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Last active August 13, 2019 15:50
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Find the main kinetic dividing plane using the Variational Approach to Markov Processes (VAMP)
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.optimize
import warnings
__all__ = ['VAMP42']
__author__ = 'Fabian Paul <>'
def sigma(x):
return scipy.special.expit(x)
class VAMP42(object):
def __init__(self, X, Y, init='linear'):
r'''Find the main kinetic dividing plane with the variational approach to Markov processes (VAMP).
X : ndarray((T, 2))
Initial points form all transition pairs.
Y : ndarray((T, 2))
Final points from all transition pairs.
init : str
one of 'random' or 'linear'
Initialization algorithm: 'random' initalizes randomly (respecting
scale and location of the data). 'linear' solves the linear VAMP
problem first to find guesses of initial parameters for the nonlinear
# augment X and Y with constant
T = len(X)
ones = np.ones(shape=(T, 1))
self.X = np.hstack((ones, X))
self.Y = np.hstack((ones, Y))
if isinstance(init, str) and init=='random':
# pick proper scale and shift that matches the data
scales = 1./(np.std(np.concatenate((X, Y)), axis=0) + 1.E-8)
self.initial = np.zeros(X.shape[1] + 1)
self.initial[1:] = (np.random.rand(X.shape[1]) - 0.5) * scales
self.initial[0] = -np.vdot(self.initial[1:], np.mean(np.concatenate((X, Y)), axis=0)) # make initial plane go through the data mean
elif isinstance(init, str) and init=='linear':
# find an intial point, by solving the linear problem
C00 =, self.X) / T
C11 =, self.Y) / T
C01 =, self.Y) / T
C00_inv = np.linalg.inv(C00)
C11_inv = np.linalg.inv(C11)
values, vectors = np.linalg.eig(np.linalg.multi_dot((C00_inv, C01, C11_inv, C01.T)))
order = np.argsort(values.real)
principal_vector = vectors[:, order[-2]].real
self.initial = principal_vector
self.initial = init
def selftest(self, delta=1.E-8):
x0 = self.initial
direction = (np.random.rand(len(self.initial)) - 0.5) * delta
f1, grad1 = self.score_function_and_gradient(x0)
f2 = self.score_function(x0 + direction)
df =, direction)
rel_err = np.abs(f2 - f1 - df) / np.abs(f2 - f1)
# rel_err is second order error term / first order error term = first order error term
sign_correct = (np.sign(df) == np.sign(f2 - f1))
if not sign_correct:
warnings.warn('Analytical gradient has wrong sign.')
if rel_err > 0.001:
warnings.warn('Error %f of analytical gradient seems too large. Expected O(eps).' % rel_err)
return rel_err, sign_correct
def run(self, approx=False):
'Perform optimization of the VAMP score, finding the optimal parameters of the sigmoid.'
if approx:
fprime = None
fprime = self.score_gradient
xopt, fopt, self._gopt, Bopt, self._func_calls, self._grad_calls, self._warnflag, hist = \
scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(f=self.score_function, x0=self.initial, fprime=fprime, disp=0, full_output=True, retall=True)
if self._warnflag != 0:
if self._warnflag == 1:
warnings.warn('BFGS returned with error: Maximum number of iterations exceeded.')
elif self._warnflag == 2:
warnings.warn('BFGS returned with error: Gradient and/or function calls not changing.')
warnings.warn('BFGS returned with error code ' + str(self._warnflag))
self._b = xopt
self._score = -fopt
self.hist = -np.array([self.score_function(x) for x in hist])
# find normalization of singular functions
self._std_left = np.std(sigma(, self._b)))
self._std_right = np.std(sigma(, self._b)))
self._var_left = np.var(sigma(, self._b)))
self._var_right = np.var(sigma(, self._b)))
return self
def b(self):
return self._b
def ext_hnf(self):
'Hesse normal form (normal, -distance) and steepness parameter of the dividing plane.'
norm = np.linalg.norm(self._b[1:])
if self._b[0] / norm > 0:
norm = -norm
return (self._b[1:] / norm, self._b[0] / norm, norm)
def ext_hnf_initial(self):
'Hesse normal form (normal, -distance) and steepness parameter of the dividing plane.'
norm = np.linalg.norm(self.initial[1:])
if self.initial[0] / norm > 0:
norm = -norm
return (self.initial[1:] / norm, self.initial[0] / norm, norm)
def hnf(self):
'Hesse normal form (normal, -distance) of the dividing plane.'
ext_hnf = self.ext_hnf
return (ext_hnf[0], ext_hnf[1])
def score_function_and_gradient(self, b, which='both'):
T = len(self.X)
sxp = sigma(, b)) # sxp: read sigma of x, plus
sxm = 1. - sxp
syp = sigma(, b))
sym = 1. - syp
sxpm = sxp*sxm
sypm = syp*sym
C00 = np.zeros((2, 2))
C11 = np.zeros((2, 2))
C01 = np.zeros((2, 2))
C00[0, 0] = np.vdot(sxp, sxp) / T
C00[1, 1] = np.vdot(sxm, sxm) / T
C00[0, 1] = np.vdot(sxp, sxm) / T
C00[1, 0] = C00[0, 1]
C11[0, 0] = np.vdot(syp, syp) / T
C11[1, 1] = np.vdot(sym, sym) / T
C11[0, 1] = np.vdot(syp, sym) / T
C11[1, 0] = C11[0, 1]
C01[0, 0] = np.vdot(sxp, syp) / T
C01[1, 1] = np.vdot(sxm, sym) / T
C01[0, 1] = np.vdot(sxp, sym) / T
C01[1, 0] = np.vdot(sxm, syp) / T
C00_inv = np.linalg.inv(C00)
C11_inv = np.linalg.inv(C11)
Kf =, C01)
Kr =, C01.T)
R = np.einsum('ik,ki', Kf, Kr)
if which=='function':
return -R
# gradient computation starts here
d = len(b)
XtYp = np.zeros((2, d, 2)) # XtYP, read: X transpose times Y prime
YtXp = np.zeros((2, d, 2))
XtYp[0, :, 0] =, sypm*sxp) / T
XtYp[0, :, 1] =, sypm*sxp) / T
XtYp[1, :, 0] =, sypm*sxm) / T
XtYp[1, :, 1] =, sypm*sxm) / T
YtXp[0, :, 0] =, sxpm*syp) / T
YtXp[0, :, 1] =, sxpm*syp) / T
YtXp[1, :, 0] =, sxpm*sym) / T
YtXp[1, :, 1] =, sxpm*sym) / T
XtXp = np.zeros((2, d, 2))
YtYp = np.zeros((2, d, 2))
XtXp[0, :, 0] =, sxpm*sxp) / T
XtXp[1, :, 1] =, sxpm*sxm) / T
XtXp[1, :, 0] =, sxpm*sxm) / T
XtXp[0, :, 1] =, sxpm*sxp) / T
YtYp[0, :, 0] =, sypm*syp) / T
YtYp[1, :, 1] =, sypm*sym) / T
YtYp[1, :, 0] =, sypm*sym) / T
YtYp[0, :, 1] =, sypm*syp) / T
gradient = 2*np.einsum('ij,jk,kni->n', Kf, C11_inv, YtXp)
gradient -= 2*np.einsum('ij,jk,kl,lni->n', Kf, C11_inv, Kf.T, XtXp)
gradient += 2*np.einsum('ij,jk,kni->n', Kr, C00_inv, XtYp)
gradient -= 2*np.einsum('ij,jk,kl,lni->n', Kr, C00_inv, Kr.T, YtYp)
assert gradient.shape == (d,)
if which=='both':
return -R, -gradient
elif which=='gradient':
return -gradient
raise ValueError('which should one of "function", "gradient", or "both"')
def score_function(self, b):
return self.score_function_and_gradient(b, 'function')
def score_gradient(self, b):
return self.score_function_and_gradient(b, 'gradient')
def f(self, x):
'Eigenfunction evaluated at point x.'
return sigma(, self._b[1:]) + self._b[0])
def assign(self, x):
'Crisp assingment of data points to one of the two "states"'
return (, self._b[1:]) + self._b[0] > 0).astype(int)
def eigenvalue(self):
'The dominant VAMP singular value.'
return self._score - 1.
def kinetic_distance(self, a, b, normed=False):
'Kinetic distance between points a and b.'
# mean-free property of the singular function is irrelevant here, since we compute the difference
delta = self.eigenvalue * (sigma(, self._b[1:]) + self._b[0]) - sigma(, self._b[1:]) + self._b[0]))**2
if normed:
return delta / self._var_left
return delta
if __name__== '__main__':
dim = 99
X = np.vstack((np.random.randn(100, dim) + 8*np.ones(dim),
np.random.randn(100, dim)))
Y = X + np.random.randn(200, dim)
print('self test:', VAMP42(X, Y).selftest())
#normal, intercept, steepness = VAMP42(X, Y).run(approx=True).ext_hnf
#print('normal, intercept, steepness:', normal, intercept, steepness)
vamp = VAMP42(X, Y).run(approx=False)
normal, intercept, steepness = vamp.ext_hnf
print('score:', vamp._score)
#print('normal, intercept, steepness:', normal, intercept, steepness)
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