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Created July 30, 2020 07:53
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An implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm for the shortest path, the widest path, and an "interpolation" between shortest and widest path.
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
static volatile sig_atomic_t interrupted;
static void (*old_handler)(int);
static void signal_handler(int signo) {
interrupted = 1;
static void sigint_on(void) {
interrupted = 0;
old_handler = signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
static void sigint_off(void) {
if(old_handler != SIG_ERR) {
signal(SIGINT, old_handler);
if(interrupted) raise(SIGINT);
inline double calc_dist(const float * restrict a, const float * restrict b, size_t n, float param) {
float sum = 0.;
for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++) sum += (a[i]-b[i])*(a[i]-b[i]);
/* return exp((double)(param*sqrt(sum))) - 1.; */
if (isinf(param))
return sqrt(sum);
return expm1((double)(param*sqrt(sum)));
inline double log1mexp(double x) {
/* Maechler, M. Accurately Computing log(1 - exp(- |a|)) Assessed by the Rmpfr package Cran, The Comprehensive R Archive Network. */
if (x <= 0.6931471805599453)
return log(-expm1(-x));
return log1p(-exp(-x));
inline double calc_log_dist(const float * restrict a, const float * restrict b, size_t n, float param) {
float sum = 0.;
for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++) sum += (a[i]-b[i])*(a[i]-b[i]);
double c = param*sqrt(sum);
/* The return value is log(exp(param*distance) - 1) where the purpose of the logarithm is to avoid overflows and being able to compare large values */
/* We use the identity log(exp(x) - 1) = x + log(1 - exp(-x)) and several high-precision implementations of special functions to avoid numerical errors. */
//return c + log(-expm1(-c));
//double r = c + log1p(-exp(-c));
double r = c + log1mexp(c);
assert(r >= 0);
return r;
inline double log1pexp(double x) {
/* Maechler, M. Accurately Computing log(1 - exp(- |a|)) Assessed by the Rmpfr package Cran, The Comprehensive R Archive Network. */
if (x<=-37)
return exp(x);
else if (x<18)
return log1p(exp(x));
else if (x<33.3)
return x + exp(-x);
return x;
inline double log_add_exp(double a, double b) {
//double c = fmaxf(a, b);
//return c + log(exp(a - c) + exp(b - c));
if (a > b)
return a + log1pexp(b - a); // log1p(exp(b - a));
return b + log1pexp(a - b); // log1p(exp(a - b));
void dijkstra_impl(size_t start, size_t stop, size_t T, size_t n, const float * restrict x, double * restrict dist, char * restrict visited, int * restrict pred, float param, int logspace) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < T; i++) { pred[i] = -1; dist[i]=INFINITY; visited[i]=0; }
dist[start] = 0.;
for(size_t count=T; count > 0 && !interrupted; count--) {
double mindist = INFINITY;
size_t u = start;
for(size_t i=0; i<T; i++) { if(!visited[i] && dist[i] < mindist) {mindist=dist[i]; u=i;} }
visited[u] = 1;
if(u==stop) {sigint_off(); return;}
for(size_t v=0; v<T; v++) {
if(!visited[v]) {
double q;
/*double d = calc_dist(&x[u*n], &x[v*n], n, param);*/
if (isinf(param)) {
double d = calc_dist(&x[u*n], &x[v*n], n, param);
q = fmax(d, dist[u]);
} else if (logspace) {
double d = calc_log_dist(&x[u*n], &x[v*n], n, param);
q = log_add_exp(d, dist[u]);
} else {
double d = calc_dist(&x[u*n], &x[v*n], n, param);
q = d + dist[u];
if(q < dist[v]) {
/*dist[v] = d + dist[u];*/
dist[v] = q;
pred[v] = u;
cdef extern from "_short_widest_path.h":
void dijkstra_impl(size_t start, size_t stop, size_t T, size_t n, const float * x, double * dist, char * visited, int * pred, float param, int logspace);
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
def path(x, start, stop, param, logspace=True):
r'''Compute the shortest path through data points using Dijkstra's algorithm.
x : np.array((T, n), np.float32)
Array of T data points, each point having dimension x.
start : int
index of desired starting point of the path
stop : int
index of desired end point of the path
param : float
Parameter for the cost computation, d(x,y) = exp(param*||x - y||) - 1.
If param = inf, compute the widest path.
list of intergers : indices that encode the order of the path
T = x.shape[0]
cdef int[:] pred = np.zeros((T,), np.intc)
cdef char[:] visited = np.zeros((T,), np.int8)
cdef double[:] dist = np.zeros((T,), np.float64)
cdef float[:, :] y = np.require(x, dtype=np.float32, requirements=('C', 'A'))
if start < 0 or start >= T:
raise ValueError('start must be in the range of 0 to len(x)-1.')
if stop < 0 or stop >= T:
raise ValueError('stop must be in the range of 0 to len(x)-1.')
if logspace:
logspace_ = 1
logspace_ = 0
dijkstra_impl(start, stop, T, x.shape[1], &y[0, 0], &dist[0], &visited[0], &pred[0], param, logspace_)
path = [stop]
u = stop
while pred[u] != -1:
u = pred[u]
if path[-1] != start:
raise OverflowError('Cost computation yielded disconnected network. Try decreasing the exponential scaling parameter.')
return path[::-1]
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