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Last active January 26, 2016 21:23
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  • Actually, that's a feature
  • Did you check for a virus on your system?
  • Don't worry, that value is only wrong half of the time
  • Even though it doesn't work, how does it feel?
  • Everything looks fine my end
  • How is that possible?
  • I broke that deliberately to do some testing
  • I can have a look but there's a lot of if statements in that code!
  • I can't make that a priority right now
  • I can't test everything
  • I couldn't find any examples of how that can be done anywhere else in the project
  • I couldn't find any examples of how that can be done anywhere online
  • I couldn't find any library that can even do that
  • I did a quick fix last time but it broke when we rebooted
  • I didn't anticipate that I would make any errors
  • I didn't create that part of the program
  • I didn't receive a ticket for it
  • I forgot to commit the code that fixes that
  • I had to do the project backwards as people demanded results out of order
  • I have never seen that before in my life
  • I have too many other high priority things to do right now
  • I haven't been able to reproduce that
  • I haven't had any experience with that before
  • I haven't had the chance to run that code yet
  • I haven't touched that code in weeks
  • I heard there was a solar flare today
  • I must have been stress testing our production server
  • I must not have understood what you were asking for
  • I thought I finished that
  • I thought I fixed that
  • I thought he knew the context of what I was talking about
  • I thought you signed off on that?
  • I told you yesterday it would be done by the end of today
  • I usually get a notification when that happens
  • I was just fixing that
  • I was told to stop working on that when something important came up
  • I'll have to fix that at a later date
  • I'm not familiar with it so I didn't fix it in case I made it worse
  • I'm not getting any error codes
  • I'm not sure as I've never had a look at how that works before
  • I'm still working on that as we speak
  • I'm surprised it works as well as it does
  • I'm surprised that was working at all
  • In the interest of efficiency I only check my email for that on a Friday
  • It can't be broken, it passes all unit tests
  • It must be a firewall issue
  • It must be a hardware problem
  • It must be because of a leap second
  • It must be because of a leap year
  • It probably won't happen again
  • It was working in my head
  • It worked yesterday
  • It works for me
  • It works, but it's not been tested
  • It would have taken twice as long to build it properly
  • It would take too long to rewrite the code from scratch
  • It's a browser compatibility issue
  • It's a character encoding issue
  • It's a known bug with the programming language
  • It's a known bug with the server software
  • It's a remote vendor issue
  • It's a third party application issue
  • It's always been like that
  • It's an unexpected emergent behaviour of several last minute abstractions
  • It's just some unlucky coincidence
  • It's never done that before
  • It's never shown unexpected behaviour like this before
  • It's not a code problem - our users need more training
  • Management insisted we wouldn't need to waste our time writing unit tests
  • Maybe somebody forgot to pay our hosting company
  • My time was split in a way that meant I couldn't do either project properly
  • No one told me so I was forced to assume which way to do that
  • Nobody asked me how long it would actually take
  • Nobody has ever complained about it
  • Oh, that was just a temporary fix
  • Oh, that was only supposed to be a placeholder
  • Oh, you said you DIDN'T want that to happen?
  • Our code quality is no worse than anyone else in the industry
  • Our hardware is too slow to cope with demand
  • Our internet connection must not be working
  • Our redundant systems must have failed as well
  • Somebody must have changed my code
  • THIS can't be the source of THAT
  • That behaviour is in the original specification
  • That code seemed so simple I didn't think it needed testing
  • That code was written by the last guy
  • That error means it was successful
  • That feature was slated for phase two
  • That feature would be outside of the scope
  • That important email must have been marked as spam
  • That isn't covered by my job description
  • That process requires human oversight that nobody was providing
  • That was literally a one in a million error
  • That wasn't in the original specification
  • That worked perfectly when I developed it
  • That wouldn't be economically feasible
  • That's already fixed it just hasn't taken effect yet
  • That's interesting, how did you manage to make it do that?
  • That's not a bug it's a configuration issue
  • That's the fault of the graphic designer
  • The WYSIWYG must have produced an invalid output
  • The accounting department must have cancelled that subscription
  • The client must have been hacked
  • The client wanted it changed at the last minute
  • The code is compiling
  • The download must have been corrupted
  • The existing design makes it difficult to do the right thing
  • The marketing department made us put that there
  • The original specification contained conflicting requirements
  • The person responsible doesn't work here anymore
  • The problem seems to be with our legacy software
  • The program has never collected that information
  • The project manager said no one would want that feature
  • The project manager told me to do it that way
  • The request must have dropped some packets
  • The specifications were ambiguous
  • The third party API is not responding
  • The third party documentation doesn't exist
  • The third party documentation is wrong
  • The unit test doesn't cover that eventuality
  • The user must not know how to use it
  • There must be something strange in your data
  • There was too little data to bother with the extra functionality at the time
  • There were too many developers working on that same thing
  • There's currently a problem with our hosting company
  • This code was not supposed to go in to production yet
  • This is a previously known bug you told me not to work on yet
  • We didn't have enough time to peer review the final changes
  • We outsourced that months ago
  • We should have updated our software years ago
  • We spent three months debugging it because we only had one month to build it
  • Well at least we know not to try that again
  • Well done, you found my easter egg!
  • Well, at least it displays a very pretty error
  • Well, that's a first
  • What did I tell you about using parts of the system you don't understand?
  • What did you type in wrong to get it to crash?
  • Where were you when the program blew up?
  • Why do you want to do it that way?
  • You can't use that version on your system
  • You must be missing some of the dependencies
  • You must have done something wrong
  • You must have the wrong version
  • You're doing it wrong
  • Your browser must be caching the old content
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