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Created November 30, 2018 13:31
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if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_CLI' ) ) {
* Load WP-CLI Commands, checking if environment supports commands.
* @see /cli/ for instructions on registering new commands.
* Class EIG_WP_CLI_Loader
class EIG_WP_CLI_Loader {
* Main variable containing all WP-CLI commands and callbacks.
* @var array
protected $commands = array(
'cmd' => 'branding',
'class' => 'EIG_WP_CLI_Branding',
'shortdesc' => 'Control hosting branding and UX.',
'longdesc' => 'Control the admin interface, default modules and UX for an Endurance hosting brand.' .
PHP_EOL . 'Subcommands: update, remove',
'cmd' => 'cache',
'class' => 'EIG_WP_CLI_Cache',
'shortdesc' => 'Control all forms of caching.',
'longdesc' => 'Control how browser cache, page cache and browser caching are configured.' .
PHP_EOL . 'Cache Types: browser, page, object (not functional yet)' .
PHP_EOL . 'Subcommands: add, update, status',
'cmd' => 'digest',
'class' => 'EIG_WP_CLI_Digest',
'shortdesc' => 'Analyze WordPress for this site.',
'longdesc' => 'Analyze WordPress content, configuration and server environment.' .
PHP_EOL . 'Associative Args: --full --noprompt',
'cmd' => 'secrets',
'class' => 'EIG_WP_CLI_Secrets',
'shortdesc' => 'Control the WordPress Salts.',
'longdesc' => 'Read and update WordPress salts in the wp-config.php file.' .
PHP_EOL . 'Subcommands: update, age, list',
'cmd' => 'remove_orphan_post_meta',
'class' => 'EIG_WP_CLI_Remove_Orphan_Post_Meta',
'shortdesc' => 'Legacy cmd for removing orphan meta.',
'longdesc' => 'Legacy WP-CLI command used for checking for orphaned postmeta.',
'cmd' => 'sso',
'class' => 'EIG_WP_CLI_SSO',
'shortdesc' => 'Single sign-on from hosting platform.',
'longdesc' => 'Handle single sign-on from Endurance hosting platforms and get magic link.' .
PHP_EOL . 'Associative Args: --username --role --email --id --min=MINUTES_UNTIL_EXPIRE --url-only',
'cmd' => 'staging',
'class' => 'EIG_WP_CLI_Staging',
'shortdesc' => 'CRUD operations for EIG staging.',
'longdesc' => 'Internal commands to handle staging environment.' .
PHP_EOL . 'Subcommands: create, clone, destroy, sso_staging, deploy, deploy_files,' .
' deploy_db, deploy_files_db, save_state, restore_state, sso_production',
'cmd' => 'module',
'class' => 'EIG_WP_CLI_Module',
'shortdesc' => 'Control hosting plugin modules.',
'longdesc' => 'Enable, disable and check status of internal modules in the hosting plugin.' .
PHP_EOL . 'Subcommands: enable, disable, status, list, reset',
* These aliases are always available on every install.
* @var array
protected $must_use_aliases = array(
* Only one of these aliases are available, determined by current active branding.
* @var array
protected static $brand_aliases = array(
* @var string - Current brand wp_options key
protected static $eig_brand_option_key = 'mm_brand';
* @var string - Current alias from $this->brand_aliases.
protected $current_brand_alias;
* @var array - Current aliases including $this->current_brand_alias & $this->must_use_aliases.
protected $current_aliases;
* @var stdClass - Instance of EIG_WP_CLI_Loader.
protected static $instance;
* Return Class instance
public static function instance() {
if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) && ! ( self::$instance instanceof EIG_WP_CLI_Loader ) ) {
self::$instance = new EIG_WP_CLI_Loader();
do_action( 'eig_wp_cli_commands_init', self::$instance );
return self::$instance;
* Main initialization method -- run upon new instance or on instance access.
protected function initialize() {
* Loads Command Files.
protected function load_files() {
require_once 'cli/abstract-eig-wp-cli-command.php';
foreach ( glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/cli/*.php' ) as $file ) {
if ( false !== stripos( $file, 'abstract-eig-wp-cli-command' ) ) {
continue; // already req'd above for order of operations.
require_once $file;
* Taps database option to initialize current brand's alias
protected function establish_current_brand() {
$brand = get_option( self::$eig_brand_option_key, '' );
foreach ( static::$brand_aliases as $alias ) {
if ( false !== stristr( $brand, $alias ) ) {
$this->current_brand_alias = $alias;
* Establish which aliases are supported
protected function establish_aliases() {
$this->current_aliases = array_merge( $this->must_use_aliases, array( $this->current_brand_alias ) );
* Map registration function onto each alias.
protected function register_cmds_with_wpcli() {
array( $this, 'register_commands_with_single_alias' ),
* Register commands with WP_CLI under alias, checking if alias supports the command.
* @param string $alias ( from $this->current_aliases )
protected function register_commands_with_single_alias( $alias ) {
* Loop commands to register on $alias.
foreach ( $this->commands as $cmd ) {
* Validate command has required attributes and is executable.
if ( ! $this->command_is_supported( $cmd, $alias )
|| empty( $cmd['cmd'] )
|| empty( $cmd['class'] )
) {
* Setup Command Arguments
$args = array();
if ( ! empty( $cmd['shortdesc'] ) ) {
$args['shortdesc'] = $cmd['shortdesc'];
if ( ! empty( $cmd['longdesc'] ) ) {
$args['longdesc'] = $cmd['longdesc'];
* Register command with WP-CLI
$alias . ' ' . $cmd['cmd'],
* Check if the current $alias supports the $command.
* @param array $cmd
* @param string $alias
* @return bool
protected function command_is_supported( $cmd, $alias ) {
if ( ! empty( $cmd['supports'] ) ) {
$supports = is_array( $cmd['supports'] ) ? $cmd['supports'] : array( $cmd['supports'] );
if ( isset( $supports['all'] ) || isset( $supports[ $alias ] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return true; // assume all are supported unless scoped
* load/create instance of loader class
* @see EIG_WP_CLI_Loader->initialize()
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