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Computes the distance between a point an triangle. Python.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Tests distance between point and triangle in 3D. Aligns and uses 2D technique.
# Was originally some code on mathworks
import numpy
from numpy import dot
from math import sqrt
def pointTriangleDistance(TRI, P):
# function [dist,PP0] = pointTriangleDistance(TRI,P)
# calculate distance between a point and a triangle in 3D
# dist = pointTriangleDistance(TRI,P)
# [dist,PP0] = pointTriangleDistance(TRI,P)
# Calculate the distance of a given point P from a triangle TRI.
# Point P is a row vector of the form 1x3. The triangle is a matrix
# formed by three rows of points TRI = [P1;P2;P3] each of size 1x3.
# dist = pointTriangleDistance(TRI,P) returns the distance of the point P
# to the triangle TRI.
# [dist,PP0] = pointTriangleDistance(TRI,P) additionally returns the
# closest point PP0 to P on the triangle TRI.
# Author: Gwolyn Fischer
# Release: 1.0
# Release date: 09/02/02
# Release: 1.1 Fixed Bug because of normalization
# Release: 1.2 Fixed Bug because of typo in region 5 20101013
# Release: 1.3 Fixed Bug because of typo in region 2 20101014
# Possible extention could be a version tailored not to return the distance
# and additionally the closest point, but instead return only the closest
# point. Could lead to a small speed gain.
# Example:
# %% The Problem
# P0 = [0.5 -0.3 0.5]
# P1 = [0 -1 0]
# P2 = [1 0 0]
# P3 = [0 0 0]
# vertices = [P1; P2; P3]
# faces = [1 2 3]
# %% The Engine
# [dist,PP0] = pointTriangleDistance([P1;P2;P3],P0)
# %% Visualization
# [x,y,z] = sphere(20)
# x = dist*x+P0(1)
# y = dist*y+P0(2)
# z = dist*z+P0(3)
# figure
# hold all
# patch('Vertices',vertices,'Faces',faces,'FaceColor','r','FaceAlpha',0.8)
# plot3(P0(1),P0(2),P0(3),'b*')
# plot3(PP0(1),PP0(2),PP0(3),'*g')
# surf(x,y,z,'FaceColor','b','FaceAlpha',0.3)
# view(3)
# The algorithm is based on
# "David Eberly, 'Distance Between Point and Triangle in 3D',
# Geometric Tools, LLC, (1999)"
# http:\\
# ^t
# \ |
# \reg2|
# \ |
# \ |
# \ |
# \|
# *P2
# |\
# | \
# reg3 | \ reg1
# | \
# |reg0\
# | \
# | \ P1
# -------*-------*------->s
# |P0 \
# reg4 | reg5 \ reg6
# rewrite triangle in normal form
B = TRI[0, :]
E0 = TRI[1, :] - B
# E0 = E0/sqrt(sum(E0.^2)); %normalize vector
E1 = TRI[2, :] - B
# E1 = E1/sqrt(sum(E1.^2)); %normalize vector
D = B - P
a = dot(E0, E0)
b = dot(E0, E1)
c = dot(E1, E1)
d = dot(E0, D)
e = dot(E1, D)
f = dot(D, D)
#print "{0} {1} {2} ".format(B,E1,E0)
det = a * c - b * b
s = b * e - c * d
t = b * d - a * e
# Terible tree of conditionals to determine in which region of the diagram
# shown above the projection of the point into the triangle-plane lies.
if (s + t) <= det:
if s < 0.0:
if t < 0.0:
# region4
if d < 0:
t = 0.0
if -d >= a:
s = 1.0
sqrdistance = a + 2.0 * d + f
s = -d / a
sqrdistance = d * s + f
s = 0.0
if e >= 0.0:
t = 0.0
sqrdistance = f
if -e >= c:
t = 1.0
sqrdistance = c + 2.0 * e + f
t = -e / c
sqrdistance = e * t + f
# of region 4
# region 3
s = 0
if e >= 0:
t = 0
sqrdistance = f
if -e >= c:
t = 1
sqrdistance = c + 2.0 * e + f
t = -e / c
sqrdistance = e * t + f
# of region 3
if t < 0:
# region 5
t = 0
if d >= 0:
s = 0
sqrdistance = f
if -d >= a:
s = 1
sqrdistance = a + 2.0 * d + f; # GF 20101013 fixed typo d*s ->2*d
s = -d / a
sqrdistance = d * s + f
# region 0
invDet = 1.0 / det
s = s * invDet
t = t * invDet
sqrdistance = s * (a * s + b * t + 2.0 * d) + t * (b * s + c * t + 2.0 * e) + f
if s < 0.0:
# region 2
tmp0 = b + d
tmp1 = c + e
if tmp1 > tmp0: # minimum on edge s+t=1
numer = tmp1 - tmp0
denom = a - 2.0 * b + c
if numer >= denom:
s = 1.0
t = 0.0
sqrdistance = a + 2.0 * d + f; # GF 20101014 fixed typo 2*b -> 2*d
s = numer / denom
t = 1 - s
sqrdistance = s * (a * s + b * t + 2 * d) + t * (b * s + c * t + 2 * e) + f
else: # minimum on edge s=0
s = 0.0
if tmp1 <= 0.0:
t = 1
sqrdistance = c + 2.0 * e + f
if e >= 0.0:
t = 0.0
sqrdistance = f
t = -e / c
sqrdistance = e * t + f
# of region 2
if t < 0.0:
# region6
tmp0 = b + e
tmp1 = a + d
if tmp1 > tmp0:
numer = tmp1 - tmp0
denom = a - 2.0 * b + c
if numer >= denom:
t = 1.0
s = 0
sqrdistance = c + 2.0 * e + f
t = numer / denom
s = 1 - t
sqrdistance = s * (a * s + b * t + 2.0 * d) + t * (b * s + c * t + 2.0 * e) + f
t = 0.0
if tmp1 <= 0.0:
s = 1
sqrdistance = a + 2.0 * d + f
if d >= 0.0:
s = 0.0
sqrdistance = f
s = -d / a
sqrdistance = d * s + f
# region 1
numer = c + e - b - d
if numer <= 0:
s = 0.0
t = 1.0
sqrdistance = c + 2.0 * e + f
denom = a - 2.0 * b + c
if numer >= denom:
s = 1.0
t = 0.0
sqrdistance = a + 2.0 * d + f
s = numer / denom
t = 1 - s
sqrdistance = s * (a * s + b * t + 2.0 * d) + t * (b * s + c * t + 2.0 * e) + f
# account for numerical round-off error
if sqrdistance < 0:
sqrdistance = 0
dist = sqrt(sqrdistance)
PP0 = B + s * E0 + t * E1
return dist, PP0
if __name__ == '__main__':
TRI = numpy.array([[0.0,-1.0,0.0],[1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0]])
P = numpy.array([0.5,-0.3,0.5])
dist, pp0 = pointTriangleDistance(TRI,P)
print dist
print pp0
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