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Python code for sorting real Schur forms based on the original work of Jan Brandts
# Python version of the following original work:
# Title: Sorting Real Schur Forms
# Author: Jan Brandts
# E-Mail:
# Institution: University of Amsterdam
# Description: In Matlab 6, there exists a command to generate a real Schur form, wheras another transforms a real
# Schur form into a complex one. There do not exist commands to prescribe the order in which the eigenvalues appear on
# the diagonal of the upper (quasi-) triangular factor T.
# For the complex case, a routine is sketched in Golub and Van Loan (1996), that orders the diagonal of T according to
# their distance to a target value. In the reference below, we give a Matlab routine to sort real Schur forms in Matlab.
# It is based on a block-swapping procedure by Bai and Demmel (1993).
# Sorting real Schur forms, both partially and completely, has important applications in the computation of real
# invariant subspaces.
# J.H. Brandts
# Matlab code for sorted real Schur forms
# Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 9(3):249-261 (2002)
# Keywords: Real Schur Form, sorting, Bai-Demmel algorithm, swapping
# Based on the original Matlab File Version: 1.0
import numpy as np
expensive_asserts = False
def sort_real_schur(Q, R, z, b, inplace=False):
:param Q: np.array((N, N))
orthogonal real Q such that AQ=QR
:param R: np.array((N, N))
quasi-triangular real R such that AQ=QR
:param z: complex
target z in the complex plane
if z==float('inf'), order eigenvalues decreasingly by magnitude
:param b: float
determines the length of the ordering with respect to z to be produced
* if b < 0 then -b blocks will be sorted,
* if b > 0 then b or b+1 eigenvalues will be sorted, depending on the sizes of the blocks,
* if b = 0 then the whole Schur form will be sorted.
:return: Q, R, ap
* Q, R : orthogonal real Q and quasi-triangular real R such that AQ=QR with
the diagonal blocks ordered with respect to the target z. The number of
ordered blocks/eigenvalues is determined by the parameter b.
* A vector ap warns for inaccuracy of the solution if an entry of ap exceeds one.
eps = np.finfo(R.dtype).eps
if not np.all(np.abs(np.tril(R, -2)) <= 100*eps):
raise ValueError('R is not block-triangular')
if not inplace:
Q = Q.copy()
R = R.copy()
r = np.where(np.abs(np.diag(R, -1)) > 100*eps)[0] # detect subdiagonal nonzero entries
s = [i for i in range(R.shape[0] + 1) if not i in r + 1] # construct from them a vector s with the-top left positions of each block
p = [None]*(len(s) - 1) # will hold the eigenvalues
for k in range(1, len(s) - 1): # debug
assert R[s[k], s[k] - 1] <= 100*eps # debug
for k in range(len(s) - 1): # ranging over all blocks
sk = s[k]
if s[k + 1] - sk == 2: # if the block is 2x2
Q, R = normalize(Q, R, slice(sk, s[k + 1]), inplace=True) # normalize it
p[k] = R[sk, sk] + np.lib.scimath.sqrt(R[sk + 1, sk]*R[sk, sk + 1]) # store the eigenvalues
else: # (the one with the positive imaginary part is sufficient)
assert s[k + 1] - sk == 1 # debug
p[k] = R[s[k], s[k]] # if the block is 1x1, only store the eigenvalue
ap = []
for k in swaplist(p, s, z, b): # For k ranging over all neighbor-swaps
assert k + 2 < len(s) # debug
v = list(range(s[k], s[k + 1])) # collect the coordinates of the blocks
w = list(range(s[k + 1], s[k + 2]))
assert v[0]!=w[0] # debug
if len(v) == 2: assert v[0] < v[1] # debug
if len(w) == 2: assert w[0] < w[1] # debug
if __debug__ and expensive_asserts: # debug: check that we are moving the larger eigenvalues to the left (expensive test)
if v[0] < w[0]: # debug
arr = [p[k], p[k + 1]] # debug
_, which = select(arr, z) # debug
assert which==1 # debug
else: # debug
arr = [p[k + 1], p[k]] # debug
_, which = select(arr, z) # debug
assert which==1 # debug
vw = v + w
nrA = np.linalg.norm(R[vw, :][:, vw], ord=np.inf) # compute norm of the matrix A from (6)
Q, R = swap(Q, R, v, w, inplace=True) # swap the blocks
p[k], p[k + 1] = p[k + 1], p[k] # debug
s[k + 1] = s[k] + s[k + 2] - s[k + 1] # update positions of blocks
v = list(range(s[k], s[k + 1])) # update block-coordinates
w = list(range(s[k + 1], s[k + 2]))
if len(v)==2: # if the first block is 2 x 2
Q, R = normalize(Q, R, v, inplace=True) # normalize it
if len(w)==2: # if the second block is 2 x 2
Q, R = normalize(Q, R, w, inplace=True) # normalize it
ap.append(np.linalg.norm(R[w, :][:, v], ord=np.inf) / (10*eps*nrA)) # measure size of bottom-left block (see p.6, Sect. 2.3)
R = R - np.tril(R, -2) # Zero the below-block entries
for k in range(1, len(s)-1): # to get a quasi-triangle again
R[s[k], s[k]-1] = 0
return Q, R, ap
#r = find(abs(diag(R,-1)) > 100*eps);
#s = 1:size(R,1)+1;
#s(r+1) = [];
#for k=1:length(s)-1;
# sk = s(k);
# if s(k+1)-sk == 2
# [Q,R] = normalize(Q,R,sk:s(k+1)-1);
# p(k) = R(sk,sk)+sqrt(R(sk+1,sk)*R(sk,sk+1));
# else
# p(k) = R(s(k),s(k));
# end
#for k = swaplist(p,s,z,b);
# v = s(k):s(k+1)-1;
# w = s(k+1):s(k+2)-1;
# nrA = norm(R([v,w],[v,w]),inf);
# [Q,R] = swap(Q,R,v,w);
# s(k+1) = s(k)+s(k+2)-s(k+1);
# v = s(k):s(k+1)-1;
# w = s(k+1):s(k+2)-1;
# if length(v)==2
# [Q,R] = normalize(Q,R,v);
# end
# if length(w)==2
# [Q,R] = normalize(Q,R,w);
# end
# ap(k) = norm(R(w,v),inf)/(10*eps*nrA);
# end
# R = R - tril(R,-2);
# for j=2:length(s)-1; R(s(j),s(j)-1)=0; end
def normalize(U, S, v, inplace=False):
r'''Applies a Givens rotation such that the two-by-two diagonal block of S situated at diagonal positions v[0], v[1] is in standardized form.
:param U:
:param S:
:param v:
Q = rot(S[v, :][:, v]) # Determine the Givens rotation needed for standardization -
if not inplace:
S = S.copy()
U = U.copy()
S[:, v] =[:, v], Q) # and apply it left and right to S, and right to U.
S[v, :] =, S[v, :]) # Only rows and columns with indices in the vector v can be affected by this.
U[:, v] =[:, v], Q)
return U, S
# function [U,S] = normalize(U,S,v);
# n = size(S,1);
# Q = rot(S(v,v));
# S(:,v) = S(:,v)*Q;
# S(v,:) = Q'*S(v,:);
# U(:,v) = U(:,v)*Q;
def rot(X):
r'''Computes a Givens rotation needed in `normalize`
:param X:
c = 1.0 # Start with the identity transformation, and if needed, change it into ...
s = 0.0
if X[0, 0] != X[1, 1]:
tau = (X[0, 1] + X[1, 0]) / (X[0, 0] - X[1, 1])
off = (tau**2 + 1)**0.5
v = [tau - off, tau + off]
w = np.argmin(np.abs(v))
c = 1.0/(1.0 + v[w]**2)**0.5 # ... the cosine and sine as given in Section 2.3.1
s = v[w]*c
Q = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]], dtype=X.dtype)
return Q
# function Q = rot(X);
# c = 1; s = 0;
# if X(1,1)~=X(2,2);
# tau = (X(1,2)+X(2,1))/(X(1,1)-X(2,2));
# off = sqrt(tau^2+1);
# v = [tau - off, tau + off];
# [d,w] = min(abs(v));
# c = 1/sqrt(1+v(w)^2);
# s = v(w)*c;
# end
# Q = [c -s;s c];
def swaplist(p, s, z, b):
r'''Produces the list v of swaps of neighboring blocks needed to order the eigenvalues assembled in the vector v
from closest to z to farthest away from z, taking into account the parameter b.
:param p: list
list of eigenvalues (only one copy for each complex-conjugate pair)
:param s: list
list of the the-top left positions of each block
:param z: complex
target z in the complex plane
:param b: float
determines the length of the ordering with respect to z to be produced
* if b < 0 then -b blocks will be sorted,
* if b > 0 then b or b+1 eigenvalues will be sorted, depending on the sizes of the blocks,
* if b = 0 then the whole Schur form will be sorted.
p_orig = p # debug
n = len(p)
p = list(p)
k = 0
v = []
srtd = 0 # Number of sorted eigenvalues.
q = list(np.diff(s)) # Compute block sizes.
q_orig = list(q) # debug
fini = False
while not fini:
_, j = select(p[k:n], z) # Determine which block will go to position k
p_j = p[k + j] # debug
p[k:n + 1] = [p[j + k]] + p[k:n] # insert this block at position k,
assert p[k]==p_j # debug
del p[j + k + 1] # and remove it from where it was taken.
if expensive_asserts and __debug__: assert np.all(sorted(p)==sorted(p_orig)) # debug
q_j = q[k + j] # debug
q[k:n + 1] = [q[j + k]] + q[k:n] # Similar for the block-sizes
assert q[k] == q_j # debug
del q[j + k + 1]
if expensive_asserts and __debug__: assert np.all(sorted(q) == sorted(q_orig)) # debug
v = v + list(range(k, j + k))[::-1] # Update the list of swaps for this block
srtd = srtd + q[k] # Update the number of sorted eigenvalues
k += 1
fini = (k >= n - 1 or k == -b or srtd == b or (srtd == b + 1 and b != 0))
return v
# function v = swaplist(p,s,z,b);
# n = length(p);
# k = 0; v = [];
# srtd = 0;
# q = diff(s);
# fini = 0;
# while ~fini
# k = k+1;
# [dum,j] = select(p(k:n),z);
# p(k:n+1) = [p(j+k-1) p(k:n)];
# p(j+k) = [];
# q(k:n+1) = [q(j+k-1) q(k:n)];
# q(j+k) = [];
# v = [v,j+k-2:-1:k];
# srtd = srtd + q(k);
# fini = (k==n-1)|(k==-b)|(srtd==b)|((srtd==b+1)&(b~=0));
# end
def select(p, z):
r'''Determined which element is next in the ordering.
:param p:
:param z:
if np.isinf(z):
pos = np.argmax(np.abs(p))
return -abs(p[pos]), pos
y = np.real(z) + np.abs(np.imag(z))*1j # Move target to the upper half plane.
delta = np.abs(np.array(p) - y)
pos = np.argmin(delta) # Find block closest to the target.
return delta[pos], pos
# function [val,pos] = select(p,z);
# y = real(z)+abs(imag(z))*i;
# [val pos] = min(abs(p-y));
def swap(U, S, v, w, inplace=False):
r'''Swaps the two diagonal blocks at positions symbolized by the entries of v and w.
:param U:
:param S:
:param v:
:param w:
p, q = S[v, :][:, w].shape # p and q are block sizes
Ip = np.eye(p)
Iq = np.eye(q)
r = np.concatenate([S[v, w[j]] for j in range(q)]) # Vectorize right-hand side for Kronecker product formulation of the Sylvester equations (7).
K = np.kron(Iq, S[v, :][:, v]) - np.kron(S[w, :][:, w].T, Ip) # Kronecker product system matrix.
L, H, P, Q = lu_complpiv(K, overwrite=True) # LU-decomposition of this matrix.
e = np.min(np.abs(np.diag(H))) # Scaling factor to prevent overflow.
sigp = np.arange(p*q)
for k in range(p*q - 1): # Implement permutation P of the LU-decomposition PAQ=LU ...
sigp[[k, P[k]]] = sigp[[P[k], k]].copy()
r = e*r[sigp] # ... scale and permute the right-hand side.
x = np.linalg.solve(H, np.linalg.solve(L, r)) # and solve the two triangular systems.
sigq = np.arange(p*q)
for k in range(p*q - 1): # Implement permutation Q of the LU-decomposition PAQ=LU ...
sigq[[k, Q[k]]] = sigq[[Q[k], k]].copy()
x[sigq] = x.copy() # ... and permute the solution.
X = np.vstack([x[j*p:(j + 1)*p] for j in range(q)]).T # De-vectorize the solution back to a block, or, quit Kronecker formulation.
Q, R = np.linalg.qr(np.vstack((-X, e*Iq)), mode='complete') # Householder QR-decomposition of X.
vw = list(v) + list(w)
if not inplace:
S = S.copy()
U = U.copy()
S[:, vw] =[:, vw], Q) # Perform the actual swap by left- and right-multiplication of S by Q,
S[vw, :] =, S[vw, :])
U[:, vw] =[:, vw], Q) # and, right-multiplication of U by Q
return U, S
# function [U,S] = swap(U,S,v,w);
# [p,q] = size(S(v,w)); Ip = eye(p); Iq = eye(q);
# r = [];
# for j=1:q
# r = [r;S(v,w(j))];
# end
# K = kron(Iq,S(v,v))-kron(S(w,w)',Ip);
# [L,H,P,Q] = lu_complpiv(K);
# e = min(abs(diag(H)));
# sigp = 1:p*q;
# for k = 1:p*q-1;
# sigp([k,P(k)]) = sigp([P(k),k]);
# end
# r = e*r(sigp);
# x = (H\(L\r));
# sigq = 1:p*q;
# for k = 1:p*q-1;
# sigq([k,Q(k)]) = sigq([Q(k),k]);
# end
# x(sigq) = x;
# X = [];
# for j=1:q
# X = [X,x((j-1)*p+1:j*p)];
# end
# [Q,R] = qr([-X;e*Iq]);
# S(:,[v,w]) = S(:,[v,w])*Q;
# S([v,w],:) = Q'*S([v,w],:);
# U(:,[v,w]) = U(:,[v,w])*Q;
def lu_complpiv(A, overwrite=False):
'''Computes the LU-decomposition of A with complete pivoting, i. e. PAQ=LU, with permutations symbolized by vectors.
:param A:
if not overwrite or (__debug__ and expensive_asserts):
A_inp = A # debug
A = A.copy()
n = A.shape[0]
P = np.zeros(n - 1, dtype=int)
Q = np.zeros(n - 1, dtype=int)
for k in range(n - 1): # See Golub and Van Loan, p. 118 for comments on this LU-decomposition with complete pivoting.
Ak = A[k:n, :][:, k:n]
rw, cl = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(np.abs(Ak), axis=None), Ak.shape)
rw += k
cl += k
A[[k, rw], :] = A[[rw, k], :].copy()
A[:, [k, cl]] = A[:, [cl, k]].copy()
P[k] = rw
Q[k] = cl
if A[k, k] != 0:
rs = slice(k + 1, n)
A[rs, k] = A[rs, k] / A[k, k]
A[rs, :][:, rs] = A[rs, :][:, rs] - A[rs, k][:, np.newaxis]*A[k, rs]
U = np.tril(A.T).T
L = np.tril(A, -1) + np.eye(n)
if __debug__ and expensive_asserts:
perm_p = np.arange(n) # debug
for k in range(n - 1): # debug
perm_p[[k, P[k]]] = perm_p[[P[k], k]].copy() # debug
perm_q = np.arange(n) # debug
for k in range(n - 1): # debug
perm_q[[k, Q[k]]] = perm_q[[Q[k], k]].copy() # debug
assert np.allclose(A_inp[perm_p, :][:, perm_q],, U)) # debug
return L, U, P, Q
# function [L,U,P,Q] = lu_complpiv(A);
# P = []; Q = []; n = size(A,1);
# for k=1:n-1;
# [a,r] = max(abs(A(k:n,k:n)));
# [dummy,c] = max(abs(a));
# cl = c+k-1;
# rw = r(c)+k-1;
# A([k,rw],:) = A([rw,k],:);
# A(:,[k,cl]) = A(:,[cl,k]);
# P(k) = rw; Q(k) = cl;
# if A(k,k) ~= 0;
# rs = k+1:n;
# A(rs,k) = A(rs,k)/A(k,k);
# A(rs,rs) = A(rs,rs)-A(rs,k)*A(k,rs);
# end
# end
# U = tril(A')'; L = tril(A,-1) + eye(n);
if __name__=='__main__':
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
expensive_asserts = True
for m in range(100):
n = np.random.randint(2, 50)
A = np.random.randn(n, n)
if m%10==0:
z = np.inf
z = float(np.random.randn(1))# + abs(float(np.random.randn(1)))*1j # TODO: rewrite the whole test to cover complex
R, Q = scipy.linalg.schur(A, output='real')
T, Z = scipy.linalg.rsf2csf(R, Q)
ev_orig = np.diag(T)
delta_orig = np.abs(ev_orig - z)
eps = np.finfo(R.dtype).eps
assert np.allclose(, Q),, R))
r = np.count_nonzero(np.abs(np.diag(R, -1)) > 100*eps)
Q, R, ap = sort_real_schur(Q, R, z, 0, inplace=(m%2==0))
assert np.allclose(, Q),, R)) # check that still a decomposition of the original matrix
# test that Q and R have the correct structure
assert np.allclose(, Q.T), np.eye(A.shape[0])) # Q orthonormal
assert np.all(np.tril(R, -2) == 0) # R triangular
assert r == np.count_nonzero(np.abs(np.diag(R, -1)) > 100 * eps) # number of blocks in R is preserved
# check that eigenvalues are sorted
T, Z = scipy.linalg.rsf2csf(R, Q)
ev = np.diag(T)
# check that eigenvalues were preserved
for a, b in zip(np.sort(ev), np.sort(ev_orig)):
assert np.allclose(a, b) or np.allclose(a, np.conj(b)) # TODO: check that both b and conj(b) are present in list
if np.isinf(z):
delta = -np.abs(ev)
delta = np.abs(ev - z)
assert np.all(delta[0:-1] <= delta[1:] + 100*eps), (np.max(delta[0:-1]-delta[1:]), delta)
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