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Created April 16, 2018 13:31
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Script to list dependencies and license from nuget
#load @"C:/Utilities/fsharp-iteractive/load-all.fsx"
open System.ComponentModel
//#load @"C:\Utilities\fsharp-iteractive\packages\FsLab\FsLab.fsx"
#r "FSharp.Data.dll"
#r "System.Xml.dll"
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
#r "FsPickler.dll"
#r "FsPickler.Json.dll"
open System.IO
let [<Literal>] target = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + @"\package-license.json"
open FSharp.Data
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control
open System
open System.Net
open System.Runtime.Remoting
type License =
| Apache2
| MsPL //Microsoft Public License (
| MITX11
| NewBSD
| Other
type UnresolvedRemoteData = { Title : string; LicenseUrl : string option; ProjectUrl : string option }
type ResolvedRemoteData = {
Title : string;
LicenseUrl : string option;
ProjectUrl : string option;
License : Result<License, string> }
type ResolvedData = { Title : string; Uri : string list; License : License }
type PackageData = Cached of ResolvedData | Remote of Result<ResolvedRemoteData, string>
type PackageInformation = { Id : string; Data : PackageData }
let (|Regex|_|) pattern content =
match System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(content, pattern) with
| x when x.Success -> [for g in x.Groups -> g.Value] |> Some
| _ -> None
let predefinedLicenses = function
| "Newtonsoft.Json" -> Some { Title = "NEWTOSOFT.JSON"; License = MIT; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "log4net" -> Some { Title = "LOG4NET"; License = Apache2; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow" -> Some { Title = "MICROSOFT TPL DATAFLOW"; License = Microsoft; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| Regex "Ninject.*" _ -> Some { Title = "NINJECT"; License = Apache2; Uri = [ ""; ""; ""; ] }
| "PostSharp" -> Some { Title = "POSTSHARP EXPRESS"; License = Other; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| Regex "Rx-.*" _ -> Some { Title = "MICROSOFT REACTIVE EXTENSIONS"; License = Microsoft; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "StackExchange.Redis.StrongName" -> Some { Title = "STACKEXCHANGE.REDIS"; License = MIT; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "protobuf-net" -> Some { Title = "PROTOBUF-NET"; License = BSD; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "protobuf-net-data" -> Some { Title = "PROTOBUF-NET-DATA"; License = Apache2; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "IronPython" -> Some { Title = "IRONPYTHON"; License = Apache2; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "" -> Some { Title = "R.NET"; License = NewBSD; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "jacobslusser.ScintillaNET.Signed" -> Some { Title = "SCINTILLA"; License = Other; Uri = [ ""; ] }
| "Automatonymous" -> Some { Title = "Automatonymous"; License = Apache2; Uri = [ "" ] }
| "EntityFramework" -> Some { Title = "EntityFramework"; License = Microsoft; Uri = [ ""; ""] };
| "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client" -> Some { Title = "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client"; License = Microsoft; Uri = [ ""; ""] };
| "Microsoft.Net.Http" -> Some { Title = "Microsoft.Net.Http"; License = Microsoft; Uri = [ ""; ""] };
| _ -> None
// Acquire Package listing from current path
module PackageListing =
let [<Literal>] repositoriesPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + @"\packages\repositories.config"
let [<Literal>] samplePackagesConfig = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + @"\ui\packages.config"
type RepositoryList = XmlProvider<repositoriesPath>
type PackagesConfig = XmlProvider<samplePackagesConfig>
let listPackages = RepositoryList.Load(repositoriesPath).Repositories
|> (fun r -> __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + @"\pacakges\" + r.Path |> Path.GetFullPath)
|> Seq.toList
|> PackagesConfig.Load
|> Seq.collect (fun p -> p.Packages)
|> (fun p -> p.Id)
|> Seq.distinct
|> Seq.toList
//Download license links from Nuget
module NugetPackageRetrival =
type NugetPackageApi = JsonProvider<"">
let stringOption str = if String.IsNullOrEmpty str then None else Some (str)
// captures package links from interenet
let fetchPackageData package =
async {
let url = @"" + package + "&prerelease=false&take=1"
let! result = NugetPackageApi.AsyncLoad url
return result.Data |> Seq.toList |> function
| h::_ when String.Compare (h.Id2, package, true) <> 0 -> Error "Not exact package found"
| h::_ -> Ok { Title = h.Title;
LicenseUrl = stringOption h.LicenseUrl;
ProjectUrl = stringOption h.ProjectUrl }
| _ -> Error "Package Not Found on Nuget"
with error -> return Error error.Message
//resolve license type
module LicenseResolve =
let fetchUrlContent x = async {
let uri = Uri(x);
let! content = (new WebClient()).AsyncDownloadString(uri);
return Ok content
with er -> return Error er.Message }
let parseLicense content =
if (Regex.Match (content, @"GNU\sGENERAL\sPUBLIC\sLICENSE\s*Version\s2")).Success then Ok GNU2
else if (Regex.Match (content, @"MIT License")).Success then Ok MIT
else if (Regex.Match (content, @"Apache\sLicense[,\s]*Version\s2.0|Apache License 2.0|Apache License v2|", RegexOptions.Singleline)).Success then Ok Apache2
else if (Regex.Match (content, @"Microsoft Public License")).Success then Ok MsPL
else if (Regex.Match (content, @"GNU Lesser General Public License")).Success then Ok GNUlgpl
else if (Regex.Match (content, @"MIT.X11")).Success then Ok MITX11
else if (Regex.Match (content, @"MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS")).Success then Ok Microsoft
else Error "Could not parse from url"
let acquireLicenseFromUrl url = async { let! content = fetchUrlContent url;
return Result.bind parseLicense content}
let acquireLicenseFromRemoteData (pkgData :UnresolvedRemoteData) =
async {
match pkgData with
| { LicenseUrl = None; ProjectUrl = None } -> return Error "Missing url information to retrieve license"
| { LicenseUrl = Some lUrl; ProjectUrl = None } -> return! acquireLicenseFromUrl lUrl
| { LicenseUrl = None; ProjectUrl = Some pUrl } -> return! acquireLicenseFromUrl pUrl
| { LicenseUrl = Some lUrl; ProjectUrl = Some pUrl } ->
let! l1 = acquireLicenseFromUrl lUrl
match l1 with
| Ok l -> return Ok l
| Error er -> let! l2 = acquireLicenseFromUrl pUrl
match l2 with
| Ok l -> return Ok l
| _ -> return Error er
let resolveData (data:UnresolvedRemoteData) = async {
let! license = acquireLicenseFromRemoteData data
return { Title = data.Title;
LicenseUrl = data.LicenseUrl;
ProjectUrl = data.ProjectUrl;
License = license } }
// end of modules
type Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Async with
static member map f x = async.Bind(x, f >> async.Return)
static member bind f x = async.Bind(x, f)
let getPackageRemote id =
async {
let! pkgdata = NugetPackageRetrival.fetchPackageData id
match pkgdata with
| Error r -> return Error r
| Ok data -> let! resolved = LicenseResolve.resolveData data
return Ok resolved
let getPackage (licenseOverride) (id:string) : Async<PackageInformation>=
let data = match licenseOverride id with
| Some d -> async.Return <| Cached d
| None -> Remote <| Async.bind getPackageRemote (async.Return id) (fun d -> { Id = id; Data = d }) data
let result = PackageListing.listPackages
|> (getPackage predefinedLicenses)
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
let titleIds = result |> Array.choose (function | { Id = id; Data = Remote (Ok { Title = title; LicenseUrl = _; ProjectUrl = _; License = _}) } -> Some (title, id)| _ -> None )
let failedCapture = result |> Array.choose (function
| { Id = id; Data = Remote(Error er) } -> Some (id, er, [])
| { Id = id; Data = Remote( Ok {Title = _; LicenseUrl = l1; ProjectUrl = l2; License = Error err } )} -> Some (id, err, [l1; l2] )
| _ -> None )
result |> Array.choose (fun x -> match x with | { Id = _; Data = Remote _ } -> Some x | _ -> None )
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