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Last active August 10, 2023 18:12
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UUID Insert Tests in PostgreSQL
-- READ (in Portuguese):
-- PRE-TEST: create tables
-- Install UUID-OSSP extension
create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
-- Create tables for sequences
create table public.seq_btree (id integer generated by default as identity);
create table public.seq_hash (id integer generated by default as identity);
create index on public.seq_btree using btree (id);
create index on public.seq_hash using hash (id);
-- Create tables for UUID V1 (time-based)
create table public.uuid1_btree (id uuid);
create table public.uuid1_hash (id uuid);
create index on public.uuid1_btree using btree (id);
create index on public.uuid1_hash using hash (id);
-- Create tabels for UUID V4 (random-based)
create table public.uuid4_btree (id uuid);
create table public.uuid4_hash (id uuid);
create index on public.uuid4_btree using btree (id);
create index on public.uuid4_hash using hash (id);
-- Create tabels for UUID V7 (epoch-based)
create table public.uuid7_btree (id uuid);
create table public.uuid7_hash (id uuid);
create index on public.uuid7_btree using btree (id);
create index on public.uuid7_hash using hash (id);
-- TEST 1: UUIDs with values generated by UUID_OSSP functions
-- Insert in the tables for sequences
explain analyse insert into seq_btree select nextval('seq_btree_id_seq') from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer); -- Execution Time: 28029.854 ms
explain analyse insert into seq_hash select nextval('seq_hash_id_seq') from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer); -- Execution Time: 140375.071 ms
-- Insert in the tables for UUID V1 (time-based)
explain analyse insert into uuid1_btree select uuid_generate_v1() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer); -- Execution Time: 22991.672 ms
explain analyse insert into uuid1_hash select uuid_generate_v1() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer); -- Execution Time: 126236.485 ms
-- Insert in the tables for UUID V4 (random-based)
explain analyse insert into uuid4_btree select uuid_generate_v4() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer); -- Execution Time: 211369.757 ms
explain analyse insert into uuid4_hash select uuid_generate_v4() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer); -- Execution Time: 138802.738 ms
-- Insert in the tables for UUID V7 (epoch-based)
explain analyse insert into uuid7_btree select uuid_generate_v7() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer); -- Execution Time: 97811.904 ms
explain analyse insert into uuid7_hash select uuid_generate_v7() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer); -- Execution Time: 169464.461 ms
-- seq_btree 28029.854 ms 28 s 029 ms
-- seq_hash 140375.071 ms 02 min 20 s 375 ms
-- uuid1_btree 22991.672 ms 22 s 991 ms
-- uuid1_hash 126236.485 ms 02 min 06 s 236 ms
-- uuid4_btree 211369.757 ms 03 min 31 s 369 ms
-- uuid4_hash 138802.738 ms 02 min 18 s 802 ms
-- uuid7_btree 97811.904 ms 01 min 37 s 811 ms
-- uuid7_hash 169464.461 ms 02 min 49 s 464 ms
-- * Tests executed on SSD;
-- * The function implemented for UUIDv7 is not as efficient as the UUID_OSSP functions.
-- TEST 2: UUIDs with values generated previously by UUID_OSSP functions
-- Create tables for pre-generated values
create table public.seq_pre_generated (id integer generated by default as identity);
create table public.uuid1_pre_generated (id uuid);
create table public.uuid4_pre_generated (id uuid);
create table public.uuid7_pre_generated (id uuid);
-- Insert pre-generated values
insert into seq_pre_generated select nextval('seq_btree_id_seq') from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer);
insert into uuid1_pre_generated select uuid_generate_v1() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer);
insert into uuid4_pre_generated select uuid_generate_v4() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer);
insert into uuid7_pre_generated select uuid_generate_v7() from generate_series(1::integer, 10000000::integer);
-- Insert in tables for sequence
truncate table seq_btree;
truncate table seq_hash;
explain analyse insert into seq_btree select id from seq_pre_generated; -- Execution Time: 21516.331 ms
explain analyse insert into seq_hash select id from seq_pre_generated; -- Execution Time: 170375.793 ms
-- Insert in the tables for UUID V1 (time-based)
truncate table uuid1_btree;
truncate table uuid1_hash;
explain analyse insert into uuid1_btree select id from uuid1_pre_generated; -- Execution Time: 38077.444 ms
explain analyse insert into uuid1_hash select id from uuid1_pre_generated; -- Execution Time: 226407.549 ms
-- Insert in the tables for UUID V4 (random-based)
truncate table uuid4_btree;
truncate table uuid4_hash;
explain analyse insert into uuid4_btree select id from uuid4_pre_generated; -- Execution Time: 281123.796 ms
explain analyse insert into uuid4_hash select id from uuid4_pre_generated; -- Execution Time: 235586.245 ms
-- Insert in the tables for UUID V7 (epoch-based)
truncate table uuid7_btree;
truncate table uuid7_hash;
explain analyse insert into uuid7_btree select id from uuid7_pre_generated; -- Execution Time: 33079.732 ms
explain analyse insert into uuid7_hash select id from uuid7_pre_generated; -- Execution Time: 255430.946 ms
-- seq_btree 21516.331 ms 21 s 516 ms
-- seq_hash 170375.793 ms 02 min 50 s 375 ms
-- uuid1_btree 38077.444 ms 38 s 077 ms
-- uuid1_hash 226407.549 ms 03 min 46 s 407 ms
-- uuid4_btree 281123.796 ms 04 min 41 s 123 ms
-- uuid4_hash 235586.245 ms 03 min 55 s 586 ms
-- uuid7_btree 33079.732 ms 33 s 079 ms
-- uuid7_hash 255430.946 ms 04 min 15 s 430 ms
-- Function for generating UUIDv7
-- Source:
create or replace function uuid_generate_v7() returns uuid as $$
v_time timestamp with time zone:= null;
v_secs bigint := null;
v_msec bigint := null;
v_usec bigint := null;
v_timestamp bigint := null;
v_timestamp_hex varchar := null;
v_random bigint := null;
v_random_hex varchar := null;
v_bytes bytea;
c_variant bit(64):= x'8000000000000000'; -- RFC-4122 variant: b'10xx...'
-- Get seconds and micros
v_time := clock_timestamp();
v_secs := EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM v_time);
v_msec := mod(EXTRACT(MILLISECONDS FROM v_time)::numeric, 10^3::numeric);
v_usec := mod(EXTRACT(MICROSECONDS FROM v_time)::numeric, 10^3::numeric);
-- Generate timestamp hexadecimal (and set version 7)
v_timestamp := (((v_secs * 10^3) + v_msec)::bigint << 12) | (v_usec << 2);
v_timestamp_hex := lpad(to_hex(v_timestamp), 16, '0');
v_timestamp_hex := substr(v_timestamp_hex, 2, 12) || '7' || substr(v_timestamp_hex, 14, 3);
-- Generate the random hexadecimal (and set variant b'10xx')
v_random := ((random()::numeric * 2^62::numeric)::bigint::bit(64) | c_variant)::bigint;
v_random_hex := lpad(to_hex(v_random), 16, '0');
-- Concat timestemp and random hexadecimal
v_bytes := decode(v_timestamp_hex || v_random_hex, 'hex');
return encode(v_bytes, 'hex')::uuid;
end $$ language plpgsql;
-- Python function to format time as '00 min 00 s 000 ms'
-- def time(ms):
-- return str(int(ms/1000/60)) + ' min ' + str(int(ms/1000%60)) + ' s ' + str(int(ms%1000)) + ' ms'
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