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Created December 3, 2023 10:36
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kanata configuration : 4×10 + 3 thumb keys
;; Quick notes about the kanata configuration syntax:
;; - the syntax is Lisp-like but totally unrelated to Lisp, so no worries :-)
;; - comments are prefixed by double-semicolons
;; - only one `defsrc` is allowed, listing all keys handled by kanata
;; - up to 25 `deflayer` are allowed, one per layer emulation
;; - the underscore symbol `_` in `deflayer` sections means "transparent",
;; i.e. the previous layer behaviour is used when pressing that key
;; `defsrc` defines the keys that will be intercepted by kanata.
;; The order of the keys matches with deflayer declarations and all deflayer
;; declarations must have the same number of keys as defsrc. Any keys not listed
;; in defsrc will be passed straight to the operating system.
grv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = bspc
tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \
caps a s d f g h j k l ; ' ret
lsft z x c v b n m , . / rsft
lctl lmet lalt spc ralt rmet rctl
;; Base layer (active by default when kanata starts up):
;; - the 3 main thumb keys become mod/taps
;; - home-row mods on SDF and JKL
;; - CapsLock becomes Escape
(deflayer qwerty
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
esc _ @ss @dd @ff _ _ @jj @kk @ll _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ @sft @nav @alt _ _
;; Numpad layer
;; Fine for playing Sudoku; debatable otherwise.
(deflayer numpad
@std _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 8 9 _ _ _ _
_ _ home up end pgup _ 4 5 6 _ _ _ _
_ _ lft down rght pgdn _ 1 2 3 _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 , . _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
;; Navigation layer:
;; - right: Vim-like arrows on HJKL, home/end page up/down, mouse scroll
;; - left: one-hand shortcuts (Ctrl-WASZXCV), Tab/Shift-Tab, prev/next
;; - up: Super-num (i3/sway) or Alt-num (browser), zoom in/out
;; The `lrld` action stands for "live reload". This will re-parse everything
;; except for linux-dev, i.e. you cannot live reload and switch keyboard devices.
(deflayer vimnav
@num M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 M-5 M-6 M-7 M-8 M-9 M-0 C-- C-= lrld
_ _ C-w bck fwd _ home pgdn pgup end _ _ _ _
caps C-a C-s S-tab tab _ lft down up rght _ _ _
_ C-z C-x C-c C-v _ @mwl @mwd @mwu @mwr _ _
_ _ del _ esc _ _
;; `defalias` is used to declare a shortcut for a more complicated action to keep
;; the deflayer declarations clean and aligned. The alignment in deflayers is
;; not necessary, but is highly recommended for ease of understanding visually.
;; Aliases are referred to by `@<alias_name>`.
;; tap: backtick (grave), hold: toggle layer-switching layer while held
;; grl (tap-hold 200 200 grv (layer-toggle layers))
;; layer-switch changes the base layer.
std (layer-switch qwerty)
num (layer-switch numpad)
;; Main mod-tap: VimNav layer when hold, Space when tapped.
;; The space key must be hold long enough (200ms) to become a layer shift.
nav (tap-hold 200 200 spc (layer-toggle vimnav))
;; Space-cadet thumb keys: Shift/BackSpace, AltGr/Return
;; - acts as a modifier by default, or as BS/Ret when tapped separately;
;; - works great with Qwerty-Lafayette and Ergo-L keyboard layouts, where
;; neither Shift nor AltGr are used outside of the 3×10 main alpha keys.
sft (tap-hold-press 200 200 bspc lsft)
alt (tap-hold-press 200 200 ret ralt)
;; Home-row mods
;; Must be hold long enough (200ms) to become a modifier.
ss (tap-hold 200 200 s lmet)
dd (tap-hold 200 200 d lalt)
ff (tap-hold 200 200 f lctl)
jj (tap-hold 200 200 j rctl)
kk (tap-hold 200 200 k lalt)
ll (tap-hold 200 200 l rmet)
;; Mouse wheel emulation
mwu (mwheel-up 50 120)
mwd (mwheel-down 50 120)
mwl (mwheel-left 50 120)
mwr (mwheel-right 50 120)
;; vim: set ft=lisp
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