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Rcpp Gallery: Dynamic dispatch for sparse matrices
title: Dynamic dispatch for sparse matrices
author: Fabian Scheipl
license: GPL (>= 2)
tags: sparse
summary: Define a matrix multiplication function for "sparse times dense" and "dense times dense".
We want to do matrix multiplication for 3 cases:
* dense times dense
* sparse times dense for sparse matrices of class `dgCMatrix`
* sparse times dense for sparse matrices of class `indMatrix`,
using R's `Matrix` package for sparse matrices in R and
`RcppArmadillo` for C++ linear algebra:
```{r engine='Rcpp'}
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
using namespace Rcpp ;
arma::mat matmult_sp(const arma::sp_mat X, const arma::mat Y){
arma::mat ret = X * Y;
return ret;
arma::mat matmult_dense(const arma::mat X, const arma::mat Y){
arma::mat ret = X * Y;
return ret;
arma::mat matmult_ind(const SEXP Xr, const arma::mat Y){
// pre-multiplication with index matrix is a permutation of Y's rows:
arma::uvec perm = as<S4>(Xr).slot("perm");
arma::mat ret = Y.rows(perm - 1);
return ret;
arma::mat matmult_cpp(SEXP Xr, const arma::mat Y) {
if (Rf_isS4(Xr)) {
if(Rf_inherits(Xr, "dgCMatrix")) {
return matmult_sp(as<arma::sp_mat>(Xr), Y) ;
} ;
if(Rf_inherits(Xr, "indMatrix")) {
return matmult_ind(Xr, Y) ;
} ;
stop("unknown class of Xr") ;
} else {
return matmult_dense(as<arma::mat>(Xr), Y) ;
**Set up test cases:**
n <- 1000
d <- 50
p <- 30
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*d), n, d)
X_sp <- as(diag(n)[,1:d], "dgCMatrix")
X_ind <- as(sample(1:d, n, rep=TRUE), "indMatrix")
Y <- matrix(1:(d*p), d, p)
**Check exception handling:**
matmult_cpp(as(X_ind, "ngTMatrix"), Y)
**Dense times dense:**
all.equal(X%*%Y, matmult_cpp(X, Y))
matmult_cpp(X, Y),
**`dgCMatrix` times dense:**
all.equal(as(X_sp%*%Y, "matrix"), matmult_cpp(X_sp, Y),
check.attributes = FALSE)
matmult_cpp(X_sp, Y),
**`indMatrix` times dense:**
all.equal(X_ind%*%Y, matmult_cpp(X_ind, Y))
matmult_cpp(X_ind, Y),
Based on [this]( Q&A on StackOverflow,
thanks again to Kevin Ushey for his helpful comment.
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