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Created December 2, 2016 09:11
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* @plugindesc プラグインの管理システム
* @author F_
* @help
* プラグイン開発をサポートするプラグイン。
* 必ず最初に実行すること。
* Copyright (c) 2016 F_
* Released under the MIT license
declare const __moduleName: string;
class System {
private constructor() { throw new Error(System.ErrorMessages.NEW_STATIC_CLASS); }
private static _modules: { [name: string]: System.Internal.Entry | undefined } = Object.create(null);
private static _moduleNameResolver: System.ModuleNameResolver | null = null;
public static get moduleNameResolver() { return this._moduleNameResolver; }
public static set moduleNameResolver(value) { this._moduleNameResolver = value; }
public static get(name: string): any {
let entry = this._modules[name];
return (entry ? entry.value : null);
public static set(name: string, value: any): void {
this._modules[name] = new System.Internal.ExternalModule(name, value);
public static has(name: string): boolean {
return (name in this._modules);
public static execute(name: string): void {
public static register(deps: string[], declare: System.DeclareFunction): void;
public static register(name: string | null, deps: string[], declare: System.DeclareFunction): void;
public static register(...args: any[]): void {
if (!System.Utility.isString(args[0])) {
args = [null].concat(args);
this.registerCore.apply(this, args);
private static executeCore(name: string): System.Internal.Entry {
let entry = <System.Internal.Entry>this._modules[name];
if (!entry.external && !entry.executed) {
entry.dependencies.forEach(function (this: typeof System, name: string) {
let dependency = this.executeCore(name);
if (!dependency.external) {
}, this);
entry.executed = true;
return entry;
private static registerCore(name: string | null, deps: string[], declare: System.DeclareFunction): void {
name = name || this.resolveModuleName();
let entry = new System.Internal.Module(name, deps);
let $export = this.createExportFunction(entry);
let $context = this.createModuleContext(entry);
entry.declaration = declare($export, $context);
this._modules[name] = entry;
private static $export<T>(target: System.Internal.Module, name: string, value: T): T {
target.exports[name] = value;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target.proxy, name)) {
let values = target.exports;
Object.defineProperty(target.proxy, name, {
get: () => values[name],
enumerable: true,
target.lock = true;
target.dependants.forEach(function (this: typeof System, name: string) {
let dependant = <System.Internal.Module>this._modules[name];
if (dependant && !dependant.lock) {
}, this);
target.lock = false;
return value;
private static createExportFunction(entry: System.Internal.Module): System.ExportFunction {
return Object.freeze(this.$export.bind(this, entry));
private static createModuleContext(entry: System.Internal.Module): System.ModuleContext {
return Object.freeze(Object.create(null, { id: { value: } }));
private static resolveModuleName(): string {
if (this._moduleNameResolver == null) {
throw new Error("ModuleNameResolver is not set.");
return this._moduleNameResolver.resolve();
private static checkDuplicate(name: string): void {
if (this.has(name)) {
throw new Error(`Duplicate module '${name}'.`);
private static checkExistence(name: string): void {
if (!this.has(name)) {
throw new Error(`Missing module '${name}'.`);
namespace System {
export namespace Internal {
export class Module {
public constructor(readonly name: string, readonly dependencies: string[]) { }
public readonly external: false = false;
public readonly dependants: string[] = [];
public readonly proxy: any = Object.create(null);
public readonly exports: any = Object.create(null);
public declaration: ModuleDeclaration;
public lock: boolean = false;
public executed: boolean = false;
public get value(): any { return this.proxy; }
public update(dependency: Entry): void {
let index = this.dependencies.indexOf(;
if (index !== -1) this.declaration.setters[index](dependency.value);
public execute(): void {
export class ExternalModule {
public constructor(readonly name: string, readonly value: any) { }
public readonly external: true = true;
export type Entry = Module | ExternalModule;
export type DeclareFunction = ($export: ExportFunction, $context: ModuleContext) => ModuleDeclaration;
export type ExportFunction = <T>(name: string, value: T) => T;
export interface ModuleContext {
id: string;
export interface ModuleDeclaration {
setters: (<T>(value: T) => void)[];
execute: () => void;
export interface ModuleNameResolver {
resolve(): string;
export interface Type {
(value: Object): string;
readonly property: string;
of(ctor: Function): string;
find(id: string): Function | null;
register(ctor: Function, module?: string | null, name?: string | null): void;
export const Type: Type = <any>(
class Type {
private constructor(value: Object) {
return Type.of(value.constructor);
public static readonly property: string = '@@Type';
private static database: { [id: string]: Function | undefined } = Object.create(null);
public static of(ctor: Function): string {
if (!ctor.hasOwnProperty( {
let global =;
let name = Type.getName(ctor);
if (!global.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown type: '${name}'.`);
Type.register(ctor, null, name);
return (<any>ctor)[];
public static find(id: string): Function | null {
let result = this.database[id];
if (!result) result =[id];
return result || null;
public static register(ctor: Function, module?: string | null, name?: string | null): void {
let id = this.makeID(module, name != null ? name : this.getName(ctor));
if (id in this.database) {
throw new Error(`Duplicate identifier: '${id}'.`);
Object.defineProperty(ctor,, { value: id });
Object.defineProperty(this.database, id, { value: ctor });
private static makeID(module: string | null | undefined, name: string): string {
return (module != null ? '@' + module + '.' + name : name);
private static getName(ctor: Function): string {
return System.Utility.getFunctionName(ctor);
export interface ObjectID {
(object: any): number;
readonly property: string;
export const ObjectID: ObjectID = <any>(
class ObjectID {
public constructor(object: any) {
if (!object.hasOwnProperty( {
Object.defineProperty(object,, { value: ObjectID.newID() });
return object[];
public static readonly property: string = '@@ObjectID';
private static _counter: number = 1;
private static newID(): number {
let id = this._counter++;
if (id === this._counter) throw new Error('No more available IDs.');
return id;
export class Serialization {
private constructor() { throw new Error(ErrorMessages.NEW_STATIC_CLASS); }
private static _typeCache: { [id: string]: Object | undefined } = Object.create(null);
public static serialize(object: any): string {
return JSON.stringify(this.encode(object));
public static deserialize(json: string): any {
return this.decode(JSON.parse(json));
private static encode(value: any): any {
let result = { root: <any>null, table: <Serialization.Entry[]>[] };
result.root = this.flatten(value, result.table, Object.create(null));
return result;
private static flatten(value: any, table: Serialization.Entry[], map: { [id: number]: Serialization.ObjectReference }): any {
if (this.isObject(value)) {
let id = ObjectID(value);
if (!(id in map)) {
if (this.isFunction(value.onSerialize)) {
let object = value;
if (this.isFunction(value.toJSON)) {
object = value.toJSON();
let type = Type(value);
let ref = new Serialization.ObjectReference(table.length);
let entry = new Serialization.Entry(type);
map[id] = ref;
if (this.isObject(object)) {
let data: any;
let recurse = this.flatten.bind(this);
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
data = => recurse(value, table, map));
} else {
data = Object.create(null);
Object.keys(object).forEach(key => {
data[key] = recurse(object[key], table, map);
} = data;
} else { = object;
return map[id];
return value;
private static decode(value: any): any {
let root = (value.root != null ? value.root : null);
let table = (value.table != null ? value.table : []);
let objects = new Array(table.length);
let result = this.resolve(root, table, objects);
return result;
private static resolve(value: any, table: Serialization.Entry[], objects: any[]) {
let ref = this.isObject(value) ? Serialization.ObjectReference.getReferenceNo(value) : null;
if (ref != null) {
if (!objects.hasOwnProperty(String(ref))) {
let entry = table[ref];
if (entry) {
let type = Serialization.Entry.getType(entry);
let data = Serialization.Entry.getData(entry);
if (this.isObject(data)) {
let object = Array.isArray(data) ? [] : Object.create(this.getPrototype(type));
objects[ref] = object;
let recurse = this.resolve.bind(this);
if (this.isFunction(object.fromJSON)) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
data[key] = recurse(data[key], table, objects);
} else {
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
object[key] = recurse(data[key], table, objects);
if (this.isFunction(object.onDeserialize)) {
} else {
objects[ref] = data;
} else {
objects[ref] = void (0);
return objects[ref];
return value;
private static getPrototype(type: string | null | undefined): any {
if (type != null) {
if (!(type in this._typeCache)) {
let ctor = Type.find(type);
let prototype = ctor && ctor.prototype;
this._typeCache[type] = prototype;
let result = this._typeCache[type];
if (result) return result;
return Object.prototype;
private static isObject(value: any): value is Object {
return (value !== null && typeof value === 'object');
private static isFunction(value: any): value is Function {
return (typeof value === 'function');
export namespace Serialization {
const PROPERTY_TYPE = '@';
const PROPERTY_DATA = '_';
const PROPERTY_REF = '@ref';
export class Entry {
public constructor(type: string, data?: any) {
this.type = type; = data;
public get type(this: any): string { return this[PROPERTY_TYPE]; }
public set type(this: any, value: string) { this[PROPERTY_TYPE] = value; }
public get data(this: any): any { return this[PROPERTY_DATA]; };
public set data(this: any, value: any) { this[PROPERTY_DATA] = value; };
public static getType(object: any): string | undefined {
return object[PROPERTY_TYPE];
public static getData(object: any): any {
return object[PROPERTY_DATA];
export class ObjectReference {
public constructor(refNo: number) {
this.refNo = refNo;
public get refNo(this: any): number { return this[PROPERTY_REF]; };
public set refNo(this: any, value: number) { this[PROPERTY_REF] = value; };
public static getReferenceNo(object: any): number | undefined {
return object[PROPERTY_REF];
export interface Serializable {
toJSON?(): any;
fromJSON?(data: any): void;
onSerialize?(): void;
onDeserialize?(): void;
export class Utility {
private constructor() { throw new Error(ErrorMessages.NEW_STATIC_CLASS); }
public static readonly global: any = (0, eval)('this');
public static readonly undefined: undefined = (void 0);
public static isNumber(value: any): value is number {
return (typeof value === 'number' || value instanceof Number);
public static isString(value: any): value is string {
return (typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String);
public static isObject(value: any): value is Object {
let type = typeof value;
return ((type === 'object' && value !== null) || type === 'function')
public static isFunction(value: any): value is Function {
return (typeof value === 'function');
public static isArray(value: any): value is Array<any> {
return Array.isArray(value);
public static isUndefined(value: any): value is undefined {
return (value === void 0);
public static getFunctionName(func: Function): string {
if (func.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
return String((<any>func).name);
} else {
let match = String(func).match(/^\s*function\s*(\S+?)\s*\(/);
return match ? match[1] : '';
export namespace ErrorMessages {
export const NEW_STATIC_CLASS = "This is a static class.";
export const NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "Not implemented.";
export const NOT_SUPPORTED = "Not supoorted.";
class MVPlugin {
public constructor(source: MV.Plugin, order: number) { =;
this.description = source.description;
this.parameters = new MVPlugin.Parameters(source.parameters);
this.order = order;
this.type = this.createTypeDecorator();
this.typeAs = this.createTypeAsDecoratorFactory();
public readonly name: string;
public readonly description: string;
public readonly parameters: MVPlugin.Parameters;
public readonly order: number;
public readonly type: ClassDecorator;
public readonly typeAs: (name: string) => ClassDecorator;
public static get(name: string): MVPlugin {
let plugin = this.find(name);
if (!plugin) throw new Error(`Missing plugin '${name}'.`);
return plugin;
public static find(name: string): MVPlugin | null {
return MVPlugin.PluginManager.getPlugin(name);
public validate<T>(validator: (parameters: MVPlugin.Parameters) => T): T {
return validator(this.parameters);
private createTypeDecorator(): ClassDecorator {
let module =;
return function (target: any): void {
System.Type.register(target, module);
private createTypeAsDecoratorFactory(): (name: string) => ClassDecorator {
let module =;
return function (name: string): ClassDecorator {
return function (target: any): void {
System.Type.register(target, module, name);
namespace MVPlugin {
const SYMBOL_METHODS = '@methods';
const SYMBOL_PROPERTIES = '@properties';
export function extension(type: any, static?: boolean): ClassDecorator {
if (!static) type = type.prototype;
return function (target: any): void {
let methods = <string[] | undefined>target[SYMBOL_METHODS];
if (methods) {
methods.forEach(name => type[name] = target[name](type[name]));
let properties = <string[] | undefined>target[SYMBOL_PROPERTIES];
if (properties) {
properties.forEach(name => Object.defineProperty(type, name, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name)));
export function extensionIf(type: any, condition: boolean, static?: boolean): ClassDecorator {
let decorator = extension(type, static);
return function (target: any): void {
if (condition) decorator(target);
export function method(target: any, key: string): void {
let methods = <string[]>(target[SYMBOL_METHODS] || (target[SYMBOL_METHODS] = []));
export function methodIf(condition: boolean): MethodDecorator {
return function (target: any, key: string): void {
if (condition) method(target, key);
export function property(target: any, key: string): void {
let properties = <string[]>(target[SYMBOL_PROPERTIES] || (target[SYMBOL_PROPERTIES] = []));
export function propertyIf(condition: boolean): PropertyDecorator {
return function (target: any, key: string): void {
if (condition) property(target, key);
export class PluginManager {
private constructor() { throw new Error(System.ErrorMessages.NEW_STATIC_CLASS); }
private static plugins: { [name: string]: MVPlugin | undefined } = Object.create(null);
private static nameTable: { [src: string]: string | undefined } = Object.create(null);
private static initialized: boolean = false;
public static get path(): string { return; }
public static initialize(): void {
if (!this.initialized) {
this.initialized = true;
public static contains(name: string): boolean {
return !!this.getPlugin(name);
public static getPlugin(name: string): MVPlugin | null {
return this.plugins[name] || null;
public static getPlugins(): MVPlugin[] {
return Object.keys(this.plugins).map(key => <MVPlugin>this.plugins[key]);
public static getCurrentPlugin(): MVPlugin | null {
let name = this.getCurrentPluginName();
let plugin = (name != null ? this.getPlugin(name) : null);
return plugin;
public static getCurrentPluginName(): string | null {
let script = this.getCurrentScript();
let src = script.getAttribute('src');
let name = src && this.nameTable[src];
return name || null;
private static getCurrentScript(): HTMLScriptElement {
return <HTMLScriptElement>document.currentScript || (function () {
let scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
return scripts[scripts.length - 1];
private static collectPluginInfo(): void {
$plugins.forEach((source, index) => {
if (source.status) {
let name =;
if (!(name in this.plugins)) {
let plugin = new MVPlugin(source, index);
let src = this.getPluginSrc(name);
this.plugins[name] = plugin;
this.nameTable[src] = name;
private static getPluginSrc(name: string): string {
return this.path + name + '.js';
export class PluginNameResolver implements System.ModuleNameResolver {
public constructor() {
public resolve(): string {
return <string>MVPlugin.PluginManager.getCurrentPluginName();
export class Parameters {
public constructor(readonly value: { [name: string]: string | undefined }) { }
private static readonly BOOLEAN_TABLE: { [name: string]: boolean | undefined } = {
true: true, false: false,
yes: true, no: false,
on: true, off: false,
enabled: true, disabled: false,
public int(name: string, radix?: number): number {
let string = this.get(name);
let value = parseInt(string, radix || 10);
return (!isNaN(value) ? value : this.error(name, string));
public float(name: string): number {
let string = this.get(name);
let value = parseFloat(string);
return (!isNaN(value) ? value : this.error(name, string));
public bool(name: string): boolean {
let string = this.get(name);
let value = Parameters.BOOLEAN_TABLE[string.toLowerCase()];
return (value != null ? value : this.error(name, string));
public string(name: string): string {
return this.get(name);
public lower(name: string): string {
return this.get(name).toLowerCase();
public upper(name: string): string {
return this.get(name).toUpperCase();
private get(name: string): string {
if (!this.value.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown parameter '${name}'.`);
return <string>this.value[name];
private error(name: string, string: string): never {
throw new Error(`ParseError: ${name} '${string}'`);
(function () {
System.moduleNameResolver = new MVPlugin.PluginNameResolver();
let serializer = System.Serialization;
JsonEx.stringify = function (object) { return serializer.serialize(object); }
JsonEx.parse = function (json) { return serializer.deserialize(json); }
let onload = window.onload;
window.onload = function () {
try {
let registered = <MVPlugin[]>[];
MVPlugin.PluginManager.getPlugins().forEach(plugin => {
if (System.has( {
} else {
System.set(, null);
registered.sort((x, y) => x.order - y.order);
registered.forEach(plugin => System.execute(;
} finally {
onload.apply(this, arguments);
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