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Created December 13, 2021 20:46
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Second version of my Haskell code which I used to create an image with an array of colorful squares.
Module : FastDegrade
Description : Creates an image with multiple squares of different colors.
Copyright : (c) Fabio Thomaz MOlinar, 2021
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Second attempt at trying to make a module that create an image with multiple
squares of different colors on it. The first attempt, the module 'Degrade'
had a __terrible__ performance.
Now I understand the hip package better and I did some improvements in the code.
I also changed the approach. Instead of painting a canvas and then printing squares
on top of it at specific places (operation that requires accessing different indexes
of a list multiple times), this time the approach is to create a mathematical function
which will define the color based on the position in the Canvas. Then, to create the
image, I will simply call this function for each possible point of the canvas (once).
With the @Degrade@ module, it would take 6400s to draw 900 squares. With this module,
it takes 4s.
module Squares.FastDegrade where
import Graphics.Image
type Rows = Int
type Columns = Int
type DrawingSize = (Rows, Columns)
type Margin = Int
type Spacing = Int
type SquareHeight = Int
type SquareWidth = Int
type DrawingSettings = (Margin, Spacing, SquareHeight, SquareWidth)
createXYImage :: DrawingSize
-> DrawingSettings
-> (DrawingSize -- ^ Coloring function
-> (Int, Int)
-> Pixel RGB Double)
-> Image RPU RGB Double -- ^ Image
createXYImage dSize dSettings cf = makeImageR RPU dSize $ drawSquares dSize dSettings cf
atMargin :: DrawingSize -> Margin
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ Position (y, x)
-> Bool
atMargin (dh, dw) m (y, x) -- Position (y, x) is zero based
| x < m = True
| x >= dw - m = True
| y < m = True
| y >= dh - m = True
| otherwise = False
atSquare :: DrawingSize -> DrawingSettings
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ Position (y, x)
-> Bool
atSquare (dh, dw) (m, s, sh, sw) (y, x)
| atMargin (dh, dw) m (y, x) = False
| ssr s sh y' && ssr s sw x' = True -- Check if inside square in both dimensions
| otherwise = False
x' = x - m -- Changing the coordinate system to match (0,0) with first upper-left corner square
y' = y - m
ssr s d p = -- ^ ssr = square space ratio. Function used to detect if point inside the square in one dimension
r `div` d == r `div` (d + s)
r = p `rem` (s + d) -- Need to use the remainder in order for ssr function to work
drawSquares :: DrawingSize
-> DrawingSettings
-> (DrawingSize -- ^ Coloring function
-> (Int, Int)
-> Pixel RGB Double)
-> ((Int, Int) -> Pixel RGB Double)
drawSquares (dh, dw) (m, s, sh, sw) cf (y, x)
| atMargin (dh, dw) m (y, x) = PixelRGB 1.0 1.0 1.0
| atSquare (dh, dw) (m, s, sh, sw) (y, x) = cf (dh, dw) (y, x)
| otherwise = PixelRGB 1.0 1.0 1.0 -- Otherwise, inside the spaces
-- Coloring functions
degrade :: DrawingSize
-> (Int, Int)
-> Pixel RGB Double
degrade (dh, dw) (y, x) = PixelRGB 0.0 (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral x) / fromIntegral (max dh dw)
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