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Last active June 30, 2018 09:12
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  • Save fabienheureux/8bbafb6eec082c9aa8fda596f96d3eed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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## Setup script variables
NC="\033[0m" # No Color
## Array of packages to install through package manager
declare -a sexiness=("i3-gaps" "polybar" "font-iosevka")
declare -a multimedia=("ffmpeg" "ranger" "imageMagick" "flameshot" "gimp")
declare -a productivity=("dropbox" "dmenu")
declare -a dev=("fish-shell" "tmux" "fd" "neovim" "git" "rxvt-unicode" "docker")
declare -a languages=("python3" "node")
declare -a internet=("wget" "firefox")
declare -a network=("connman")
declare -a packages=("${sexiness[@]}" "${network[@]}" "${multimedia[@]}" "${languages[@]}" "${productivity[@]}" "${dev[@]}" "${internet[@]}")
## Loop through packages array in order to install each one of them
for i in "${packages[@]}"
xbps-install -S $i
## Fish plugins
curl -Lo ~/.config/fish/functions/ --create-dirs
fisher z fnm pure a
## Vim
curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
## Network
echo -e "${RED}Setup network"
sudo gpasswd -a $USER network
sudo rm -fr /var/service/dhcpcd
sudo rm -fr /var/service/wpa_supplicant
ln -s /etc/sv/connmand /var/service
xbps-install -S connman-gtk
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