'px'
var link = this;
$;$img[0], link);
.attr( 'src' , addPrefix($(link).attr(s.srcAttr)) );$container[0], link);
}, function(){
$img.unbind('load').attr('src','').hide();$container[0], this);
// Return full selection, not $collection!
return this;
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