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Forked from pec1985/app.js
Last active December 15, 2015 19:29
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  • Save fabiochelly/5311740 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fabiochelly/5311740 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var DoubleSlider = require('ti.doubleslider/widget');
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var doubleSlider = new DoubleSlider({
top: 50,
width: 300,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
startValue: 30,
endValue: 90
doubleSlider.onChange = function(values) {
var min = values.minValue;
var max = values.maxValue;
// do whatever
win.addEventListener('open', function(){
var values = doubleSlider.getValues();
// do whatever
var knobSize = 23;
var halfKnobSize = 12;
function Draggable(args) {
args = args || {};
args.backgroundImage = '/modules/ti.doubleslider/slider-knob-normal.png';
var view = this.view = Ti.UI.createView(args),
parentView = this.parentView = null,
self = this;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'zIndex', {
get: function(){
return view.zIndex;
set: function(_value) {
view.zIndex = _value;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'x', {
get: function(){
set: function(_value) { = {x: _value, y: self.y};
Object.defineProperty(this, 'y', {
get: function(){
set: function(_value) { = {x: self.x, y: _value};
Object.defineProperty(this, 'center', {
get: function() {
if(! {
return {};
set: function(_value){ = _value
var startPoint = 0;
function onTouchStart(_event) {
if(_event.source != view) return;
view.backgroundImage = '/modules/ti.doubleslider/slider-knob-pressed.png';
var global = view.convertPointToView({
x: _event.x,
y: _event.y
}, parentView);
startPoint = _event.x;
if(self.onTouchStart) {
function onTouchMove(_event) {
if(_event.source != view) return;
var parentPoint = view.convertPointToView({ x: _event.x, y: _event.y }, parentView);
var global = parentPoint.x - (startPoint / 2);
if (global <= halfKnobSize) {
self.x = halfKnobSize;
else if (global >= parentView.rect.width - halfKnobSize) {
self.x = parentView.rect.width - halfKnobSize;
else self.x = Math.round(global);
if (self.onTouchMove) {
function onTouchEnd(_event) {
if(_event.source != view) return;
view.backgroundImage = '/modules/ti.doubleslider/slider-knob-normal.png';
if(self.onTouchEnd) {
this.addToView = function(_view) {
parentView = _view;
parentView.addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart);
parentView.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove);
parentView.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd);
function DoubleSlider(args) {
args = args || {};
args.height = 23;
var finalMin = args.minValue;
var finalMax = args.maxValue;
var finalStart = args.startValue;
var finalEnd = args.endValue;
var sliderMax = 1000;
var min = 0,
max = sliderMax,
start = sliderMax * (finalStart - finalMin) / (finalMax - finalMin),
end = sliderMax * (finalEnd - finalMin) / (finalMax - finalMin),
left = args.left,
right = args.right,
width = args.width,
self = this;"min="+min, "max="+max, "start=" + start, "end=" + end);
if(left && right) delete args.width;
delete args.minValue;
delete args.maxValue;
delete args.startValue;
delete args.maxValue;
var mainView = Ti.UI.createView(args);
var innerView = Ti.UI.createView({
left: halfKnobSize,
right: halfKnobSize,
height: Ti.UI.FILL,
backgroundLeftCap: 5,
backgroundImage: '/modules/ti.doubleslider/slider-border.png'
var bar = Ti.UI.createView({
top: 7,
bottom: 7,
backgroundLeftCap: 5,
backgroundImage: '/modules/ti.doubleslider/slider-selected.png'
var leftKnob = new Draggable({
width: knobSize,
height: knobSize,
center: {x : 0, y: 0},
borderRadius: halfKnobSize,
zIndex: 100
var rightKnob = new Draggable({
width: knobSize,
height: knobSize,
center: {x : 0, y: 0},
borderRadius: halfKnobSize,
zIndex: 101
function round(num) {
return Math.round(num*100) / 100;
* Renvoie la position X de la poignée en fonction de la valeur à atteindre
* @param target
* @returns {integer}
function calculateLeftPos(target) {
var width = mainView.rect.width;
var ratio = width / (max - min);
var prevX = 0;
var half = width / 2;
var value;
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
value = x + halfKnobSize * (x / half - 1);
value = min + round(value / ratio);
if (value > target) return prevX;
prevX = x;
return width;
this.getValues = function() {
var width = mainView.rect.width,
total = max - min,
ratio = width / total;
var half = width / 2;
var val1, val2;
if (leftKnob.x <= halfKnobSize) val1 = min;
else if (leftKnob.x >= width - halfKnobSize) val1 = max;
else {
var delta1 = halfKnobSize * (leftKnob.x / half - 1);
val1 = leftKnob.x + delta1;
val1 = min + round(val1 / ratio);
if (rightKnob.x <= halfKnobSize) val2 = min;
else if (rightKnob.x >= width - halfKnobSize) val2 = max;
else {
var delta2 = halfKnobSize * (rightKnob.x / half - 1);
val2 = rightKnob.x + delta2;
val2 = min + round(val2 / ratio);
val1 = (finalMax - finalMin) * val1 / sliderMax + finalMin;
val2 = (finalMax - finalMin) * val2 / sliderMax + finalMin;
return { minValue: val1, maxValue: val2 };
function onChange() {
if(self.onChange) {
leftKnob.onTouchMove = function(_center){
if(_center.x > rightKnob.x) {
_center.x = rightKnob.x;
leftKnob.x = _center.x;
bar.left = _center.x;
bar.width = rightKnob.x - leftKnob.x;
if (leftKnob.zIndex < rightKnob.zIndex) {
var temp = rightKnob.zIndex;
rightKnob.zIndex = leftKnob.zIndex;
leftKnob.zIndex = temp;
rightKnob.onTouchMove = function(_center){
if(_center.x < leftKnob.x) {
_center.x = leftKnob.x;
rightKnob.x = _center.x;
bar.left = leftKnob.x;
bar.width = rightKnob.x - leftKnob.x;
//On place le curseur de droite au dessus de celui de gauche
if (rightKnob.zIndex < leftKnob.zIndex) {
var temp = rightKnob.zIndex;
rightKnob.zIndex = leftKnob.zIndex;
leftKnob.zIndex = temp;
function onPostLayout(e) {
mainView.removeEventListener('postlayout', onPostLayout); = { x: calculateLeftPos(start), y:halfKnobSize}; = { x: calculateLeftPos(end), y:halfKnobSize};
bar.width = rightKnob.x - leftKnob.x;
bar.left = leftKnob.x;
mainView.addEventListener('postlayout', onPostLayout);
this.view = mainView;
module.exports = DoubleSlider;
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