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Created August 30, 2016 11:40
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Generic SetMatcherEditor for GlazedLists
import static;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.AbstractMatcherEditor;
import ca.odell.glazedlists.matchers.Matcher;
public final class SetMatcherEditor<E, O> extends AbstractMatcherEditor<E> {
// ~ Enumerations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public enum Mode {
// ~ Static fields ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final Logger L = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SetMatcherEditor.class);
// ~ Static methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static <E, O> SetMatcherEditor<E, O> create(final Function<E, O> fn) {
return create(fn, Mode.EMPTY_MATCHES_NONE);
public static <E, O> SetMatcherEditor<E, O> create(final Function<E, O> fn, final Mode mode) {
return new SetMatcherEditor<>(fn, mode);
// ~ Instance fields -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private final Function<E, O> function;
private final Mode mode;
private ImmutableSet<O> set;
// ~ Constructors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private SetMatcherEditor(final Function<E, O> function, final Mode mode) {
this.function = checkNotNull(function);
this.mode = mode;
this.set = ImmutableSet.of();
if (this.mode == Mode.EMPTY_MATCHES_ALL) {
} else {
// ~ Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void setMatchSet(final Set<O> newSet) {
ImmutableSet<O> oldSet = this.set;
this.set = ImmutableSet.copyOf(newSet);
if (oldSet.equals(this.set)) {
L.debug("new set equals old -> no change to filter");
} else if (this.set.isEmpty()) {
if (this.mode == Mode.EMPTY_MATCHES_ALL) {
L.debug("empty set -> firing matchAll");
} else {
L.debug("empty set -> firing matchNone");
} else if (oldSet.isEmpty()) {
L.debug("old set was empty, new set is not -> firing change");
this.fireChanged(new SetMatcher<>(this.set, this.function));
} else if (oldSet.containsAll(this.set)) {
L.debug("old set contains new set -> firing constrained");
this.fireConstrained(new SetMatcher<>(this.set, this.function));
} else if (this.set.containsAll(oldSet)) {
L.debug("new set contains old set -> firing relaxed");
this.fireRelaxed(new SetMatcher<>(this.set, this.function));
} else {
L.debug("firing change");
this.fireChanged(new SetMatcher<>(this.set, this.function));
// ~ Inner Classes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private final static class SetMatcher<E, O> implements Matcher<E> {
// ~ Instance fields -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private final ImmutableSet<O> matchSet;
private final Function<E, O> fn;
// ~ Constructors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private SetMatcher(final Set<O> matchSet, final Function<E, O> fn) {
this.matchSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(matchSet);
this.fn = checkNotNull(fn);
// ~ Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public boolean matches(final E input) {
return this.matchSet.contains(this.fn.apply(input));
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