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Last active September 4, 2018 18:53
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Tips and commands related to Linux file permissions, users and groups.

Linux permissions

In Linux, each and every file is owned by a single user and a single group, and has its own access permissions.


To list all users on a Linux machine:

cat /etc/passwd


To list all groups on a Linux machine:

cat /etc/group

To check to which groups a user belongs, simply run the command:



To check who owns a file, we can use the list command together with the -l option

ls -l <full file name>

The "mode" column

After using the ls -l command, we get a table of files and their owners and permissions. The first column, the "mode" column is made of 10 letters. For example, drw-rw-rw-. These letters mean:

d rw- rw- rw-
File type User (owner) Permissions Group Permissions Other Permissions

File type

In Linux, there are two basic types of files: normal and special. Special files can be identified by files that have a non-hyphen character, such as a letter, in their file type fields, and are handled by the OS differently than normal files.

Character File Type
- regular file
d directory
c character device
b block device
l symbolic link
and others...

Permission codes

Character Meaning
r read
w write
e execute
- permission not available

Examples of common modes

mode explanation
-rw------- A file that is only accessible by its owner
-rwxr-xr-x A file that is executable by every user on the system. A "world-executable" file
-rw-rw-rw- A file that is open to modification by every user on the system. A "world-writable" file
drwxr-xr-x A directory that every user on the system can read and access
drwxrwx--- A directory that is modifiable (including its contents) by its owner and group
drwxr-x--- A directory that is accessible by its group

Changing file permissions

To change a file permission settings, we use the chmod command. This command can be used by using a combination of numbers or letters as parameters.

The chmod command has a few useful options:

  • -R: for recursively applying the same permissions to a directory, and all the subdirectories and files in the directory and its different subdirectories
  • -c: to report when a change is made
  • -f: to suppress error messages
  • -v: (verbose) to output diagnostics for every file or directory processed

Numbers as parameters

We use a sum of three different numbers to set a file permission for the three modes (user, group, others). These special numbers are listed below.

Number Meaning
4 read permission
2 write permission
1 execute permission

So, for example, if we want to change a file permission to allow the user to do anything (read + write + execute = 4 + 2 + 1 = 7), the group to read and write (4 + 2 = 6), and the others to only execute (1 = 1), we use the following command:

chmod 761 <my file>

Letters as parameters

In this way, we need to use the following syntax to change the file permissions: chmod [references][operator][modes] <file>. Where

  • [references]
    • Can be a combination of the following letters, depeding on which modes we want to modify.
      • u: users
      • g: groups
      • o: other
      • a: all
  • [operator]
    • +: adds
    • -: removes
    • =: adds the ones specified and removes the ones not specified
  • [operator]
    • Can be a combination of the following letters, depeding on which permission we want to modify.
      • r: read
      • w: write
      • x: execute


  • To remove all permissions from others:
    • chmod o-rwx <file>
  • To give read permission to all:
    • chmod a-r <file>

Changing a file's owner and group (chown command)

To change the user owner of a file we can use:

chown <new user owner> <file>

To change the group owner of a file we can use:

chown :<new group owner> <file>

To change both, we can use the syntax:

chown <new user>:<new group> <file>

And to run the change recursively for all folders and files within a folder, we can use the -R option:

chown -R <new user>:<new group> <folder>

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