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Created February 2, 2015 17:04
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yarp dragonfly2raw camera device driver
icub@pc104:~$ icubmoddev --from camera/dragonfly2_config_left_bayer_640_480.ini
[DEBUG]Format = 3
------ Camera information ------
Vendor : Point Grey Research
Model : Dragonfly2 DR2-03S2C-EX
Unit : 0
Specifications ID : 0xa02d
Software revision : 0x102
IIDC version code : 548
Unit directory offset : 0x428
Unit dependent directory offset : 0x440
Commands registers base : 0xf00000
Unique ID : 0x00b09d01009a72fb
Vendor ID : 0xb09d
Model ID : 0x1
Advanced features found at offset : 0xf01000
1394b mode capable (>=800Mbit/s) : Yes
Platform backend : juju
------ Camera platform-specific information ------
Device filename : /dev/fw2
fps=30 newBandOcc=18124800.000000 bpp=1.000000 bytesPerPacket=1280 maxBytesPerPacket=2560
[ERROR]Feature 426 not present
[ERROR]Feature 430 not present
[ERROR]Feature 432 not present
[ERROR]Feature 435 not present
[ERROR]Feature 436 not present
[ERROR]Feature 437 not present
[INFO]created device <dragonfly2>. See C++ class DragonflyDeviceDriver2Rgb for documentation.
yarp: Port /icub/cam/left active at tcp://
yarp: Setting framerate to: 30[Hz] (thread period 33[ms])
[INFO]created wrapper <grabber>. See C++ class ServerFrameGrabber for documentation.
yarp: Port /icub/cam/left/quit active at tcp://
[INFO]device active...
[INFO]device active...
[INFO]device active...
yarp: Sending output from /icub/cam/left to /icub/camcalib/left/in using udp+recv.bayer+method.nearest
[INFO]device active...
[INFO]device active...
[INFO]device active...
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