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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Best practices on how to organize your coffeescript files in rails
# .../app/assets/javascripts/
PlaceShow =
initialize: (opts) ->
isCalendarOpen = false
@.initializeSharePlace(opts.share_title, opts.share_url, opts.share_id)
# Lazy Initialize Map and calendar
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown', (e) ->
# Lazy load calendar
if $('href') == '#calendar-tab'
if !isCalendarOpen
self.PlaceShow.initializeCalendar(opts.cal_events, opts.cal_lastVisibleDay, opts.cal_month)
isCalendarOpen = true
# Lazy load map
if $('href') == '#map-tab'
if opts.map_lat != 'null' && opts.map_lon != 'null'
self.PlaceShow.initializeMap(opts.map_lat, opts.map_lon, opts.map_cityName, opts.map_countryName, opts.map_radius, "map")
if window.location.hash
$('a[href="' + window.location.hash + '"]').tab('show')
# Photo slider
initializeSlider: ->
slider = $('#photo-slider')
if slider.length > 0
slider.tinycarousel({ interval: true, pager: true, animation: false, fading: true })
$('.extra-paginator').click ->
# Panoramas
initializePanoramas: ->
pano_iframe = $('#panorama_container iframe')
pano_list = $('#panoramas_list')
if pano_list.length > 0
idx = 0
length = pano_list.find('a').length
showPanorama = ->
url = pano_list.find('a').eq(idx).attr('href')
pano_iframe.attr('src', url)
$('#panorama_container .prev').click ->
if idx > 0
idx -= 1
$('#panorama_container .next').click ->
if idx < length - 1
idx += 1
# Google Map initialization
initializeMap: (lat, lon, cityName, countryName, radius, element_id) ->
mapOptions = {
zoom: 13,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon),
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(element_id),mapOptions)
# We place a marker if radius is zero
if radius == 0
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon),
map: map,
title: cityName + ', ' + countryName
# otherwise a random circle around the point
rand = parseFloat((Math.random() * (0.002 - (-.002)) + (-.002)).toFixed(4))
circle_lat = lat + rand
circle_lon = lon + rand
# Add a Circle overlay to the map.
circle = new google.maps.Circle({
map: map,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(circle_lat, circle_lon),
strokeColor: '#004de8',
strokeWeight: 1,
strokeOpacity: 0.62,
fillColor: '#004de8',
fillOpacity: 0.27,
radius: radius
# Calendar initialization
initializeCalendar: (events, lastVisibleDay, month) ->
header : {left: 'prev', center: 'title', right: ''},
editable : false,
events : events, # A URL of a JSON feed that the calendar will fetch Event Objects from
visEnd : lastVisibleDay, # A Date object of the day after the last visible day
eventRender: PlaceShow.onEventRender,
viewDisplay: PlaceShow.markFreeDays
header : { left: '', center: 'title', right: 'next'},
editable : false,
events : events, # A URL of a JSON feed that the calendar will fetch Event Objects from
month : month, # The initial month when the calendar loads.
visStart : false,
eventRender: PlaceShow.onEventRender,
viewDisplay: PlaceShow.markFreeDays
$('.fc-header-left .fc-button-inner').hide()
$('#first-calendar .fc-header-left .fc-button-prev').click( ->
first_cal = $('#first-calendar').fullCalendar('getDate')
cur_date = new Date()
if first_cal.getMonth() == cur_date.getMonth()
$('.fc-header-left .fc-button-inner').hide()
$('.fc-header-left .fc-button-inner').show()
$('#second-calendar .fc-header-right .fc-button-next').click( ->
$('.fc-header-left .fc-button-inner').show()
markFreeDays: ->
$(@).find('.fc-content td').removeClass('free')
$(@).find('.fc-content td').removeClass('busy')
isBusy = (date) ->
for event in $(@).fullCalendar('clientEvents')
if event.color == "red" && (date.getTime() >= event.start.getTime()) && (date.getTime() <= event.end.getTime())
return true
today = $(@).fullCalendar('getDate')
viewData = $(@).fullCalendar('getView')
cMonth = today.getMonth()
cYear = today.getFullYear()
lYear = parseInt(cYear)
$(@).find('.fc-day-number').each( ->
cell = $(@).parent().parent()
if !cell.hasClass('fc-other-month')
lDay = parseInt($(@).text())
lMonth = parseInt(cMonth)
lDate = new Date(lYear,lMonth,lDay)
if isBusy(lDate)
onEventRender: (event, element, view) ->
if event.color == 'red'
# Share Buttons initialization
initializeSharePlace: (title, url, id) ->
window.PlaceShow = PlaceShow
# .../app/views/search/show.haml
- content_for(:title) do
- "#{@resource.title} - #{}"
- content_for(:meta_description) do
- "#{@resource.description}"
- require_google_apis
- if @my_products
= breadcrumb [[t('products.my_listings'), listings_path]], @resource.title
= render 'listings/actions'
- else
= breadcrumb [['Search Results', seo_city_path(]], @resource.title
.row.product_info{:id => dom_id(@resource)}
/ Name, Price, Inquire Button
= render 'search/button_favorite', :favorable => @resource
= @resource.title
-if @resource.product.has_review?
.review_average{:style => "text-align: right;"}
= stars(@resource.product.review_avg)
%p= "#{}, #{}"
%label= t("share_via")
%span.autosize= product_price(@resource)
- if SiteConfig.price_units.count > 1
%a.dropdown-toggle{'data-toggle' => "dropdown", :href => '#'}
= product_price_unit(@resource)
- SiteConfig.price_units.each do |p_u|
%li= link_to t(p_u), "?price_unit=#{p_u}"
- else
= product_price_unit(@resource)
- if false
%a{:href => '#inquire', :class => 'btn btn-large btn-info', 'data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-backdrop' => 'true', 'data-keyboard' => 'true', 'data-show' => 'true'}= t("places.inquire")
= link_to t("places.inquire"), new_inquiry_path(:product_id =>, :class => 'btn btn-large btn-primary', :remote => true
%p{:style => "font-size: 9px; font-variant: small-caps; color: #5B5848; margin-top: -3px;"}= t("places.no_obligation")
/ Tabbed Panel: Photos, Map, Calendar, Details, Amenities, Directions, House Rules, Questions
= render_overridable_partial('tabbed_panel', :resource => @resource)
cal_lastVisibleDay : #{},
cal_events : #{@availabilities.to_json},
cal_month : #{},
map_lat : #{ || 'null'},
map_lon : #{@resource.lon || 'null'},
map_cityName : '#{}',
map_countryName : '#{}',
map_radius : #{@resource.radius || 0},
share_title : "#{h(@resource.title)}",
share_url : '#{seo_product_url(@resource)}',
share_id : '#{}'
$('.price .figure').textfill({ maxFontPixels: 26 });
$('#inquire_place_link').click(function() {
if( $('#inquire_place_link').attr('data-toggle') == "false") {
conversation = $('#inquire_place_link').attr('conversation')
if ( conversation !== null ) {
window.location.href = "#{messages_path}/"+conversation
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