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Last active June 18, 2018 17:25
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PCEN layer for Lasagne
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
PCEN Layer for Lasagne.
Author: Jan Schlüter, OFAI
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import lasagne
class PCENLayer(lasagne.layers.Layer):
Trainable PCEN (Per-Channel Energy Normalization) layer:
.. math::
Y = (\\frac{X}{(\\epsilon + M)^\\alpha} + \\delta)^r - \\delta^r
M_t = (1 - s) M_{t - 1} + s X_t
Assumes spectrogram input of shape ``(batchsize, channels, time, bands)``.
Implements an automatic gain control through the division by :math:`M`, an
IIR filter estimating the local magnitude, followed by root compression.
As proposed in [1]_, all parameters are trainable, and learned separately
per frequency band. In contrast to the paper, the smoother :math:`M` is
learned by backpropagating through the recurrence relation to tune
:math:`s`, not by mixing a set of predefined smoothers.
incoming : a :class:`Layer` instance or a tuple
The layer feeding into this layer, or the expected input shape. Expects
a 4-dimensional input shape of ``(batchsize, channels, time, bands)``.
log_s : Theano shared variable, expression, numpy array, callable or None
Initial value, expression or initializer for the logarithm of :math:`s`
per frequency band (i.e., a parameter vector).
log_alpha : Theano shared variable, expression, numpy array, callable or None
Initial value, expression or initializer for the logarithm of
:math:`\\alpha` per frequency band (i.e., a parameter vector).
log_delta : Theano shared variable, expression, numpy array, callable or None
Initial value, expression or initializer for the logarithm of
:math:`\\delta` per frequency band (i.e., a parameter vector).
log_r : Theano shared variable, expression, numpy array, callable or None
Initial value, expression or initializer for the logarithm of
:math:`r` per frequency band (i.e., a parameter vector).
eps : scalar
Small constant :math:`\\epsilon` added to the smoother :math:`M` before
dividing by it, to avoid numerical problems.
init_smoother_from_data : bool (default: True)
Whether to initialize the smoother :math:`M` from the first input frame
(the default, recommended) rather than from zero.
Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the :class:`Layer`
To enforce full independence of input scale, fix :math:`\\alpha = 1` by
passing ``log_alpha=theano.tensor.constant(0).dimshuffle('x')``.
.. [1] Y. Wang, P. Getreuer, T. Hughes, R. F. Lyon, R. A. Saurous (2016):
Trainable Frontend For Robust and Far-Field Keyword Spotting.
def __init__(self, incoming,
eps=1e-6, init_smoother_from_data=True, **kwargs):
super(PCENLayer, self).__init__(incoming, **kwargs)
num_bands = self.input_shape[-1]
self.log_s = self.add_param(log_s, shape=(num_bands,),
name='log_s', regularizable=False)
self.log_alpha = self.add_param(log_alpha, shape=(num_bands,),
name='log_alpha', regularizable=False)
self.log_delta = self.add_param(log_delta, shape=(num_bands,),
name='log_delta', regularizable=False)
self.log_r = self.add_param(log_r, shape=(num_bands,),
name='log_r', regularizable=False)
self.eps = eps
self.init_smoother_from_data = init_smoother_from_data
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs):
def smooth_step(current_in, previous_out, s):
one = T.constant(1)
return [(one - s) * previous_out + s * current_in]
init = input[:, :, 0] # initialize the filter with the first frame
if not self.init_smoother_from_data:
init = T.zeros_like(init) # initialize with zeros instead
s = T.exp(self.log_s).dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0)
smoother = theano.scan(fn=smooth_step,
sequences=[input.transpose(2, 0, 1, 3)],
strict=True)[0].transpose(1, 2, 0, 3)
alpha = T.exp(self.log_alpha)
delta = T.exp(self.log_delta)
r = T.exp(self.log_r)
# stable reformulation due to Vincent Lostanlen; original formula was:
# return (input / (self.eps + smoother)**alpha + delta)**r - delta**r
smoother = T.exp(-alpha * (T.log(self.eps) +
T.log1p(smoother / self.eps)))
return (input * smoother + delta)**r - delta**r
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f0k commented Jun 18, 2018

it seems that you're not ensuring that s has to remain below 1 (log_s < 0), which may cause numerical difficulties.

Yes, indeed, we don't guarantee it remains within (0,1). However, in my experiments, s stayed comfortably far below 1 during training (for my ISMIR 2018 paper, I initialized log_s to log(0.025) and it learned s between 0.02 and 0.2). Did you observe a different behavior?

Thanks for your suggested workaround. A simpler solution might be to parameterize s in terms of a sigmoid:

self.logit_s = self.add_param(...)
s = T.nnet.sigmoid(self.logit_s).dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0)

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