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Last active November 12, 2020 13:54
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Python 3 Trie Prefix Searching with Recursive Printing
# Mainly this but I added some neat features and simplified some parts
class Trie:
class Node:
def __init__(self, char):
self.char = char
self.children = {}
# If true it marks the end of a string
# If this isn't here, then we couldn't have overlapping nodes like "change" and "cha"
self.isWord = False
def __repr__(self):
# Recursively outputs a str so you can see the entire structure when printing
if self.children:
return str(self.children)
return '\'' + self.char + '\''
def __init__(self, words):
# Takes an array of words and populates the trie
self.root = Trie.Node("")
for word in words:
def dfs(self, node, prefix, output):
# Go through the subtree of node, add prefix to the output, and populate an array output
if node.isWord:
for children in node.children.values():
self.dfs(children, prefix+children.char, output)
def searchPrefix(self, prefix):
# Given a prefix str, return all of the strings in the tree that has it as it's prefix
node = self.root
for c in prefix:
if c in node.children:
node = node.children[c]
return []
output = []
self.dfs(node, prefix, output)
return output
def insert(self, word):
# Insert word into the trie tree
node = self.root
for c in word:
# This is a pretty slick trick if I say so myself
# Creates Node(c) if it is missing then assigns that new Node to node to traverse
# If it exists, then set it to node to traverse
node = node.children.setdefault(c, Trie.Node(c))
node.isWord = True
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.root)
words = ['dog', 'dogs', 'dodges', 'door', 'insert', 'cat', 'cats', 'catsdogs', 'dogscats']
trie = Trie(words)
output = []
trie.dfs(trie.root, "", output)
{'d': {'o': {'g': {'s': {'c': {'a': {'t': {'s': 's'}}}}}, 'd': {'g': {'e': {'s': 's'}}}, 'o': {'r': 'r'}}}, 'i': {'n': {'s': {'e': {'r': {'t': 't'}}}}}, 'c': {'a': {'t': {'s': {'d': {'o': {'g': {'s': 's'}}}}}}}}
['dog', 'dogs', 'dogscats', 'dodges', 'door', 'insert', 'cat', 'cats', 'catsdogs']
['dog', 'dogs', 'dogscats', 'dodges', 'door']
['cat', 'cats', 'catsdogs']
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f0lie commented Nov 12, 2020

Note you can implement a trie without any classes doing this:

trie = {}
for word in words:
    node = trie
    for char in word:
        node = node.setdefault(char, {})
    node['end'] = word

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