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Created August 23, 2016 13:39
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-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Layout.IfMax
-- Copyright : (c) 2013 Ilya Portnov
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Ilya Portnov <>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- Provides IfMax layout, which will run one layout if there are maximum N
-- windows on workspace, and another layout, when number of windows is greater
-- than N.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, PatternGuards #-}
module XMonad.Layout.IfMax
( -- * Usage
-- $usage
IfMax (..)
, ifMax
) where
import Control.Applicative((<$>))
import Control.Arrow
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-- $usage
-- IfMax layout will run one layout if number of windows on workspace is as
-- maximum N, and else will run another layout.
-- You can use this module by adding folowing in your @xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Layout.IfMax
-- Then add layouts to your layoutHook:
-- > myLayoutHook = IfMax 2 Full (Tall ...) ||| ...
-- In this example, if there are 1 or 2 windows, Full layout will be used;
-- otherwise, Tall layout will be used.
data IfMax l1 l2 w = IfMax Int (l1 w) (l2 w)
deriving (Read, Show)
instance (LayoutClass l1 Window, LayoutClass l2 Window) => LayoutClass (IfMax l1 l2) Window where
runLayout (W.Workspace wname (IfMax n l1 l2) s) rect = withWindowSet $ \ws -> arrange (W.integrate' s) (M.keys . W.floating $ ws)
arrange ws fw | length (ws L.\\ fw) <= n = do
(wrs, ml1') <- runLayout (W.Workspace wname l1 s) rect
let l1' = fromMaybe l1 ml1'
l2' <- fromMaybe l2 <$> handleMessage l2 (SomeMessage Hide)
return (wrs, Just $ IfMax n l1' l2')
| otherwise = do
(wrs, ml2') <- runLayout (W.Workspace wname l2 s) rect
l1' <- fromMaybe l1 <$> handleMessage l1 (SomeMessage Hide)
let l2' = fromMaybe l2 ml2'
return (wrs, Just $ IfMax n l1' l2')
handleMessage (IfMax n l1 l2) m | Just ReleaseResources <- fromMessage m = do
l1' <- handleMessage l1 (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
l2' <- handleMessage l2 (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
if isNothing l1' && isNothing l2'
then return Nothing
else return $ Just $ IfMax n (fromMaybe l1 l1') (fromMaybe l2 l2')
handleMessage (IfMax n l1 l2) m | Just Hide <- fromMessage m = do
l1' <- handleMessage l1 (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
l2' <- handleMessage l2 (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
if isNothing l1' && isNothing l2'
then return Nothing
else return $ Just $ IfMax n (fromMaybe l1 l1') (fromMaybe l2 l2')
handleMessage (IfMax n l1 l2) m = do
(allWindows, floatingWindows) <- gets ((W.integrate' . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current &&& M.keys . W.floating) . windowset)
if length (allWindows L.\\ floatingWindows) <= n
then do
l1' <- handleMessage l1 m
return $ flip (IfMax n) l2 <$> l1'
else do
l2' <- handleMessage l2 m
return $ IfMax n l1 <$> l2'
description (IfMax n l1 l2) = "If number of windows is <= " ++ show n ++ ", then " ++
description l1 ++ ", else " ++ description l2
-- | Layout itself
ifMax :: (LayoutClass l1 w, LayoutClass l2 w)
=> Int -- ^ Maximum number of windows for the first layout
-> l1 w -- ^ First layout
-> l2 w -- ^ Second layout
-> IfMax l1 l2 w
ifMax n l1 l2 = IfMax n l1 l2
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