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Last active March 13, 2019 21:59
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How to Deploy Speed Friending and Dating Matcher on CentOS 7.6 with Apache server

How to Deploy Speed Friending and Dating Matcher on CentOS 7.6 with Apache server

Specially for Mikula :)

In this tutorial the domain name used for example. This is a free domain name from You can use another domain name, of course.

Tested with clean installation of CentOS.

  1. Check CentOS version:

    $ cat /etc/centos-release

    CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

  2. Update system packages:

    # yum update -y
  3. Install dependencies:

    # yum install nano httpd python36 git -y
  4. Enable HTTP service:

    # systemctl enable httpd.service
  5. Create user 'matcher':

    # adduser matcher
  6. Switch to user 'matcher':

    # su matcher
    $ cd
  7. Create Python 3 virtual environment for the app:

    $ python36 -mvenv venv
  8. Activate virtual environment:

    $ source venv/bin/activate
  9. Install app from git repo branch:

    $ pip install git+

    A reason to use git repo: speed-friending-and-dating-matcher not available from PyPi.

  10. Install application server:

    $ pip install gunicorn
  11. Create WSGI file:

    $ nano

    with content:

    from speed_friending_matcher import server
    from speed_friending_matcher.server import app as application
  12. Close user session:

    $ exit
  13. Create and open a Systemd service file for Gunicorn

    # nano /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service

    with content:

    Description=gunicorn daemon
    ExecStart=/home/matcher/venv/bin/gunicorn --workers 2 --bind wsgi:application
  14. We can now start the Gunicorn service we created and enable it so that it starts at boot:

    # systemctl start gunicorn
    # systemctl enable gunicorn
  15. Create config file for Apache:

    # nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/matcher.conf 

    with content:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot "/home/matcher"
        ProxyPass / http://localhost:8000/
        <Directory /home/matcher/>
        Require all granted
  16. Restart Apache:

    # systemctl restart httpd
  17. Go to and enjoy!

Sometimes also requred (but not in the case of Contabo VPS):

  1. Add HTTP service or port 80 with the following command:

    # firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
  2. Once you’re done, restart firewalld with the following command:

    # firewall-cmd --reload

Have a good day!

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