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Last active April 7, 2020 15:03
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function generatePassword(int $nbCharacters): string {
static $characters = [
'lower' => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
'number' => '0123456789',
'special' => '@#$%^&+=._-!',
// Password must have at least one character of each type
$passwordComposition = array_keys($characters);
// We're filling out the list with random character types
$count = $nbCharacters - count($passwordComposition);
while ($count--) {
$passwordComposition[] = array_rand($characters);
// Shuffle the password composition order
// Building password from password composition
$password = '';
foreach ($passwordComposition as $type) {
$password .= $characters[$type][mt_rand(0, strlen($characters[$type]) - 1)];
return $password;
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