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Last active June 14, 2018 11:58
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Save f-space/e584c1db96e62c25671945bdc13de6d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Webpack resolver plugin for tsconfig.json (baseUrl, paths, rootDirs).
const fs = require('fs');
const { posix, win32 } = require('path');
const path = (process.platform !== 'win32') ? posix : {
resolve() { return replaceSep(win32.resolve.apply(this, arguments)); },
relative() { return replaceSep(win32.relative.apply(this, arguments)); },
normalize() { return replaceSep(win32.normalize.apply(this, arguments)); },
join() { return replaceSep(win32.join.apply(this, arguments)); },
dirname() { return replaceSep(win32.dirname.apply(this, arguments)); },
function replaceSep(p) {
return p.replace(/\\/g, '/');
function byTs(pattern, request) {
return pattern.test(request.context.issuer);
function normalizeOptions(options) {
if (typeof options === "string") {
return normalizeOptions({ config: options });
} else if (typeof options !== "object" || options === null) {
return normalizeOptions({});
} else if (typeof options.config !== "string" && options.config !== null) {
return normalizeOptions(Object.assign(options, { config: "tsconfig.json" }))
if (options.config !== null && !options.loaded) {
options.options = Object.assign(loadTsCompilerOptions(options.config), options.options);
options.loaded = true;
} else {
options.options = options.options || {};
options.test = RegExp(options.test || /\.tsx?$/);
return options;
function loadTsCompilerOptions(path) {
if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
const config = fs.readFileSync(path, { encoding: 'utf8' });
const json = JSON.parse(config);
const options = json && json.compilerOptions;
return options || {};
} else {
throw new Error(`'${path}' not found.`);
class TsBaseUrlPlugin {
constructor(options) {
this.options = normalizeOptions(options);
const { baseUrl } = this.options.options;
this.baseUrl = (typeof baseUrl === 'string') ? path.normalize(baseUrl) : "";
apply(resolver) {
if (this.baseUrl) {
const configPath = this.options.config || ".";
const root = path.resolve(path.dirname(configPath), this.baseUrl);
const target = resolver.ensureHook('resolve');
resolver.getHook('module').tapAsync(, (request, context, callback) => {
if (byTs(this.options.test, request)) {
const newRequest = Object.assign({}, request, { path: root, request: "./" + request.request });
const message = `looking for modules in ${root}`;
return resolver.doResolve(target, newRequest, message, context, callback);
return callback();
class TsPathsPlugin {
constructor(options) {
this.options = normalizeOptions(options);
const { paths } = this.options.options;
this.mappings = this.makeMapping(paths);
apply(resolver) {
for (const { pattern, replacement } of this.mappings) {
const target = resolver.ensureHook('resolve');
resolver.getHook('described-resolve').tapAsync(, (request, context, callback) => {
if (byTs(this.options.test, request)) {
const innerRequest = request.request;
if (innerRequest && match(innerRequest, pattern)) {
const newInnerRequest = replace(capture(innerRequest, pattern), replacement)
const newRequest = Object.assign({}, request, { request: newInnerRequest, });
const message = `aliased with mapping '${innerRequest}': '${toString(pattern)}' to '${toString(replacement)}'`;
return resolver.doResolve(target, newRequest, message, context, callback);
return callback();
function match(path, { prefix, suffix }) {
return (path.length >= prefix.length + suffix.length && path.startsWith(prefix) && path.endsWith(suffix));
function capture(path, { prefix, suffix }) {
return path.substr(prefix.length, path.length - (prefix.length + suffix.length));
function replace(captured, { prefix, suffix }) {
return prefix + captured + suffix;
function toString({ prefix, suffix }) {
return `${prefix}*${suffix}`;
makeMapping(paths = {}) {
const mappings = []
for (const [key, values] of Object.entries(paths)) {
const [patternPrefix, patternSuffix] = key.split("*", 2);
if (Array.isArray(values)) {
for (const value of values) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
const [replacementPrefix, replacementSuffix] = value.split("*", 2);
pattern: {
prefix: patternPrefix || "",
suffix: patternSuffix || "",
replacement: {
prefix: replacementPrefix || "",
suffix: replacementSuffix || "",
return mappings;
class TsRootDirsPlugin {
constructor(options) {
this.options = normalizeOptions(options);
const { rootDirs } = this.options.options;
this.rootDirs = (rootDirs || []).filter(dir => typeof dir === 'string').map(dir => path.normalize(dir));
apply(resolver) {
const configPath = this.options.config || ".";
const roots = => path.resolve(path.dirname(configPath), dir));
for (const root of roots) {
const target = resolver.ensureHook('resolve');
resolver.getHook('described-resolve').tapAsync(, (request, context, callback) => {
if (byTs(this.options.test, request)) {
const innerRequest = request.request;
if (innerRequest && isRelative(innerRequest)) {
const absolutePath = path.join(request.path, innerRequest);
const matchedRoot = roots.find(root => absolutePath.startsWith(root));
if (matchedRoot && matchedRoot !== root) {
const newInnerRequest = path.resolve(root, path.relative(matchedRoot, absolutePath));
const newRequest = Object.assign({}, request, { request: newInnerRequest, });
const message = `looking for modules in ${root}`;
return resolver.doResolve(target, newRequest, message, context, callback);
return callback();
function isRelative(p) {
return /^\.\.?$|^\.\.?\//.test(p);
class TsConfigPlugin {
constructor(options) {
this.options = normalizeOptions(options);
this.plugins = [
new TsBaseUrlPlugin(this.options),
new TsPathsPlugin(this.options),
new TsRootDirsPlugin(this.options),
apply(resolver) {
for (const plugin of this.plugins) {
module.exports = TsConfigPlugin;
module.exports.TsBaseUrlPlugin = TsBaseUrlPlugin;
module.exports.TsPathsPlugin = TsPathsPlugin;
module.exports.TsRootDirsPlugin = TsRootDirsPlugin;
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