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Put down перевод фразового глагола

Put down перевод фразового глагола

Фразовый глагол: put down
put down
Список основных фразовых глаголов.

Comments powered by CComment. Главная Лексика и грамматика Фразовый глагол PUT. Displayed next to your comments. Type the code that you see in the image. Comments will undergo moderation before they get published. Главная Уроки Описания фото Топики Тесты Упражнения Лексика и грамматика Таблицы Презентации Диалоги Грам. The director put the business deal across in record time. Tom put his new book aside for a year. Can you put me down at the next corner, please? How can I put off these fearful doubts? He put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house. His modesty is all put on. The bush has put out some new branches. Do you know how to put up a tent?

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