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Created July 11, 2020 23:17
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Epoll Multiplexed IO event
// File: socket-echo-server.cpp
// Desc: Simple socket server with a single thread.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring> // memcpy
// ----- Unix/Linux headers -----//
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <signal.h>
// Only available on Linux
#include <sys/epoll.h>
struct Socket
int sockfd;
sockaddr_in sa;
struct RecvMsg
ssize_t size;
std::string msg;
void socket_close(Socket& sock);
void fd_write(int fd, std::string const& text);
RecvMsg fd_read(int fd, size_t buffer_max = 500);
/** Make a server socket */
Socket socket_make_server(uint16_t port, const char* hostname = "");
/** Accept connetion from a server socket and returns a client socket */
Socket socket_accept(Socket& server);
/** Register file descriptor to be monitored by Epoll */
void Epoll_register_fd(int epoll_fd, int fd)
epoll_event ev; = EPOLLIN; = fd;
int res = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev);
if(res == -1){
throw std::runtime_error("Error: EPoll / unable to register file descritor");
/** Remove file descriptor from monitoring list. */
void Epoll_remove_fd(int epoll_fd, int fd)
epoll_event ev;
int res = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &ev);
/* Multiplex IO - Blocks current thread until any of monitored file descriptors
* has
int Epoll_wait(int epoll_fd, size_t max_events, std::vector<epoll_event>& events)
// Returns number of events received
int nfd = epoll_wait( epoll_fd // Epoll file descripotr
, &events[0] // [output] Array containing received events
, max_events // Maximum number of events
, -1 // Timeout (-1) => Block indefinitely
return nfd;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::puts(" [INFO] Program started. ");
// --- Create socket file descriptor -----------------------//
Socket server = socket_make_server(9026, "");
constexpr size_t MAX_EVENTS = 10;
int epfd = epoll_create1(0);
assert(epfd != - 1);
auto events = std::vector<epoll_event>(MAX_EVENTS);
// Register stdin
Epoll_register_fd(epfd, STDIN_FILENO);
// Register socket server
Epoll_register_fd(epfd, server.sockfd);
// Contains client sockets file descriptors
std::vector<Socket> clients;
// Server-accept infinite loop
std::printf(" [TRACE] Epoll waiting for events \n");
int nfsd = Epoll_wait(epfd, MAX_EVENTS, events);
assert( nfsd != - 1);
std::printf(" [TRACE] Epoll events arrived => nfsd = %d \n", nfsd);
for(int i = 0; i < nfsd; i++)
auto ev = events[i];
std::printf(" ----------------------------------------------------\n");
if( ( & EPOLLERR) || ( & EPOLLHUP) )
std::printf(" [ERROR] Epoll error has happened. \n");
// STDIN event => It happens after user types something and
// hit RETURN on terminal.
std::printf(" [TRACE] Received STDIN event \n");
std::string line;
std::getline(std::cin, line);
std::cout << " \n STDIN = " + line << "\n";
// Send typed message to all client sockets
for(Socket& cli: clients)
fd_write(cli.sockfd, " STDIN = " + line + "\n");
// Quit server
if(line == "exit"){
std::puts(" [INFO] Shutdown server OK.");
// Event that happens when there is a new connection.
if( == server.sockfd)
Socket client = socket_accept(server);
Epoll_register_fd(epfd, client.sockfd);
std::printf(" [TRACE] Accept client connection => ID = %d \n", client.sockfd);
fd_write(client.sockfd, "\n => [SERVER INFO] Hello world client side!! \n");
// socket_nonblock(client);
// Event that happens when some client socket sends data.
// EPOLIN event means that the file descriptor is ready for input.
if( & EPOLLIN)
int fd =;
std::printf("\n [TRACE] Receive client event => ID = %d \n", fd);
RecvMsg resp = fd_read(fd, 500);
if(resp.size == 0)
std::printf("\n [CLIENT ID = %d] =>> Disconnected from server. \n", fd);
std::printf("\n [CLIENT ID = %d] =>> size = %d ; msg = %s \n", fd, resp.size, resp.msg.c_str());
fd_write(fd, " [SERVER ECHO] => ID = " + std::to_string(fd) + " => " + resp.msg);
} /* [[ ============== END client loop =========== ]] */
return 0;
} // --- End of main() -------------//
// ----------- Function Implementations ----------------------------------------//
socket_close(Socket& sock)
sock.sockfd = -1;
void fd_write(int fd, std::string const& text)
::write(fd, text.c_str(), text.size());
RecvMsg fd_read(int fd, size_t buffer_max)
std::string buffer(buffer_max, 0x00);
ssize_t n = read(fd, &buffer[0], buffer_max);
return RecvMsg{n, buffer};
socket_make_server(uint16_t port, const char* hostname)
int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
// Returns (-1) on failure
assert(sockfd != -1);
// ---------- query address ------------------------------//
// Note: the keyword 'struct' is not necessary here (redundant).
struct hostent *h = gethostbyname(hostname);
assert(h != nullptr);
struct sockaddr_in sa;
memcpy(&sa.sin_addr.s_addr, h->h_addr, h->h_length);
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
// The function htons convert a number to big-endian format.
sa.sin_port = htons(port);
// ----- Bind to Port and wait for client connections ---------//
if (::bind(sockfd, (sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) == -1)
throw std::runtime_error("Error: unable to bind socket \n");
// Enables binding to the same address
int enable_reuseaddr = 1;
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable_reuseaddr, sizeof(int)) < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Error: unable to set socket option. \n");
// Ignore SIGPIPE signal which would cause abnormal termination of socket server
// Requires: #include <signal.h> header.
fprintf(stderr, " [TRACE] Listening client connection \n");
int backlog = 5;
assert(listen(sockfd, backlog) != -1);
return Socket{ sockfd, sa };
socket_accept(Socket& server)
Socket client;
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
client.sockfd = accept(server.sockfd, (sockaddr *) &, &addrlen);
if (client.sockfd == -1)
fprintf(stderr, " Error: failure to handle client socket. Check errno \n");
return client;
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